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Gardenguru:  I was on itroconazole for a year for what they thought was histoplasmosis when it was actually benzo WD symptoms.  I tolerated it fine but it sure didn't help clear up my symptoms.  I had huge eruptions on my legs and arms that I tried to use a cortisone cream on and that made me horribly ill and I will forever stay away from cortical steroids.  If it were me, I'd stop using Betametasone, and again, this is just what I would do and not do.  I was ok with an anti-fungal, like I said above.


Good luck Gardenguru!! :smitten:


Hi Klonkar.  Thank you so much for weighing in as I have been questioning as to whether the Betamethasone is the reason I am back in a wave.  This cream was given to me by my OBGYN for an autoimmune condition called lichen sclerosis.  I have had this for a number of years, but it reactivated when I got on the benzo merry go round!  I tried to tell my OBGYN that I don’t do well with steroid cream, but she said that the amount to be applied is minimal and does not get into the bloodstream.  However, I have used it several times over the past couple of years, and I do seem to suffer bad symptoms afterwards.  I have stopped it for now and when I see her next week, I am going to ask her to come up with something non-steroidal!


The anti-fungal cream I have been using for the fungal infection under my breasts is a combination of Clotrimazole and Betamethasone, which I have been using for about ten days.  The infection has cleared up, but my doctor wants me to keep using it until Friday so the infection does not come back…..it was a very red, angry and itchy infection brought on by perspiring when working outside in the heat.


I sure hope that our sensitivities to foods, meds, and the environment dampens down or totally goes away…..I never was sensitive to foods or the environment, but had some issues with antibiotics and steroids.  How long did it take you to recover from feeling ill?


I hope you are doing well!!!








Gardenguru:  I am so sorry you are suffering.  The steroids and antihistamines always caused me problems too but  the biggest issue is that they are just a band-aid to a deeper root problem.  I don't know a lot about lichen sclerosis but I do have a friend who had lichen planus and I am sure they are related.  She got  to a ND who helped her discover that she was intolerant to certain citrus foods, wine, etc.  Her mouth was so diseased, her gums were deteriorating and her teeth were falling out. She is 100% healthy today.  My symptoms from the steroids lasted a few days but the horrible rash always came back until I realized it was just the benzos causing this, benzo tolerance withdrawal,  and that I am also intolerant to most kinds of fruit.  I took a Carroll food test to discover that (not an allergy test like MSM does).


I hope you can get to the root cause.  Most MSM doctors don't know enough about food intolerances to help their patients.  I hope you can find the underlying cause for your horrible symptoms.






I had a horrific reaction to AB due to a UTI. Have since learned to take Uva Ursi, D-Mannose, and probiotics to fight them naturally. As long as your nitrites and Leukocytes are normal, you don't have a UTI.


For yeast, you can use pure coconut oil and plain greek yogurt. I have used both to cure a yeast infection.


Unfortunately for me, I will be descending back to hell soon as I have been battling a giardia infection for the past year. I refused to take an AB after the awful and extreme setback I had two years ago and am still not out of. Dont' think the natural remedies are working this time and my health is emaciated and I weigh 112 pounds from 145. I'm in an impossible situation and can't imagine going back to acute hell and benzo damage. I get seizures since all of this stuff too. I think so much is genetics.


So sorry Gardenguru and Warrior24



Klonkar, do you mind sharing the gaba supporting gut probiotics again here?

Accidentaldependant:  This?  Re neurobiotics?  I hope this helps.


  I am taking two and both have the  rhamnosus lactobacillus in them.  One is Mood Improve by Life Extensions and the other is from Cellcore called Ct-Biotic, my favorite.  It seems more expensive but it's a one-a-day capsule that needs refrigeration and contain live spores. I feel work the best.  This has several other spores in it that are neurobiotic and I don't feel they can hurt at all.





Yes the neurobiotics! Thank you!


Is the rhamnosus lactobacillus the most important neurobiotic?


I set back by an antibiotic two years ago and it was awful.  I'd prefer to avoid that ever again so if I can help my gaba beneficial gut bacteria, that would be great

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