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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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The wave/window pattern is not the same. The waves are definitely shorter and less intense. More window days than wave days for sure. Still cycling thru sxs but generally less intense and shorter duration and not as many at the same time. It’s anazing how many levels of “better” there are in this. I’m less sensitive to stress but still need to be mindful not to overextend myself. But yes I’m still sensitive and the husband thing really got me today- tears and all. It’s been at least a month since I cried. Anyway, he just hasn’t been there for me hardly at all thru this and while I try to just keep things civil, sometimes i just really feel the sting of it. Idk how to get over it. So, yes, I must still be sensitive. Do you ever try wishing really hard that reality were different.. like wishing so hard that for a moment, it feels like it might actually work to change reality? Well, I do- and it never works. Sorry for the long emotional post.
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The wave/window pattern is not the same. The waves are definitely shorter and less intense. More window days than wave days for sure. Still cycling thru sxs but generally less intense and shorter duration and not as many at the same time. It’s anazing how many levels of “better” there are in this. I’m less sensitive to stress but still need to be mindful not to overextend myself. But yes I’m still sensitive and the husband thing really got me today- tears and all. It’s been at least a month since I cried. Anyway, he just hasn’t been there for me hardly at all thru this and while I try to just keep things civil, sometimes i just really feel the sting of it. Idk how to get over it. So, yes, I must still be sensitive. Do you ever try wishing really hard that reality were different.. like wishing so hard that for a moment, it feels like it might actually work to change reality? Well, I do- and it never works. Sorry for the long emotional post.


:hug: You don't sound overly emotional to me. You sound like you are having a normal reaction to being extremely ill. We all understand what this illness feels like but few others can. I think just keeping it civil with your husband might be the best you can do for now.

We are so close. We know we will make it! Each day we are one day closer to freedom.:smitten:

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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?
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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?

Sorry Mate,

-Not insight, -But my 16 and 20 yo boys are causing me hell.. -I just want them to vanish sometimes..

They realy try to use things to their advantage and suck me dry..

It just all adds up over the years, another cost of these meds..

I think I was too accomodating for too long... Kids (teens), -and I guess sometimes us guys, learn to use things to our advantage in some ways...


We are fragile and can let little things go that we perhaps would normally nip in the bud...

Gaining back some footing can be met with resistance or indifference..


I guess try to stay true to yourself..

I hope things get more balanced soon..



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Hey everyone, at 1.5mg valium night from 20mg last September. I aggressively hit this taper hard. Think I might have gone too fast in last month; went from 2.5 to1.5mg in about 10 days and it hit me hard. Now I've been holding at 1.5mg for the last 3 weeks and my insomnia is bad. Jerks me awake all night, popping and clicking in my head too. Stomach and digestive issues too, anxiety thru the roof. My Dr told me this isn't due to the taper anymore , rather its my baseline level of anxiety that's taken over. Not sure what to think. He wants me to start buspar when I'm done with taper. Im frustrated because I wanted to be done by now. Not sure how much I should taper next and when?? Any advice? This is tougher towards the end. Thx















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By the way, just wondering,...are you dosing once a day or multiple times a day?


I know your on L not V but they are both long acting long half life. I would like to get to one dose per day at night preferably.





ATU - I have always dosed once per day at 9pm.  It has worked for me. Although, I've had plenty of awful sx's, so maybe if I had dosed twice a day, my sxs wouldn't have been as bad?  I have no idea, but I was always too scared to change my dosing. I never felt that I had interdose w/d, I generally felt better in the evenings. I do remember analyzing interdose w/d a lot and looking at other ppl's patterns and experiences and listening to my own intuition...and I concluded once a day was fine for me.  Librium is a little different than Valium though in that L has a longer duration of action, so less frequent dosing is more likely to be possible.  Also, it doesn't get as absorbed by fat tissue...which may, in part, explain the longer duration of action.  Also, the onset of action is delayed compared to V....it is a more gradual onset and peaks like 2-4 hrs after taking L whereas V hits pretty soon, like 20 minutes I think.  Yes, half life is similar but duration of action is more important when determining dosing frequency.  Also, for me personally, I am VERY sensitive to meds and almost all meds' effects last longer in me compared to what the directions say.  Anyway, that's the story.


