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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Ativan Poison, I dose three times a day, decreasing all doses equally while I am tapering.  I have found that if I try to reduce a dose I have more symptoms that are not tolerable for me and I have to be functional for work.  My doc also told me that I needed to keep it even on all doses so that my body is not going up and down all the time, but I think if you are doing okay taking it once a day then I would stick with what works for you.


AF1, are you still feeling any effects of the time change? I dont know if my increase in symptoms are due to a dose change or the time change now that it has been a while since the change.  The doc told me the other day that I may feel worse in the winter with the shorter days, said it is a syndrome of some sort. 


It was a Monday, a bad Monday at work, but I keep going lol.  Have a great week, Maggie

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I feel like the time change is making things harder too ... well anything that makes it harder to get good sleep is bad for those of us trying to get off benzos.  Seasonal Affective Disorder is definitely a thing.  My psychiatrist said a light box might help, but I haven't really looked into that yet. 


Another Monday in the books! I'm proud of all of us for keeping up the fight.



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Ativan Poison, I think I am the only one here who originally took my dose just for sleep. It is hard to believe I have gone from 4 mg to .24mg with near preservation of sleep. I do take 1 mg of Xanax 45 minutes before the Ativan as my psych doc thinks that helps me induce sleep and potentiates the Ativan. Tonight I cut off my 0.122 mg pill by 0.028 mg. It only took me about 5 minutes to cut. Right now I will take my Ativan dose ,,,,,,,BACK! Now in 45  minutes I will get in bed. I will now go prepare my bed for sleep (my own Turn Back Service!). These are sleep hygiene methods that cue my brain that when I go to bed it is time to sleep. I have a weighted sleep blanket that I was very skeptical about, but I am addicted to it, even in the summer, It gives me snuggly comfort. I cut on the fan by my bed and over 20 years my husband has also been conditioned to the benefits of white noise. The room is cool with no heat.  I have fully dark window blades and I wear a night mask to better help increase melatonin which induces sleep. I put my ear plugs in since my husband is prone to positional snoring. I also cover up any possible blue light in the room, alarm clock, etc. and my cell phone is no one near by bed so just the alarm will go off. On my best nights, I retire at 1030 and wake up at 730. That is 9 hours, but If I get up to eat more than 2 times a night, my sleep is not fully consolidated so often I wake up not 100% refreshed. Tomorrow are the debates, so I already know my sleep pattern will be disrupted some but I will deal with it. If I cannot have some fun, why live? Last, when after 7pm I always wear my blue light blocking sun glasses while on the computer and watching TV.


I know it sounds exhausting with my intensive pre-sleep routine and I have a few others stuck in there. Last night I added tart cherry juice before bed but I think it interacted which my Ativan which took longer to work. My Psych doc said NO SUPPLEMENTS! I never had a routine sleep hygiene routine but I do now. Good night all. Powerball 

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Greetings to All,


Maggie,  Thanks for checking in, but I am very sorry you have not been feeling well. I know the symptoms you've been having make life difficult and can be very discouraging.  Hang in there! I pray you will feel better again soon!  Congratulations on your kitchen remodel!  I am amazed at all you accomplish despite not feeling well.


Powerball, Thanks for taking the time to share all of your sleep hygiene rituals. I've learned a lot from you and hope those struggling with sleep will be helped by trying some of your strategies.


Committed, How are you? Thinking of you, hope you're ok and hope to hear from you soon.


Lisa, How is the new taper plan going?  AF1, Thanks for leading the way...


Sending everyone thoughts of ease and peace. I hope everyone adjusts to the time change and shorter days. Walking mid-day and letting some light enter my eyes helps me at this time of year.


Take good care,





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powerball and Luey


If powerball is at .27 and I am at .21 how much are you dropping powerball?

You said you would be done if a few weeks , My calculations are a year for me .... What am i doing wrong am i going too slow/

How much are you dropping?

