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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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The new Teva are made in Czech republic, not Israel as they last were. I wonder if that is why they are so different. It's making me sick to think about. I haven't gone back to taking the new Teva again.


Boy, that sounds like a perfect setup for the use of different fillers, but it could also be makeup of drugs, who knows?  Who the hell ever thought letting a generic be almost completely different from the regular drug, could possibly be a good idea?  That just will never make sense to me, no matter what kind of drug it is.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


What are you going to do Clara, can't help but worry about all you guys.  I haven't read much about others getting theirs and trying it.  Wonder what is happening there? 

Do yo still have the info on your old Teva, can you read on Google what was in it, and see what is in this new one?  Does it give you that much information?  If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.  Mary 💜

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The new Teva are made in Czech republic, not Israel as they last were. I wonder if that is why they are so different. It's making me sick to think about. I haven't gone back to taking the new Teva again.


Boy, that sounds like a perfect setup for the use of different fillers, but it could also be makeup of drugs, who knows?  Who the hell ever thought letting a generic be almost completely different from the regular drug, could possibly be a good idea?  That just will never make sense to me, no matter what kind of drug it is.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


What are you going to do Clara, can't help but worry about all you guys.  I haven't read much about others getting theirs and trying it.  Wonder what is happening there? 

Do yo still have the info on your old Teva, can you read on Google what was in it, and see what is in this new one?  Does it give you that much information?  If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.  Mary 💜


The ingredients are exactly the same but maybe the amount of each ingredient is different, or even the quality of each ingredient. Who knows where they bought the ingredients from this time -- that's the problem. It's not the same at all. Another person is expressing concern in a different group about the fact that they aren't made in Israel anymore.

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The new Teva are made in Czech republic, not Israel as they last were. I wonder if that is why they are so different. It's making me sick to think about. I haven't gone back to taking the new Teva again.


Boy, that sounds like a perfect setup for the use of different fillers, but it could also be makeup of drugs, who knows?  Who the hell ever thought letting a generic be almost completely different from the regular drug, could possibly be a good idea?  That just will never make sense to me, no matter what kind of drug it is.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


What are you going to do Clara, can't help but worry about all you guys.  I haven't read much about others getting theirs and trying it.  Wonder what is happening there? 

Do yo still have the info on your old Teva, can you read on Google what was in it, and see what is in this new one?  Does it give you that much information?  If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.  Mary 💜




The ingredients are exactly the same but maybe the amount of each ingredient is different, or even the quality of each ingredient. Who knows where they bought the ingredients from this time -- that's the problem. It's not the same at all. Another person is expressing concern in a different group about the fact that they aren't made in Israel anymore.


I wish I had some idea, it's just beyond me how this is allowed to happen.  We are all so different in genetics, what drugs we have been on etc; etc; even though I don't use k, it offends me that this is happening.  I know it could happen to me tomorrow and my heart goes out to you.  If you learn anything else, please let me know.  You hold on!  Mary 💜

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The new Teva are made in Czech republic, not Israel as they last were. I wonder if that is why they are so different. It's making me sick to think about. I haven't gone back to taking the new Teva again.


Boy, that sounds like a perfect setup for the use of different fillers, but it could also be makeup of drugs, who knows?  Who the hell ever thought letting a generic be almost completely different from the regular drug, could possibly be a good idea?  That just will never make sense to me, no matter what kind of drug it is.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


What are you going to do Clara, can't help but worry about all you guys.  I haven't read much about others getting theirs and trying it.  Wonder what is happening there? 

Do yo still have the info on your old Teva, can you read on Google what was in it, and see what is in this new one?  Does it give you that much information?  If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.  Mary 💜




The ingredients are exactly the same but maybe the amount of each ingredient is different, or even the quality of each ingredient. Who knows where they bought the ingredients from this time -- that's the problem. It's not the same at all. Another person is expressing concern in a different group about the fact that they aren't made in Israel anymore.


