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Covid Setback


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@[Br...] - Certainly. This article does a pretty good job of summarizing the state of the state of understanding reinfection risks and subsequent exposure leading to LC risks. It also does a pretty good job of explaining the MoA for if/when someone manages to recover from LC, they may have a better outcome for future LC recovery. 


Also, while the article says that LC appears to not be "self-resolving," we have a number of cases of people 100% recovering from it. Even severe cases. What we don't yet know is how or why they recovered. We're still learning and hypothesizing.

We know some interventions that reduce risk of LC when infected. We know some treatments that help. I'm not sure this Benzo forum is a good place to start getting into publications about LC treatments, though. I shared the info on GABA (amino acid supplement) above, because I thought people here would find the symptom overlap with LC and the potential for GABA as a treatment and LC preventative interesting. 

I also thought it would be helpful for people who are experiencing something that feels like protracted withdrawal after years of no withdrawal symptoms - so they can get appropriate medical care for what might really be going on with them. Knowledge is power! 

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Thanks so much for all of your accounts, buddies….

@[...] a very interesting study of GABA, indeed…. I am hard pressed to justify any supplement addition right now, seeing as that was a huge issue for me over the past 3 years…. Supplement sensitivity. I even felt like I had a reaction to my daily b12 and vitamin d the other day, which I worked so hard to be able to take. My CNS is so overactive, I can feel it.

@[An...] I definitely agree with what you wrote… this is triggering a weakness in my makeup, but likely still covid dominant in terms of causation. My husband and two teen boys are also struggling with strange post infection symptoms and they’ve certainly never had a benzo!

@[Bu...] I appreciate the timeline you gave… timelines help me to process and accept. Whilst in it, it feels like a permanent setback, which has made way for much hopelessness this week. My eyes are swollen from crying, I’m praying, begging for relief from these symptoms.

@[Ka...] I needed to hear that affirmation… we will get through this.

I always go back to what I learnt here… radical acceptance: the only way out of this, is through it.


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@[Ma...] - Thanks for the thoughtful reply. And I totally hear you about supplement sensitivity. I have absolutely been there! 

But if I had to choose only one thing to help my overactive CNS, I think a pure essential amino acid would be among the safest things I'd consider. Especially since I know GABA calms my CNS and helps improve covid outcomes. 

Here's one more article on GABA that talks about it more from a medical risk/benefit perspective to consider: 

I guess my sensitivities also mean I would not choose any GABA supplement that is branded as PharmaGABA, because of the fermentation process they use during manufacturing. And I'd probably only choose a pure GABA powder, made by a manufacturer like NOW Foods, or the like. I also like the powder because I can take it in 1/32 teaspoon doses. 

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@[Ma...] - Yes, I am currently tapering and I take it when I am having withdrawal symptoms. It helps me with sleep, muscle stiffness, muscle tremors and especially the more classic tachy/anxiety symptoms. I am doing a step-wise taper and I find that it helps to even out the withdrawal during the steps. 

I bought little 1/32 microspoons on Amazon, and I put the gaba powder into smaller containers along with those spoons around the house. If I'm feeling a flare come on, I start with just 1/32 of a spoon and wait. Usually that's enough. Except for the 3AM insomnia. Then I take up to 1/8 teaspoon. 

Earlier in my taper, when I was experiencing a lot more parethesia in my feet, I took 1/8 teaspoon every 6-8 hours. 

It has helped a little bit with my food intolerances and the GI tremors, but only a little compared to another supplement I take, called BPC-157, which is especially helpful for both of those. If you do a search here on "BPC-157", you'll find some of the posts I've done about that. 

I wish I had known about it back in 2020 when I got covid. That's what got me on a high dose of benzos, and I think the whole thing could have been avoided if I had taken GABA powder instead. 

Hope this is at least a little bit helpful. <3

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Well, I’m on day 19.

breathing hurts  and is so laboured. Blood ox are within normal range. I thought I was turning a bit of a corner yesterday but today is hard again. The fatigue is still crippling. I’m forcing myself up and trying to do small tasks… it’s extremely difficult 😞 

begging, praying, hoping for an improvement. 

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Hi buddies, I had a couple of better day on days 23 & 24 but I am now suffering worse than in the beginning. I am having rushing electrical feeling through my legs, chills, anxiety, extreme nausea… i had steamed my face with a couple drops of tea tree oil yesterday and instantly felt off…. Could this be the culprit? Feels like a pretty awful setback, I’m losing hope

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All my problems started within a day of getting covid.  I had taken a large dose of valium and alcohol 2 weeks prior. I was taking valium only once every few months when this happened.  I still don't understand what happened to me except that it is horrific.  

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@[Si...] - This is exactly why our governments need to improve messaging about the risks of long COVID being greater than the risks of acute infection, now that we can treat acute infection. We can't treat the post-viral symptoms.