I am now at 0.35 mg L  (=0.14mg V)...about 3 more weeks to go til I slide off! 

Of course today, I'm having anxiety, spaciness, frazzled, twitches, rumination, GI, etc....so ready to have my mind and body back in order!




Thanks for the response. I would like to try to get to one dose per day, many on V do this and seem to have no issues. Perhaps in a week or so I will try that. I understand the difference between L and V but I will try it anyway and if it is too hard I can always revert back to two doses.


Thanks again



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Hey everyone, at 1.5mg valium night from 20mg last September. I aggressively hit this taper hard. Think I might have gone too fast in last month; went from 2.5 to1.5mg in about 10 days and it hit me hard. Now I've been holding at 1.5mg for the last 3 weeks and my insomnia is bad. Jerks me awake all night, popping and clicking in my head too. Stomach and digestive issues too, anxiety thru the roof. My Dr told me this isn't due to the taper anymore , rather its my baseline level of anxiety that's taken over. Not sure what to think. He wants me to start buspar when I'm done with taper. Im frustrated because I wanted to be done by now. Not sure how much I should taper next and when?? Any advice? This is tougher towards the end. Thx




Personally I think you simply went too fast but you seem to have the ability to do it this fast without too much trouble.

I would simply hold longer now and give your brain time to adjust. As for your Doc, well they know very little when it comes to getting off this shit! They are great at prescribing but uninformed on how to get off and the symptoms this causes.


Just take your time going forward and you should be fine with time and patience and acceptance.





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Hey everyone, at 1.5mg valium night from 20mg last September. I aggressively hit this taper hard. Think I might have gone too fast in last month; went from 2.5 to1.5mg in about 10 days and it hit me hard. Now I've been holding at 1.5mg for the last 3 weeks and my insomnia is bad. Jerks me awake all night, popping and clicking in my head too. Stomach and digestive issues too, anxiety thru the roof. My Dr told me this isn't due to the taper anymore , rather its my baseline level of anxiety that's taken over. Not sure what to think. He wants me to start buspar when I'm done with taper. Im frustrated because I wanted to be done by now. Not sure how much I should taper next and when?? Any advice? This is tougher towards the end. Thx

Your Dr might be wrong..??

-A small amount, ie 10% ish...??

And.. -When you feel your body is ready after is has adjusted somewhat to the recent reductions...??


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I can fully get it when it comes to no support from spouse. Even when I was there for my wife to help through her cancer going to all Doc visits all hospital procedures etc.

I only ever look to her for support in my worst days and all she can say is snap out of it, or I’m  tired of you being sick all the time, words to that effect.

I concluded long ago I will get no help from her and so I don’t even speak about it with her.


I’m not mad at her for her seeming lack of compassion, I guess the only ones who get this are us.


Hang in there and try not to make too much of this. One day you will be healed and your life and relationship will be back to normal and you probably don’t want to feed the fires of how he made you feel during this.


ATU🙏 :smitten:



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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?


My now-ex was never there for me either. Yes, I felt deserted. Especially when he went looking for a "newer model" to replace aging me. My insight is I'm glad I was not going through benzo withdrawal at the time. It was very hard and took a lot of emotional work to figure out whether to stay together or spilt.


I think, if possible, it would be good not to try to make any big decisions about your marriage when you're going through withdrawal. When you feel like you are back to your real self, then evaluate the relationship, consider marriage counseling, consider whether or not you can be married to him just as he is if he does not change. But those are not things to try to think through during withdrawal. I know whenever I try to do deep thinking, my mind gets all tangled up and I get more upset and less able to cope.


Remember to be kind to yourself.  Validate yourself. "Yes this is very painful. Of course, I'm upset. But this is not the time to try to figure this out." Then don't think. Distract. Until you're in a better place. Take what you want from that. I don't know your situation that well and am basing it on my situation. I hope something in there was helpful.

