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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Was in light sleep must have been 5 am

Had dream a lady from history was in my dream

all of a sudden. She is well known and died

A of drug overdose. Scared and disturbed me


I blame the melatonin for the extra weird dreams .

No signif change in my medication use yet .

Gonna call a hotline to talk a bit.

Still have emotional turmoil  slight

Slow improvement. Ty


Melatonin causes me also to sometimes have really weird, disturbing dreams. :-(


*I only take 1 mg when I do take it. I do not take it regularly.

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5-6 hours. I feel somewhat tired this morning.

Turned up the heat to walk and put on my wool sox. I know, a big no, no, trochsetter so I've stopped wearing them at night. :) Waited in bed for 10 minutes for the room to warm up some and the leg/foot muscle spasms started.  Not sure what that's about as the sox are some old wool ones I bought at Costco half dozen years ago. They no longer sell them, so these are well worn and not tight.  Walking makes the spasms go away.


Healthyme, I agree with Trochsetter concerning the Ambien.




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DBM you did have a rough night. Do the sweats last a while or do they come and go? I have them in the night. I go from sweating to being cold.

I am sorry you were also revved up. That is always stressful.

Hang in there.


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It was really rough, NightenG. When I do get them, sweats  act up before bed, not really during the night lately. It’s always leg sweats too.  I knew it would be a bad night because of the sweats and revved feeling when I was on the couch before bed. I don’t get it as much as I used to, but last night was one of the bad nights.  Early in my wd I’d sweat and freeze all night with anxiety. This is so crazy I could almost laugh as I’m writing it. We’re literally being tortured! I hope you’re feeling better.
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Hello everyone,


DBM,  so sorry to see you had a bad night again. I do hope you slept better this night. It's almost 10 am. where I live, and you're probably still in bed. Those symptoms you're having are awful. Keep hoping for better nights!


Nightengale,  no more socks in bed for you, I'd say. Walking a bit does help me too. It makes the pain in my thigh muscles get better a bit. Hope you slept well.


You both sweat a lot, I 'm cold  a lot.


I had a really good night! Slept from 10.45 pm. until 5.45 am. Wow, hard to believe. ( just one bathroom visit).  Got up,  drank a glass of warm water,  went back to back and was able to stay there without much pain or anxiety until 7.45 am. What a night! Not even tired when I got up to have a shower. Actually felt fine. Great end to a otherwise bad, bad year.


Hope you all have a pain free last day of the year. May we all have a wave free 2020.  :smitten::thumbsup:

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Congratulations Trochsetter on a wonderful night of restful sleep.  A perfect way to put 2019 behind you. You deserve many more nights like that!


My night was typical in that I went right to sleep, woke up 1.5 hours later, went back to sleep for another two hours and then tossed and turned after that.

Yes, the socks have to go no matter how cold my feet are. I just stay in my warm place.

My heat waves at night are usually don't last long and then I have to pull another blanket up to stay warm.  DMB's seem to happen during the day/evening, which mine never do. I always dress warmly so I'm not feeling cold.


Well, everyone, let's put 2019 behind us and move on. I'm ready!


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Good for you, Trochsetter! You’ve been getting some good breaks lately. Hope they become more and more.


Sorry you had a bad one, NightenG. I had 6 hours of vivid dreams. Racing mind made me get out of bed and try the couch for a while, then back to bed. Fatigue upon waking, but not the worst.

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Had the most awful night. Hardly any sleep,  belly pain,  nausea.  Still in a mess. Nothing works.

What a way to start the new year...  :'(


Hope you're all doing better.

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Was posting and my time ran out

Had ok night for me about 5.5 hrs sleep

Took normal dose at bedtime

with melatonin

But woke by 3 45 am

And did bad habit and took

extra K

Did not exceed MD order

But it did not add more sleep

Was in shallow dream state

a while. This habit I need to quit

Disappointed in myself bc I

had reduced dose cloz yesterday



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Thanks healthyme,


So glad to see you had a better night!