I wish I had some idea, it's just beyond me how this is allowed to happen.  We are all so different in genetics, what drugs we have been on etc; etc; even though I don't use k, it offends me that this is happening.  I know it could happen to me tomorrow and my heart goes out to you.  If you learn anything else, please let me know.  You hold on!  Mary 💜


I'm moving into a house on the ocean next week, going into seclusion there with my husband, and I'm going to get off this disgusting evil pill no matter what it takes. Every day, every minute, will be dedicated to pushing through this. Whether I'm breathing by the end of it, I don't care. I'm so severely kindled that I'm actually dying from being so kindled. If I could give anyone any advice on this drug it would be to never ever updose or reinstate, no matter what.

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where are the ACCORD generic clonazepam's made?


congrats moving to the beach Clara!


i'll be rootin for you...from the wastelands, lol  :)


Thanks  8)

They are made in India



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The new Teva are made in Czech republic, not Israel as they last were. I wonder if that is why they are so different. It's making me sick to think about. I haven't gone back to taking the new Teva again.


Boy, that sounds like a perfect setup for the use of different fillers, but it could also be makeup of drugs, who knows?  Who the hell ever thought letting a generic be almost completely different from the regular drug, could possibly be a good idea?  That just will never make sense to me, no matter what kind of drug it is.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


What are you going to do Clara, can't help but worry about all you guys.  I haven't read much about others getting theirs and trying it.  Wonder what is happening there? 

Do yo still have the info on your old Teva, can you read on Google what was in it, and see what is in this new one?  Does it give you that much information?  If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.  Mary 💜




The ingredients are exactly the same but maybe the amount of each ingredient is different, or even the quality of each ingredient. Who knows where they bought the ingredients from this time -- that's the problem. It's not the same at all. Another person is expressing concern in a different group about the fact that they aren't made in Israel anymore.


I wish I had some idea, it's just beyond me how this is allowed to happen.  We are all so different in genetics, what drugs we have been on etc; etc; even though I don't use k, it offends me that this is happening.  I know it could happen to me tomorrow and my heart goes out to you.  If you learn anything else, please let me know.  You hold on!  Mary 💜


I'm moving into a house on the ocean next week, going into seclusion there with my husband, and I'm going to get off this disgusting evil pill no matter what it takes. Every day, every minute, will be dedicated to pushing through this. Whether I'm breathing by the end of it, I don't care. I'm so severely kindled that I'm actually dying from being so kindled. If I could give anyone any advice on this drug it would be to never ever updose or reinstate, no matter what.


Can your husband be with you the whole time?  If my husband could be, I would get lower and try the same thing.  I wish you nothing but luck, are you low enough you don't need to worry about seizures, if not, get your Dr to write you a prescription for a med just incase.  Please take care of yourself.  I understand if you don't check in, but I am sure we would all love to hear from you every once in awhile.  Hoping it goes easier than you think, will be thinking about you.  Mary 💜💜💜💜

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Best of luck with your move to the beach Clara.  I live in a rural area on a mountain, and being close to nature does help this process I think.  Being on the beach sounds ideal to me.


My current thinking is to just cross over to brand name K and hope for the best.  I may yet try one of the new Teva pills, if a pharmacy in my area ever gets them.  But honestly I feel fed up with Teva at this point and just want to move on. 


Hoping I can adapt to Roche fairly quickly, and have some consistency for awhile.  If not, maybe I'll have a stroke and die in my sleep, assuming I am able to sleep.  I wouldn't really mind that! Hah