Gardie :smitten:

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Hey everyone, at 1.5mg valium night from 20mg last September. I aggressively hit this taper hard. Think I might have gone too fast in last month; went from 2.5 to1.5mg in about 10 days and it hit me hard. Now I've been holding at 1.5mg for the last 3 weeks and my insomnia is bad. Jerks me awake all night, popping and clicking in my head too. Stomach and digestive issues too, anxiety thru the roof. My Dr told me this isn't due to the taper anymore , rather its my baseline level of anxiety that's taken over. Not sure what to think. He wants me to start buspar when I'm done with taper. Im frustrated because I wanted to be done by now. Not sure how much I should taper next and when?? Any advice? This is tougher towards the end. Thx


I think your doctor is wrong. But it very typical of what doctors say. If you read back on this thread a bit, you will see I tapered too fast and had the same thing happen to me. I did a slight updose and held until my sleep improved. You might want to try that. Many people find holding for a month or two gets them back on track. If you're really bad and can't tolerate your symptoms, an up dose could get your sleep back quicker. 2.5 to 1.5 in ten days? I would be inclined to go back to 2.0 or even the 2.5, hold for at least a month or until your sleep comes back, and then taper at a much slower pace. That would be my advice for someone in very bad shape. You need to decide if you're in very bad shape or if you can soldier on.


There's a Long Hold Support Group on the support groups board. Generally people end up there when they have tapered too fast. You could see if anyone there has had the same problem.


ATU is right. Doctors know how to prescribe but they know almost nothing about getting people off. I saw an article on NPR about that. The patient went to his doctors for help getting off opioids, and they said exactly that. We prescribe. We don't get people off. He then went to an addiction doctor who said they helped addicts and he wasn't an addict. He was left with no help.


Sorry, I don't know anything about buspar. There is an Other Medications board also. You might do a search there or post a question there.


Take this one day at a time. Ask questions. Read signatures. Make decisions. There's a lot of helpful info on this forum. You will figure this out. :thumbsup:

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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?

Sorry Mate,

-Not insight, -But my 16 and 20 yo boys are causing me hell.. -I just want them to vanish sometimes..

They realy try to use things to their advantage and suck me dry..

It just all adds up over the years, another cost of these meds..

I think I was too accomodating for too long... Kids (teens), -and I guess sometimes us guys, learn to use things to our advantage in some ways...


We are fragile and can let little things go that we perhaps would normally nip in the bud...

Gaining back some footing can be met with resistance or indifference..


I guess try to stay true to yourself..

I hope things get more balanced soon..


I'm sorry your boys are so difficult, Cant. I don't think it's necessarily anything you're doing wrong. It's the age. My experience is they don't improve until age 25. Luckily my 24-year-old has moved out and only shows up to be difficult about once/week. It's always an anxious day. But I do get the lawn mowed! Usually. Well, sometimes. Just keep on firmly loving them and they will grow up!

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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?


My now-ex was never there for me either. Yes, I felt deserted. Especially when he went looking for a "newer model" to replace aging me. My insight is I'm glad I was not going through benzo withdrawal at the time. It was very hard and took a lot of emotional work to figure out whether to stay together or spilt.


I think, if possible, it would be good not to try to make any big decisions about your marriage when you're going through withdrawal. When you feel like you are back to your real self, then evaluate the relationship, consider marriage counseling, consider whether or not you can be married to him just as he is if he does not change. But those are not things to try to think through during withdrawal. I know whenever I try to do deep thinking, my mind gets all tangled up and I get more upset and less able to cope.


Remember to be kind to yourself.  Validate yourself. "Yes this is very painful. Of course, I'm upset. But this is not the time to try to figure this out." Then don't think. Distract. Until you're in a better place. Take what you want from that. I don't know your situation that well and am basing it on my situation. I hope something in there was helpful.

Gardie :smitten:


Great post Gard!

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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?

Sorry Mate,

-Not insight, -But my 16 and 20 yo boys are causing me hell.. -I just want them to vanish sometimes..

