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Wild Soul, Running Free

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Hi Nola, I'm lucky here. There are a few natural food stores close by. I get a brand called "Organic Pastures" raw milk, but I've seen "Steve's" in all the big grocery stores, so ya never know. Hope you are doing FAB today!!! :thumbsup:
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  hey everyone...


  well Its been 3 days now into my last cut... I am starting to feel the effects of it unfortunately..even had one small panic attack today .I say small cause I didn't let it get outta hand..had a bad dizzy spell too..prob from blood pressure fluctuations...the past few mornings its been hard for me to get up and get going and my bp has been kinda on the low side.. until this evening and its been creeping on up there ..oh well I am staying positive and hanging in there..I know the worst is yet to come for me by tomorrow anyways ..I took a b-complex today for energy and even drank a glass of tea and that did it for me...waaaaaaaaayyy tooooooo much energy..I am still in overdrive here and been cleaning the house like a mad woman.. ;D kinda dizzy too ...

  just thought I would update a little ..think I am gonna take me some cayenne tincture as that always help me..


hey WW.. that is so great you can get the raw milk there...I live in TN and we have plenty of dairies around here but still can't get any raw milk..We have 2 health food stores here too.. we have plenty of fresh free roaming omega 3 eggs though. :laugh:  I bet raw milk is really good ..maybe I can do some searching and see if I can find some..

don't know about everywhere else but illness is going around here like madness. staph is now airborne and very bad too.. my youngest daughter is sick and still on antibiotics for sinusitis from Nov 3rd.. took her to doc yesterday and they now think she has allergies...prescribed her claritin and nasal spray for mornings and singulair for night and very hesitant on giving her any of it because of side effects..don't want her on meds.at all if I can help it.. anyways last night she started running fever of 102 ..so she missed school today also and will miss tomorrow as I have to take her back to the doctor in the morning.at 9:30am..she might have caught something there at the docs office for all I know ! and we gotta go back tomorrow ? I sure hope I don't catch anything..everyone in the house has been sick but me so far...(knock on wood) .I just have w/d's ...

    She is still running a constant fever of 102 and feeling weak and run down.. I don't know what this is but I wish it would let up ..a lot of people I know of that has been sick is still sick and can't get rid of it and the fact that staph is now airborne scares me to no end because of my child in school and me having to go to other peoples houses all the time.. and not to mention the stores....just lovely.  :o  ..with thanksgiving coming up and all it is gonna spread like wildfire with everyone out and about doing their shopping.. I carry my hand sanitizer with me and use it constantly ..I think I will be a germaphobic before its all over with ..but maybe I will be alive.. :laugh: reminds me of Howie Mandel of the deal or no deal show..he doesn't shake peoples hands he's so much of a germaphobic.. at least I ain't that bad yet.. ;D


        I sure hope I can just drop the other 1.25mg after a while and be free from benzos for good...

thanks for the bucket full of luck WW ... I need it.. and thanks Patty for the support .


and Cal all that healthy eating is much easier said than done when all you seem to have easy access to is bad for you.. motto.. I love all the bad stuff but try to keep it limited to weekends only and try to eat healthy during the week..



  oh well I have rambled on enough buddies...


                          peace and love to ya..                              Nola

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Hi, Nola,


I know you can drop the other half.  I have all the faith that you can do this.  Look what you have done so far....awesome job.


Patty  xo

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    aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh Patty  :smitten: ..thanks so much for the encouragement..

I am feeling ok as a matter of fact...I am doing this.. :yippee:

  I might have to wait a bit before I make that final drop but I know I can do it..gonna wait till my body says I am ready and calmed down a bit... but right now ....... I am beginning to feel more normal than I have felt in a long time..if that is possible..hard to say if I will ever be so called normal but I really feel a whole lot better than I have since tolerence with the benzos..Still having a lot of brain farts as I call em. :laugh:

and my memory is still not what it should be .though I do have times that it is sharper than I remember..

only good things to come for me no doubt.  :)

how are you? are you ok now?


thanks bunches Miss Patty..    love and hugs to ya!                              Nola


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oops the cut was way too much for me... staying at 2.5mg minus 10ml for a week then cut some more off of that.... had a real bad day yesterday.

thought my head was gonna pop off my shoulders... ended up taking a blood pressure pill and a 2.5mg diazepam yesterday to get me calmed down.I couldn't even got up off the couch because I was so dizzy..

