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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Lots of discussion on this topic you can browse through. But to recap, it seems that most folks on this forum prefer the Gemini scale on amazon to weigh out their dose. It seems to be inexpensive and there is a link on BB to purchase it if you search. You will want to devise a taper schedule and weigh out the proper amount. Some people use a razor to cut the appropriate amount off each pill while others pulverize the pill into powder and weigh the powder. Both approaches work though they are slightly different with pros and cons to each. Make sure you get comfortable with how to weigh accurately and consistently. Spend time getting comfortable with the scale before using it.


Of course, it is possible to dry cut without a scale and some people are succesful, but to conduct precise cuts consistently without the use of a scale is very hard, if not impossible. You might be able to get away with it using 0.5 mg pills, but with the 1 mg tablets, I'd recommend the scale.


laser :thumbsup:

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Thank you so much Judy, for the the "Pack It" lunch bag tip. 


It is going to take me a year to wean off ativan (if all goes well), and I would really like to get away before things could get dicey for me, symptom wise.


I hope you enjoy your trip!!

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Lots of discussion on this topic you can browse through. But to recap, it seems that most folks on this forum prefer the Gemini scale on amazon to weigh out their dose. It seems to be inexpensive and there is a link on BB to purchase it if you search. You will want to devise a taper schedule and weigh out the proper amount. Some people use a razor to cut the appropriate amount off each pill while others pulverize the pill into powder and weigh the powder. Both approaches work though they are slightly different with pros and cons to each. Make sure you get comfortable with how to weigh accurately and consistently. Spend time getting comfortable with the scale before using it.


Of course, it is possible to dry cut without a scale and some people are succesful, but to conduct precise cuts consistently without the use of a scale is very hard, if not impossible. You might be able to get away with it using 0.5 mg pills, but with the 1 mg tablets, I'd recommend the scale.


laser :thumbsup:

laser, how do you take the pulverized form? 
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Thank you so much Judy, for the the "Pack It" lunch bag tip. 


It is going to take me a year to wean off ativan (if all goes well), and I would really like to get away before things could get dicey for me, symptom wise.


I hope you enjoy your trip!!


Thanks June!

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Thisisnofun: i dont take the pulverized form. I used to taper with compounded liquid but have been off for 9 months. That said, if it were me crushing and weighing tablets, id probably weigh it on a glassine paper and press my tongue directly on the pile to ensure i got every bit. But i am a bit of a precision fanatic.💂
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Thisisnofun: i dont take the pulverized form. I used to taper with compounded liquid but have been off for 9 months. That said, if it were me crushing and weighing tablets, id probably weigh it on a glassine paper and press my tongue directly on the pile to ensure i got every bit. But i am a bit of a precision fanatic.💂


Thx, lol!

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I use a Gemini scale from Amazon.  I do like it very much.  Kiddo taught me how. I weigh every pill in my bottle first to get an average weight. I cut by 1/16th every 14 days  unless I'm not feeling stable. I have not tried crushing the pill.


Maybe someone could tell us how they exactly do it and weigh and take it. That would be good to know when doses get smaller. The pills have filler in them so crushing later might be more accurate ?


Hope this helps.

Stay Strong,




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Does anyone have any experience getting professional help with the taper? A clinic, a doctor - specifically in the NY area? One place near me said it could help but I was skeptical, they talked about librium, daily appointments, other meds to alleviate symptoms (Parallax Center).


Having a hard time doing this myself.


I tried to tell myself early this AM that waking in a sweat and wild panic was "normal" and a result of having reduced my intake since the summer. Depression then sat on me like a truck for hours. As it does every day. I don't know whether to try more antidepression treatments, go to a hospital (scares the crap out of me), or try to do this part-time job I was offered. Some moments I feel I could do it, other moments I can't imagine functioning normally around others. Huge agoraphobia. Can barely move and then the sudden panics and hyperventilating. And yesterday was not like this, so much... just mildly awful.  :-\ I know others experiecne these symptoms, right?

