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Eye issues vision problems


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Great post. My vision problems so far, mind you they for the most part are gone, but they do come back to let me know I'm not recovered fully

Blurred Vision

Light sensitivity and things being too hard to look at. Example I'll watch a movie and the scene will move so fast to the next that I'll have to move my head somewhere else. It's almost like visual over load briefly

Seeing yellow spots randomly, floaters and these flashes of light which happen quickly and disappear just as fast

A feeling like a visual isn't moving when I'm moving. So I'll walk down a hallway and it feels like the sight of the doors and long stretch of hallway isn't keeping up with my movements.

Focus issues, my visual focus will be too locked on at times and I can't stop it.

Visual snow especially when waking up that goes away within a hour or so.

And lastly whenever I close my eyes I'll see flashes of light instead of a black back ground or a moving patterning.


Again most are gone but they do revisit me just not so intense.


Good luck to you and I wish you all a quick and speedy recovery

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I'm just updating from my previous comment on this post, in case my experience might be relevant to someone else. My eye problems have significantly improved since I managed (usually agoraphobic) to get myself to the local optamologist, eye doctor. It felt like I had glass in my eyes. She said I had Blepharitis. She gave me these wet wipes that  are dipped in a solution inclydingvteatree oil. I use them to clean my eyes twice a day. It has made such a great difference. My vision is clearer, the floaters are gone, the sense of having glass in my eyes is gone. I am even better able to tolerate light. The other great thing about the visit is that she didn't look at me sideways when I told her the photosensitivity was related to CNS dysfunction from medication harm. She absolutely validated this to my insurer and got them to fund a better pair of shaded glasses to reduce the light glare! I am so grateful to have something feel better :thumbsup:
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I thought I had blepharitis which is usually caused by bacteria. While waiting for my eye doc appointment, I found drops for the condition on Amazon.


My eye doc said that I did not have blepharitis but that it was fine to clean the edges of my eyes with the drops which she said had the same ingredients as the prescription drops but cost much less. She said she had not seen the OTC drops before, and she checked the label carefully before telling me it was fine to use them. She said my cost would be lower to buy from Amazon and that she would tell other patients about the new option.


The cleaner seems to sooth my eyes, so I still use it occasionally.


I hope it is okay to share the Amazon page in case anyone wants to try the eye lid cleaner or if anyone is buying it by prescription and would come out better buying them online.



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Thank you Lily Ann,

I just posted my taper-success story in the post for the Research that Cathal is doing in Ireland.  I read your story there too.  I could relate to a lot of it. It seems like we both got medicated for having had understandable physiological responses to (rape) trauma.  I'm so sorry for all that you have been through, and wish you well.  Sarah, NZ

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  • 1 month later...
I am 19,5 months out and have very bad vision distortion. Like things are slighty moving, also edges of things are vibrating. Another thing is, it is like i see the air. I cant explain it but like there is something in the air and i have to wach thru it.. it drives me crazy. I have it from day 1 all the time, but since my Dp Dr is better, my vision is worse i guess.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have had blurry vision for months.  I also eear glasses but it does not matter.  It has been pretty bad for a while now and i am 17 months off.  It went away for a few weeks a few months after my ct but has been on of my worst constant symptoms.



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  • 1 month later...
Wow I have been complaining about this to my family. Its like I see close up in one eye and further away in another. Has it got better for you. Hope your still on here.
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Sometimes I can't see out of my left eye.  I get the sparkles in it and then can't see.  It scares me.  Then it will clear.  I had double vision for 13 hours one time.  My left wouldn't move and it got "stuck" in the eye socket.
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It was one of my worst and scariest symptoms. I thought I was going blind. Thankful for this forum


1. Benzo's are anti-histminergenic so when we cut we experience a burst of allergy experiences. burning, itching, dry, red eyes, feels like glass or sand in them...yikes


2. benzo's relax the muscles responsible to focus or cause them to spasm when withdrawing. Makes focus a real headache


Thought I was going blind. Thankful for all yall expertise

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Over the last few days.  my vision has gotten much better.  More clear and focused but at times can still get blurry.  Things are changing for the better.



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Thanks.. how far into ct did vision stuff get better for u?



I am a week out from 18 months and my vision is finally getting better.  Some days good, some days bad but I do see improvement.



