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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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You are fortunate that you haven't been on Ativan long. Perhaps see if you are able to follow the Ashton manual and cut 10% every two weeks.  I'm crushing my pills and weighing them, this may be a good idea for you since a .5 pill is pretty small.  Or liquid titration may be an option.


I would not quit cold turkey and would reinstate at your current dose until you can start cutting down your doses gradually.

I'm sure other members will come along and give advice as well.

The above is just how I would handle the situation.


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Hi all, Just dropping in to say hello. Welcome to the newcomers on this support thread. You will receive much helpful guidance here. Still doing well so far with my compounded liquid taper. Sending you all healing thoughts and prayers.  :smitten::angel:
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Thank you Judy66 for dropping in and for the thoughts and prayers, always needed..Glad your taper is going well.  Keep up the good work.  :thumbsup:


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I've been on the lorazepam for almost a week (4mg a day). after switching from 2 mg clonazepam.


The first few days I slept well, put in the past couple of days I had trouble falling asleep and I slept only a few hours.


Two things could be going on here: some tolerance to the hypnotic effects was developed within days, or the remaining clonazepam that was in my system mixed with the lorazepam and made it more sedating. Any ideas ? (I never took it for sleep, only as a mucle relaxant)


Also, I've been noticing something strange during the past two days. Does the phrase "glass wall" seem familiar to anyone taking this drug ?


In short, I am wondering if I should do a fast taper (4-8 weeks) or a taper that is a bit slower. I have been taking the clonazepam for years, buy I am a bit weary about becoming dependent on lorazepam ! Opinions ?

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Kyra, I think your plan to present your detox plan to your doc is a great idea. It will be clear that you are not just trying to get more Ativan and that you just need his cooperation to get off it. I have felt this panic so many times worrying about my doc doing that. So sorry it happened to you!
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I am trying to decide if I need to divide my dose throughout the day. For 3 1/2 years, I have only ever taken my 2 mg in the evening all at once. I dont know anything else. Now that I am down to 1 mg, I am worried that dividing this throughout the day will feel like a huge cut for me in the evening when I have always needed it. I dont feel the anxiety during the day usually.


Couldn't I just keep tapering 10% cuts on this one dose the whole way? I am open to reason but I dont even know what "interdose" means. Thank you for your help!

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Hi everyone, sorry I've been MIA.....my life didn't get the memo that it needs to slow down while I taper Ativan  :laugh:


CR1802 - how did things go with your doctors appointment? Please let us know.


Judy - thanks for dropping by with an update. I'm so pleased that things are still going well for you with the compounded prescription. Keep dropping by with the good news....it gives us all hope.


Liberty - although typically I would say to do a rapid taper off Ativan since its only been a week, I'm not sure that's reasonable in your case. How long were you on Clonozapam? Why did you switch to Ativan (which is shorter acting)? In regards to being "dependent" on Ativan I'm not sure what you mean....I say this because your use of Clonozapam would have already down regulated your GABA, in my opinion....the "type" of benzo doesn't make a difference other than keeping your symptoms manageable. Does that make sense?


Kyra - when is your doctors appointment? Do you have all your information to back-up your plan ready?


CKD - interdose means that you feel withdrawal symptoms in between doses. If you aren't feeling this than there is no reason at all to switch things. I think it works in your favour to only have to dose once a day. Keep doing what your doing for as long as it keeps working. And to answer your question, yes, most people find dividing their doses feels like a cut for a few days.

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LF2015 - were you planning a Valium crossover? Yes, I would personally just stop that V....you may, or may not, feel it in a week or two. It's hard to say as everyone is so different. I believe the Ativan will be sufficient in covering up any overlap.


Don't worry about your doctor prescribing .50mg tablets. They aren't necessary. I'm down to .31mg and have always used 1mg tabs. I'd really recommend getting yourself a scale, they are cost effective and you will be able to cut your doses more accurately. The one most of us use is the Gemini Pro 20 Milligram Scale available on Amazon for about $20


Hope that helps  :)


I've stopped valium yesterday and just stayed on 4x 0.5 Lorazepam doses, spaced out roughly 5 hours apart. I took 1.5mg of melatonin and fell asleep, only to be awoken by this horrible nightmare and the feeling of my brain being sucked out of my head. I know it's not best to take rescue doses, but I did 0.25 right then, and then 0.25 an hour later, which gave me some 6 hours of sleep. Now, with quitting valium, I am thinking if I am better off upping my 2.0mg/day dose to 2.25mg/day and starting a taper from there?


