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Hope, I posted because of your post xxx


Two nights ago a friend came over and when I went to speak my voice was gone. Sounded like laryngitis. It came back a little within a few hours, by sleep I was better, in the morning it was gone. No thinking on earth gonna change that. I talk for a living. Seriously. I should be singing but I know I can't, I didn't know I couldn't count on my speaking voice either. Quelle drag this all is. But comical. I liked my cute little broken voice, and it was an undeniable reminder of what's going on, physically and emotionally, that this is real, this can't be brushed away, it will go when it goes, then it's gone but I suspect I'll always have to be little careful. Or maybe it's just that I always will be.


Pretty, yes, I think too that re instatement is a withdrawal symptom. I never knew it's what was going on. Had I known, I would have been off bzs 17 years ago and none of any of this all would have happened so as  :D as it is, you're right, ahhhhhh, but you're right.


So you're in neuro psych Flip? My FAVORITE!!! I love that business. I wanted to go into it years ago. Fascinating stuff.


Today I'm off on a trip that's going to challenge a lot of my fears. Pesticides mainly. DEET crosses the blood brain barrier which I think is why it's such a challenge after benzo withdrawal for some, for me it is, and I'm going to a cottage where I won't wear it but it will be in abundance. If I'm ok, I'm free to travel, what with the bed bug epidemic, hotels are sprayed regularly. If I'm not, well, I can always jump a train and get out of Dodge in a hurry. Still, really looking forward to this, and I'm sure it will be fine. I'll have to deal with my fear, and in withdrawal fear does go physical right away, it just does, it'll be hard to tell cause I'm just going to ignore any problems I have.... oh well, here's to nothing, it'll be fine, I'll be fine. It'll be fun.


Have a great week everyone.



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Have a great trip M, hope you can count on your voice again soon.


Am off the pity party & back to feeling its all possible & #%^#%! the sx. Although woke up with a stonking headache & not so gung ho about the pain thing after all but mood is great so on we go.

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Hope, I posted because of your post xxx


Two nights ago a friend came over and when I went to speak my voice was gone. Sounded like laryngitis. It came back a little within a few hours, by sleep I was better, in the morning it was gone. No thinking on earth gonna change that. I talk for a living. Seriously. I should be singing but I know I can't, I didn't know I couldn't count on my speaking voice either. Quelle drag this all is. But comical. I liked my cute little broken voice, and it was an undeniable reminder of what's going on, physically and emotionally, that this is real, this can't be brushed away, it will go when it goes, then it's gone but I suspect I'll always have to be little careful. Or maybe it's just that I always will be.


Pretty, yes, I think too that re instatement is a withdrawal symptom. I never knew it's what was going on. Had I known, I would have been off bzs 17 years ago and none of any of this all would have happened so as  :D as it is, you're right, ahhhhhh, but you're right.


So you're in neuro psych Flip? My FAVORITE!!! I love that business. I wanted to go into it years ago. Fascinating stuff.


Today I'm off on a trip that's going to challenge a lot of my fears. Pesticides mainly. DEET crosses the blood brain barrier which I think is why it's such a challenge after benzo withdrawal for some, for me it is, and I'm going to a cottage where I won't wear it but it will be in abundance. If I'm ok, I'm free to travel, what with the bed bug epidemic, hotels are sprayed regularly. If I'm not, well, I can always jump a train and get out of Dodge in a hurry. Still, really looking forward to this, and I'm sure it will be fine. I'll have to deal with my fear, and in withdrawal fear does go physical right away, it just does, it'll be hard to tell cause I'm just going to ignore any problems I have.... oh well, here's to nothing, it'll be fine, I'll be fine. It'll be fun.


Have a great week everyone.



Enjoy your travel Marina.  You can always bring a dust mite proof zipperd pillow case or your own pillow as well.  Are you driving or flying?



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I'm about 7 months out,and a dose of benzo belly has just hit me like gangbusters.

You guys who have been off for a while...U still get this?

Seems to carry on down to my butt and thighs too.

Current nasty wave was slipping away nicely till a couple days ago.....It's Baaack!.

Dam I feel lousy.


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I'm about 7 months out,and a dose of benzo belly has just hit me like gangbusters.

