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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hi nightengale,


Glad you slept well. Wise decision not to go for a walk. I did, but my feet were killing me, so I regret doing it.

This afternoon the general pain is there again, big time! Ahhhg.


DBM,  wow, still your suffering continues too. I feel for you, man, a lot!


Hope your all have a better day.  :thumbsup:

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An awful night. Slept very light, couldn't relax at all,  felt nauseous,  became anxious, pain increasing. Why? Perhaps it was because I took a vitamin D3 yesterday. Now idea. Feeling like **** right now. Pray it will improve.


Hope you slept well.

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  Hope you all are improving.

Got sleep but maybe not in healthy

way. At work vertigo at 3 pm.

Something I used to get. Was severe

but lasted 5 min.

Took meclizine for it (prescribed).

Also GI issues past few days.

Drank much water.

Wide awake too much energy.

went for longish outdoor walk.

At home rested on sofa

Very little dinner (GI) rested on sofa

Suddenly out 8 pm to 1 am


Meclizine also is antihistamine and

used to make me drowsy.

Well no cloz taken  yahh!

But just a one off as I get used

to dr taper plan.

But at 1 am more vertigo.

What’s up ? More medicine.

Some food water try to rest.

Will have to resume long

slow taper plan. Just glad I slept

without cloz

Thanks for listening

Still recovering from vertigo .

In past related to inner ear.

Now think it’s CNS  needs healing.

Good luck all  Best wishes.






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Sorry TS your night was so bad.

Hope your day is better.

Hope you find things to keep

your mind off while you find healing.

I know how hard that is. TC

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Thanks, healthyme,


Wow,  you're up early. No good night for you as well? I do hope you get some quality sleep. Hope your Vertigo improves quickly. My mom had it, she could manage it with homeopathic meds. Does the Vertigo make you feel sick, having to vomit?


It's getting harder to remain hopeful,  now that walking has become so painful too. My feet are killing me. Almost every muscle in my body hurts. It's cold outside,  so going for a short spin on my bike probably wouldn't be a wise thing to do.  Cold and damp weather make it worse.

Doesn't feel like healing at all. Feels like things are getting worse.




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Good day everyone, I slept a few hours, but was awake the better part of the night. I found your comment interesting about healing, TS, as last night I thought, this is probably IT! I will never heal beyond what I am right now. I found it very discouraging and so it goes.  Perhaps my brain is permanently damaged from the almost 20 years of being on clonazepam and Ambien. I was willing to stop drinking alcohol hoping it would help heal my brain.  Maybe it helped not having alcohol, but I am guessing it did not. I never drank more than one glass of wine with dinner because it went to my head. I did drink champagne on the cruise last summer, so have not totally abstained in the three years after I began the taper and finished.

I'm down because I cannot walk with my painful knee. I'm hoping the pain will go away, so will hold out a while longer before going to the GP. 

Healthyme, I suffered from vertigo during my taper and after I finished, but it did finally go away.

Hang in there.




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Hi there,


Slept some 5,5 hours. Guess that's the new normal for me. No pain upon waking up. But it was there again soon after. No more sleep. No anxiety. But nausea came.

In doubt: am I going to hold for longer or start tapering again. Have to come to a decision.


Hope you slept well. Wishing you all a nice Sunday.

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I slept 7+ hours. It's always a good feeling when that happens. Nothing different except that yesterday, I ate like there was no tomorrow. Uff

TS I am sorry about your pain and nausea.  A hold is always a good thing. I did many of them to get me through. 


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Wow, nightengale,  7+ hours. That's great!  Maybe you found the key to good sleep...

BTW,  how's your knee?


The nausea was gone around 11 am. The pain was bearable today. All in all a much better day than yesterday.

Even went for a short walk this afternoon. The sun was out and it turned mild again.


Enjoy your day.

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TS that's great the nausea went away and the pain was bearable. A short walk sounds so nice, especially on a sunny day. 


I keep hoping I find the key to good sleep. It's out there somewhere, so I won't give up. 


My knee keeps improving ever so slowly. I try to ice it at least once or twice a day for 10 minutes or so. I'm not putting a lot of steps on it this weekend, so perhaps that helps. Friday I cleaned the entire house and stopped twice to both take a break and ice it briefly. Saturday it felt pretty okay, so that was also a plus after the three hour cleaning event.


Sleep well.

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Posted but now it’s gone

Did some error

Hard on tiny phone

Slept 10 p to 3 am

Also naps Sunday 3 hrs

I could not stay awake


Dislike 3 am wake up

That’s not normal.

Tried 1 Abilify.

Pushed hard by NP

due to my physical mental

symptoms. I thought it might

keep me up but not yet.

Just send me a prayer.

Have to pray meditate

to see if I stick with it.  Ty


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Slept some 6 hours. So, not bad. Now in much pain again. Going to have dry needling done next Friday. Hope that helps. Tendons and muscles feel like steel cables. Walking and standing painful and hard to do.



I see you started your spring cleaning. That's early.  ;) Glad you didn't get a physical reaction after all that work.