Also, about the 20mg scale from Amazon. I don't really want to do the titration taper, so do you just make small cuts and measure them?


Thanks a bunch.


Also, what's the real likelihood of seizures with a gradual taper? I know they're a big possibility with CT taper (which I never want to do), but am I safe with more gradual taper (.10-.25 reduction per week)?  Guess I am just looking for some reassurance.


LF2015, taking rescue doses multiple times is really not a good idea. Your body needs to feel some kind of stabilty and you should try to keep things even. Maybe going back up to the 2.5 isn't a bad move and taper from there. Sleep issues are a big issue for most people tapering, I would try very hard not to reach for the Ativan if you're not getting sleep. An OTC sleep aid would be a better move.


Yes, that's how the scale works, measuring tiny cuts all the way down. Everyone has a concern about seizures, but I believe they are a very rare occurrence. More likely to happen with a c/t since its a shock to the brain, even so I've rarely heard of someone experiencing a seizure.


Thanks. I ended up following your suggestion and am stabilizing on 2.5mg/day. I felt the discontinuation of Valium quite a bit (even though it was just 5mg for a week), but I think that's because it interacts with Omeprazole, which potentiates Valium. So, I was probably getting more than a 5mg of Valium, sort of.


I am seeing an actual psychiatrist in a few days, so I will see what she suggests. Personally, direct taper scares me a bit, and a complete crossover to some sedating benzo like V where I'd feel zonked out/hazy all day doesn't sound all that great, either. Has anyone done any sort of mixed taper, where a portion of the ativan is replaced by a slow acting benzo, while the rest of lorazepam is slowly and gradually tapered?

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Thanks, kiddo1977. I appreciate your reassurance. I can do this even when it feels like I will be absolutely miserable without Ativan. I cannot really picture not needing it.
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I've been taking the clonazepam for over five years.


Tapering it directly was just not possible. Long story.


If I stay on the lorazepam for a longer time I'd be concerned about becoming more dependent on it, for example, the last couple of days the lorazepam has become less sedating and sleep has become more difficult. Maybe I'm starting to get a few paradoxical symptoms as well.


For me, 'a benzo is not a benzo'.

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Kiddo and CKD-

My appt with my doctor is at the end of the month.  I'm nervous about bringing him my taper plan because I know he does not think I'm on a big dose of ativan and if I even wanted to taper, it could be a quick one.  I'm seeing this psychiatrist for OCD revolving around health anxiety so my fear is he will think I'm trying to blame my symptoms on w/d from Ativan and will not take me seriously.


I believe he thinks my symptoms are in my head since I've had all kinds of medical tests to find the source of these crazy neuro symptoms. Just afraid he will force a c/t on me.  :-\



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It seems to me that if you could cite Ashton or some other reputable taper plan,  maybe even bring the book or some source, you would have some credibity to this doc. You dont have to go there all upset or anything. You could just ask if he would look at this plan and support you in it for just a few months. I really hope this works for you! I would probably just say something like "I feel like this slow taper would help me get off this drug more smoothly. Can we do this together?" Without a lot of trying to convince him about w/d, which he seems ignorant about. I am really hoping you get the support you need😂
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Okay, I divided the 1mg dose for two days, but it felt like a HUGE cut to me, since I had so much less at 5 pm when I have needed it for so long. So I am taking your advice and going back to just tapering the one dose at the time of day I have always taken it. Much, much better this evening. But at least now I know what works for me😂
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Thanks CKD for the advice.  You are right, no need to waste my breath trying to convince him about w/d symptoms.  I like your calm approach.  I will try that when I see him at the end of the month.


And I think it was a wise move to go back to your regular dose.  I think you have gotten used to a certain time and no need to change it if it's working for you.  ;)


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Hi Kyra,


Let us know how it goes. I am going to see a psychiatrist on Monday, and was going to bring up Ativan and crossing over to Valium via Ashton method. I will also bring all the equivalence charts and stuff, and approach the Dr. calmly.


The truth of the matter is that I've stabilized on 2.5mg/day of Ativan (0.5 dose every 5 hours), and I am somewhat home/grocery shopping functioning, but not work functioning by any means. I also have health anxiety. Since I've lost a lot of weight and feel a bit weak after increased ativan use, I walked a circle in my neigborhood for the first time, and made it home alive  :thumbsup:. When I get that weakness, shortness of breath, I feel like my heart is going to give out. And I was SO much more active just a little over 2 months ago. I'm trying to convince myself that I didn't develop a heart problem in 2+ months.