They realy try to use things to their advantage and suck me dry..

It just all adds up over the years, another cost of these meds..

I think I was too accomodating for too long... Kids (teens), -and I guess sometimes us guys, learn to use things to our advantage in some ways...


We are fragile and can let little things go that we perhaps would normally nip in the bud...

Gaining back some footing can be met with resistance or indifference..


I guess try to stay true to yourself..

I hope things get more balanced soon..


I'm sorry your boys are so difficult, Cant. I don't think it's necessarily anything you're doing wrong. It's the age. My experience is they don't improve until age 25. Luckily my 24-year-old has moved out and only shows up to be difficult about once/week. It's always an anxious day. But I do get the lawn mowed! Usually. Well, sometimes. Just keep on firmly loving them and they will grow up!

Thanks Gardie..

Your right, -I know it.. Its so much easier when my SX ease off.. My mood has been a tad volatile with the ups and downs of the day, (weeks, months, years)...

Mr cranky pants today.. :(


Your son mows the lawn..??!! -Send the darling angel over..!!

Seriously, It was great till the older one moved in... -as to be expected, I guess..


Anyways thanks mate, -bed time here, the sun will be up soon..




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Thank you so much Gardie! You’re so sweet. I know others can’t imagine this unimaginable illness but it still really hurts when it’s your spouse who just writes you off. In retrospect, he was not there for me even before I got sick. I was generally there for him, supportive, accommodative, etc. Anyway, I just don’t know how to get over the deep pain of feeling deserted by him. Anyone with insight on this?

Sorry Mate,

-Not insight, -But my 16 and 20 yo boys are causing me hell.. -I just want them to vanish sometimes..

They realy try to use things to their advantage and suck me dry..

It just all adds up over the years, another cost of these meds..

I think I was too accomodating for too long... Kids (teens), -and I guess sometimes us guys, learn to use things to our advantage in some ways...


We are fragile and can let little things go that we perhaps would normally nip in the bud...

Gaining back some footing can be met with resistance or indifference..


I guess try to stay true to yourself..

I hope things get more balanced soon..


I'm sorry your boys are so difficult, Cant. I don't think it's necessarily anything you're doing wrong. It's the age. My experience is they don't improve until age 25. Luckily my 24-year-old has moved out and only shows up to be difficult about once/week. It's always an anxious day. But I do get the lawn mowed! Usually. Well, sometimes. Just keep on firmly loving them and they will grow up!

Thanks Gardie..

Your right, -I know it.. Its so much easier when my SX ease off.. My mood has been a tad volatile with the ups and downs of the day, (weeks, months, years)...

Mr cranky pants today.. :(


Your son mows the lawn..??!! -Send the darling angel over..!!

Seriously, It was great till the older one moved in... -as to be expected, I guess..


Anyways thanks mate, -bed time here, the sun will be up soon..



I confess, I went through some times of being very volatile with my kids, too. I was OK with saying I was sorry I overreacted. But I was still their mom and still in charge. You're still the dad, and it's your household, and you're still in charge to a certain extent since they're under your roof. And you love them and need to do what you think is right even if they disagree. But I sympathize! This is a difficult age and it's hard to stay calm one they look like adults but they're acting like kids.


Hope you get some good sleep even though you have turned nocturnal. :hug:

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Thanks everfor the support! It means so much to me and is actually very helpful indeed.

I’m not making any big decisions now at all in w/d - it just gets to me at the core sometimes- the hurt I feel for my husband. But I have no intention of splitting ever. And we have two young kids, 7 and 10. I can’t take care of them by myself in w/d so that’s reason enough. But I do want things to be better w/ husband too. I know I need to wait til I’m off, get some more healing and then tackle marriage counseling- all great advice. Sometimes I feel hopeless and trapped and feel like there’s no way to come back from this much emotional pain- but you’re all right in saying it’s the w/d. Probably another sx. So I’ll distract, heal, and then see if my emotions become more manageable and figure out how my husband and I can move forward.


Gardie- I’m sorry about your ex. You are very wise and benzos have not damaged that!