Glad to see your knee is improving. Hope it continues to do so.




Let us know how the Abilify goes. Hope it will work for you!

Hold on. Will pray for you.

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How awful.


Hope at least your day is better,


I felt sick right after lunch. Chestpain, palpitations, nausea. Felt like having a heartattack. Scared.

Worst is over now, but still feel like being hit by a truck. Tired, hot and cold, not well.


I just can't take a further tapering right now. Had to stop again. Probably have to stay on 3 mgs of Diazepam forever.


Benzos suck.




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Slept maybe 6 hours.

Did not reduce pm dose.

Woke at 3 am. NP doc

says don’t try any middle

of night doses.

Woke with very lower GI

pain. Getting slightly better.

Yesterday what helped anxiety

was progressive muscle

relaxation. Did mild yoga,

able to take walk.

Tried Abilify 1 day. Hated effects

of only 1 day, jumpy feeling,

headache, complete brain fog.

But strange was able to nap.

Just not sure yet. Life goes on.

Best wishes all.




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A 3.5-4 hour night.

Maybe tonight will be better.


TS, it wasn't spring cleaning. I cleaned before Christmas, but not since then except for some light stuff in the kitchen, bathrooms, and hardwood floors.


When I was still on clonazepam and Ambien, I kept feeling sicker and sicker with joint pain all over my body, racing heart,  dizzy spells (woke up in the night with the room spinning) followed by a trip to the ER. Another time I woke up with amnesia. My husband found me dressed and sitting in a chair in the living room with a cup of coffee, asking over and over what day it was.  The memory of that night and the next day are forever gone. It was like it never happened.

Each time the tests came back normal.  I knew that the drugs had to go. My sleep has gotten less and less over the years. I decided I would rather be med free and not sleeping than drugged and so my quest began. I am still trying to recover, but at least I don't have those chemicals coursing though my veins/body.

It is our own decisions that take us where we need to be. I wanted to be totally in control of what I did, not some doctor/person running the show. When I finished my taper I had a bottle of over 300 clonazepam because I kept refilling the script while I tapered, just in case I failed.  A week or so after I jumped, I unceremoniously filled the bottle of pills with dirt and water and tossed them in the trash.


Hang in there.





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Hi nightengale,


Great you were able to get off. This poison surely does crazy things to us. I will have to hold for a long time to get stable again, so the taper is going to take forever. But I have no other choice.


Had a good sleep! Remember laughing in my dream just before waking up. Slept some 5,5 hours.

Slowly the pain came, but not as bad as it has been lately.  No anxiety.

After getting up just after 7 o'clock nausea returned. And some dizziness as well. Hadn't had that for quite some time.

Both are getting less now.


Hope you slept well.

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Therapist said I try to escape

with sleep. I just think of sleep

as essential to survive.

My sleep was choppy and

I woke at 2 40 am and hated

that bc I started to get wide

awake and that means no

more sleep. But I drifted off

around 8 pm but really dozing.

Need sleep due to stress

Work today dr appt class on

coping skills. I have dx severe

anxiety. Brother hung up on me

Said ‘sick of hearing about it’

Sorry to depress anybody.

Started grief share e mails.

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Hey guys,

Just a heads up.

There is an app called Sleep Cycle which can accurately measure your quality of sleep.

It's really good! Try it!

Dave.  8)

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Hi healthyme,


Yes,  I take the full dose just before bedtime. It's 3 mgs of Diazepam. Helps me sleep some 5 hours. But never a refreshing sleep.


Sleep is very important. Especially when, like you, you have a job to do.


Next of kin leaving you is quite normal in benzo users. My brother -in- law stopped coming, he doesn't want to hear about the suffering I 'm going through. My sister can only tolerate a little bit of what I would want her to know.


There were some people in the long holding support group writing about grief yesterday. You might want to read those posts.


Hope your day is bearable. Hang in there. :thumbsup:



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Thanks, Dave. Going to have a look at it.

Are you still holding or did you start to taper again?

I 'm going to do a long hold. It's become quite hard to taper. Stuck at 3 Mgs of Diazepam.


Good luck.


PS. Had a look. It's an Apple app. My tablet is a Sony.  So not compatible.

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I slept between 4-5 hours. Got up and did some yoga around 5 and went back to sleep for another 30-45 mins.

I've decided to go in to see the GP concerning my sore knee, which is doing better, but then I'm not doing my 30 min walks anymore.

Also want to ask about my leg stiffness.


Healthyme, your therapist maybe has never suffered like you have.  We all need sleep to survive and function. I suppose in a way it is an escape, but then everyone who sleeps escapes. 

I learned not to tell friends and family about how I am doing. My husband, who has Alzheimers listens and constantly says, "uhuh," but he really isn't understanding what's going on. 

Does telling him make me feel better? I don't know. I do keep a journal about how things are going in my life. That does help. 


TS, I held for months at a time when things got bad.  You and only you know when you are ready to move on.

Sweet you recall laughing in your dream before waking up. Sorry about the nausea and dizziness. Thankfully it is getting less.

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