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Lorazepam, I can so relate to your health anxiety, it's a horrible thing to struggle with. Please let us know how your psychiatrist appt goes also and hoping you have a good response.


Congrats on doing the circle in your neighborhood!  :clap: I find it brings normalcy to be able to go out for walks, take in the surroundings and get some exercise.  The best feeling is when you get back home  and say/think, I did it! It's just a great step in healing.  :thumbsup:


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Great advice to Kyra about the appointment. I tried to keep emotions out of the mix and calmly stated my case when I considered a crossover myself. I found my Dr really wanted me to have a specific plan of action in place. Meaning work out the details of how much you need to either do a direct taper or a crossover. Write it all down in advance even if it's simply a guide.


CKC I'm sorry the change didn't work out for you...it's very possible to taper the one dose...I believe Laser taped from one dose the whole way...and yes you really can do this...you need to believe in yourself and you ability to get off these meds. One day at a time...


LF2015 I'm glad you're feeling better on the 2.5...I only know of one person who combined benzos to taper, but I don't believe ativan was in the mix....Ellen2012 would be the member to contact if you're considering a partial crossover. Glad you're walking a bit, everything you can do to feel normal right now helps.


One day at a time everyone...they add up :smitten:

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So. It's been an interesting time over here. I went to my doctor about 2 weeks ago, to talk about what's been going on, getting off the Ativan, etc. So she says she wants to take care of the anxiety and see "what we're left with" as far as symptoms or issues. Kind of makes sense. So she prescribes 10mg of escitalopram (Lexapro). After taking the first pill, my appetite was practically gone, and I suddenly couldn't sleep, either. It was like my brain couldn't relax, though it wasn't racing with thoughts. Actually, songs would get stuck in my head! But other symptoms seemed to lessen...the chest tightness, especially. BUT. Last Thursday, holy hell. Right as I was drifting off to sleep after confirming that I could take Tylenol PM, HORRIBLE stomach/abdominal pain. Trips to the bathroom. I fell asleep eventually. This continued through the weekend, along with ZERO appetite. I lived on Powerade and dry cereal. Sunday I decided to stop taking it, and the doc was totally fine with that. Pretty sure I had serotonin syndrome, though not a severe case, obviously. What an effing mess.


Silver lining (besides weight loss  :laugh:)? I jumped. I haven't taken any Ativan since Saturday. I was down to .25, taken in two .125 doses.


Soooooo, it appears that I am FREE!!! I'll keep everyone posted...I'm very hopeful.  :)

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Hey, that's awesome. My Pdoc prescribed Lexapro 10 mg last month. When I took it, it felt great initially, but then I ended up feeling high on it. I also had the runs with it, too. I tried to take only 5mg Lexapro, but ended up taking more ativan to counter the lexapro effects (big mistake). I stopped taking it, too. It's probably an OK anti depressant if you're not on benzos, but for us who are, the extra agitation is just a bit too much.
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Hey, that's awesome. My Pdoc prescribed Lexapro 10 mg last month. When I took it, it felt great initially, but then I ended up feeling high on it. I also had the runs with it, too. I tried to take only 5mg Lexapro, but ended up taking more ativan to counter the lexapro effects (big mistake). I stopped taking it, too. It's probably an OK anti depressant if you're not on benzos, but for us who are, the extra agitation is just a bit too much.

LF2015 I'm glad you're feeling better on the 2.5...I only know of one person who combined benzos to taper, but I don't believe ativan was in the mix....Ellen2012 would be the member to contact if you're considering a partial crossover. Glad you're walking a bit, everything you can do to feel normal right now helps.


I am spacing those 0.5mg doses exactly 5 hours apart. Just today, at the 5 hour mark, I kept taking if I should take the 0.5 conisdering I didn't feel anxious at all and slightly tired from venturing out to go see a Dr. and walking today. So, at the 5 hour mark, my BP is 124/80 and HR around 84 which is perfect for me. So, it seemed kind of weird to take another 0.5 when feeling calm & relaxed. I decided to wait for 30 minutes to see the difference, and lo & behold, my BP is already up to 133/87 and HR is up to 88, and all I did was sat on the couch and played a game on my tablet. So, then I took the 0.5mg of Ativan, right then. God, those little pills are so darn powerful. It's like a frickin' yo-yo effect  :tickedoff:


My new Pdoc (actually the one I had years ago, who is so much nicer guy than the current Pdoc - I am switching), has offered to double my BP pill dosage, as well as a beta blocker and 3mg of doxepin for sleep (is that low dose safe to take?).