You guys who have been off for a while...U still get this?

Seems to carry on down to my butt and thighs too.

Current nasty wave was slipping away nicely till a couple days ago.....It's Baaack!.

Dam I feel lousy.



At 9 months out, I embarked on exercise program to lose some of the belly  ;).  I started low carb diet and exercise.  However, I went too fast, lost 30lbs over three months and revved up my CNS.  Had to stop the weight lifting and eat more complex carbs.  Unfortunately, I've gained back most of the weight in the following 2 years and a few months ago, started back with exercise.  I've lost 15 lbs but am starting to get up at 5AM like before, but will slow it down now and hopefully my CNS will handle it better now that I'm a few years post benzo.  I do feel stronger than I did before I started exercising again :thumbsup:.





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Exercise is not really an option for me now...at least not a comfortable one.

My work is a bit physical,and if the last few days are any indication,well,let me just say I barely made it past noon yesterday.

Just revs me up,heart pounding,head tight as heck....all seems to be generated by diaphram tension...very chicken and egg, that, I suppose.

I have been cuttung back on carbs but I guess maybe that's just not a good plan right now.

I am self employed,so gotta work or I starve.

Motivation close to zero tho.A fair bit of guilt cuz of the 3 young guys who work for me....I gotta be on-site,and I am letting these good kids down.

Past few days have been horrible.And I have some family stuff to deal with this week-end,which may be revving up the stress levels.

Tired,bored,anxious,mind a million miles an hour......Breathing execises only helping a little.

The heat and humidity aren't helping much either...always been sensitive to that...but now it just adds to the general stress.

I dread mornings...the worst!...after a late nap I feel pretty good.....it's just getting to there that hurts so bad.

And I am growing very very tired of explaining all this to friends and bosses...all they point out is that I should be fine....been off for months.

All of this gets me kinda angree....maybe frustrated is the right word.Whatever it si,it just makes it all worse.My mother(mid 80's) adds to it like crazy,and my patience is wearing very thin.She only tries to help of course,but it sets me off every time.She arrives here to stay at her cottage for 6 weeks or so,and wants me around alot.I'm not sure I can do that.I wanna be alone and still and quiet.

Thanx for the vent!

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Still...my original question.

Benzo belly after 7 months off?

Or am I just fat?

Yesterday was quite something....belly grew very quickly,over a couple hours...bloated and tight.

Home for a 45 minute nap,and most of it was gone... at least the worst of it...and I know I am fat!

All other systems working fine....no constipation,and fluid flow normal.

All just adds to the worry folder in my head!

HAd it explained to me a couple years ago that benzo belly was an effect of the drug leaving the system,

so didn't really expect it to raise it's ugly head at this stage.

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Hello everyone,


I am at day 72 of my freedom from benzos & antidepressants. For the past two nights have been unable to sleep despite being exhausted, yawning like crazy, falling asleep in a sitting position. Once I get into bed though, I feel wired, anxious, fretful. Cannot relax enough to fall asleep. If I do fall asleep, nightmares prevail, awaken to discover I've only been conked out for about 15 minutes!


Stomach feels weird as well. Churning & weak. It growls & feels empty but I have no desire to eat.


Is this withdrawal? Did a three year taper. This feels like it did when arriving home from the horror of psych. hosp. detox.


Anybody have anything similar? Help. :'(        T2

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Hello everyone,


I am at day 72 of my freedom from benzos & antidepressants. For the past two nights have been unable to sleep despite being exhausted, yawning like crazy, falling asleep in a sitting position. Once I get into bed though, I feel wired, anxious, fretful. Cannot relax enough to fall asleep. If I do fall asleep, nightmares prevail, awaken to discover I've only been conked out for about 15 minutes!


Stomach feels weird as well. Churning & weak. It growls & feels empty but I have no desire to eat.


Is this withdrawal? Did a three year taper. This feels like it did when arriving home from the horror of psych. hosp. detox.


Anybody have anything similar? Help. :'(        T2


hi t2 - yes i have the exact same symptoms as this now i'm glad to know i'm not alone in this...


i hope this helps..this is not fun

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Hello everyone,


I am at day 72 of my freedom from benzos & antidepressants. For the past two nights have been unable to sleep despite being exhausted, yawning like crazy, falling asleep in a sitting position. Once I get into bed though, I feel wired, anxious, fretful. Cannot relax enough to fall asleep. If I do fall asleep, nightmares prevail, awaken to discover I've only been conked out for about 15 minutes!


