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Big pharma lawsuit anyone?


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Has there been a lawsuit filed against these evil pharma companies for the harm they've done and continue to do to unsuspecting patients? Any discussion in congress about the damage these drugs are causing?

If there has already been a lawsuit that u know of please direct me to information about it. 

If there hasn't been one, why not?

If not, I think it's time that the millions of unsuspecting patients who are injured daily by these greedy wicked pharma companies sign up to sue them without delay!

Not specifically for money, but to stop them from harming one more innocent person. Yes and to pay our medical bills, develop some kind of antagonist drug to counter the effects of the benzos themselves.

Yes it would be another drug, but they can develop something to help the millions suffering damage from their greedy little hands without a care of the consequences to millions.

Like an anti venom from a viscious deadly snake bite.

They have the knowledge,  they probably already have it!

When I started taking lorazapam I had no idea that i would be disabled from a medication. And if i try to go off of it, it keeps its evil claws around your neck to keep taking it or you suffer more or perhaps you could die!

I didn't have the kind of anxiety I have now. My doctor didn't know these drugs caused damaged,  he might have know these pills were addictive but not chemical dependency that causes the patient harm. 

I haven't researched any if this, but I know if they had developed something to counter the effects of these drugs I think we would know.

It's time for a petition, an attorney and a lawsuit!

Your thoughts please 


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This is ridiculous!

You know,  it's seems to me that with the millions suffering from the affects of benzos withdrawl there would be a better way to go about this. Just in the USA alone there are millions suffering from these drugs.

I am going to continue to look into this, possibly into a different route than the Coalition is going. I realize they have done much research and work on behalf of injures patients.  Individuals can sue, Individuals can be millions on a class action suit, but we want to ask for a remedy, such as a new drug to assist patients in discontinuing these drugs without such suffering, such as a long lasting antagonist, also damages for medical expenses. This avenue would be a different approach than the Coalition and Individuals have taken. If your in the USA and are interested in getting involved in a class action of this kind please let me know.


Below are links to the benzodiazepines coalition on how to report harm and sad results from a Supreme Court case in the USA. 

Class Actions, Lawsuits and Reporting Harm  - Benzodiazepine Information Coalition

FDA REPORTING PROGRAM - Benzodiazepine Information Coalition


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My frustrations over this issue have overtaken me. I became so angry at the drug companies that I made myself sick! 

I don't have it in me to take on such a project as important as it is.  The old me came out to take on the world. Impossible! At least for now. 

I read so many posts and comments on this site regarding this issue, that it consumed me for  couple days. 

Vengeance is not mine to repay!

Vengeance belongs to the lord, he will repay!

They will get what is due them in good time.

I do hope someone who is well and feels led to take up such an undertaking will respond to the cries of millions in this necessary cause.

I apologize for my quick to reaction response to this issue.



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I agree Justice would be great. Many of us or to sick to seek it. There have been attempts before. Many lawyers wouldn’t take the case because even if they think you are in the right they likelihood of winning is small. People who had made it to court anyway have been ridiculed on the stand as crazy. Your medication history is used against you to a judge or jury that think the fact you taken this medication alone proves your not as stable as the doctor sent to testifying against against you. 
I had a doctor that treated me, he was called into court for these cases to testify on the negative effects of drugs inn past cases. He quit treating people and went into research I think. I'm not sure. But I lost contact with him. 

One day this whole system will be ashes. But hopefully we all get what we are due, in this life or the next. It will not always be this way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I absolutely wish this would happen. So many barriers -- who pays for it? The costs would be staggering. Then the logistics -- these meds have been generics for so long, that the manufacturers are partly shielded from responsibility. But I hope...

There's a chance that lawsuits related to antidepressants/antipsychotics may come to pass. That has more of a class action chance than benzos, unfortunately.

I heard in a show the other day that the Sackler family was involved in marketing of valium. Guess that makes sense. Why would they stop at one addictive substance?

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