I hope everyone masks and/or rapid tests during this holiday season's get-togethers. Tell people to stay home if they are sick! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update… I developed bronchitis about 4 weeks after Covid, was prescribed albuterol puffer to help with breathing and it improved my breathing and I was able to enjoy Christmas… then a few days ago I believe I had a delayed reaction to the puffer, and my symptoms are intense and I’m terrified. I have the tell-tale symptoms that were always a part of my worst waves: tremors on my right side, morning dread, weeping, panic, nausea, cog fog,  and this intense feeling to gag, followed by repeated yawning (this is usually the canary in the mine for me, alerting of it being benzo related). It has been 5 weeks since I got sick with Covid… 39 months since I jumped… and over a year since having these symptoms. Devastated. 😢

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to pop back in to say that I’m getting relief, still having some uncomfortable lingering symptoms pop in and out (anxiety, air hunger, brain fog). Not sure when I will return to how I felt before COVID, which was about 90%, but wanted to document here that the entire ordeal lasted approximately 6 weeks. I will say that while I had covid I was unsure as to whether it was the virus or a benzo setback, but I am sure now that the past few weeks were most certainly a setback…. The symptoms were too unique to my withdrawal to be anything else.

Hope this helps someone… it passes 💕

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On 09/01/2024 at 00:05, [[M...] said:

Wanted to pop back in to say that I’m getting relief, still having some uncomfortable lingering symptoms pop in and out (anxiety, air hunger, brain fog). Not sure when I will return to how I felt before COVID, which was about 90%, but wanted to document here that the entire ordeal lasted approximately 6 weeks. I will say that while I had covid I was unsure as to whether it was the virus or a benzo setback, but I am sure now that the past few weeks were most certainly a setback…. The symptoms were too unique to my withdrawal to be anything else.

Hope this helps someone… it passes 💕

Hello Marwegs, 

I’m so glad you are finally feeling better. Do you know what might have caused your setback? 

The reason I’m asking is because i, too, am in a pretty bad setback myself. Terrible Air hunger, internal tremors, anxiety through the roof and akathisia. I’ve been symptomatic since December 18th when I had to rush out of my work with a panic attack. Then got home and the hell continued with the aforementioned symptoms. I believe mine was caused from nitrous oxide and doxycycline that I was given for a dental procedure a few days before. I haven’t been to work since. 

I’m still suffering quite a bit and these symptoms do mimic my withdrawal. My last benzo, like you, was almost three years ago.

thanks, LC

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On 06/12/2023 at 16:41, [[M...] said:

Any other accounts of recovering from COVID are so appreciated… anyone?

You will recover given time. I got my first covid in March 2020. I recovered mostly about 1.5 yrs later. Only that since omicron 2 yrs ago, I kept getting reinfected numerous times even im completely isolated from the entire world and every human. As long as you don't get it over and over again, you will recover 

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My advice, wait. I had a very bad setback due to Covid, and without knowing it due to a tick bite, so I tested positive for parasites.

I treat myself with supplements prescribed by a doctor for parasites and I am doing better.

From abstinence, completely recovered, I have a social life, I have returned to work, I enjoy life, with family and friends.

As for Covid and Lyme, some food intolerances. In fact, I got a bad flu again and in several days I recovered without feeling any mental symptoms again. Just like I was before abstinence, if I got the flu it was just that, a simple flu.

A hug for everyone.

P.S: Sometimes the fear generated by the uncertainty of something unknown is worse. The body recovers from everything again


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  • 2 weeks later...

How do you feel now? I got Covid two weeks ago and now my cough is getting stronger and stronger. Have no idea what to do with that. I am not able to study even and contacted essay writer in Canada already https://canadianwritings.com/ , cause i am feeling too weak to do something myself. The energy level is very close to zero at the moment.

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10 hours ago, [[e...] said:

How do you feel now? I got Covid two weeks ago and now my cough is getting stronger and stronger. Have no idea what to do with that

It has been just over 2 months since I tested positive for covid. 

Unfortunately, everything in my body is re-sensitized. For the past 3 weeks, I have felt days of being completely normal, and days that have been AWFUL, but only because I’ve reacted to supplements again (I say again because before COVID, everything, with the exception of magnesium, I could take most things). All the areas of withdrawal that were difficult for me before (anxiety, menstrual issues, air hunger) have returned. I’m pretty overwhelmed, but…. This is just going to take time.

I know I’ll return back to health in time.

If you have a worsening cough, I would urge you to see your doctor. And remember that long covid is not even considered before 3 months…. most recover quickly, and for some of us, the inflammation lingers. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

@[Ma...] how are you feeling? I’m so sorry you are experiencing a setback. I too have covid and I’m on day 9 and have an uptick in symptoms, I’m so nervous they will not pass 😭

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Hi @[Mo...] sorry I’m trying not to be on here much. I decided to move forward with the DNRS program. Months later I am still experiencing lots of symptoms and I now believe that this is my brain in a maladaptive state. Benzo initially injured me, then COVID triggered much of what took years for me to heal. I’ve replied to your private message. So sorry you’re struggling.

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