ATU- I’m sorry your wife says those things to you, especially since you were there for her during her time of need. I know others can’t fully understand this but they can still be compassionate and comforting. That’s amazing you are able to not feel upset! Oh and as for dosing, you’re pretty low now and once a day is convenient. Plus I wonder if small spread out doses even does anything.


Can’t - even though it’s sometimes tough, I’m sure it’s nice to have your boys around.


I’m so thankful for this group!

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Hey everyone, at 1.5mg valium night from 20mg last September. I aggressively hit this taper hard. Think I might have gone too fast in last month; went from 2.5 to1.5mg in about 10 days and it hit me hard. Now I've been holding at 1.5mg for the last 3 weeks and my insomnia is bad. Jerks me awake all night, popping and clicking in my head too. Stomach and digestive issues too, anxiety thru the roof. My Dr told me this isn't due to the taper anymore , rather its my baseline level of anxiety that's taken over. Not sure what to think. He wants me to start buspar when I'm done with taper. Im frustrated because I wanted to be done by now. Not sure how much I should taper next and when?? Any advice? This is tougher towards the end. Thx


I think your doctor is wrong. But it very typical of what doctors say. If you read back on this thread a bit, you will see I tapered too fast and had the same thing happen to me. I did a slight updose and held until my sleep improved. You might want to try that. Many people find holding for a month or two gets them back on track. If you're really bad and can't tolerate your symptoms, an up dose could get your sleep back quicker. 2.5 to 1.5 in ten days? I would be inclined to go back to 2.0 or even the 2.5, hold for at least a month or until your sleep comes back, and then taper at a much slower pace. That would be my advice for someone in very bad shape. You need to decide if you're in very bad shape or if you can soldier on.


There's a Long Hold Support Group on the support groups board. Generally people end up there when they have tapered too fast. You could see if anyone there has had the same problem.


ATU is right. Doctors know how to prescribe but they know almost nothing about getting people off. I saw an article on NPR about that. The patient went to his doctors for help getting off opioids, and they said exactly that. We prescribe. We don't get people off. He then went to an addiction doctor who said they helped addicts and he wasn't an addict. He was left with no help.


Sorry, I don't know anything about buspar. There is an Other Medications board also. You might do a search there or post a question there.


Take this one day at a time. Ask questions. Read signatures. Make decisions. There's a lot of helpful info on this forum. You will figure this out. :thumbsup:


Hi there,

Yes I agree with a Gardie 100%. I’m afraid you have cut much too much all at once and this is causing you to be on what I call wdsx hell.  I’ve been there myself when I first started my taper and didnt know what I was doing.

I also think you need to do a little updose if your wdsx are too much to bear. I also think holding in place until your wdsx are under control (maybe gone?) and you are feeling stable again is a wise thing to do.

The safe rule as I see it is to not reduce any more than between 5 and 10% of your last dose each month.

Many people who stick to the 5% rule can proceed with a slow and steady taper with no or very little wdsx.

Good luck. hope you feel better soon!

Heath :thumbsup:

Oh also, as Gardie said, the long hold support group may be able to help you further.


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Gardie. I saw you’re at .3 - awesome! I hope the sleep improves for you. I just got under .3 L today ... took 0.29 mg today.  There’s hardly any powder in the doses now. We are almost there! I am so incredibly tired of taking these stupid pills everyday. Just a few more wks til freedom. I’m no longer nervous about jumping.


Heath- you’re even lower than me. The end is right in front of you now!

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Gardie. I saw you’re at .3 - awesome! I hope the sleep improves for you. I just got under .3 L today ... took 0.29 mg today.  There’s hardly any powder in the doses now. We are almost there! I am so incredibly tired of taking these stupid pills everyday. Just a few more wks til freedom. I’m no longer nervous about jumping.


Heath- you’re even lower than me. The end is right in front of you now!


That's great, libr! We are hand in hand. :) I'm doing liquid but it is very tiny amount to drink. I add more water to make sure I get it all. I'm sick of it, too.