Stomach feels weird as well. Churning & weak. It growls & feels empty but I have no desire to eat.


Is this withdrawal? Did a three year taper. This feels like it did when arriving home from the horror of psych. hosp. detox.


Anybody have anything similar? Help. :'(        T2


    I've been going thru this for several nights too, I have concluded my waves come by way of my stomach...this made them hard to recognize at first, the stomach is the other brain and has lots of gaba that's trying to up-regulate.  The rolling, gurgling and feeling like nothing is digesting is my wave and it comes about once a week.  Also my tongue turns white.

    I've started taking a good refrigerated probiotic at bed time and also have to be very careful of any foods or supplements that effect my digestive system. If I get even a little bit constipated it makes things worse. 

    As for the sleep  :crazy:  I don't know, it just sucks...but I do believe healing the stomach is a good start.


Molly :smitten:


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great idea!! how do i access the thread?? im 17 days off and need help - pdoc  tapered me off klon too fast and now in severe withdrawal. he told me im not having withdrawal and its my own underlying anxiety- as i agree i do hav anxiety i disagree it is this traumatic- i can barely leev my hous-  ive never experienced this form of menta and physical l terror in my life - and i cant see! everything is blurry and moving and really dark! like a veil is over my eyes- so anyway i rely on BB to help me thru and to reassure me- (pdoc said withdrawal is ten days with some anxiety) not the case. almost started bak on klon to taper slower but still holding off (taking vistiril 3x day for anxiety thru this) mite do valerian root but will absolutely not do both together- .  wuld b great to hav a like minded thread for us newbies-


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Great trip, not perfect but great. No V, I will not bring a special anything anywhere as the point is to return to normal. There are certain things I am willing to avoid, like taking vitamins and avoiding even otc drugs, in all honesty I don't terribly much believe in the necessity of either, but caving to my fears, no. I didn't sleep well for two nights but better on the third. I could make guesses as to why but I won't. It doesn't matter, it's all withdrawal, it will all go away. I've been invited away for the remainder of the weekend, I have some reason to be apprehensive, I may or may not sleep, but I know the people and like them and will go up on Sunday anyway. The benefit is worth the risk. It's Canada day long weekend and something tells me these folks are gonna do it in style. Something weird and kind of awful did happen though, I started to cramp up in the car. Went into spasm in my knee, thigh and calf, was rubbing like mad and making an awful fuss it was sooooo painful. Was howling it up a bit like the waxing scene in 40 Year Old Virgin so had my car mates laughing, but ahhhh. It passed but it sure didn't feel like it was going to. We sang for hours, I lost my voice and started sounding like Melissa Ethridge with laryngitis but so what. Good times. This will pass so who cares. I won't make it worse by doing things that have proven stupid for me already, but I will challenge things that I can get around for the fun of it. Have a great weekend everyone. Who cares about symptoms, they pass. They're a pain in the knee, calf and thigh at times, but they pass.

Happy trails yall,


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Still...my original question.

Benzo belly after 7 months off?

Or am I just fat?

Yesterday was quite something....belly grew very quickly,over a couple hours...bloated and tight.

Home for a 45 minute nap,and most of it was gone... at least the worst of it...and I know I am fat!

All other systems working fine....no constipation,and fluid flow normal.

All just adds to the worry folder in my head!

HAd it explained to me a couple years ago that benzo belly was an effect of the drug leaving the system,

so didn't really expect it to raise it's ugly head at this stage.



