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Falling out of an airplane feeling

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I am sitting here on my computer and it feels like I am literally falling out of an airplane.  My thoughts are spiraling out of control.  I can't distract from what my brain and body are doing.  How are you supposed to get through this when you can't distract at all?



You really do manage to get yourself into a state, you need to chill out a bit. I’ve seen you on here for months now and in all that time nothing bad as ever happened to you, you are in fear, I know you can’t help it but as long as you recognise that it’s just fear and withdrawals, you might be able to move on just a bit. You must have friends you could confide in, either online or in the real world. I do hope that eventually you find some sort of help and peace with it all. It really does hurt me to see that you are hurting so much.


God bless you and peace be with you...eventually!


Banana Man.




You really do manage to get yourself into a state, you need to chill out a bit. I’ve seen you on here for months now and in all that time nothing bad as ever happened to you, you are in fear, I know you can’t help it but as long as you recognise that it’s just fear and withdrawals, you might be able to move on just a bit. You must have friends you could confide in, either online or in the real world. I do hope that eventually you find some sort of help and peace with it all. It really does hurt me to see that you are hurting so much.


God bless you and peace be with you...eventually!


Banana Man.


Have you experienced what I am experiencing before?  I have no control over my mind and body.  I don't CHOOSE to be like this.  When you are in extreme withdrawal for a year straight with no relief whatsoever how do you keep calm?  You can't.  I'm being tortured alive by my own brain.


I don’t know if I’ve experienced what you have. I have had some crap through the course of my life and benzo withdrawals trumps everything.

I fully understand that you are hurting so much and really wish I could help you, I find it quite upsetting to see that you are at your absolute whits end. All I can do is sympathise and try to support you by writing a few words to let you know that others do care even though all your posts are not answered. I realise your hurt is worse than anybody else’s. I really wouldn’t like to suggest a course of action for you, only you know what to do. You will eventually find your way out, deep within yourself is your answer, you will find it and be able to work on it.




You really do manage to get yourself into a state, you need to chill out a bit. I’ve seen you on here for months now and in all that time nothing bad as ever happened to you, you are in fear, I know you can’t help it but as long as you recognise that it’s just fear and withdrawals, you might be able to move on just a bit. You must have friends you could confide in, either online or in the real world. I do hope that eventually you find some sort of help and peace with it all. It really does hurt me to see that you are hurting so much.


God bless you and peace be with you...eventually!


Banana Man.


Have you experienced what I am experiencing before?  I have no control over my mind and body.  I don't CHOOSE to be like this.  When you are in extreme withdrawal for a year straight with no relief whatsoever how do you keep calm?  You can't.  I'm being tortured alive by my own brain.


I'm sorry people are telling you to "chill out" like that is the easiest thing to do in the world.

We can't chill out. Our central nervous systems are fried and the mechanism in which we use to calm down (our GABA receptors) are also fried. I'm sorry people are telling you that you are bringing this on yourself. You're not.

I wish I could offer more support.

I can tell you I have been in that place. I felt like I was half in and half out. Im sure I will be back in that place sometime over the next part of this taper. All I can tell you is to hold on. Literally hold on. Distract yourself. Not by tv or radio, reading but counting. Computers are too stimulating at times. Have you tried to count? Organize?

I will shut off everything and try and focus on a single task. Take marbles out or soda cans. I will count them as I rock back and forth. It helps a bit. When my brain is racing and won't stop, I try and give it something simple/basic to do. Line up the toilet paper rolls with the labels out. It just gives you something, anything to do. Our brains are just trying to sort everything out right now.

Thank you. I'm glad someone somewhat understands how I am feeling. I honestly do everything in my power to distract. There's always a part of me that said you can't distract. My thoughts are so overpowering. Being hyperaware of them makes this so much worse. Feels like someone is screaming in my ear 24/7. It never stops. The looping thoughts and the feeling like my brain is stuck on one thing is horrendous. Im trying everything in my power to distract from them but it feels like nothing exists outside of my brain.  Lord please help me

perth, I can identify with what you feel. Having such intense symptoms is truly scary. Part of your mind is sort of logical - you know this comes from your brain, right? But you also know that you have NO control over this weird stuff.

I went through the same damn thing. Maybe my symptoms were slightly different, but that doesn't matter. That feeling of not being able to control this stuff is intensely frightening. You feel like a hostage to benzos. And your mind says "this is real, and you have gone insane" over and over. But on BB people tell you its "just benzo withdrawal." Who do you believe?

Because I too, went through a truly bad wd, I do know how people like us respond to this stuff.

I can tell you a hundred times you will heal, but a part of you will think "hell no, I am too far gone and eastcoast is just a bullshitter." Well, I am not a bullshitter, but your mind will wonder about this...and you wont know I am right until you DO start to heal!


All I can tell you is to keep going, and do all the traditional things BB tells you might help, but add your own touches to that.


Listen to me. I just re-read this post and my heart aches for you. I went through an equally bad wd. Its torture 24/7. NO relief. Those horrid thoughts, the fear, the terror, it just wont let you be. You have no choice but to keep on going.

Please do. The world NEEDS you, perth. You have something important to do once you heal, although right now you don't know what that could be. Its plain to me that you are highly intelligent, a person with feelings and a person who can love. Let that inner person slowly come back to you....we need people like you.




I couldn’t of been more sympathetic, here in England to chill out means to try and be at rest and peace within. (Look up chill-out in a dictionary)

Maybe you should read it again with heart and emotions, I was quite upset when I wrote that.


Peace be with you Perth22


Banana Man.


Quote from BananaMan:  "you are in fear, I know you can’t help it but as long as you recognise that it’s just fear and withdrawals, you might be able to move on just a bit. You must have friends you could confide in, either online or in the real world."

I recognise this answer as a similar suggestion to cope in the Ashton Manual. Your symptoms are just symptoms caused by the drug, this is not you, you are not going crazy, symptoms will change in intensity, types, physical, mental, hourly, daily, stress, worry, environment, quality of sleep, food/drink, social environment, all can influance your state. A strong hug from a friend, loved one who holds you helps with fear based on my experience. Just hold on tight.

The falling sensation is a weird one, for me lasted for several months, my body position played role in it. As soon as I was horizontal a begun falling and was falling untill somehow fell asleep. Falling sensation also when car stopped from moving but I still felt moving forward, awful, scary sensations. It got better after a long time.

  • 1 month later...

This sensation is one that plagues me daily.  And I have literally described it in the same way, as if I’ve jumped or been pushed from and airplane and the parachute never opened.  Free fall to impending death feeling.  I’m not sure if yours is like mine where it floods your chest cavity with what feels like acidic chemicals, like there is battery acid just searing everything.  This feeling alone is a monster and has only gotten stronger for me.  It has turned to hot, freezing knives piercing my chest cavity, at times.  It’s like being in a constant state of ultimate startle and just flooded with awful chemicals.  I have so many descriptions of this symptom because it is one of my worst. 




I feel I am fully healed from the benzo disaster, but sometimes, while in bed, I have that horrid sensation of falling. Its so strong a feeling I usually sort of grab a hold of my piilow. For some reason this usually occurs early in the morning, before I get up. Its a freaky sensation.

I would guess that this comes from your brains, and they are sort of in "free fall" right now, trying to heal from benzos.


They dont call this a roller coaster for nothing.




3 years of this nonsense and i never heard that description, its put so well for this symptom. Yes i had it for close to 2.5 years. I dont have it anymore. that sense of where i am relative to the floor or ground, my core center of gravity feeling, its just THERE now. Hold onto hope and may you be blessed with strength to see you through. Hang in there bud. it ends
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