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Hello, i just read from one of the FB benzo support group page that if you take or took benzo as needed or not on the same schedule time you will make your brain and body confused compared to those who took them on scheduled time?? I'm worried because i took mine as needed or no time schedule at all.


it's in my signature that i took .25mg X once a week or sometimes .25mg after 2 weeks. i only used it for 8 weeks with a grand total of 10 to 12mg X i believe. no prior benzo use.


i am almost 4 months off CT. should i reinstate and do proper taper or keep going thu it?

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If you are 4 months free do not reinstate. It will not help, and bc you took it "as needed" your body sounds like it didn't develop tolerance.


You're already in the process of healing and are not at risk of seizure anymore.  :thumbsup:


How are you feeling?

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Thank you trina :)


at almost 4months out i still have sx. my muscle twitches became less sometimes it's gone or unnoticeable. but brain fog and racing thoughts i believe took over and became worst .anxiety here and there i still have agoraphobia but some days are less. I'm a little bit worried because most i read from fellow Cold turkeyed warrior that they i have much worst sx during 5 - 8 months process :'(

i feel confused some times as well. is that part of Derealization sx?

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Our poor brains have to function AND heal...no wonder we feel anxious or get confused and have a hard time processing stuff sometimes.

I am now in my 5th month so I get it.

I was a rapid taper but was in tolerance for a year (didn't know it at the time.. :(  )


So I'm still on the journey. We get to take turns encouraging each other in this process here. Others have healed and we can too - it just takes longer than we want it to for sure.


Hang on!!

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I agree that you should keep going.  Don't compare your timeline with other peoples'.  Everybody gets thru this a bit differently. 


I c/t'd and my worst months were 1-3.  I was doing a lot better by months 6-8.

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