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Does anyone have any experience getting professional help with the taper? A clinic, a doctor - specifically in the NY area? One place near me said it could help but I was skeptical, they talked about librium, daily appointments, other meds to alleviate symptoms (Parallax Center).


Having a hard time doing this myself.


I tried to tell myself early this AM that waking in a sweat and wild panic was "normal" and a result of having reduced my intake since the summer. Depression then sat on me like a truck for hours. As it does every day. I don't know whether to try more antidepression treatments, go to a hospital (scares the crap out of me), or try to do this part-time job I was offered. Some moments I feel I could do it, other moments I can't imagine functioning normally around others. Huge agoraphobia. Can barely move and then the sudden panics and hyperventilating. And yesterday was not like this, so much... just mildly awful.  :-\ I know others experiecne these symptoms, right?


Nyc, waking in a sweat and wild panic is part of the process. Sucks big time, but that, the depression,  and countless other sxs are par for the course. Most of us didnt think we were gonna make it while tapering. But ut we hung on tight, white knuckling each day, and kept whittling away the dose. It does get better, just be patient.

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Does anyone have any experience getting professional help with the taper? A clinic, a doctor - specifically in the NY area? One place near me said it could help but I was skeptical, they talked about librium, daily appointments, other meds to alleviate symptoms (Parallax Center).


Having a hard time doing this myself.


I tried to tell myself early this AM that waking in a sweat and wild panic was "normal" and a result of having reduced my intake since the summer. Depression then sat on me like a truck for hours. As it does every day. I don't know whether to try more antidepression treatments, go to a hospital (scares the crap out of me), or try to do this part-time job I was offered. Some moments I feel I could do it, other moments I can't imagine functioning normally around others. Huge agoraphobia. Can barely move and then the sudden panics and hyperventilating. And yesterday was not like this, so much... just mildly awful.  :-\ I know others experiecne these symptoms, right?


Nyc, waking in a sweat and wild panic is part of the process. Sucks big time, but that, the depression,  and countless other sxs are par for the course. Most of us didnt think we were gonna make it while tapering. But ut we hung on tight, white knuckling each day, and kept whittling away the dose. It does get better, just be patient.


I wrote a note to self last night in a quieter moment: "patience, humility, feelings may be hard but I don't have to medicate them." Mornings are the WORST, I can barely handle them. Sometimes I think of folks who were on these meds for years and years. Trouble is, I had panic before I ever started ativan. I need new coping mechanisms. Maybe addiction treatment. Driving me crazy.


PS thanks for all the support on this board!

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Marie - I wouldn't have been able to jump from .125mg but that doesn't mean it's too high for you. You were on short-term, but you have had a previous w/d as well, which sometimes mean the subsequent w/d's can be harder. The bottom line is that most people go through an acute period no matter how low they taper too. The good news is that you will likely start feeling better in a few weeks. Hang on, distract, be gentle with yourself and remember that the symptoms you're feeling can't hurt you. We are here is you need us  :thumbsup:


NYC - I love your note to yourself....now the task is getting you to believe it. The symptoms (depression, sweating, anxiety, disconnected, etc.) are symptoms of w/d. You KNOW that. Knowing that should bring you comfort. It's not you, it's the drugs. I had anxiety/panic before benzo's but it was nothing like it has been through tapering....it's so much worse. I will easily be able to handle my "old" anxiety after this experience and I believe you will too. I'm not going to comment on the hospital program since you already know how I feel about that  :crazy: Chin up  :)

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Marie - there is no magic formula to say how low in dose/how many days off that can tell you about your seizure risk. IMO, your risk is low. You have no previous seizure problems, you tapered, and your 6 days off.


