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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Slept from 11 pm. till 4 am. Woke up because of pain in my left thigh. Used the heated bag again. Did help, but the pain returned after an hour. Couldn't sleep on that side anymore. Anxiety came back. Got up at seven. Made  an appointment with my GP.  Want to have this checked.


Wishing you all sweet dreams.

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Disappointed that I slept maybe 10 30 p to 4 am.

Wake up  Wide awake. No sleepy time after awaking.

Don’t feel rested. Plus full dose taken

so may be in major tolerance w/d. Don’t know

how tapering will be if body this off now.

On reg dose. Good luck TS with your tests.

If I have to take something  better of with

seroquel 25 mg just what my brain thinks.


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I slept 4.5-5 hours straight, then awake for 2.5 hours. Finally dropped off to sleep again for an hour.  I'll take what I can get.

I wish everyone good sleep and peaceful days.


Trochsetter, I hope the GP can give you some answers to the pain.

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Hi nightengale,


Glad you slept. A good sleep can make life so much more pleasant.


I've been to see my GP.  He has made an appointment for me to see an orthopedic Dr.

To be continued...  :(


Have a symptom free day.

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Trochsetter, that's good news the GP is sending you on to the ortho doctor.  Please keep us informed if you want.


I got the sutures out of my head/scalp. Everything looked good and it is healing nicely.


Take care

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Hi nightengale,


Good to get them out. Good news everything looked good.


The results from the Lyme's tests came: no active Lyme's,  so no further action ( antibiotics).  They did a heart check too. It showed an abnormality. ( Brachycardia) . Will have further tests done. I read somewhere it's a possible side effect of Diazepam.


Slept some 5,5 hours. Woke up in pain again. Left thigh hurts a lot.  Feels like the bone is hurting.


Hope you slept well.

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about 6 hours

with small interruption

moving from sofa where I crashed to bed.

The body likes to conk on sofa by

Early 9 pm. By 10 pm bedtime.

But early wake up frustrating.

Not many people can understand.

Quit melatonin. It works some but

Headache is result. Ty


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Good morning all,

A night of zero sleep. Waves of pain in right foot, restless left leg, lots of anxiety.

Today I take the dog back to CSU for her neurology appointment. It's a 70 mile drive which I used to drive all of the time without a 2nd thought.

Our son drove us up there on Friday, but yesterday the university was closed for the holiday, so he needs to be back to work today.

I'm stressing over everything.



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Hello nightengale,


Zero hours of sleep. Wow,  how awful is that. My mom had restless legs, so I know how terrible that can be. Pain and anxiety are cruel partners as well.

I hope all goes well with your drive. And with the dog, of course.

" One hour of stress is worse than two pounds of salt " an uncle of mine used to say. He was so right.


Take care. Stay safe. :smitten::thumbsup:

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Trochsetter, I developed restless legs  after I was put on clonazepam and Ambien. Strange as the drug I was on is used to treat restless leg syndrome. RLS  went away after I finished my taper. I think what I had last night was more of muscle spasms, but in reality that is what restless leg is, I think.  I know what is going on now is not quite the same as the RLS I suffered through while on the drug.

I'm too tired to think atm.


I'm taking the dog back up at 5:30 am tomorrow. Check in is at 7:00. They want to rule out brain tumors. (Hopefully)


Thanks Healthyme for the good wishes for sleep. I can use them!


Trochsetter, I agree with your uncle's saying. 






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Hi nightengale,


Hope all goes well and your dog will be OK. More stress to an already stressfull time of your life.

That would be wonderful, it not being RLS again, but just a one off.

Have a safe trip.


Hi healthyme,


Thank you. Hope you sleep well too. We so need it.


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Slept some 5,5 hours. Woke up in pain again. Oh, how I hate this. Muscles getting more tight and soar every day. How long can this go on? Feeling quite desperate  and anxious at the moment. Luckely things still improve as the day goes on.


Going to see my psychologist for the second time this afternoon. Hopefully she's understanding and can offer me some relief.


Doubts about the benefits of my daily walk. Feet, muscles, hips, all feel worse every day. Perhaps some rest might be better.

Don't know what to do or think anymore.


Sleep well!




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I slept maybe 3 hours. Not sure if it was more, but doubt it.

Muscle spasms/pain in both legs along with worsening stiffening in both legs.

On the road to Ft. Collins at 5:30. All of the tests the dog had came back negative. MRI, Ultrasound, blood tests, and x-rays.