I worry about doubling the BP meds because, even though that would limit the BP highs, but it scares me that my BP would get too low at times. When 0.5mg of Loraz reaches its peak, my BP gets as low as 118/70 or so. I'm too afraid that doubling the BP med strength would cause some dangerous hypotension at times. The increase in BP meds will probably be more necessary as I start tapering down more, though. This is the sort of thing that wants me to shy away from loraz and cross over. The ever fluctuating HR and BP are troublesome. I know these normally fluctuate throughout the day, but loraz seems to amplify it quite a bit.





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Mookie you jumped  :highfive::yippee::clap: congrats YOU ARE FREE  :yippee:  I'm so glad it's going well so far, terrific news, well done. Not surprised to hear about the AD experience although I'm sorry it happened. I personally have never had a good experience with any of the AD meds. Keep us posted on how it's going, ok?


LF2015 yes agitation is a very common side effect starting an AD...I'm not quite following the story with the Ativan, my takeaway is you should be dosing it evenly whether or not you believe it's helpful to become somewhat stabilized on the same dose. You're saying the fluctuations in Bp happened when you tried to extend the time, then it went back down after you dosed? Yes these are powerful little pills, that's all I can say. I'm not sure about upping Bp meds etc. I'm also not certain that a crossover would take away that issue although it might. I'd maybe ask on the valium thread.

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Adding 3mg of doxepin for insomnia has literally been a lifesaver. I slept 8 hours for the first time in God knows how long. Also, even though it is a low dose, I feel some mild anxiolytic properties of it. Pretty happy about that one
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Congrats on your jump Mookie!!  :thumbsup::clap: I'm sure you are so glad to be benzo free!


I too had a bad, actually horrific experience with Lexapro.  Was the first time ever prescribed an AD and it landed me in the hospital with serotonin syndrome.  The doctor that gave it to me prescribed a 20 mg pill that was to take once per day.  I thought better of it and took half, what happened to me was so traumatic. Believe it or not, that incident started me on ativan. 

Now I will say, got on zoloft recently (see signature for time frame) and started with small doses and have worked my way to 75 mg (not the same equivalent mg dosage as Lexapro) which is considered I think belie standard dose.  I love the stuff, it's helped me greatly with anxiety and debilitating health obsessions.  I don't wake up in the mornings with this feeling of dread I used to have and could never identify the cause of the dread.  So far, it's been great.


Lorazepam - beta blockers are often given for anxiety.  I had a really good response to Bystolic for about a year, I was the calmest person and felt great but it stopped working after about a year.  Funny thing is, never worked for my blood pressure.  I've been on various different BP meds, most have not worked but I think the main problem is severe white coat syndrome because when I take it myself at home, it's usualky normal.  Right now I'm on atenenol which is a beta blocker.  Seems to be working.  I've heard they are hard to come off of (beta blockers) and never wise to abruptly stop.  I hesitate to mention this because I have not researched more than just reading one article that beta blockers can also interfere with Gaba receptors.  I'd like to eventually get off the atenenol.

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I've been on lorazepam (starting at 4 mg a day) for about 10 days now, it was a direct switch from clonazepam. I took the clonazepam (2 mg a day) for over 5 years.


While tapering and even before that, I noticed I was becoming tolerant to the hypnotic, amnestic and sedative properties.


I'm getting the idea that I have to get off this stuff ASAP ! 'mental terror' is a withdrawal symptom that is supposed to be somewhat unique to lorazepam ? Anyway, while I don't experience any interdose 'craving', at lower doses I seem to 'want' the lorazepam earlier. ('clockwatching')


Currently I am taking 3 mg of lorazepam a day, split doses. After my most recent cut I'm trying to 'stabilize' a bit.


Any suggestions ? Lorazepam probably wasn't the best choice, but what is done is done.

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Liberty, a few pages ago I asked why your previous tapers failed. To me that's very relevant , and a large concern to how you approach the Ativan taper. I simply don't believe there is an easy way out , meaning a fast taper from a benzo much as we'd all love to have this done ASAP. I still believe a very slow taper may be your best chance for success.


I understand you did a direct switch to Ativan, some of what you're experiencing could be from lingering transition issues, meaning the Klonopin leaving your body even now due to its long half life. While it's probably true each benzo has unique distinctions, the bottom line is that all of the benzos down regulate gaba, period. I sense you're very frustrated and I'm sorry,  but I don't believe a fast taper is  necessarily in your best interests given your history.  :smitten:

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