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Good info, Clara. I’m still fighting to get them as with other brands I have to up my dosage by triple (!), it causes some memory impairment/sleep issues, and I’m in the medical field so I kinda need my mind to be sharp...what a freaking mess they made...I might have to pay $350 for brand Klonopin (made in Mexico) which is vastly inferior to old TEva
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HI guys-been reading through several pages of this thread and here is my story....I was on Teva originally, then switched to Sandoz (no problem), was tapering off that and down to .16 last Feb. and then Sandoz went bye bye....tried Activas (bad), Accord (bad) and finally now on Klonopin brand name. The switch was HARD! Took me a good 3 months and updosing to .25 to even remotely get stable. Just started tapering again a couple weeks ago-I am barely cutting and the sx are unbelievably bad. The Klonopin gives me withdrawal symptoms different from the Sandoz. The vertigo/ dizziness is debilitating. I am so angry that I was so close to being done with this CRAP and now feel like I have lost a year of tapering and this new brand is just horrific compared to Sandoz. I have thought about trying to move over to Valium-but tried that early in my taper and it was not good so terrified of trying again, but I am so afraid that I just cannot taper off of K....but also afraid I have destroyed my CNS with all the changes and updosing and trying to go over to valium will just make it all worse.....would appreciate any thoughts or advice....
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I wish I had some advice.  I have been on this for a long time, and used to switch between generics without much difficulty for about 10 years.  There were like 8 generics for a long time.  Now there are 3.  These last 2 years, all the ones that worked fine for me are gone, and the ones that are left are complete garbage.  The way you guys are talking about brand Klonopin makes me doubt my plan to switch to that now.  It almost feels intentional that none of the remaining ones actually work right.  I may have to stop reading this forum as well, I think it's not having a positive effect on me at this point in time.  Nobody's fault, just beyond fed up with being stuck in hell, and today is a very bad day.


So, there is no good option here.

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I wish I had some advice.  I have been on this for a long time, and used to switch between generics without much difficulty for about 10 years.  There were like 8 generics for a long time.  Now there are 3.  These last 2 years, all the ones that worked fine for me are gone, and the ones that are left are complete garbage.  The way you guys are talking about brand Klonopin makes me doubt my plan to switch to that now.  It almost feels intentional that none of the remaining ones actually work right.  I may have to stop reading this forum as well, I think it's not having a positive effect on me at this point in time.


So, there is no good option here.


I’ve stayed away from this group for months for other reasons, but I just have to comment on what you just said.


I started out on alprazolem and had no idea what I was taking. Took different generics for years w/o any trouble. I now know that they were not the same because the shapes and colors were different, but at the time, I knew nothing and didn’t pay attention.


Then my doctor changed me over to clonazepam and everything was different. I had trouble with every generic of clonazepam I took except Actavis which was the first one I was given. Since then I’ve been switched around to Sandoz which made me feel like I was choking, then back to Actavis, then back to Sandoz  then back to Actavis and now to Teva Orally Disintegrating tablets. I guess I’m acclimated to them, but I sure feel like crap.


My other choices are (I think from calling other pharmacies) are Accord and Solco.


In other words, not many, basically nothing. No options as you say. And if you read this entire group from page 1 up to this point, you will see that some have gone to brand K (Rivitrol) with success while others have felt worse than ever. It’s really just another clonazepam is what I realized. And I also wonder if BB in its entirety is good for me anymore.


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I wish I had some advice.  I have been on this for a long time, and used to switch between generics without much difficulty for about 10 years.  There were like 8 generics for a long time.  Now there are 3.  These last 2 years, all the ones that worked fine for me are gone, and the ones that are left are complete garbage.  The way you guys are talking about brand Klonopin makes me doubt my plan to switch to that now.  It almost feels intentional that none of the remaining ones actually work right.  I may have to stop reading this forum as well, I think it's not having a positive effect on me at this point in time.


So, there is no good option here.


I’ve stayed away from this group for months for other reasons, but I just have to comment on what you just said.


I started out on alprazolem and had no idea what I was taking. Took different generics for years w/o any trouble. I now know that they were not the same because the shapes and colors were different, but at the time, I knew nothing and didn’t pay attention.


Then my doctor changed me over to clonazepam and everything was different. I had trouble with every generic of clonazepam I took except Actavis which was the first one I was given. Since then I’ve been switched around to Sandoz which made me feel like I was choking, then back to Actavis, then back to Sandoz  then back to Actavis and now to Teva Orally Disintegrating tablets. I guess I’m acclimated to them, but I sure feel like crap.


