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Lamictal saved me for good!


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Americano, Alesii,


Can you guys let me know what time of day you take this? I'm not sure if taking it in the morning is good idea? I feel really strange right now. I'm wondering if I should just take it at night. Does the "strange" feeling go away? It's been a week at 25 mg and a week at 50 mg.


Thank you for your help,


I was prescribed to take it before going to bed, but that was because it could make me tired, but I found that it helps me more when I take it in the morning. I think it is, like many other things, whatever rocks your boat.



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Just remember that the mood stabilizer class of meds are some of the least fully understood in the psychotropic drug world.


They were originally synthesized to address epilepsy and seizures, then it was discovered they had a marked effect on pathopsychology and rapid cycling.


The fact that antipsychotics, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers all closely overlap should tell you something...

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I don't get it... what options do people have with depression then? Just off themselves? Go see a therapist, exercise, yoga, meditation? I've tried all of those things. Do you think depression will just magically disappear on its own? Trying not to be harsh but again, poor advice for people who are struggling with severe depression. I'm going to stop posting about medications because frankly, there is too much negative positioning when a medication might possibly save someone's life. Do you think people want to hear negative stories about the medication they are taking / trying that might save their life? Think before you write...
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You are right and the others are wrong.  Period.  Screw em.  Psyche meds help millions and hurt a few thousand.  People who do not have mental illness do nit understand mental illness.


Find something to help yourself.  Be as careful as you can because as Fault pointed out, it is more art than science.


And, meditation and exercise are not bad things.  Do em if you can, but take Prozac or whatever if it helps.



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I don't get it... what options do people have with depression then? Just off themselves? Go see a therapist, exercise, yoga, meditation? I've tried all of those things. Do you think depression will just magically disappear on its own? Trying not to be harsh but again, poor advice for people who are struggling with severe depression. I'm going to stop posting about medications because frankly, there is too much negative positioning when a medication might possibly save someone's life. Do you think people want to hear negative stories about the medication they are taking / trying that might save their life? Think before you write...


I gather you did not read my post too closely colley. It's not as if I have never experienced severe depression myself. Psych drugs almost cost me my life so you will excuse me if I feel passionate about the subject. All I advocate is that people are aware of the risks they take before they consider taking any kind of drug. I don't suppose people do want to hear the negative stuff about the pharmaceutical substances they may ingest but I always think it is better to be forewarned well in advance. Informed consent might have saved me from the likes of Effexor and Lyrica. At the end of the day people must make their own decisions once they are acquainted of all the facts surely you cannot be against that? My life has been negatively impacted by antidepressants and benzodiazepines in particular perhaps with long term consequences. Can it be so wrong of me to suggest caution? I am sure that at the end of the day you will make your own mind up about Lamictal, that is your prerogative. I do think however that I have been unjustly criticised by you, you seem to be implying that I am without compassion for people suffering on this forum. That is not so. It is because I have made so many mistakes with the many psychiatric drugs I took along this horrendous journey that I have felt in all conscience I could not stay quiet. I feel tremendously hurt by this and I don't feel I deserve to have this suggested. I won't be posting anything further so you should be happy. Still, I hate confrontations always have. I want you to know I would never condemn anyone for wishing to use a psychiatric drug to relieve their distress. I hope you find yourself in a better place colley, I have no desire to see you or anyone else suffer. Best wishes.  pris   

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Pris - no hard feelings. My post wasn't only directed at you. I'm just in a bad place and it's tough because I really don't have a lot of hope right now. So medication for me is the only answer right now. And is the only option for a lot of people. I'm going to try to keep it as short term as possible if it helps.


Everyone on this board has had a bad experience with psyche meds... but some have found solace using an AD or another type of medication to help them survive whatever this is. I have to try that route because I've been in deep depression for far too long and I've had those "thoughts" for almost a year and a half. I want to live but not like this... I thought I would be much better by now as many people probably thought going into this. After 2 years, I am still not working, and just barely engaging in life. I have to find a way to get functional enough to get back to work. Otherwise, I'm done... I don't have kids to look after and there's really nothing for me to do during the day except house work, walk, go to the gym, or lay in bed in deep depression. I've done that for a long time... everyone has their breaking point and mine came about 2 weeks ago when I started the medication. I had tried everything like many of us do in this state... but nothing has pulled me out. And maybe nothing will... but I know I can't live like this for much longer. I'm older so it's not like I can go and live with my parents and not have to worry about finances. I have a house and vehicles to look after and my wife doesn't make enough money to hold everything down. I've spent half of my savings already and we will lose everything if I don't get back into life. I have to try... no matter what the risk is at this point. I never in my life thought I would be on psyche meds... but I have to deal with the reality of my situation. I pray to god every night that these meds do not make me worse...