I really had high hopes for this cut.. :(  ...its just a setback for me .. I will make it through... it will just take me a little longer that's all.  :)  doing better today but it has not been without sx's but at least they are bearable..


thanks buddies..                                                Nola

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Just a glitch, Nola.  That's all.

I am doing amazing with only a couple of minor symptoms (continued mucous production, occasional mild anxiety in am and decreased energy at times).  Nothing to even speak about though.  Can't wait to see you there, too.  I always read your posts but have not been too active posting.  Have to keep up with my friends here on the forum.  Hugs to you.


Patty  xo

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    Well thanks Patty ..someone needs to keep up with me.. LOL  :laugh:

Thats really good you are doing so well.. I can't wait till I am there myself..this taper thing is going so slow and since I am getting closer I really am getting impatient ...I know ,I know .. not a good thing to do...

Congrats on your success Patty !  ;) I am so  proud of you and everyone else that can get off of benzos...


  hugs back at ya Miss Patty  :hug:    :oXo:

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              I just got to tell ya'all what dang mistake I have made !  I had been used to quartering up a 10mg valium right?

well I got me some 5mgs now..Well the past few days I have been taking quarters of a 5mg daily ..Well now!! after about 3 days on HALF the dose I was taking.... it kicked in!..I am in very uncomfortable withdrawel needless to say!..I am talking bout me wearing a blue bahama T-shirt that has red letter sayings on it ..and the red letters are flashing out at me!!and anxiety is through the roof!...my heart has been palpitating and my left big toe is burning like fire and throbbing too!... man these withdrawels really suck... No wonder I haven't got much rest these past couple of nights.... blood pressure was up too..I started to feel numb all over too! not a good feeling at all..everything just got worse as the day progressed !way too much for me to handle at this time as I have enough stress with my teenage daughter trying to gain her independence and grow up...

  I am ok now as I took an additional dose to get me up to what I was taking....I actually feel quite calm now..a well needed feeling for me too...  :) ....Even though I read about other peoples experiences with withdrawel ... its so much different and real when I have to go through it...I really sympathize with those going through the worst withdrawel as I got a taste of it tonight...

  It definately will take a strong person down..I am so glad I had enough sense to catch it and get back on track .  :)    as my mind has not been co-operating at all ...at least I did not let it escalade into full blown anxiety and for that I am proud of  :)  I will just have to take it slow and easy.

    I am almost to the end of my taper ..... and then again so far away from total healing.... I hate being in between  and being impatient  is one of my flaws for sure....

    Thanks to this forum and all the knowledge I have gained ..I was then able to recognize what was going on and correct it...... thanks to all the buddies that have posted  about their withdrawel so we uneducated folks could then get educated about what was going on with our bodies and not freak out about it ! ;)




          many thanks for all the moderaters and buddies who totally understand what an average day for us can possibly be  :hug:  :smitten:








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  It definately will take a strong person down..I am so glad I had enough sense to catch it and get back on track .  :)    as my mind has not been co-operating at all ...at least I did not let it escalade into full blown anxiety and for that I am proud of  :)   I will just have to take it slow and easy.

     I am almost to the end of my taper ..... and then again so far away from total healing.... I hate being in between  and being impatient  is one of my flaws for sure....

