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Liquid or dry cut


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  I’m worried this is due to the liquid? 


It's not.


I’m taking 1.5mg AM and PM so liquid I thought would be easier for me to taper but not if it’s responsible for the recent rev up in symptoms.


It's not.



Thank you!

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Hi tweed8 :smitten:


Any idea how the pharmacist prepared the solution? Benzo dissolved with alcohol then diluted with water or a Suspension solution by using a suspension vehicle as Ora-plus? What is the concentration of benzo in the solution? (Ex: 0.1 mg/ml). How many ml of solution did you draw up to get 1.5 mg of benzo? What kind of syringe did you use?



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Hi tweed8 :smitten:


You seem to have taken the right solution with the right dose by using the right syringes. Of course you can go back to tablets but before doing that let me have 2 points:


1. When people have problems with liquid usually they were starting to use a pharma compound solution made of a suspension vehicle as ORA-plus that by its viscous nature keeps benzo powder "suspended" throughout the volume. The same problem, although much less frequent when benzo is dissolved by alcohol/PG like with your case, seem to exist too from what I can read from an increasing number of buddies recently. The problem seem to have source from how your body treats differently the same benzo quantity but in different formats: dry tablets vs liquid where a number of different excipients are involved. With liquid, for instance ORA-plus manufacturer Perrrigo advised about "Compounding losses" of about 10%. However most people after the first days of distress start to slowly get used to this drop of effect and after 10-14 days they can resume their taper with no major issues.


2. Instead of going straight from all tablets to all liquid, a number of buddies opted for a gradual introduction of liquid. Instead of taking 1.5 mg in liquid, they can for instance take 1 mg in half a tablet of 2 mg + 0.5 mg in liquid (1.25 ml). This is supposed to soften down the shock by the introduction of liquid. They will continue with this regime until things settle down and then increase the liquid proportion by reducing the tablet (Ex: 0.5 mg tablet + 2.5 ml solution). For obvious reasons no taper is recommended during this introduction phase.


Should you decide anyway that you want to dry cut like you have been successfully doing so far, here is the information on a possible cheap gram scale: https://www.amazon.com/Smart-Weigh-GEM20-Precision-Milligram/dp/B00ESHDGOI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1543826161&sr=8-1&keywords=gemini+20+scale


As a number of users are frustrated while using this scale, if you go here http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=202393.msg2626524#msg2626524 , you may find more precise models from buddie badsocref and libr.



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Hi tweed8 :smitten:


Don't you want to try the previous point 2 and see if symptoms change? If they improve that means the cause was the sudden switch to all liquid. If not that could mean the liquid is OK and the reasons for symptoms are the same as before the switch.



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Yes, a number of people do report problems with the switch to liquid... For whatever reason...

But from what I have seen, a short gradual cross over period seems to do the trick..

-Well worth it Imo...




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Hi tweed8 :smitten:


If you can manage your symptoms then why not. At a certain point as your body learns how to co-exist with liquid, those symptoms must settle down.


Hope you feel better soon.



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