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Dear colley,


I want to give you one of these -  :hug:!  You're in a tough place and I hope you find some relief very soon. No hard feelings.  pris

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Colley and others,



I completely understand and I pray for the utmost in healing and restoration for all of us!


I do think, however, that one's approach and opinions on using medication really depends upon their personal status quo and how to proceed. Personally, I am of the mindset to one day be free of all psychotropic drugs, but then again I have to remember that things weren't hunky dory before medication, so I may have to accept being on something for the rest of my life.


There is one stipulation we can all acknowledge, leading to universal agreement: benzodiazepines were not a sustainable option. If you find some truth to this, then you'd have to recognize that other meds pose the same threat in their potential to backfire and make things worse. For me - being poly-drugged - I'm attempting to systematically extricate myself from a building that has collapsed, where I'm at the bottom of heaps of rubble and debris that simply will not budge.


Granted, there is a lot of bad advice on here and out there, but it's no worse than what the medical community claims to know and practices. The concept of a plastic neurology that is not immutable is - comparatively speaking - pretty new. There really is no subject-specific current research out there that takes this into consideration, except that which explores the concept in the broadest sense, which is good news, but is really neither here, nor there (as far as we're concerned).


We have to remember that what currently ails us is within the shadow of benzodiazepine withdrawal, and our neurology is different from that of someone who has never dosed. Therefore, it's unfair to compare ourselves and whatever symptom(s) we cite (ie. depression, anxiety, OCD, etc.) to The Unmedicated.



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I need something but am crushed by the thought of how toxic these medicatins are as I'm a very healthy natural person otherwise. Pres or anyone have advice? Perhaps there is other medication that have low physical toxicity as is the case with LSD, where any damage is mental at worst?
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I hope this might help someone. I started Lamictol 25 mg Monday night and it is now Thursday. Lamictol calmed me down from a panic attack 30-45 minutes after I took it. Then I took Lunesta for the first time and I slept but woke up horribly (panic, ended up going to the ER). Stopped Lunesta, and the ER gave me 1mg of emergency Ativan (I wouldn't let them give it to me since I was 5 months out of Benzo withdrawal). I took Benadryl that night and holy freaking flying pigs, gave me the worst panic ever (wow is my body this messed up that I react the opposite on everything?!). I was scared to take the Lamictol again, but I did. Again within 30-45 panic went away and I was sleepy. Went to sleep. Slept solid for about 4 hours then tossed and turned for the next two hours. Didn't wake up with panic. Just tired and kind of groggy. Same thing happened last night. So I can't tell yet if it will work longterm (but it did help with panic and I was able to sleep a little more even without a sleep aid). My body is still healing because the doctors gave me Trazodone (did not sleep, panicked all night) then Cymbalta (again panic) Lunesta (more panic after waking up) and this is in a span of 5 days. I can logically conclude my body is still trying to maintain balance after putting all that crap into it. But with the Lamictol, I am not freaking out in panic or depressed. I still feel emotions, they just aren't 'taking over' me. I don't feel numb, but I do feel very tired as I am trying to get my sleep back on track without sleep aids (I have never had a problem with insomnia even in Benzo withdrawal). Maybe this will help someone out. I don't want to be medicated either. But what I do want is to stabilize. I can't heal right now with my body so confused that it is chicken little and thinks the sky is falling. I will update this, and let you guys know how the Lamictol is working out for me. I will make sure my sleep is regulated first before I report back just to make sure that these are sleep deprivation side effects and not Lamictol side effects. Had one of the worst weeks of my life (and how sad is it that I think this week was even worse than my first couple months in Benzo withdrawal!) But that means that it can only get better! Keep searching for balance, you will get there. If I can do it, you can too!
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Well put, as always.




Just be aware that Lunesta is a Z-drug esZopiclone (Ambien = Zolpediem, Sonata = Zaleplon) and all work VERY close to the same way as mid-acting benzos like Ativan/lorazepam and Restoril/temazepam, so you can kindle benzo w/d with Lunesta. Be careful out there.



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I know but I need to sleep and am so frustrated that every time I try to get help, people tell me every little thing can make me "kindled". Yes I am aware that does actually happen but I need some help. I am tired of not getting the right help. I hate what Benzos did to be because before I could go on and off meds with no problems what so ever. I am just frustrated and tired. I want to sleep. Man, can't someone find a genie and wish that we are all healed? Because right now it seems like it's the blind leading the blind so to speak.
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            I completely understand, however, I'm afraid that every little thing can kindle or re-kindle you. This is what makes BWS so tormenting.


