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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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I am truly sorry to hear of the rough days Haimona, I am right there with you! Been on a good wave of relief for the last few weeks/months and then all of a sudden the rug gets pulled out from under you and its awful.  Just know that good days are ahead!


Committed, so happy to hear of the relief you are experiencing, it is truly a blessing when it comes!!!


I hope everyone else has a great day and every day we are closer to healing, just remember that!


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need support and help on what to do.  i cannot updose, as i am in tolerance WD, the ativan doesn't work on me anymore. it's like placebo.    Since mid Sept i have come down from 3.75 mg  to 3.10  mg of ativan.  i was ok doing .02 cuts per day on MLT, but, i changed measuring cups and realized too late that my old measuring device and this onee aree not equivalent.  so, for the oh, 3 weeks, i have been tapering fast and didn't know it.  probably doing .04 a day. i don't know. i really don't.  i just know that 3 weeks ago, i started adding more water to batch of solution, and didn't realize it.  so, the last 3 weeks aree what's getting  to me.  slapping me upside the head.  because in 3 weeks i went from 3.30 down to 3.10.    pleasee what can i do ?? i cannot updose, is my only option holding and riding it out, it's pretty intense.  i felt ok doing the nice .02 cut per day, then i goofed up .  darn it.  help, someone, please, thankyou, kindly.    :(  help, please.  do i updose or hold orr what, my brain cog fog is so instense, it has an amnesia like quality.  and my guts hurt and my body aches everywhere.    pleasee, some kind soul help me get on the right track, i don't know what to do?  alone and afraid.
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I would updose immediately and then work your way back down. Just my opinion. I am in tolerance withdrawal too at 4.5mg and having a hell of a time. I wake with massive anxiety and it builds until afternoon dose causing severe depression as well. I have been out of work so even though I do get out each day I’ve spent much of last 8 months in my room watching tv and developing social anxiety and depression as well. The Ativan barely does anything anymore for me so the 2mg at bedtime don’t help much. It’s a real cluster at this point and I’ve already come down from 7mg. Any advice or encouragement is welcome.


Thank you

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Hi friends, it has been one week since going to zero.


Sleep works if I remember to take some melatonin.  Ears still ring, especially when it is otherwise quiet in the background.


I'm reading all of your updates and wish you well on your journeys.


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Hi Cathy,


So sorry to hear you are you are not feeling well again. I see you have posted in many places asking for help.  I don't think you have made a huge error in your dosing.  It's so individual, we can share our experience, but we can't tell you what to do.  It sounds like want to hold and give your body a chance to stabilize. I think that's a good plan.


Please trust in yourself and give yourself some extra self-nurturing. Try the things that help you feel better in the short term even if it's difficult. Some things like distraction, deep breathing or listening to Baylissa's videos have helped me.



This is a difficult journey for almost all of us on BBs.  It takes a lot of patience and faith. Hang in there, you will feel better again.




p.s. Please see a supportive doctor, therapist or someone in person if you possibly can.

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I would updose immediately and then work your way back down. Just my opinion. I am in tolerance withdrawal too at 4.5mg and having a hell of a time. I wake with massive anxiety and it builds until afternoon dose causing severe depression as well. I have been out of work so even though I do get out each day I’ve spent much of last 8 months in my room watching tv and developing social anxiety and depression as well. The Ativan barely does anything anymore for me so the 2mg at bedtime don’t help much. It’s a real cluster at this point and I’ve already come down from 7mg. Any advice or encouragement is welcome.


Thank you



i cannot updose. i am in tolerance wd of this med. it no longer helps me , instead it hurts me.  the med has stopped working for meee. it does nothing.  i updosed this summer, to 4 mg, and it didn't relievee or stabalize me at all.

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Good Evening Friends,


Thank you all for your honest sharing and positive support.  It seems like it has been a particularly hard week for many in the group.  I understand how difficult the symptoms can be.  I know you are all doing your best. It takes so much patience and hope to get through the difficult days.  Hang in there. You are not alone. Best wishes to all for a better week ahead.





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Thanks for your kind and caring words, Committed and Maggie.  Luey, I so appreciate how positive and supportive you always are to everybody. 


I had another really hard day today, actually the worst day so far this week.  Between exhaustion and severe anxiety it was all I could do to make it through my work day, and I work in a very visible role which makes it harder.  If I'm having a hard day, it's hard to hide it.  Seriously considering updosing, although I really want to get off the lorazepam.  There is also a part of me that is so scared the brain fog and memory issues are something more permanent than withdrawal, although my psychiatrist told me he didn't think so.  I'm just struggling and scared.  Thanks everyone for listening.






Edited to fix autocorrect.

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I'm sorry for you too, Cathymp.  It's truly awful to live like this.  Like you, I was prescribed lorazepam for anxiety, so I guess it's not surprising that between the removal of the med that helped with the anxiety, and the terrible symptoms of withdrawal (and maybe terrible side effects of long term use?) the anxiety is through the roof now.  I have heard that this too shall pass, but sometimes it's hard to believe. 
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Good evening. It hurts me that many of us are struggling right now. Committed and Cathy I am going to send special vibes to you specifically, but to everyone else.


Last night my milligram scale broke and I went into a panic. I had a backup gram scale but I could not configure it. I got very, very  scared. I knew I needed an exact back up scale in case this happened, but again, I  procrastinated!! So I had to just guess my dose. I took just a few crumbs first and later in the night I had to supplement.I also went online and ordered another online via amazon prime (which is destroying economic life around the globe, but it just to easy to order from). Yet it doesn't come until Friday. I spent all today in a panic knowing I had to find a milligram scale in Brooklyn tonight so I could get a proper dose. damn THAT WAS STRESSFUL No pharmacies sell shi.....I couldn't even get syringes from any pharmacy when I was going to switch to liquid from them (so Amazon again).