My other choices are (I think from calling other pharmacies) are Accord and Solco.


In other words, not many, basically nothing. No options as you say. And if you read this entire group from page 1 up to this point, you will see that some have gone to brand K (Rivitrol) with success while others have felt worse than ever. It’s really just another clonazepam is what I realized. And I also wonder if BB in its entirety is good for me anymore.


Thanks for sharing that.  Yeah I shouldn't let other's experiences sway my decisions I guess.  It's the fear of knowing how bad acute withdrawal can be, that I guess causes us to try to make the most informed decision.  But at a certain point, you just have to take a leap.  But it feels like jumping into the abyss.


I just don't know what to think anymore.  I wish I got off a few years ago before all these generic brands disappeared.


I just want some consistency, so I can manage to finish this taper.  I hope whatever clonazepam people in this thread manage to adapt to, sticks around for a few years so we can all be done with this crap.


When I tried to switch to Accord and Solco, I was horrified by the sx.  I honestly didn't expect it.


I'm soooo tired of thinking about this.



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I wish I had some advice.  I have been on this for a long time, and used to switch between generics without much difficulty for about 10 years.  There were like 8 generics for a long time.  Now there are 3.  These last 2 years, all the ones that worked fine for me are gone, and the ones that are left are complete garbage.  The way you guys are talking about brand Klonopin makes me doubt my plan to switch to that now.  It almost feels intentional that none of the remaining ones actually work right.  I may have to stop reading this forum as well, I think it's not having a positive effect on me at this point in time.


So, there is no good option here.


I’ve stayed away from this group for months for other reasons, but I just have to comment on what you just said.


I started out on alprazolem and had no idea what I was taking. Took different generics for years w/o any trouble. I now know that they were not the same because the shapes and colors were different, but at the time, I knew nothing and didn’t pay attention.


Then my doctor changed me over to clonazepam and everything was different. I had trouble with every generic of clonazepam I took except Actavis which was the first one I was given. Since then I’ve been switched around to Sandoz which made me feel like I was choking, then back to Actavis, then back to Sandoz  then back to Actavis and now to Teva Orally Disintegrating tablets. I guess I’m acclimated to them, but I sure feel like crap.


My other choices are (I think from calling other pharmacies) are Accord and Solco.


In other words, not many, basically nothing. No options as you say. And if you read this entire group from page 1 up to this point, you will see that some have gone to brand K (Rivitrol) with success while others have felt worse than ever. It’s really just another clonazepam is what I realized. And I also wonder if BB in its entirety is good for me anymore.


Thanks for sharing that.  Yeah I shouldn't let other's experiences sway my decisions I guess.  It's the fear of knowing how bad acute withdrawal can be, that I guess causes us to try to make the most informed decision.  But at a certain point, you just have to take a leap.  But it feels like jumping into the abyss.


I just don't know what to think anymore.  I wish I got off a few years ago before all these generic brands disappeared.


I just want some consistency, so I can manage to finish this taper.  I hope whatever clonazepam people in this thread manage to adapt to, sticks around for a few years so we can all be done with this crap.


When I tried to switch to Accord and Solco, I was horrified by the sx.  I honestly didn't expect it.


I'm soooo tired of thinking about this.


When I finally became comfortable with Actavis (which I figured out how to get onto it because my doctor at the time had me going back and forth 4 times between alprazolam and clonazepam) I just stayed at a certain level for too long. I did manage to taper off 1.5 mg and then this targeting of clonazepam started and since then I been switched multiple times as I said.


No one can really help me and I realize that, but it upsets me to feel so sick. Cognitively, I’m fine (for now), but I have intense physical sx, and have no motivation to get out of the house.


I also wonder if any of these newer generic brands will stick around long enough to get off.


Thinking about this is horrible and tiring to say the least.