Thanks Lisa

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Hi Lisa,


I'm sure you know everyone's rate is very individual.  I don't think percentages are the main thing to consider at this point in your taper. (Since you asked, it looks like you reduced by 3.6% in the last 16 days).


How are you feeling? Do you feel stable?  Do you feel like you could make bigger cuts? How much are you reducing on your 1ml syringe per day? It looks like you decided to slow down again from the rate you were hoping to try.


(Since you're asking, I calculate Powerball is flying down at a current rate of 5% every couple of days. It's great his sleep is good allowing him to taper quickly.  He is also taking 1mg Xanax so if you included that in the equation, the percents would look different)


Looking forward to your answers and questions. You're not the only one reassessing their progress. We are all different in the rate(s) that works for us, but we are all the same in our desire to get off this stuff!!! 





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Luey I feel ok , nothing that I can’t Handel but as soon as I pick up the pace my sleep is affected a lot .

Not sure it’s worth to speed it up . At this rate it will take me until May to be done .

Oh well I will just keep plugging along . I am reducing by 4 lines on my 1 ml dropper per day .

Thanks lisa

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I feel ok, nothing that I can’t handle but as soon as I pick up the pace my sleep is affected a lot.  Not sure it’s worth to speed it up. At this rate it will take me until May to be done. Oh well I will just keep plugging along. I am reducing by 4 lines on my 1 ml dropper per day.

Lisa, It sounds like you are listening to your body. If you need to stay with the same reduction it would take you longer than May to be done, but from everything I've learned on BBs, it's best to go as slowly as needed to allow your brain to recover. I'll be here with you!!  Luey


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Luey thank you so much. I am also here for you if you ever just need someone to talk with.

And in may I will be down to about 15 and I am going to just stop.Thats how I feel now unless things change.


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Well, like they say all good things must come to an end and today they did for me.  I had been feeling okay and even would say I had been good for a while and then last week I began feeling bad, doc said it was probably the time change and it should get better. Today, I woke up and felt okay and then a few minutes later I was feeling as though I did when I first began the taper, way off balance, head feeling odd, legs wouldn't hold me up and then of course panic set in.  I sat down and rested and the sensation went away enough to be able to get dressed and ready for work, but I have been feeling bad most of the day.  Not sure what triggered this reaction, I did my cut a few days ago and always have symptoms but not this bad since the beginning, it was like starting over from scratch!!!  It is such a roller coaster ride, I just wish we could all get the ride to stop and let us off!!!


I am so happy for the ones of you that are feeling well, trust me I find comfort in knowing that I have had good days and celebrate with you when you have good days as well! I was MIA from the group for a while, but I realize that I need you all more than you realize!


Hoping for a better day tomorrow,


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Dear Maggie ,

Sorry you are having a hard time . I know exactly the way you feel I have had many of those days even when I have not done anything different . It is very disappointing .

You will begin to feel better again it’s just a cycle .

Wishing you better days


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Maggie, I'm sorry you are having a rough time.  Today was a tough day for me too, which was weird because I expected it to be a better day since I slept for a whole almost seven hours last night without waking up (usually I wake up multiple times during the night since I've been tapering).  Today I had DR again, and brain fog.  I'm not sure why, other than that I had a migraine yesterday and today was the tail end of that.  It was scary to feel worse again after feeling less confused for a few days ... this is a heck of a ride to be on.  Today I'm feeling scared and discouraged, although I'm sure things will get better again.
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Dear Maggie and Haimoa,


I am so sorry you've been having bad symptoms again.  The time change or shorter days affect many people and I can imagine it making your symptoms worse.  I think we are all more sensitive to change and stress because of tapering.  I sincerely believe it is temporary and your good days will return again. As Committed pointed out, the recovery process is not linear.  Please try not to get discouraged, we are here for you as long as it takes.


Praying for you both and sending big hugs,







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Committed, thank you very much, and I am SO glad to see you on here! 