The blind eye could have been from a small stroke or a head injury, when she ran into the front door on Christmas day, as our son and his girl friend arrived.

I was glad for the good news. 


Tomorrow is a day of rest for me hopefully.


Peace and well being everyone



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Hi nightengale,


Glad your trip went fine. Happy to hear you got good news about your dog.


Sorry to read your legs are tightening. Mine too are getting worse by the day, really scary.


Hope you can enjoy a day of rest. You' ve earned it.


Slept some 6 hours, so, happy about that. Didn't wake up to pain. Now it's already back of course. Didn't go for a walk yesterday, because my feet are so soar. It may have helped a little. Having an x-ray taken this afternoon of my left knee, thigh and hip. Seeing the orthopedic Dr. after that. Anxious. Aghh.


Take care.



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You are in my prayers

Fell asleep at first last

night without med

but did take half melatonin

Later took med

Lots of sleep

I must have been tired

and didn’t know

Took a class last night

And did progressive muscle


It did relax. Must have slept 8 hr

But it’s a new day of challenges

Best wishes

TS May you have better days

NG. May you get good sleep

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Hello Healthyme.


Thank you!  You're in mine.


Glad you slept so well!  Wonderful news.

I did progressive muscle relaxation a lot last summer and fall. Most every evening before.

Got bored with it, but am going to pick it up again. There are some good ones on YouTube.


Every day is packed with challenges. Never an easier day.


Hope your day is fine.

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Went to the hospital to have x-rays taken of hip and thigh: no wear, nothing bad, but very tight muscles and tendons.

Going to have PT for that.

So my health anxious mind is set at ease for a while again...


Hoping for better times to come.


PS.  this Dr. was very benzo wise! Makes a change for once...doesn't it.

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Good morning/afternoon everyone,

TS, it seems we have some of the same symptoms with the knee and thigh. At the moment, I am not having hip issues, but did a couple of years ago.

I wish you the best in finding out what's going on with the x-rays.  I hope the You tube relaxation videos help.     


HealthyM that's great news you slept so very well last night! I must check out the progressive muscle relaxation videos.


I slept 4-5 hours last night. Was stressed about the dog, as during the evening, she was oddly stressed and could not stop running around. Finally picked her up and looked at her abdomen where they had shaved her for the ultrasound  and noticed there was a lot of irritation from the shaving, so slathered some Neosporin all over that area. We went to bed and she was calm the rest of the night and also this morning.


I'm trying to decide what to do about my stiff legs. It feels like I have peg legs when I walk. Not flesh and bone. Not sure if I want to deal with going to the GP.

My left knee is showing improvement since I stopped walking every day.


TS that is great news concerning the x-ray results! Going for PT sounds like a great idea. I'm impressed the doctor was benzo wise. Not many are!


Maybe I will see about getting some PT for my legs.





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Hi nightengale,


That's what I keep telling people, I feel like I'm walking with wooden legs, like walking on stilts.

This Dr. noticed the tight tendons right away, he suggested stretching exercises to help them get more supple. He tested my muscle strength,  which was OK "up and down"  but sideways not so. 

This young Dr. even knew about people having to reinstate after tapering off to fast. I didn't have to inform him, hé told me all this.


Hope your legs gets better.


Enjoy your day, if you can.

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Good morning,


Hope you slept well.


Mine was some 5,5 hours. Woke up without pain,  (second night in a row). But it came soon. Got up to do a bit of sitting in the livingroom,  heated bag on soar leg muscles,  back to bed, the sharp pain slowly went away. Could stay in bed until 8.

Not doing too bad at the moment.


Hoping for a better day for us all.

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Have a start to tapering plan with my dr

knowledge. I got concern right away about sleep.

I agreed as start no middle of night dosages.

I think I slept 5 to 6 hrs. But I may

stop tracking if I get obsessive.

No melatonin.  I think it adds to headache.

Not saying never but want to avoid if possible.

We ll see. I’ve become scared of these pills,

what they can do. But that won’t help.

I have to be brave. Best wishes.

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Hi healthyme,


Glad you sleep was OK.


You're right, we all have to be brave.

But we can do this, taking it " low and slow".


Stay strong.

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I slept around 6+ hours. Not too stressful of a night.

Got up and did some yoga.

Still no walking because of the sore knee.


Healthyme, that's good you have a tapering plan with your dr.

I wish you the best.


Trochsetter, glad you slept well and bed rest later helped with reducing the pain.



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