    Thanks to this forum and all the knowledge I have gained ..I was then able to recognize what was going on and correct it...... thanks to all the buddies that have posted  about their withdrawel so we uneducated folks could then get educated about what was going on with our bodies and not freak out about it ! ;)




          many thanks for all the moderaters and buddies who totally understand what an average day for us can possibly be  :hug:   :smitten:




You SHOULD be proud of yourself, Nola.  Many people just freak out about a mistake in dose; you figured out what was going on and fixed the problem.  Give yourself a big pat on the back.  :thumbsup:


Here's a little Thanksgiving humor for you:




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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  THANKS Beeper...  I needed that....

  yeah I am ok now ..just had to start back on the 2.5mg to get a little stable then go ahead and start cutting by 10ml every week or two and see how it goes...



  hope you had a good Thanksgiving ... ours with the family was good.. my dinner is gonna be Saturday..

I gotta lot a cooking ahead of me.. gonna have 17 items on the menu and I had to print it out so I won't forget  :)  ...  there are a few friends gonna be here and my neighbors...I love to cook but sometimes it can be so stressful when you gotta to do it all..well I don't have to do it all ..I choose too as I am a perfectionist when it comes to my food and like it to taste as good as possible  ;D  ... I know ,I know I am ridiculous.. :D

oh well it all works out for the best though...


                  Thanks a lot.. many hugs to ya !



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Hi Nola, I just wanted to tell you that the Raw Milk really was the ticket for me. I ran out, and I tried regular but it just doesn't do what the Raw does for me. I haven't really slept in 3 nights, .......no Raw milk.. :-\.....I had forgotten what that was like, because I would just be suckin' on my Raw Stuff all day and sleep like a baby all night! It was really helping with so much, like my eyes, and sun sensitivity. I'm going to get some tomorrow. I'll see if it makes a difference again. I know the natural healing foods interest you, so I'll tell you how it goes. You know, maybe they can special D some to your neck a the woods!  :yippee:




Love your, wild soul! Nola!!!!:smitten:

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  Hey Thanks WW...


  yeah maybe they would deliver...that would be great ...haven't had time to check into it further around here.

been so busy with thanksgiving and getting all the christmas stuff out ...just been busy ,,busy ,busy.... :)

  that raw milk must be much  richer in Vit D ..what do you think? I know store bought milk has been Vit D fortified..or that is to my understanding.. I bet it is just delicious too..


  I am glad that it is helping you WW..that is just fantastic... it all goes back to the simple things..huh? ;)

I am really into the natural healing stuff you are right about that..as I know it works.when I was a young child and got sick ..my mother used to treat me with herbs and plasters and such and it worked.she only did that when we didn't have insurance to go to the doc..but if we had insurance it was off to the doc to get that ole shot !! ..yikes..

  I would rather take the herbs anyday  :laugh:


  appreciate the update info WW.  :thumbsup:  :smitten:


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  Bad Day for me .. >:(  :pokey:  :crazy:  :tickedoff:  .....  chest tightness,heart is pounding, hands are cold,

mind racing ,feeling like crap today.. not a good day at all.. maybe those few days when I took half my dose are coming back to haunt me now? I have cut 10ml off of 2.5mg ..been on that since Sunday...

don't mean to be so negative today ..just feel like total crap.. and pms is kicking in on top of it all.. joy.


:oXo:  :brickwall:       

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  Well throughout the day I got to feeling much better... I think I was feeling so bad due to morning dose..

and paradoxial reaction..I like I will live..lol :laugh:.. just had to whine a bit though..hadn't done it in a while.. ;)

oh yeah ... just thought I would mention a new symptom I had for about a week ..it was the tips of my fingers would feel sore as if they were burning.. I know its probably benzo related and not from me typing so much :D

Its now faded away and I am relieved of that... I still have the tingling in my feet sometimes though and kinda wonder about that one as it is usually brought on by food or possiby a reaction to something in the food or maybe the sugar in it... I have eat really bad the past week and really gotta straighten up my act here..oh yeah and the feeling of being pricked in my  face doesn't feel pleasant either...just though I would mention it in case anyone else is going through the same thing..Its about time for my second dose today and  since I am currently feeling good at the moment.. I kinda don't wanna take it but I know I have to darn it.. ::)