It was getting late into the evening, still panicking, and found out Staples has a milligram scale mostly used by jewelers!! Go figure. My train there and back in Brooklyn was a nightmare, but I was so relieved. My stress was off the chart all day.


So I get home and the directions were undecipherable! I have never bought anything so complicated! I could NOT figure it out. But there were batteries included in this new scale.


SO I  THOUGHT IF IT WAS POSSIBLE my other scale just needed a battery change?? What?? But no, it was getting energy but would not stay on. It had to be broken, no? So we did have some spare AAA batteries and I thought, hell, why not. And hell, IT WORKED!!!!!!!!


I am saved tonight. I am going to keep at my 0.022 mg dose for a couple of days and if all goes well, I will go back to my daily 0.001 mg cut. My agony is NOTHING like the many of you truly suffering. But this is an example of how any tapering is not perfect and we have to still live when we fail, and smile when we recover some. Good Night all. Peace be with you. Powerball 

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Hi Powerball, It also hurts me and makes me angry that almost everyone in our group has been suffering a lot lately. It is a powerless feeling.  Thanks for bringing some levity to the group with your descriptions. I know you are serious, but you make me smile. We are so dependent on our supply of A.....and all the tools we need for our doses. 


I came home early tonight from a fun potluck with friends to take my 8pm dose. Tomorrow is my birthday and I celebrated today by climbing to a the top of a little mountain with a friend.  A very sunny day for end of November.  Much to be grateful for. I believe you can get vitamin D in winter months even at this latitude.  Peace and Ease to all,  Luey

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Patriot, I began tapering at 4.0 mg. I went through a very slow taper. Many times I went ultra slow and would reduce by only 0.001mg by day. I do not know how you cut. But doing micro cuts really helped me. Good night a!l! And it is 12:03 am ( later than usual) but I can be the first to  wish Luey Happy Birthday and keep on truckin'! Powerball
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Happy Birthday, Luey!! I hope you have a wonderful day!  :smitten:


And hi all... I've been gone for awhile just working and trying to get through each day. I'm down to approximately 0.8 mg and my main symptoms are brain fog and imbalance, insomnia. I'm trying to stay positive/hopeful that these things will normalize eventually. I do worry that the cognitive dysfunction, imbalance and apathy are permanent features of long-term use of this drug. Does anyone have experience with this getting better as you taper and come off the drug? I already feel less of the anxiety spirals since I moved to divided doses, but sleep is not great. I have had some SUCCESS with managing situations that used to cause extreme anxiety WITHOUT taking rescue doses!! These moments continue to encourage me -- being in an isolation room at work, extreme claustrophobia, dental exam, going for a haircut. I am adding these to my CAN DO WITHOUT EXTRA ATIVAN column!!


I'm aware that it's a hard time for a lot of people right now. I'm sorry to read that so many are struggling. I think the darkness (at least here in the north) makes the taper/withdrawal feel more lonely and isolating, not to mention the way the drug has made us more apathetic and depressed anyway. Then there is the added stress (for many) with the holidays coming. I think getting even small amounts of exercise, fresh air and sunshine when possible help immensely. I'm trying to remind myself that I DO care about life and feeling better is possible.


I want you all to know that I draw immensely from your experiences and support. Also it has been helping me to stay in the moment with this taper. I'm anxious to be done, but with the guidance of others more experienced I know I cannot rush it. And I cannot allow myself to worry about HOW WILL I EVER GET OFF THIS DRUG?? One day at a time! (To borrow a slogan from AA) Or in my case, one hatch mark on the syringe at a time, and slowly. I hope all of you who are struggling have some moments of peace today. Let's all hang in there and keep going.


Thanks and hugs to all.

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Thank you Powerball, Lisa and Heartsonfire!


We are all climbing mountains!!! I sent healing prayers out to everyone yesterday from the sunny ridgetop. This journey can be so long and grueling but I know we will all make it to the top!!!  One breath, one step at a time.

Luey :smitten:

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Hi All,

Been following along seeing lots of people are having a tough week....rough here as well.

Happy Birthday to Luey!

Hoping I can get a recommendation for a scale to use for my husband for micro cuts. I checked on Amazon and there are many that say they are accurate to .001 grams but am concerned that at $10 how can they be. Don’t want to risk cutting too much...


Thanks all, praying for everyone to have a better week next week.

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Luey, happy birthday!! Thank you for all the positivity and inspiration you bring to all of us here on this board and specifically in this support group.  I'm so impressed that you are climbing mountains in the midst of Ativan withdrawal ... or climbing mountains at all, for that matter!


Heartsonfire, I'm right there with you.  My psychiatrist said a lot of the cognitive fog during the taper may be attributable to the lack of good sleep, which makes sense to me -- at least, it makes sense to me in my more optimistic moments.  Anyway, I guess time will tell.  I'm praying for both our sakes (actually all our sakes) that he is right.


Today I did a lot of meditation, which helped, although I'm still foggy and struggling with memory.



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Here is the one I have. it works perfectly. Of course I told  story here about it dying, but not really dying when I realized it only needed a battery change. it does go to 0.000


$29.99 on Amazon





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Can someone please help. I’m having a really rough period where I am experiencing severe akathasia each day along with everything else. Has anyone dealt with this as well. My depression has got me so down and I am experiencing severe social anxiety, I don’t know how much is from Benzo and how much from being in my room a lot even though I go out each day and do several things. I’ve never been so anxious and scared of seeing my friends etc. and felt so hopeless. Has anyone else felt this way like there is too much to overcome? Has anyone added Valium successfully to get off Ativan? I started at 7mg in August and am at 4.35mg.


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