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this is what I just wrote in my progress log...just so you all know how really bad its been for me today as well as all days lately:



"As I sit on my bed crying I will write what I am feeling


My daughter just left with my oldest grandson..my 1st grandbaby...he is now 5 yrs old  before I became deathly ill I spent so much time with him...he spent nights here we had play dates all the time...we were so close...now not so much , if at all


they stopped to drop me off the most beautiful sterling silver bar necklace with all 4 grandchildrens birthstones on it


we sat up on my bed because I am to weak to do much of anything else


He begged to stay with me when it was time for them to leave...Said he wanted to spend time with me...I had everything from not falling apart and crying in front of him,

my heart was breaking.... my life SUCKS


tomorrow is mothers day and my husband is making a huge dinner so family can all come over...BUT HOW AM I TOO be involved?  I am so shakey and unstable,,,my head is so bad now...never ever has it been to this degree


How is a 5 yr old to ever understand this?  my life is no longer even a smidgen of what it used to be


I want so bad to updose or do something just so I can have a moment of clarity. a moment of normalcy, JUST A FREAKIN' MOMENT!!!


I am so angry at this, How am I to go on?  how have others ?  I am not as strong as others obviously...I am completely broken


I would rather me being dying of a fatal disease then this...because at least I would KNOW the outcome...with this there is no guarantee as to how or when it will ever end


so my daughter left telling me that it was alright and not to feel bad...there would be another day  but the sad truth to that is...probably not because I am not getting better...I am getting WAY worse


still have another 1.5mgs to go...I will never ever survive this. My entire day is all consumed by how I feel...I gauge whether I can dust a piece of furniture off by whether or not I need a cane to stand!!  Sorry but that's not normal.  Sorry but 98% of you all have never been like this.


If this is "acute" then what am I to expect the rest of the way?  DEATH?


So this is the most horrid Mothers day on record...I am grateful for my family, but honestly it would be better for them if God would take me so they would not have to endure this pain any longer


AND NOOOO I am not going to hurt myself...God has to do that....so I lay in bed and wait"



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this is what I just wrote in my progress log...just so you all know how really bad its been for me today as well as all days lately:



"As I sit on my bed crying I will write what I am feeling


My daughter just left with my oldest grandson..my 1st grandbaby...he is now 5 yrs old  before I became deathly ill I spent so much time with him...he spent nights here we had play dates all the time...we were so close...now not so much , if at all


they stopped to drop me off the most beautiful sterling silver bar necklace with all 4 grandchildrens birthstones on it


we sat up on my bed because I am to weak to do much of anything else


He begged to stay with me when it was time for them to leave...Said he wanted to spend time with me...I had everything from not falling apart and crying in front of him,

my heart was breaking.... my life SUCKS


tomorrow is mothers day and my husband is making a huge dinner so family can all come over...BUT HOW AM I TOO be involved?  I am so shakey and unstable,,,my head is so bad now...never ever has it been to this degree


How is a 5 yr old to ever understand this?  my life is no longer even a smidgen of what it used to be


I want so bad to updose or do something just so I can have a moment of clarity. a moment of normalcy, JUST A FREAKIN' MOMENT!!!


I am so angry at this, How am I to go on?  how have others ?  I am not as strong as others obviously...I am completely broken


I would rather me being dying of a fatal disease then this...because at least I would KNOW the outcome...with this there is no guarantee as to how or when it will ever end


so my daughter left telling me that it was alright and not to feel bad...there would be another day  but the sad truth to that is...probably not because I am not getting better...I am getting WAY worse


still have another 1.5mgs to go...I will never ever survive this. My entire day is all consumed by how I feel...I gauge whether I can dust a piece of furniture off by whether or not I need a cane to stand!!  Sorry but that's not normal.  Sorry but 98% of you all have never been like this.


If this is "acute" then what am I to expect the rest of the way?  DEATH?


So this is the most horrid Mothers day on record...I am grateful for my family, but honestly it would be better for them if God would take me so they would not have to endure this pain any longer


AND NOOOO I am not going to hurt myself...God has to do that....so I lay in bed and wait"





Lainey,I do feel so badly that you are suffering so much!When you said that 98% of us have never been as bad as you,well.........seriously,you have no idea how bad some of us have suffered.Many of us went through pure hell in benzo tolerance,and then when we jumped,it was so unbelievably horrible.It was too painful to put in words for many,or we were too sick to find the words.


I could write the real story of my journey,many things I haven't posted because it was so long suffering and painful day after day,and it would scare the britches off the new jumpers!I feel like what I do share is plenty enough reality I feel comfortable talking about.I have a lot trouble putting into words how bad the days and months have been the past 3yrs.


I do pray you get some much needed breaks,as this is a very,very tough journey to go through! :smitten:  :hug:

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Hi all, I've been doing too much lying down lately so I decided to look up the possible ill effects.


If you're mostly bedridden, please check out this article:




Bottom line, try to sleep on your back with your head elevated 10-30 degrees. This might explain the head/sinus pressure I've been feeling and throbbing eye...  :o

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Hi All,

It's probably not a great idea to get into who is suffering more than whom. This has been a horrific journey for me too, but none of us truly knows the suffering of the other, so I would never say that my experience is worse than someone else's. There will be no prizes for that. If we can support each other, and be here with and for each other to whatever degree we can, then that's probably the best thing we can do.