Haimona, this may not apply to you at all, but I used to get migraines, and I would get blind spots in my vision about an hour before the pain, nausea, and vomiting started, and I figured out that if I drank coffee and took pain meds as soon as the visual disturbance hit, the pain wouldn't be nearly as bad and basically no nausea.  Then at some point I found that the homeopathic remedy called Iris Versicolor (white pellets, different than herbs) would totally knock it out.  Also there's a website www.earthclinic.com that has remedies that can really help. Click on Old Version at the top right then click on Ailments.

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Haimona, I wish I could explain this crazy phenomenon called benzo taper and the mechanism that determines if we have a good day or a bad day, it is beyond frustrating and discouraging.  I had quite an extended period of feeling good and I think this just caught me off guard, which in turn caused a panic attack type episode.  I have not done anything different, other than made a small cut in my dosages, and bam it hit me hard, but I managed to go to work and make it through the day! I am sorry that you did not have a good day as expected, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for all.  Lisa and Luey I appreciate all of the support, it means so much! My husband just doesn't understand and is not much support other than to help with cooking and the dog, but he just does not know what to do or say, he just does not understand what I am going through other than for me to tell him I just dont feel good.  My psych doc suggested increasing the Paxil since I am on a low dose.  I am going to give it a try, but will not go up on the Ativan dose to stabilize,9202396343499720014414 I will just ride it out.  She reassures me that the Paxil will not be as hard to stop taking, although a taper off is necessary, and there are some people who are on these types of meds for years on end.  I just could not continue to suffer as i was and Paxil has been helpful, but I think I have peaked at my extremely low dose. 


Hopeful for a better day tomorrow,


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Hi all seems like a lot  of us are having a tough time . I also started feeling quite nervous and no sleep all yesterday. I hope it ends soon . I started a small job to try and push myself only 4 hrs a few days a week but still difficult .

Hope we get some relief soon.


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Dear Lisa, I'm sorry to hear you're also having some bad days. It does seem like many in our group are having a tough time right now. And nobody can understand if they haven't been through it. I am including you in my prayers for everyone. I hope you are able to enjoy your new job even though it's difficult when you're not feeling well. Hang in there the best you can, things are going to improve. Big hugs, Luey
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Hello Everyone,


I have been MIA because I have basically been in survival mode. How strange that so many of us are feeling so poorly.


Welcome Haimona. Hoping you find some relief today!


Lisa, how fantastic that you are starting a job!! Praying your symptoms will ease and make your time at work enjoyable!


Luey, again, thank you for the thoughtful, wonderful blessing that you are!!


AF1 - I hope you are feeling well benzo free. I’m glad you like the banner. It is the button with the arrow and M moving left.


Maggie - It does seem so daunting doesn’t it? Yesterday was especially trying for me as well.


PB - Great tips for better sleeping! Thank you


Praying for good days ahead for all of us.


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Oh committed,

I will be thinking of you hope you find relief soon . We all deserve it . It is very difficult to stay positive .

Better days to come !


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Dear Committed,


Yes, as Lisa says, we are thinking of you and sending hope for positive days coming your way soon.  Please remember this is a place where you are supported through both ups and downs.  We might all have different symptoms at different times, but we know what you are going through. 

You are not alone! Hang in there my friend.  Praying for you...



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So nice to know we are not alone.  Committed, Lisa, Luey, Maggie ... I hope I'm not forgetting anyone.  I love all the supportiveness and kindness I am seeing on this board.  Today was another tough day.  I was having so much brain fog and anxiety, it was tough to get through the work day but I did.  We all made it through another day, and that is something to be really proud.  I swear people who are not going through this could never understand!! So glad we all have each other. 



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Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support! It means more than I could ever explain!!


Today I am feeling a little sliver of relief. I am SO GRATEFUL!!! (I was starting to question if I had the moxy to get through this!)


Haimona - I am so sorry to hear you had another tough day.  Those of you who are working while going through withdrawal are truly amazing to me!!  You are so strong!

You are so right about people not being able to understand.  I didn’t even really understand what I was getting into when I started tapering!!


Praying everyone finds moments of peace today.


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