Here's what Prof. Ashton said about seizures:


Fits, convulsions. Benzodiazepines are potent anticonvulsants. They can be life-saving in status epilepticus (repeated fits, one after another) and in fits caused by overdose of certain drugs (for example, tricyclic antidepressants). However, rapid withdrawal, especially from high potency benzodiazepines, can precipitate epileptic fits as a rebound reaction. Such an occurrence is extremely rare with slowly eliminated benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam) or with slow dosage tapering. If a fit does occur in these circumstances, it is usually only a single fit and causes no lasting damage. Other phenomena seen in rapid withdrawal are psychotic symptoms, severe confusion and delirium, but again these hardly ever occur with slow dosage tapering. By following the withdrawal schedules outlined in Chapter II, you can be confident of avoiding these complications.

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Well that's not very comforting...haha.

I guess I should have tapered slower and lower?

My total time on lorazepam was 4 weeks and 2 days.guess I'm just a ticking time bomb...who knows right!  :tickedoff:


This is to scary!

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That's scared you?!?!? I'm sorry. It made me feel better when I was worried about seizures...


"Such an occurrence is extremely rare with slowly eliminated benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam) or with slow dosage tapering"

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I feel awful this morning but I will try to write what's going on. The doctor had lowered my Ativan from 3 mg to 1.5 mg about six weeks ago. Directions were to take .5 mg. morning, .25 mg midmorning, .25 mg. midafternoon and .5 mg. at bedtime. It was suggested on here that I even out my dosage to .375 and that's what I'm doing now. How long should I leave it at .375?
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Kiddo1977 it scared me because I was on lorazepam which is not slowly eliminated, and I tapered pretty fast even though my whole time on was 4 weeks.
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Oh hopefulgal, That seems way to fast !  ! I'm sure your feeling bad !!!  Maybe Kiddo or Saga can help you or anybody else.    I cut too much too soon it was so bad for me.  Try to relax and stay calm.  How are you feeling ?

Hang in there ! 


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Marie - sorry Marie, it really was meant as a comfort. You tapered your Ativan (I know you aren't on Valium) and even though it wasn't that long it was likely long enough. It's the abrupt withdrawal that can potentially cause problems.  :thumbsup: Also, since seizures were a big concern for me I scoured the boards when I first got here and have only ever found 1 person who had a seizure and they were a c/t.  :)


Hopeful - that is a big cut, and likely why you are feeling so crappy. Is the doctor pressuring you to get off quickly? If not, I would hold for as long as it takes for your CNS to calm down before dropping any further. Evening out your doses is always recommended - it just helps to make your day a little smoother  :)


Warrior - hi darlin'  :smitten:


NYC, Pete, Omni, June, No Fun - how are you guys doing?

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Hey kiddo, thx for sharing that you could only find one person on the boards who had a seizure!  I looked when i first found bb, and really didn't find much on it.  So that immediately made me feel better.  I totally relate to Marie with the fear of seizures. I'm always in the car, driving my kids around, and that would just be a nightmare. But i ammuch calmer now then when i first got here.


I am doing ok, getting used to the ups and downs.  I cut on mondays.  Tuesday thru thursday this week was not that great, i had no motivation and was a couch potato.  Really didn't like that.  Friday was great, and today is great so far!  I am taking some supplements that seem to help (magnesium, melatonin, fish oil).  Also, the Neurontin is helping with the vibrations and shakes, thank god.


I will taper off of that when i'm done with the big A.  I started a blog, and i enjoy getting out how i feel every day.  It helps. 


Hope you and everyone else is doing as good as possible!!!

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I feel awful this morning but I will try to write what's going on. The doctor had lowered my Ativan from 3 mg to 1.5 mg about six weeks ago. Directions were to take .5 mg. morning, .25 mg midmorning, .25 mg. midafternoon and .5 mg. at bedtime. It was suggested on here that I even out my dosage to .375 and that's what I'm doing now. How long should I leave it at .375?


Hi Hopeful, I completely agree this was a huge cut in dose. All the sxs are normal for w/d. I'm glad you're evening out the doses and while no one knows how long it will take to feel a bit better I'd take a few more weeks if you can before dropping again.



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