            There is nothing wrong with seeking symptomatic relief; however, we do NOW have to accept any risks and/or consequences, incurred. You now have informed consent, from here and forever. The lamotrigine has apparently provided you some respite and peace of mind. I pray it allows for you to stabilize and one day be free of all medications (if you so choose).


            Ram was just throwing that out there, since new members join everyday and many of us feel it's our obligation to 'inform.' Benzos and Z-drugs are virtually the same - as far as we're concerned - so abstaining from both will likely be necessary if you want to progress. He's very intelligent and knows more than any psychiatrist I've met.


              Also, it's because we're blind that we can see...

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Yeah no worries. I was just upset. I have been using CBD oil to sleep and it has been working.


Not so sure about the Lamictol. I have taken it for 5 days, and after I took it I thought I felt "calm". But I have been having the worst ongoing anxiety and panic attacks that seemed to start when I started taking the Lamictol.


Now anyone would say "No, Lamictol is supposed to calm you down, not cause anxiety". So I am not sure if I am making it all up in my head. I know this anxiety and panic attacks feel different. Like I am constantly on edge and cannot seem to calm down. Like I have a hard time relaxing.


There are just so many factors to take into account. My doctor gave me Ativan to use with the Lamictol "until the Lamictol starts working" even though I told her I have been off Benzos for 5 months. And I was doing pretty good. Until she stopped my Cymbalta, put me on Trintellix, then ended up in the ER with maybe Serotonin Syndrome. Stopped the Trintellix, then came the Trazodone and Lunesta (only took those one time each). And so I feel like these anxiety and panic attacks I am getting now are medication related because they feel so different. To me I feel worse than when I first went into Benzo withdrawal.


I want to listen to my doctor because she made it quite clear to me that she is the doctor and knows what's best, but all these meds have seemed to make me worse and not better. I want to be off all medication because there was a time in my life that for 2 years I was off all medication and it was fantastic. My doctor only put me back in Cymbalta because I was having some depression during the winter (which happens because I don't get enough sun).


I don't know guys. I feel like I am in a worse place than I was before. I don't know if I should stick with the Lamictol, clinging on to some hope that it will fix me.


I didn't take Lamictol last night and I feel a little better today. Only took it 5 days so not sure what that means.

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Yeah no worries. I was just upset. I have been using CBD oil to sleep and it has been working.


Not so sure about the Lamictol. I have taken it for 5 days, and after I took it I thought I felt "calm". But I have been having the worst ongoing anxiety and panic attacks that seemed to start when I started taking the Lamictol.


Now anyone would say "No, Lamictol is supposed to calm you down, not cause anxiety". So I am not sure if I am making it all up in my head. I know this anxiety and panic attacks feel different. Like I am constantly on edge and cannot seem to calm down. Like I have a hard time relaxing.


There are just so many factors to take into account. My doctor gave me Ativan to use with the Lamictol "until the Lamictol starts working" even though I told her I have been off Benzos for 5 months. And I was doing pretty good. Until she stopped my Cymbalta, put me on Trintellix, then ended up in the ER with maybe Serotonin Syndrome. Stopped the Trintellix, then came the Trazodone and Lunesta (only took those one time each). And so I feel like these anxiety and panic attacks I am getting now are medication related because they feel so different. To me I feel worse than when I first went into Benzo withdrawal.


I want to listen to my doctor because she made it quite clear to me that she is the doctor and knows what's best, but all these meds have seemed to make me worse and not better. I want to be off all medication because there was a time in my life that for 2 years I was off all medication and it was fantastic. My doctor only put me back in Cymbalta because I was having some depression during the winter (which happens because I don't get enough sun).


I don't know guys. I feel like I am in a worse place than I was before. I don't know if I should stick with the Lamictol, clinging on to some hope that it will fix me.


I didn't take Lamictol last night and I feel a little better today. Only took it 5 days so not sure what that means.


Many have claimed that micro-dosing Lamictal gave them enough of an edge to overpower some symptoms and allow for more stability during recovery. I don't know what dose you're on, but you could talk to your doc about this idea.


I can relate to the poly-drugging you describe.


Our CNS is an intricate, very complicated network of inter-dependent systems and pathways that all act or react, according to what others are doing or not doing.  :D Poly-drugging just seems to 'muddy the waters' even more and make it harder to tell what's working and what isn't. It never worked for me and you might be the same.