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For what it’s worth I originally took .25mg TEva for about 10 years...weaned off via crushing the pills/water taper to have a baby...went back on after the baby and up to 1.25mg due to stressful job change. TEva was then discontinued so I tried brand name Klonopin and feel like I need 4mgs to equal 1.25mg of TEva. Brand name K by Roche/Genentech is made in Mexico and basically expensive crap in my opinion. Doesn’t work like old TEva at all. I am so sorry for your setback. When I tapered from my small .25mg years ago my good NYC psychiatrist gave me pindolol (blood pressure med used for stage fright) to help with withdrawal symptoms like heart pounding and sweating. Maybe worth a shot. My heart goes out to u. This stuff is crap and we’re all hooked.
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Still waiting to see someone say they tried the new TEVA and they worked fine for them.  It's early I guess, but there seems to be a lack of feedback around the web and this forum for these.  Just a few bad reactions. 


Very discouraged by the whole thing, especially since I can't even get ahold of the stupid things within 100 miles of my house.  ;(

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Still waiting to see someone say they tried the new TEVA and they worked fine for them.  Seems to be a lack of feedback around the web and this forum for these.  Very discouraged by the whole thing, especially since I can't even get ahold of the damn things within 100 miles of my house.  ;(


I've been looking for feedback about it, too, and there is none. I took the new Teva again last night and today I'm not doing very well. It upset my digestion badly and I'm extremely weak, like I'm going to go into a coma. I really don't know what I'm going to do about it. I can't survive with these reactions

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Still waiting to see someone say they tried the new TEVA and they worked fine for them.  Seems to be a lack of feedback around the web and this forum for these.  Very discouraged by the whole thing, especially since I can't even get ahold of the damn things within 100 miles of my house.  ;(


I've been looking for feedback about it, too, and there is none. I took the new Teva again last night and today I'm not doing very well. It upset my digestion badly and I'm extremely weak, like I'm going to go into a coma. I really don't know what I'm going to do about it. I can't survive with these reactions


Sorry to hear that they still aren't agreeing with you ;(  being on this drug is already unbearable without these curveballs.


The "extremely weak" part is how the TEVA reformulation from 2016 has always hit me, every time I've tried it (briefly).  It makes me super sluggish, and like I was going to fall over from lack of energy.  It's as if it interferes with my mitochondria or thyroid or something.  I dose throughout the day, and cannot be feeling like that in the middle of the day.  All I can do is sit in a chair until that effect wears off after a couple hours.  I was never sure if it's something my body would just adapt to over time, because I couldn't stick with it long enough to find out.  I believe povidone is some type of iodine, and maybe my thyroid just won't accept it.  But I thought the pre-2016 formula included povidone as well, so I am stumped.


The pre-2016 formula never once had that affect on me and always worked fine.  Clearly there is something very different, or has been added.  I need a Teva chemist on speed dial at this point.  I wish there was a way to determine which "original" formula everyone is adjusted to, and just how exactly this new formula is different.  I am just about out of pre-2016 pills, and am about ready to book a skydiving without a parachute.  My family would probably push me out the plane door.  "Aloha!"

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Povidone is in all of the formulas but maybe they changed the kind of povidone. There are different types. The fact that they keep switching the countries that they manufacturer it is also contributing to the difference. Even though the ingredients might be the same on the label, the quality and source of them could differ.


How long did you try to get used to the newer formula before you gave up on it? I'm wondering how long it will take me to get used to the newest teva if I can even get used to it at all. I don't think this will end well for me because my body is hanging by a thread, being severely kindled. Every dose is pure poison now and has unpredictable outcomes. My entire taper is ruined now. I don't know what dose to take or what time to take it. I keep trying to wait as long as possible to take my dose and I'm going into acute withdrawal every day because I don't know what to do. I'm frightened of taking it.


