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Strange Patterns we might have noticed In Withdrawal.


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Hi, have been noticing strange patterns while going through withdrawal. Feel free to share your experience with patterns you’ve noticed in your withdrawal as well.

1: the biggest thing that I have noticed is that Wednesdays are the worse for me. This has remained consistent the whole entire time I have been going through withdrawal. I can’t tell how many times I asked my parents if can stay home on those days. 

2: I know it is very hard to describe certain sensations people feel when going through Benzo withdrawal. But, for some reason I get alternating sensations every other day.

The first sensation is probably what we all feel when we go through withdrawal. Some people describe as a sand storm or little ants running around in the screen. Anything that has do with feeling like there is something under your skin. I not really sure what is happening to my nerves when it does this?

The second sensation feels like there is a hot liquid underneath my skin. There are certain days where It feels like I am sitting on acid. I don’t think I have heard anyone describe this sensation before?

3: I am pretty sure a lot of people have noticed that their symptoms get more mild at night. This really weird because, there are certain nights where I feel almost symptom free. Does anyone have a clue why this happened ?


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Hi, sorry i'm not very knowledgeable on all of this, but im pretty sure that at night your cortisol(stresshormone) levels are at its lowest, and other chemicals are produced by the body to create a more relaxed state of mind. If anyone could expand on this i'd be interested.

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