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Feeling like I'm taking steps backwards b/c I'm also taking Lunesta currently


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Due to my flared up chronic back pain, I have chosen to take Lunesta (2 to 3 mg) for the last few nights along with my 19.5 Valium.  I feel awful about taking the Lunesta as I believe it is considered a z-drug, which affects the brain very much like benzos.  The other sleep aids I have been taking have not helped during this last difficult week and my level of sleep deprivation was getting so severe I was getting very depressed. 


I am praying that I can get some answers about my chronic pain soon. I have a couple appts. with two different doctors next week.  I wish I was strong enough to tough out the sleepless nights and pain, but I'm not.  I am determined not to increase my Valium, but that's nothing to be patted on the back about if I'm taking other sleeping pills.  Tonight I took a half of a Lunesta and hope it will get me some sleep.  My plan is try to take less and less, freeze on my taper for a while, and then begin to taper again when I'm ready.


Thank you all for being there.  Even if I don't hear from you directly, It's comforting to know you sweet souls are all out there fighting the fight of recovery too :P



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Hi, Maggie,


Yes, I would see the pain doctors as soon as possible. Your insomnia situation is complicated because of the pain. You are right about Lunesta--it does affect the brain like benzos, and it will really mess up your taper. :(



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