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  • 2 months later...
My vision problems include; dry eyes, blurry (but less often), palinopsia or afterimages of bright objects or light, light sensitivity, floaters from blood pressure issue, pain behind eyes, decreased vision quality in both eyes, starbursts around headlights and sun reflections on cars etc., visual snow aka sparkles or static like vision especially at night, contrast issues like people's faces being silhouettes in front of a bright window and decreased visual processing like obviously slower processing of movements and some tracers of lights.  It's all pretty awful and has been 8 months since the major onset, only improvement was light sensitivity got less sensitive.  Also dont see crisp edges of words like I used to.  Seems the optic nerve basically short circuited and lack of gaba receptors contributes to a lot of it.  It is most likely here to stay at this point, unfortunately those nerves don't repair once damaged.  They blurry vision people get usually improves, mine did but still comes and goes but also have more trouble focusing now, like it takes longer for my eyes to focus on car gauges then back to road.  Also get shaky lines around lights along with the halos and starbursts.  Think I got about every possible vision side effect from the poison I was prescribed.  The fact that a prescribed medicine did all this to me just pisses me off every minute of every day.
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Hi Jonna,


Hang in there.  I was getting better but recently got hit with some anxiety.  This caused my vision to get a bit blurry.  Got some brain fog again too.


This just sucks but I hold out for brighter days ahead.


Hoping you have much brighter days ahead also.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Following.. also started experiencing vision problems while on Ambien.. never had this sx before when previously on the med.. but hoping its med related and will get better.  When people start healing from this symptom, please let us know and give us hope!
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Hey guys I actually started this post so thought I'd should reply yes it gets better...mine was bad..blurred vision, sparkles, black dots. Dry dye..red lines in eye...everything vibrating like shit actually moving when it shouldn't be.  Then I went through a period where I could see but it was like being blind like I was a person. That could see but it felt like u were blind.  Honestly it probably lasted for like 8 months.  I was already concerned I would never be able to pass a driving test again cuz my vision. Just listen it does get better.
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Confused2020 -- if i'm reading your signature correctly --you were on Xanax for only a month and then you CT and started experiencing the vision issues after the CT -- and the vision issues lasted for 8 months before getting better?


Has anyone else on this thread experienced any improvement? Anyone try reinstating and seeing if that helped? 

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I've had my vision issues for 9 months and seems they're permanent at this point.  They morphed a little in the beginning as they all started and then settled with sensitivity,  flickering when waking in middle of night or morning,  starbursts,  floaters, bright reflections on water and off cars with starbursts, visual snow,  damaged visual processing, afterimages, dry eye, decreased vision quality.  Oh and yes the blurriness and inability to focus occurs but that's nothing compared to everything else.  Also contrast issues when in front of bright windows, etc.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Joe23, I can answer your question about any improvements.  I originally posted on this thread when it was first started, and like the OP, I had lots of issues with my eyes then, particularly my left eye.  Over the past couple of months, these all had completely resolved.  So much so that I almost forgot there had ever been a problem.


unfortunately, my left eye has flared up again, just as it was before, in the last couple of days which feels really disappointing as I have a sense of 'going backwards'.  But I kinda now this is most likely the result of my neurological system being under stress from other challenging circumstances, and that I also will probably need to attend to 'blepharitis' that is part of this condition, the way I did previously.  Keeping my eyes and lashes clean and wiped.


I did not reinstate at any time.  I have been benzo and all-meds-free since Jan 2020.

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I can totally relate to vision issues.  I have dealt with blurry vision for months with no relief.  When the wVes come so does the blurry vision.  In time it goes away like I never had any issue but will come back with stress and anxiety.  This is part for the course with this crap.  Over all, it is getting less and less frequent but as mentioned, with any waves, it  does flair up along with some brain fog.  Gets very discouraging. 


Got a physical last week and told my doctor about my benzo journey and his response was.  "It's not from benzos but it's me suffering more anxiety.  After a few weeks off, you are fine".


I then explained to him this is the reason I never mentioned my benzo journey in the first place.  I said unless you have been through it, you will never understand  what I am saying and told him to drop it.


Doctors can be smart in some ways but incredibly stupid in logical and common sense.


Anyway.  This journey takes most a long time  and much suffering must be endured before reaching the other side.  I am heading towards 22 months off and no MD is going to talk down the journey I have been through so far.  I don't care how many letters they have after their name.


You will heal but we are all so different that no two will have the same experiences or time-frame.  I hope you all find peace and encouragment your daily struggle until you reach victory.  And you will reach victory...


Have a wonderful  Labor Day.





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