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You know you're withdrawing from Benzos when...


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Is this really true? I totally believe it though. Never had that problem, but at least Heroin is out of your system, and the recovery begins after 10 days? Benzos, notsomuch.
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  • 4 months later...
When your whole family think you have lost your mind because one day you're doing great and the next day you're crying in the fetal position in a dark room.
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When one minute you are happy making plans for the future and the next minute you swear you are totally done with life and want to end it all .
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When one minute you are happy making plans for the future and the next minute you swear you are totally done with life and want to end it all .


Lol, yes...been there, almost everyday.

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When you get anxious because you suddenly noticed you are not anxious, but you become anxious because you know anxiety is right around the corner.


I just love this one !

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When your whole family think you have lost your mind because one day you're doing great and the next day you're crying in the fetal position in a dark room.

I can relate to this one. I was doing really well months 7-12 then on Christmas day of all days, while visiting with family, I suddenly felt myself melting out of reality and had to lie down. I was in bedridden agony for the next three months. Suddenly I was the boy who cried wolf. Even my own adult children thought it was all in my head and I needed a psychiatrist or something. :idiot: :idiot: :idiot:
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When your whole family think you have lost your mind because one day you're doing great and the next day you're crying in the fetal position in a dark room.

I can relate to this one. I was doing really well months 7-12 then on Christmas day of all days, while visiting with family, I suddenly felt myself melting out of reality and had to lie down. I was in bedridden agony for the next three months. Suddenly I was the boy who cried wolf. Even my own adult children thought it was all in my head and I needed a psychiatrist or something. :idiot: :idiot: :idiot:

Yes, same thing happened to me. It's very frustrating. I just pulled myself away from my family so I could recover without the responsibility  of trying to explain.

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When you had all your test done and you still feel you dying. When you were a happy person before and you become a total different person.... pain all over severe burning headache, anxiety, thingling on the scalp, tight chest, neck trout,  dp/dr, crying all the time. When you think you loosing your mind and is never going to get better.

Hoping to heal one day


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When you had all your test done and you still feel you dying. When you were a happy person before and you become a total different person.... pain all over severe burning headache, anxiety, thingling on the scalp, tight chest, neck trout,  dp/dr, crying all the time. When you thinking no you loosing your mind and is never going to get better.

Hoping to heal one day



Yup ! Story of my life ....

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When you had all your test done and you still feel you dying. When you were a happy person before and you become a total different person.... pain all over severe burning headache, anxiety, thingling on the scalp, tight chest, neck trout,  dp/dr, crying all the time. When you think you loosing your mind and is never going to get better.

Hoping to heal one day



I couldn't have said it better myself.

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when you get shocked and panicked by your own existence,get anxious to feel better and having burning sensations
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This thread is fantastic! So needed  :thumbsup:


Also when you're able to go for a walk around the black and you feel like you should celebrate because for you that's a marathon  ;)

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You know you are in benzo withdrawal when your belly gets everywhere before you do.

Especially after you eat something. I look about 5 months pregnant at times.

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You know you are in benzo withdrawal when your belly gets everywhere before you do.






Lots of love pnut .... sooooo true x

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  • 3 months later...

When I know better then to have anything sweet & I had a vanilla bean coffee from Starbucks and chocolate ice cream cake and now I have a burning head, anxiety and HORRIBLE DP/DR after two days of windows.

Go me 🙄😒

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You were talking to some people, and a cold breeze came.  All the words you just said swished into your long term memory, and it's almost like you didn't even know those people very well anymore.  You said your goodbyes and as you walk away, you wonder what you had been telling them about.  In your memory you can hear your voice talking, you know it happened, but it really doesn't seem like YOU really did that, since, you can't even remember what you said. 
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When I know better then to have anything sweet & I had a vanilla bean coffee from Starbucks and chocolate ice cream cake and now I have a burning head, anxiety and HORRIBLE DP/DR after two days of windows.

Go me 🙄😒


100% this. Every time I have a window, I'm tempted to eat sweets and such...even though I know it will send me right back into a wave. It's just that when you feel well, you want to fully embrace life!

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