I will try to speak to a Teva medical specialist Monday though it won't make much of a difference. This is what they have produced and if our bodies don't like it, then there's no changing it now. We can't demand that they go back to making it in Israel. That's why I didn't bother calling last week because if my body is going to reject the drug, all of the talking in the world won't save my life here.

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I am thinking about all you guys and hoping something comes to light that will help.  I feel so helpless but have to reach out to you the best I can.  Love, Mary
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Povidone is in all of the formulas but maybe they changed the kind of povidone. There are different types. The fact that they keep switching the countries that they manufacturer it is also contributing to the difference. Even though the ingredients might be the same on the label, the quality and source of them could differ.


How long did you try to get used to the newer formula before you gave up on it? I'm wondering how long it will take me to get used to the newest teva if I can even get used to it at all. I don't think this will end well for me because my body is hanging by a thread, being severely kindled. Every dose is pure poison now and has unpredictable outcomes. My entire taper is ruined now. I don't know what dose to take or what time to take it. I keep trying to wait as long as possible to take my dose and I'm going into acute withdrawal every day because I don't know what to do. I'm frightened of taking it.


I will try to speak to a Teva medical specialist Monday though it won't make much of a difference. This is what they have produced and if our bodies don't like it, then there's no changing it now. We can't demand that they go back to making it in Israel. That's why I didn't bother calling last week because if my body is going to reject the drug, all of the talking in the world won't save my life here.


Each time I've tried the reformulation, I've only taken one pill.  I did that maybe 3 or 4 times to see if I was having a bad day or what.  It didn't screw me up mentally as bad as when I took Accord or Solco, but the physical fatigue/weakness absolutely crushes me.  My thyroid doesn't work so great on a good day, so for whatever reason I think those pills were just pushing it over a cliff.  I'm hesitant to try them for a longer period because I dose 4x per day and am afraid of being so weak that I can't get out of my chair all day.


I agree Teva most likely will not make any more changes to these pills that might benefit us.  It's a miracle they came back at all, and being driven by profit it would probably take an avalanche of complaints to get them to look at it again.  But who knows.  When I am able to get ahold of the pills, if they don't agree with me, I'll be sure to let them know. 


I'm sad to see you are still so fragile, and hoping you can improve :(  I'm doing somewhat ok today, but when my old pills run out soon I'm expecting a hard 'splat'.

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I am thinking about all you guys and hoping something comes to light that will help.  I feel so helpless but have to reach out to you the best I can.  Love, Mary


Thanks Mary, it's very kind of you to say that.  I see you everywhere on this forum, giving support where you can, you are pretty awesome ;)

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I am thinking about all you guys and hoping something comes to light that will help.  I feel so helpless but have to reach out to you the best I can.  Love, Mary


Thanks Mary, it's very kind of you to say that.  I see you everywhere on this forum, giving support where you can, you are pretty awesome ;)


Thanks Bigglesworth, I just hate what is happening to all of you.  It frustrates me beyond belief and I know so many of you were counting on the new Teva.  I can't even imagine the disappointment.  I am here with you, for what it's worth.  Mary

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For reference, here are links to the Israel one and the Czech one






I don't see any differences between the two but yet they feel so different -- inexplicable.

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I am so sorry for all of us going through this. Now that I think about it, I had to increase my dose severely in 2018 to help, possibly due to formulation change. I still can’t get my hands on these pills and really want to try them badly for myself.


I’m on a lot of drugs.com forums and people are starting to get the new Tevas. I’ll post their reactions here. Taking my dose at night before bed has always worked to keep the sluggish feeling at bay. I agree with Clara that the Czech Republic May be way different than Israel in terms of quality. I’m currently taking 3mg (a lot for me) which has crospovidone in it. I believe old TEva had povidone K-90 which was the good stuff.


My CVS which uses Cardinal still can’t get it. I’m in Northern Ca-I wonder how long it’s gonna take for Cardinal to distribute out here...thoughts? And IMO you need 3 solid days on the new pill to reach a good steady blood level but it sounds like it’s crap so far

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