I've been tapering a week, holding a week. This is a hold week. Maybe next week will be my last taper week? I'm not sure when to jump.


Heath, good to see how low your dose is, too!


We're doing this!

Gardie :smitten:

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Gardie. I saw you’re at .3 - awesome! I hope the sleep improves for you. I just got under .3 L today ... took 0.29 mg today.  There’s hardly any powder in the doses now. We are almost there! I am so incredibly tired of taking these stupid pills everyday. Just a few more wks til freedom. I’m no longer nervous about jumping.


Heath- you’re even lower than me. The end is right in front of you now!


That's great, libr! We are hand in hand. :) I'm doing liquid but it is very tiny amount to drink. I add more water to make sure I get it all. I'm sick of it, too.


I've been tapering a week, holding a week. This is a hold week. Maybe next week will be my last taper week? I'm not sure when to jump.


Heath, good to see how low your dose is, too!


We're doing this!

Gardie :smitten:

Well Gardie, if we were married I would tell you when to “jump”..!!

-Then duck, run, and hide..!! :(


Seriously, Well done guys.. nearly there..!! Even if its a bit shaky, you are on pretty solid ground imo by approaching slowly in conjunction with your healing and SX relative to your dose... It should be much better than sprinting to “0” trying to outrun your SX for the last few mg (or V equiv)...


And incase your wondering.. :) as that “freshness” or “clearer” starts to show, you have it beat I recon... I have seen a number of slow finishers post it, either at very low dose or soon after jump/step/slide/slither, and I can say for myself thats when I could literally physically feel my brain beating the little waves of symptoms back.. I guess there arent really words.. Its something we feel in our own perspectives... If thats the right clunky way of saying it...

I wonder if thats the “Complete” or “true” healing Prof Ashton mentions..?? The one we apparently only get once off.. Bearing in mind “her” jumps were usually much higher dose...

I started to get it below 0.25V... “a freshness”..


Exciting times, And I wish you all more than the very best..!!


Onwards and upwards...



***-Hiding just to be safe..



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Thanks Can’t!! So glad to have you cheering us on. You are too sweet.

Interesting abt the way you described the freshness- brain fighting back those wave-y sxs. I don’t think I’m there yet but the waves are certainly way less intense and much shorter. I know the med needs to be out of me before I can fully heal. I wonder how long that takes after stepping off. I know there’s no good answer. I just pray for total healing.. for all of us!

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Hello Everyone!


I am almost at 2 mg. My percentages are scaring me. If you look at my sig, when I was at 9.5, I increased my % to .040 daily and went thru hell. That’s the % I am now.

Can someone explain why it would be acceptable at that rate now? I heard that at this point, we disregard percentages. I would appreciate an explanation why. Thanks

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I heard from "Be good" (who knows a lot) that when you get low on Valium, you need to stick to no more than 5 percent reduction per month.  Of course, that falls apart when you do get very, very low.


I'm reducing by 1 teaspoon from a 20-ounce almond milk solution per day.  That's just my way to do it.  For me, reducing by .25 mg. over three months will work out to be about 5 percent per month.  I'm now at 1.5 mg. Valium.


I think someone must have meant being very, very low--when you can't too easily look at percentage reductions. 


But at your level, you can.

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I heard from "Be good" (who knows a lot) that when you get low on Valium, you need to stick to no more than 5 percent reduction per month.  Of course, that falls apart when you do get very, very low.


I'm reducing by 1 teaspoon from a 20-ounce almond milk solution per day.  That's just my way to do it.  For me, reducing by .25 mg. over three months will work out to be about 5 percent per month.  I'm now at 1.5 mg. Valium.


I think someone must have meant being very, very low--when you can't too easily look at percentage reductions. 


But at your level, you can.


Julianna that's interesting. I can't get myself to doing the liquid tritation. I can't taper now due to a bad experience in my taper recently, updose and well, long story. Anyway, when I eventually start tapering again, if ever, I thought maybe cut and hold, but instead of holding a month, holding three (so that the cuts don't catch up on me). And maybe the cuts being 15% every three months. I understand you're doing something like that.

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