  My oldest daughter went out with a friend tonight and I won't rest till she is home safe and sound ..I know,I know.. I am plum awful ain't I ? I can't help but worry bout her though ..don't know what I am gonna do when she turns 18 and goes off to college... cry I guess. :'(  but at least I will be benzo free... :yippee: 

I am rattling on again.. good thing I took typing in school huh? it would take me forever to say all this stuff if I didn't ..


oh well love ya buddies...                                  Nola

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Hi my Nola, yes the burning can be a withdrawal s/x .......can you believe another one!!  I did the same thing you did when I first got it. I thought it was something I ate. It just "felt" like a reaction, and it did seem to get worse after I ate. Almost like a blood sugar response. But it turned out to be just withdrawals. The burning comes and goes. Sometimes it feels like fuzzy tingling. STIMULATIN' isn't it! :D


You sound so good, woman. I think you are doing great! Hope your daughter behaves herself too, and you get some sleep! Take care, W.W. :smitten:

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Hi, Nola,


I had burning of the feet and fingers during my w/d's.  Just part of the process.  My extremities also turned purple.  You are doing a great job.


Patty  xo

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Hey Miss Patty


    the tingling in my feet comes and goes but right now my appeitite is way outta control and that scares me as I have way too much food around here to get into  :D .. ;) ..I already feel like  a bloated pig of gluttony thanks to the holiday dinner and leftovers...I sure will be glad when appetitie calms down a bit...

  I was reading some on your blog last night about your experience too..a lot of scary symptoms I know...its easier when you know what you are dealing with though..no purple extremities here yet ..yikes! don't want that symptom :o  right side of head n face have been somewhat numb and that is at the least annoying ..being going on since my last cut on Sunday..


oh well thanks for chiming in Patty.. it lets me know your still out there  ;)


hugs to ya... Nola


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just dropped in to say a big HOWDY!  ;)  I am making it ok I guess.. been really busy round here so I haven't got to read or post as much on the forum ...still have everyone in my thoughts and prayers though  ;)  ;D



big hugs                  Nola

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  Hey there buddies.. I am now ready to change my name on here to " Wild SOUL" .thanks to WW..she inspired me by saying that I was a wild soul a couple of times..I take it as a compliment  :)

  ..and my saying now is        "a wild soul will find a way to be free "        that is so true and that is totally me.. nothing can hold me down anymore,I am independant and depend on noone and never have..just like a wild horse running through the open field all alone..that is me !..don't try to hold me back as I will break free from whatever is in my way..Its been a long journey to nowhere it seems at times but I know I have a destination and that what is most important ...


  getting off benzos will free my wild soul for good.. ;)


Love,Peace and hugs to all                                            Nola ("WILD SOUL")



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I love your new name, Nola, and avatar.  It does seem to represent the Nola we've come to know.  ;D  Do you want  to change the name of this thread from "Hello from xanax-slave" to ...?  I believe an admin can change your user name as well if you want.


Do you have your Christmas decorations up yet?  How about the shopping?  I haven't done either but tell myself there's still time.  ::)

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Keep It Wild!!!





..and free! :smitten:..Beautiful Wild Soul! :smitten: :smitten:

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Hello Beeper..


    Yes I would like to change my name..I  think it is about time..if someone could do that for me I would deeply appreciate it...

  Yes I have got up my tree and some christmas decorations...I gotta have that tree up if nothing else.. ;)

kids don't care either way...lol that just ain't right..noone in the spirit round here but me  :laugh:

still got a lot of shopping to do though :) am at wits end trying to figure out what to buy for everyone as they ain't telling me what they want or just saying I don't want anything at all... I'm like um ok..well you better tell me or you might get something you don't want  :D ..lol  I've made it clear what I want but if I get nothing at all I will still be happy because Christmas is so much more than getting gifts.  :)

Going to a Christmas parade this weekend and a play at the church also..looking forward to that...


Well gotta go to work...                      love and hugs to all  buddies..


                                                  thanks Beeper                              Nola (wild soul)


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