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Did I throw myself back into a minor benzo withdrawal?


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Okay, I'll first start by admitting that I haven't been feeling 100% lately regardless of my signature.  This should not be to frighten anyone, as I've made stupids mistakes to get in this position.  About two months ago, I went on an alcohol bender for about a week.  I was drinking wine and beer mixed.  Needless to say, I was experiencing really bad hangovers from this.  But before I go more into the bender and what happened, I need to go back a few months from there.  I've also been experiencing gastrointestinal problems for around 6 months where I'll feel short of breath and nauseous.  I feel it may be gastritis, however I'm waking up SOME mornings with no symptoms, and others I'll wake up with a higher heart rate, anxiety, nausea, and shortness of breath. 


So back to the bender.  I was literally drinking till bedtime and woke up one night with extreme shortness of breath (worse than any I've ever experienced even when I was in benzo withdrawal).  I was hungover and had that shortness of breath, bad heartburn, terrible nausea, racing heart rate, high blood pressure.  I dealt with this for a couple of days with no sleep, and I decided I couldn't take it anymore, so I took one etizolam hoping it would calm me down.  It did.  I sleep that night, but woke up the next day feeling REALLY sick like I was back in benzo withdrawal to a minor degree.  I felt really bad derealization, and still to some extent have it here a month and a half later. 


I'm almost certain at this point I'm allergic to dairy, and who knows what else (I do have a contact allergy to nickel, but I've read it can cause rhinitis and such as well), so I cannot rule out allergies for my symptoms.  Could sleep apnea cause the shortness of breath upon waking etc., and can allergies cause sleep apnea?  Part of me wants to say I'm in some kind of messed up post-acute, alcohol withdrawal and the other part of me wants to say this is all allergies. 


I had blood work done today and will know results next week, and I've had my heart checked out fine.  Also had an ultrasound done on gallbladder, and liver.  The only thing I haven't had tested is endoscopy and/or barium swallow.  I went to a walk-in clinic today, and they told me I had fluid in my ears which is symptomatic of allergies.  I suppose this could explain the "derealization" feeling?  But does this explain the stomach issues?


Any opinion is fine, as I have a doctors appointment coming up next week, and I'll surely have more tests done, but I'd love to hear speculations. :)



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  • 2 years later...
Hello (: I honestly think it’s possinly due to you drinking from morning until “bedtime” that would def make you feel hungover / drunk as that’s quite a bit to drink. Daily. Especially day after day after day
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