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Im up to 100mg lamictal haven't noticed much... im sure he will want to raise it tomorrow when I see him. Gabapentin and baclofen have been making me depressed, Dexedrine anxious. Celexa tired. There's a girl I've had a crush on for like ten years that keeps me going.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all! I'm still feeling good, with an exception of really mild panic attacks during the day, but it's nothing really, maybe just a force of habit? I have some other mild symptoms also, but that could be anything and I don't really care about it since I generally feel good. Not quite my old self, but way more than I used to feel!


Anyways, I wish you all the best and hope you get through this ASAP and get back to your lives!


Can't remember how long the rage episodes lasted, but I think there could be an issue of repressed anger I totally have (and for a reason...).


Peace  :smitten::thumbsup:

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Can I drag back this topic with some questions.


I'm on Lamictal, have been on 100mg for 2 years. It still is the only drug that helps slightly. It reduces my anxiety a bit still. I'm also terrified it's making things worse. My Dr. Thinks it's the last one to taper. Any idea if this is a good idea or not.


If I do it first will it help the rest or vice versa. The reduction in glutamate concerns me as I don't want those receptors trying to compensate again.

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Can I drag back this topic with some questions.


I'm on Lamictal, have been on 100mg for 2 years. It still is the only drug that helps slightly. It reduces my anxiety a bit still. I'm also terrified it's making things worse. My Dr. Thinks it's the last one to taper. Any idea if this is a good idea or not.


If I do it first will it help the rest or vice versa. The reduction in glutamate concerns me as I don't want those receptors trying to compensate again.


I definitely agree with your doctor.


If I were you, I'd even consider a micro-taper via liquid titration. You could get a compounding pharmacy to help.


Check with your doc, first, but mixing the med in water or milk to get mg/mL and then tapering by mL so it's done very slow.

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Can I drag back this topic with some questions.


I'm on Lamictal, have been on 100mg for 2 years. It still is the only drug that helps slightly. It reduces my anxiety a bit still. I'm also terrified it's making things worse. My Dr. Thinks it's the last one to taper. Any idea if this is a good idea or not.


If I do it first will it help the rest or vice versa. The reduction in glutamate concerns me as I don't want those receptors trying to compensate again.


I definitely agree with your doctor.


If I were you, I'd even consider a micro-taper via liquid titration. You could get a compounding pharmacy to help.


Check with your doc, first, but mixing the med in water or milk to get mg/mL and then tapering by mL so it's done very slow.


Thanks for your positive reply! I think it is a good idea too to taper it last. It was amazing help when I started it. It has lost much of its effectiveness in 2 years but still works enough to continue. I read more of the thread and noticed someone mentioned it may not effect glutamate much long term or not upregulate the receptors based on a rat study. I will cross my fingers but I know anything good I most definitely will have to pay some price for. May do it well after taper which means another 2 years so I will have been on it 4. Thanks again.

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Th ethird,


I agree wwith FnF and your doc.  Kick the K, then worry about the Lamitcal,


As an alternative to liquid, I have found this scale to be useful:





It is REALLY accurate to about +/- 3 mg, but to get a scale that is more accurate costs hundreds of dollars and this is close enough.


You will have to do some math because 25 mg pills do not weigh 25 mg.  They are mostly filler.  But if you assume an even distribution and are good with a razor blade you can cut well.  My 15 mg mirt pills weigh 150 mg, so when I want 10 mg, I weigh to 0.095-0.100g which is really 0.092-0.103g, close enough.


Hope that helped,



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Can I drag back this topic with some questions.


I'm on Lamictal, have been on 100mg for 2 years. It still is the only drug that helps slightly. It reduces my anxiety a bit still. I'm also terrified it's making things worse. My Dr. Thinks it's the last one to taper. Any idea if this is a good idea or not.


If I do it first will it help the rest or vice versa. The reduction in glutamate concerns me as I don't want those receptors trying to compensate again.


My pdoc got rid of it first. I'm so happy he did as to me it was a nightmare of a drug. Never again.

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Can I drag back this topic with some questions.


I'm on Lamictal, have been on 100mg for 2 years. It still is the only drug that helps slightly. It reduces my anxiety a bit still. I'm also terrified it's making things worse. My Dr. Thinks it's the last one to taper. Any idea if this is a good idea or not.


If I do it first will it help the rest or vice versa. The reduction in glutamate concerns me as I don't want those receptors trying to compensate again.


My pdoc got rid of it first. I'm so happy he did as to me it was a nightmare of a drug. Never again.


How so?

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