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Hey buddies.. I know it does sound confusing but it works for me and is easy to keep up with.. I start with 2.5mg in milk and take off an extra 5ml every 5 days..so for 5 days I might for example take off 10 ml and then after that 5 days is up then I take 15ml off the 2.5mg and just keep going from there.. so far so good..thats how I have been doing it all along.. I hope this breaks it down a little for ya..


                            hugs.      WS

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Hey buddies.. I know it does sound confusing but it works for me and is easy to keep up with.. I start with 2.5mg in milk and take off an extra 5ml every 5 days..so for 5 days I might for example take off 10 ml and then after that 5 days is up then I take 15ml off the 2.5mg and just keep going from there.. so far so good..thats how I have been doing it all along.. I hope this breaks it down a little for ya..


                            hugs.       WS


Hi Nola,


How much milk do you use every time?


T2 :smitten:

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I fill up the 100ml cylinder with milk to get accurate measure then I pour that into a glass that has my crushed up pill.. I stir it up and set it in fridge for a while or until it is time for my dose .. then I take the appropriate amount of ml's off for my cut..like right now it is -20ml...then my next cut will be friday and then my total cut will be -25ml.. and so on..oh and i use a 5ml dropper to take out the liquid..or sometimes I will pour it back into the cylinder and then take out the appropriate cut..its a little more accurate way to measure I guess..I also got a 10ml syringe thats good for that too..








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I fill up the 100ml cylinder with milk to get accurate measure then I pour that into a glass that has my crushed up pill.. I stir it up and set it in fridge for a while or until it is time for my dose .. then I take the appropriate amount of ml's off for my cut..like right now it is -20ml...then my next cut will be friday and then my total cut will be -25ml.. and so on..oh and i use a 5ml dropper to take out the liquid..or sometimes I will pour it back into the cylinder and then take out the appropriate cut..its a little more accurate way to measure I guess..I also got a 10ml syringe thats good for that too..





You are probably using 1/2 of a 5mg pill to get 2.5mg, is that correct? Since cutting pills is not an exact science, that could play into an inaccurate mixture. Other than that, if what you're doing is working for you, then no reason to mess with success as they say.


T2 :smitten:

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Hey Wild Soul,

I love your new name and avatar! I had to buy another pill cutter today. My other one was sqeaking when I would close it and it would actually make the pill move before I could cut it. Makes for a difficult time when trying to make the smaller cuts! I know what you mean about cuts being "as accurate as it can be!"  ;) Hope your titration taper continues to go well for you....


Lori :smitten:

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Thanks a lot Lori.I stole that horse pic from my oldest daughter..she is a horse lover  ;)Yeah its been going pretty good for me I suppose.. I still have my crazy moments though.. :D ..lol..

  The pill cutter I got is great .it has rubber in it so it helps to hold the pill steady a whole lot better.. also has a safety shield  and a storage compartment for extra pills..

  I know what you are thinking (that thing sounds huge) but its not really big at all to me ..it is about 3 x1 1/2 inches though.. first one I ever bought but its a goodie  ;D

wow with yours squeaking I guess it was time to replace it .so you are still titerating huh? good luck to you also..hope its going smooth for ya..looks like you are about done though...thats great ..


  hugs                                  WS

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Ok Buddies .. I have a question.

  for the past week  I have been having  a weird sensation in the bend on the backside of my knee.. It's not really painful so I don't really know how to take it.. could it be part of wd? or is something else going on? this really puzzles me and I'm starting to get a little freaked out about it.. sometimes it feels kinda numb.. I looked at it and felt of it but saw or felt nothing strange as in no knots or anything...I have no insurance at the time so it is not feezable for me to go to the doc and have tests run as I just can't afford all that..my friend has vascular disease and hers knots up and she is also my age.. but I am not having all that..just weird feeling all the time that does not get worse with activity ..I know this is a weird question and you all may not be able to answer but I thought I would post it anyways...I really hope it is due to wd though..


thanks ......... :)  :)                                        WS (Nola)

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Hi, Nola.


All I can tell you is I got odd sensations in weird places off and on for months. I still get numbness and tingling from time to time.  If it's just a sensation - no swelling or discoloring - it's probably just another "healing symptom".  ;)

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ok ..well thanks a lot Beeper..I appreciate that..I was beginning to think the worst ya know..or at times I would.. I made another cut today too..and the excess adrenaline is coming back to me ...but nothing like it was before or at least not yet..so I consider that a good thing..  :) ..the knee thing just baffled me a bit I must say..


    thanks again.. love and hugs to ya..                WS (nola)

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  hey buddies..


    my legs hurt me so bad yesterday and last night I didn't get on the puter at all.

I guess it was wd as my whole body kinda ached as well.. this morning I was still pretty stiff but at least my legs weren't killing me..my blood pressure was up yesterday as well for a while.. went ahead and took some cayenne and ate a whole garlic clove and it finally came  back down to normal...it worked but my breath was horrible after all that.. ;D  I am currently at 1.87 mgs..of valium...and counting my way down..still titerating by 5ml every 5 days and doing ok..the back of left leg still feels weird though.I do have vein popped out back there but no knots or anything..nevertheless I sure wish I could go and get it checked out...I am gonna have to lose some more weight after the 1st of the year and get totally healthy...much easier said than done..