Taking extra meds after waking up never did anything for me. Only made me feel more sleepy after I got up.

So I stopped doing that.


You're right: we all need perseverance and confidence. :thumbsup:

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A bunch of chocolate and cookies last night led to revved symptoms. Horrible night with vivid nightmares. Very bad day today. NO MORE sugar for me starting tomorrow! That’s it!
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Hi, slept from 11 pm. until 3 am. Felt a bit nauseous. Bathroom visit. Slept until 4. No more sleep after that. Not much pain,  thankfully,

Started to get more and more nervous about my visit to the Dr. this afternoon. ( bowel issue). Got up at seven.


DBM,  you're right about the sugar and chocolate. Nor gluten, lactose and many other things in my case ( terrible IBS).  Resulting in a very restricted diet.


Hope you all slept well last night. Waiting for better times to come soon.

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Was typing and my message disappeared

Slept 10 30 ish to 3 am

Did not take any extra med at 3 am

Still went into awake dream state

for a time until 5 am

Have to work today.

Took less cloz in past 24 hrs

as a result. Will see what happens

Did not start Abilify yet

Afraid of worse symptoms

I am struggling with anxiety

depression problem but

Will med really help it?

It did not before . Tyfl

Happy new year all.

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Hi healthyme,


Glad you slept.


Good luck with your work today. Wow, I couldn't do that right now! Respect!


Does seeing a therapist help you? Is the change to taking your meds  3 times helpfull? 

I see a psychologist once a week. (CBT).  Not sure it helps so far, but will keep going.



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Last night I slept for 8 plus hours. I woke up at 5 with a bad headache, so took 2 Tylenol and went back to sleep. Woke up at 6, got up and walked for 30 minutes then listened to a relaxation tape on You Tube.

I'll call this a window and hope for more to come in this new year.


DBM, I am sorry for the sweats, vibrations and racing mind. Broken sleep is awful, too.

Hang in there.


Trochsetter I hope your doctor visit went okay.  Hopefully you will sleep better tonight. Doctor visits always stress me out, no matter what I am there for.


Healthyme, you are struggling and still going to work. I admire that. Stay strong.

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Hello everyone,


DBM,  too bad your nights are still so fucked up. And bad nights are followed by bad days...it really sucks. Hopefully things improve soon.


Nightengale,  Congratulations! Wow, a good sleep and a window.  Hope it stays open for a long time.


The Dr. is a really kind and understanding person: he fully understood I felt anxious about the contrasting fluid. But he said it's completely harmless.  So I' ll now have my CT-scan done next Tuesday morning.

You're right: I was totally exhausted after I came home. Went to bed  for a while, but felt this weird head pressure again. So had to get up. Now it's settled down more or less. Almost time for supper. Most evenings I feel better afterwards. 


Hope you all have an OK day.



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Thanks, Trochsetter. Glad you got a good doctor.


I’m debating whether I should even try to sleep tonight.... Sick of these bad nights.

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Hello all,


I hope you slept well.


DBM,  maybe sleep will come when you least expect it, who knows, tonight might be a good one. People don't go to sleep, they fall asleep. (or not, of course...) Anyway,  keep hoping.

Yes, a good and concerning doctor is a real gem. Such a nice man. He is origanally from the Tsjech republic and speaks Dutch with a German accent. Quite charming.


Out of the blue I slept for 7 hours last night. Went to bed early, because I felt a toothache or ear pain coming on. Slept for 4 hours, Woke up to the call of nature around 2 am. and slept for another 3 hours. No pain at all this night. Hard to believe!

After getting up for a while for a glass of warm water and some walking around, I couldn't get comfortable anymore. Anxiety kicked in and my toothache returned, plus a nasty headache. After a shower, breakfast and some painkillers,  things are now settling down again. Went to see my dentist: he checked and took an x-ray: everything OK. Could be withdrawal.


I wish you all a good and refreshing sleep and a better day.



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