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You know you're withdrawing from Benzos when...


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Soup, Thank you for your reply!  :)

I don`t think I want to show myself to anyone right now. They don`t want to see me either - "Who's this, did we get wrong?" Certainly, many go away on the broom this weekend, but they would probably wonder at least.

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Loll. I meant smoking weed. My boyfriend smokes weed sometimes and so im always around it. I used to love smoking weed and some people say that weed helps withdrawal and calms the nerves. But for me it’s the opposite, it just makes me even more hyper aware of my now mild symptoms. The only symptom i really have left is the restlessness in my nerves, which becomes unbearable after smoking weed


Is there anyone here smoking weed or ingesting thc and feel that it helps? I realize that i actually feel better when the high goes away later in the day and next morning though. Just not when im directly under the influence of it

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Loll. I meant smoking weed. My boyfriend smokes weed sometimes and so im always around it. I used to love smoking weed and some people say that weed helps withdrawal and calms the nerves. But for me it’s the opposite, it just makes me even more hyper aware of my now mild symptoms. The only symptom i really have left is the restlessness in my nerves, which becomes unbearable after smoking weed


Is there anyone here smoking weed or ingesting thc and feel that it helps? I realize that i actually feel better when the high goes away later in the day and next morning though. Just not when im directly under the influence of it


I like a high thc uplifting and relaxing hybrid strain. Oregon example: OCA Pinot Green. Am not certain if White Fire/Wi-Fi is for certain from CA, but I get it in CA and the strain is as described. Before it (Wi-Fi) I never paid any attention to strains.



I have smoked pot heavily in my life, so I am comfortable knowing my parameters. I only decided to try it again when I had nausea from chemo, but now I am very sick from the whole bzd thing and it helps w the oft debilitating, almost perpetual, screaming physical pain.


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When a job board posts an ad for a position as a professional Netflix viewer and 3 different friends forward it to you.
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When a job board posts an ad for a position as a professional Netflix viewer and 3 different friends forward it to you.


I should have been offered that job too  :laugh:

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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.
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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.


Shoot.  When you open your closet and only 1/4 of the clothes fit because you've lost 40 lbs!

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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.


Shoot.  When you open your closet and only 1/4 of the clothes fit because you've lost 40 lbs!




Yes! Or gained it… both have happened. 40-45lb. weight gain followed by the most dramatic weight loss I have ever known. Lost what benzodiazepines eventually caused me to gain (rapidly due to chemo I had to have from the cancer I know for certain benzodiazepines caused) and now I have lost it all and then some more!




I wonder when ANYONE will take notice of this.

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You know you're withdrawing from benzos when:

-You have researched everything so often that most of the pages that come up on Google are purple indicating that you have already clicked that link. You read the article again anyway.

-You are constantly correcting your doctor.

-Getting out of bed counts as exercise.

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When you live like a vampire in a dark cave. Closing all the curtains and leaving all the lights off, because the very thought of direct sunlight could possibly throw you into an all out panic.


many good ones here, but had to quote this lol

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You know you're withdrawing from benzos when:

-You have researched everything so often that most of the pages that come up on Google are purple indicating that you have already clicked that link. You read the article again anyway.

-You are constantly correcting your doctor.

-Getting out of bed counts as exercise.


Lol, lol.  Can't top that >:(:laugh:


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You know you're withdrawing from benzos when:

-You have researched everything so often that most of the pages that come up on Google are purple indicating that you have already clicked that link. You read the article again anyway.

-You are constantly correcting your doctor.

-Getting out of bed counts as exercise.


Searing brillance

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You know you're withdrawing from benzos when:

-You have researched everything so often that most of the pages that come up on Google are purple indicating that you have already clicked that link. You read the article again anyway.

-You are constantly correcting your doctor.

-Getting out of bed counts as exercise.


This is my life.

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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.


Shoot.  When you open your closet and only 1/4 of the clothes fit because you've lost 40 lbs!




Yes! Or gained it… both have happened. 40-45lb. weight gain followed by the most dramatic weight loss I have ever known. Lost what benzodiazepines eventually caused me to gain (rapidly due to chemo I had to have from the cancer I know for certain benzodiazepines caused) and now I have lost it all and then some more!




I wonder when ANYONE will take notice of this.


I'm sorry to hear of your cancer. How are you doing?



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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.


Shoot.  When you open your closet and only 1/4 of the clothes fit because you've lost 40 lbs!




Yes! Or gained it… both have happened. 40-45lb. weight gain followed by the most dramatic weight loss I have ever known. Lost what benzodiazepines eventually caused me to gain (rapidly due to chemo I had to have from the cancer I know for certain benzodiazepines caused) and now I have lost it all and then some more!




I wonder when ANYONE will take notice of this.


I'm sorry to hear of your cancer. How are you doing?




Thank you Ed, So much. That kind of question really feels very healing to my core sense of self.


It has been lonely beyond the bzd lonely, my heart 😏

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When you wake up vomiting over a unanswered text.

When you call out of work to suffer with your thoughts alone but realize it was a huge mistake and it drags you further into hell.

When you smell like peppermint oil all the time.

When you think you've reached the last chapter of your life.


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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.


Shoot.  When you open your closet and only 1/4 of the clothes fit because you've lost 40 lbs!




Yes! Or gained it… both have happened. 40-45lb. weight gain followed by the most dramatic weight loss I have ever known. Lost what benzodiazepines eventually caused me to gain (rapidly due to chemo I had to have from the cancer I know for certain benzodiazepines caused) and now I have lost it all and then some more!




I wonder when ANYONE will take notice of this.


I'm sorry to hear of your cancer. How are you doing?




You are incredibly brave.you have nothing but my respect and prayers.  Having both cancer and w/d has got to be the hardest combination of illnesses to try and tackle.  You are strong, remember that :smitten:

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Opened the closet with my clothes, and everything fell out on the floor. Pick up? In a little while. This was not the case before, so this is my benzo behavior.


So many times  :-\

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