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Gut Issues with Anxiety


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I've been dealing with gut issues more when my anxiety elevates, and this a daily thing. My stomach area gets tight to the point where it affects my breathing, diaphragm area, ibs I have to go to the bathroom. And it is more intense when I'm outside at places like grocery store, shopping mall, any big box stores, driving. The process of going to my destination is the worst. Even more if I'm with someone else like my wife. Going to work. My home is kinda my safe zone. As soon as I get home all my symptoms goes away instantly. I know I'm conditioning my mind to do all this, but I'm trying to undo this and it is very hard to do it permanently. Theres some days it's less intense to non existent. But their's times it's back very hard. It can be very frustrating and exhausting 😪.
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Hey Mark,

Yes, I know how you feel. I had that for many years and through my taper and also learning other ways to heal the neural pathways in my brain I recovered a lot. I learned about curablehealth.com from another buddy here and it has given me so much knowledge and healing. There's an app for the phone and even though it's for chronic pain it can cross over for anxiety and mood issues. Dr. Schrubiner has a workbook I think it's called Unlearn Your Depression and Anxiety and I learned about him on the app. They recommend using the app 3 times a week, it has lots of podcasts and some exercises and meditations. It's all science based and created by doctors and other health professionals. Let me know if you check it out!


I had some bad stomach pain during my taper and took probiotics, still do, either it helped or the symptom just wasn't as bad as for some people.




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It is now known that the gut is our 'second brain' because the cells in it are similar to the ones in our central nervous system.  This article explains this somewhat new knowledge in medicine:




This explains why some of us have digestive systems and bowels that react so strongly to stress and anxiety.  It isn't surprising that you do fine when you are in your comfy home environment.  I have a sister who is terribly anxious and she has struggled with bowel issues her entire life.  She always has to know where the bathroom is in a public place because she may have to go NOW.  I hope understanding this will be somewhat helpful to you.

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