  Even though I am going through the taper ...symptoms come and symptoms go ..I never know what the day will bring for me but I know the worst symptoms have left me for now .. the leg pain was a new one for me that lasted about a day and is now gone.blood pressure goes up and down.. not bad though..just depends on my stress level..

all in all I seem to be on a good schedule that is working for me ..


  My oldest daughter has been on here checking out the site and she is telling me to say hi to all the buddies on here.so a  big howdy   from my girl..she got back from drills and is so sore she can barely move ..I told her she needed to keep up with the exercise ..whether she likes it or not she is going back to the y with me come the new year.. ;)  what? I need some motivation don't I? ;D

  oh well I am rambling again..                     


        have a blessed day buddies...                                            WS (Nola)

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Hello back to you and your girl, Nola. ;D  You have been handling this taper so well; just rolling with the punches and moving forward.  :thumbsup:



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  hey Beeper..

  nice pic....yeah I have been doing ok I guess.. it does seem to be getting easier with each cut I make.. I am grateful for that  ;D .. I will tell my daughter you said hi.. that will tickle her to death... :) oh her name is Melissa that is the oldest .. my youngest is Pam and she is 12 .. my girls are growing up on me.. what's a mother to do..(sigh)



happy holidays  to ya!                                                          WS

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sorry to be pain ..but my left leg is burning and feels bruised.. but it isn't..could this be inflamation brought on by the benzo wd? it is just my left outer thigh and its sore to the touch but no signs of anything going on.. I think it is just muscle pain or inflamation or something.. I wish it would go away or that I knew what was going on with me..its been off and on now for about 3 days with the pain/burning.... I am contemplating on taking a muscle relaxer to see if it helps..  I will try a cal/mag tablet and see if that helps any at all first .. anyone got and answer for this? I would really appreciate it...


thanks buddies..                                                      WS

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Sorry Nola, I don't have a clue.  :-\ Is it your whole left leg or just some area of it?  I'd probably try heat, cold and massage before a muscle relaxer.


BTW, how old is Melissa?  I love that name.  ;D  I also have a cousin named Pam.  ;D  ;D  See, we're practically related.  :laugh:

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:laugh: yeah small world huh?

  Melissa is 17 and Pam is 12 ..


as far as the leg goes ...well it is on the outer thigh area spanning from 1/2 way to 3/4 the way up .it hurts when I press on it. it is a burning irritating pain.ya know I started out with a weird feeling in the bend of my leg..just wondering if it is wd.? both legs hurt me really bad last night..then today I was fine.. then now in the eve it has hit my left leg and it burns like a muscle inflamed or something..I dunno but it really bothers me that I don't have insurance to go and have it checked out.. I owe way too many doctors now..It is so frustrating ...other than that though I am fine.. funny ain't it how many sx's a body can have coming off the poison? kinda sick at my stomach too but not bad..

  gonna have to try and get some relief though so I can sleep tonight.. I do have heating pad and an ice pack.. hhhhmmm which one do I choose? I think I will try the heat first..

I just really hope this is wd....


Thanks for your quick reply Beeper...            :smitten:                  WS

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I was reading in the benzo guide that muslce pain is a common sx ..don't know if that is what I have or not..yeah it hurts but it also burns... I'vs had the gum pain and inflammation and the scalp hurting so maybe this is just another sx.. I sure hope so and that it will pass soon..
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I didn't get the burning sensation but I know Marnie and tropicalsoul got it big time.  And you're right, muscle aches and spasms are very common withdrawal symptoms.  Fingers crossed that you stop noticing it real soon.




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thanks a lot beeper... you are a lot of help.. I know it is muscle pain cause I tried to stretch the muscle and it hurt and was so tensed up... I rubbed  some floridas best on it for aches and pains and took a cal/mag... hubby said I did an awful lot of kicking in my sleep last night.. who knows I may have got something stirred up myself.. ;D


  have a good night Beeper.. I appreciate ya very much  ;)



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Hi Hon, I hope you are feeling better! I got some very sore spots on my legs, and then later one arm. They say benzo w/d can mimic fibre myalgia pain. Whew! Mine hurt like heck. White Hot pain!! Very tender to the touch!! There were also times when every old bone that I had broken in the past, began to hurt like it was freshly broken. It was very strange. It made me wonder if we ever truly do "forget pain". In a way I found it so interesting that it didn't scare me. ;)


You handling this all so well. Give a big "Howdy" to your "little wild souls" from me!!!


Love Ya, Gal! :smitten:



P.S. I'll try to find you some good tunes today! ;)



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  Hey thanks WW.. its really relieving to know that I am not the only one..yeah it hurts like h*** ..just my left leg .it felt like it was bruised and very sore to touch it.. I was kinda freaking out about it at first until I researched on here a bit..it only seems to happen at night though when I sit down and try to rest.it's starting up again unfortunately.

how long did your pain last if you don't mind me asking?..my pain sounds very much like yours ..

I don't wish that on anyone at all...I know you have been through hell and back as I have read a lot about you on your blog and other places on here.. You're one tough cookie thats for sure  ;)


thanks for sharing your experience with me.. you are always a big help to me..


    Love ya to WW  :smitten:                     

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hey buddies


just thought I would jump in here and wish everyone a Merry Christmas !





love ya'll                            WS

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Thanks for stopping in on Christmas Eve, Nola, and Merry Christmas to you!



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thanks so much beeper!


        we have a new year to look forward to also.. I loved the pic..wish I could do those.. :)


love and blessings                      WS

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