Yep I've still got  benzo belly it varies from day to day like all the other symptoms



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Great trip, not perfect but great. No V, I will not bring a special anything anywhere as the point is to return to normal. There are certain things I am willing to avoid, like taking vitamins and avoiding even otc drugs, in all honesty I don't terribly much believe in the necessity of either, but caving to my fears, no. I didn't sleep well for two nights but better on the third. I could make guesses as to why but I won't. It doesn't matter, it's all withdrawal, it will all go away. I've been invited away for the remainder of the weekend, I have some reason to be apprehensive, I may or may not sleep, but I know the people and like them and will go up on Sunday anyway. The benefit is worth the risk. It's Canada day long weekend and something tells me these folks are gonna do it in style. Something weird and kind of awful did happen though, I started to cramp up in the car. Went into spasm in my knee, thigh and calf, was rubbing like mad and making an awful fuss it was sooooo painful. Was howling it up a bit like the waxing scene in 40 Year Old Virgin so had my car mates laughing, but ahhhh. It passed but it sure didn't feel like it was going to. We sang for hours, I lost my voice and started sounding like Melissa Ethridge with laryngitis but so what. Good times. This will pass so who cares. I won't make it worse by doing things that have proven stupid for me already, but I will challenge things that I can get around for the fun of it. Have a great weekend everyone. Who cares about symptoms, they pass. They're a pain in the knee, calf and thigh at times, but they pass.

Happy trails yall,



How was your trip Marina?  By the way, nothing wrong with taking your own pillow or dust mite case with you, perfectly normal and acceptable!  Not everything is "withdrawal".



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Have a great summer everyone :).  I won't be around much the rest of the summer.  Hope you all find some good healing in the coming months.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings all you brave and helpful B-Buddies!

Saw the query about BENZO BELLY, but have never seen its actual symptoms described. I experience bloated tight stomach in late afternoon and evening, much gas but no odor. It peaks about 48 hours after a new taper (I'm now finally at 1mg) and eases off at about three weeks before the next taper. Can someone please be kind enough to confirm if this sounds like the way the Belly Beast behaves? Or give a better description of its effects?

With gratitude.

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Greetings all you brave and helpful B-Buddies!

Saw the query about BENZO BELLY, but have never seen its actual symptoms described. I experience bloated tight stomach in late afternoon and evening, much gas but no odor. It peaks about 48 hours after a new taper (I'm now finally at 1mg) and eases off at about three weeks before the next taper. Can someone please be kind enough to confirm if this sounds like the way the Belly Beast behaves? Or give a better description of its effects?

With gratitude.


Congrats on getting down to 1mg Davidwb.  Sorry I don't have much experience with Benzo Belly.  Perhaps others can weigh in. 


How are the rest of the post benzo buddies doing?



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Hi Vertigo, and thanks for your good wishes. It certainly is a hell of a long trip! Strange about the B Belly thing. So many people say they experience it, but no-one seems able to describe it. I put the same post on the main forum and got many viewers but no responders. It isn't important, I shall chug on to the last taper. :)
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Hi Vertigo, and thanks for your good wishes. It certainly is a hell of a long trip! Strange about the B Belly thing. So many people say they experience it, but no-one seems able to describe it. I put the same post on the main forum and got many viewers but no responders. It isn't important, I shall chug on to the last taper. :)


Good luck with the rest of your journey off the benzo.  It's not uncommon to have bloating and other gastrointestinal s/x during benzo withdrawal.  Eventually they will pass too.


Best wishes,



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Benzo belly sufferer here!  As you can see from my signature history, I've been through it and still going through it every second of every day. I'm sorry, I missed your post elsewhere.


I've been trying different things. Probiotics are supposed to help. Right now, I can't really offer much advice because I'm still pretty seriously ill. If and when I recover, i will certainly ass on what I have learned. I'm so thankful to those that do.


To help with my "regularity" issue, I drink every morning first thing on an empty stomach a glass of hot water with a lime and 1/4 teaspoon of low sodium salt that has potassium, sodium, and some magnesium in it. It makes me evacuate inside of 5 minutes and has worked like a charm.


My stomach and whole duodenal area hurts all the time, even though my scope was "perfect". My right ribcage area hurts all the time too and I am "guessing" this is liver/ gallbladder. This morning I added an ounce of aloe vera juice to my hot water on the advice of a dear friend who has had to take opiate pain relievers for several decades. She teaches nursing at a university and tends to be pretty well knowledgeable before she puts anything in her body, so I'm willing to try this in the hopes it will heal tissue and help with liver issues. She uses aloe pill form powder to alleviate gastro issues from the opiates. 


Hope this finds you (and all of us) feeling better and better,    ~OneLove.  :smitten:

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