I've been awake since 2:30 a.m. this morning once again -- second time in the last three days. I had a number of things happen to me this week that exacerbated my situation, and I've hardly slept. I'm barely functional. Almost fainted again from the pain and fatigue. It's been overwhelming.


laineyk and 2200, please take good care of yourselves. To all the mothers out there, I wish you the best Mother's Day you can possibly have under the circumstances. Enjoy whatever parts of it that you can. I will be making some calls today to a few special women in my life, and I will try to dry my tears before I do so. It's their day.


Take care, Everyone.  :-*

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One other thing: Reach out to whatever sources of support you can find, whether it be a counsellor or distress phone centre or whatever. We all need to lean on others for help. If those we rely on regularly are not available or overburdened already, then that's when we need to look a bit further. Where I live, there's a phone line that I've called every once in awhile. A couple of times, I even got someone who knew about benzo withdrawal! She'd learned a bit about it in a university psychology course. Great to hear about that!


I'm not sure how well distraction works for everyone, but I've had to do a heckuva lot of it. Yesterday, I couldn't do anything but cry. In the evening, though, I finally settled down enough to watch about an hour of a Netflix movie. It changed my focus for awhile. I was up most of the night again, so I've had plenty of time to ruminate about everything that's bothering me, but I'll try to finish my novel today as another source of distraction. I'm hoping I succeed better than I did yesterday. It was almost a total write-off as a day.

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2200 and Lapis...my apologies....when I wrote that I was referring to the ppl who I have gotten to know who are now off and actually felt better the lower they got...so they keep screaming in my ears to keep cutting...they have NO idea what this is doing to my brain


2200 I need to know that this is not unusual...because I feel as if I have brain damage really, no kidding...the pressure and bizzare head fog is scary


Lapis I am so so so sorry that you suffer still and yet come on here daily to lift others up GOD BLESS you both


I wake by 3-3:30  every night and then it all starts right in again..I am lucky iof I get 4-5 hours of broken sleep and that is the only time I get a break


like you Lapis I had about an hour or so last night that I steeled down enough to watch some tv


as I am typing this my head feels like a stroke victim...can not take this ...


But I need to be grateful..my husband is making a huge dinner and having all the family over...that should be someone would be happy/excited/for...but me...I am dreading it...I love them..I just can not handle the noise the movement ...me trying to track what ppl are saying...trying to stay engaged in what is going on around me....ARGHHHH


2200 I know that you have already shared some of what you have gone through but if you feel inclined at any time to PM me and tell me more so that I can say..."ok...see its not just me and its not real insanity"


Happy Mothers Day to all who are...

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Happy Mother's Day!


Lainey and Lapis,I so hope you both get some relief today,my heart goes out to you both.I love all you guys on here,and am so happy to know you all!You all have helped me so much by your posts,and made the days so much easier to get through.


I didn't get enough sleep,so the dizzy and anxiety feeling is amped up more today.I might join you guys that are shedding some tears today.


Take care everybody. :hug:



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2200 and Lapis...my apologies....when I wrote that I was referring to the ppl who I have gotten to know who are now off and actually felt better the lower they got...so they keep screaming in my ears to keep cutting...they have NO idea what this is doing to my brain


2200 I need to know that this is not unusual...because I feel as if I have brain damage really, no kidding...the pressure and bizzare head fog is scary


Lapis I am so so so sorry that you suffer still and yet come on here daily to lift others up GOD BLESS you both


I wake by 3-3:30  every night and then it all starts right in again..I am lucky iof I get 4-5 hours of broken sleep and that is the only time I get a break


like you Lapis I had about an hour or so last night that I steeled down enough to watch some tv


as I am typing this my head feels like a stroke victim...can not take this ...


But I need to be grateful..my husband is making a huge dinner and having all the family over...that should be someone would be happy/excited/for...but me...I am dreading it...I love them..I just can not handle the noise the movement ...me trying to track what ppl are saying...trying to stay engaged in what is going on around me....ARGHHHH


2200 I know that you have already shared some of what you have gone through but if you feel inclined at any time to PM me and tell me more so that I can say..."ok...see its not just me and its not real insanity"


Happy Mothers Day to all who are...


Thanks, laineyk, for clarifying! Now I see what you were referring to, and yes, it can be extremely difficult to deal with pressures and comparisons. EVERYONE is different when it comes to withdrawal. I wasn't on BB when I did my taper, so I just moved along and followed the Ashton Manual. Everything that was happening to me seemed to be in there, and I just knew that I had to get off those meds. I didn't want them in my system, and I knew that there was only one way to have a chance at getting well.


I know you're deep in the trenches, laineyk. And I'm SO sorry that it's so intense for you. I know you're going to some medical appointments to get things checked out, and I do hope that will be helpful in clarifying -- or perhaps just eliminating -- what is going on in your body. I saw a number of specialists, and when all of the tests came back "normal", I was quite relieved. I knew it had to be the meds that were causing the havoc. In addition to the dizziness/disequilibrium and tinnitus, I had the gamut of symptoms. All kinds of wacky stuff.  >:(


Please enjoy your dinner tonight as much as you can. It's a gift to have all those loved ones around you. My family lives far away, so I have to rely on the phone or skype. It's not the same as looking someone in the eye and saying, "I love you."



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Happy Mother's Day, Everyone.  :-\  :smitten:


Well, I began typing this post last night, believe it or not, but was unable to finish it (too much rocking/bobbing on my chair  ::)), so it's a little redundant now but, still, I'll throw in my two cents.


Lainey, naturally I echo 2200 and Lapis.  And I'll pause here to send both of them big, huge, huge hugs cos, honestly, these are the first two gals who selflessly jump right in with arms wide open whenever they see anyone hurting ... regardless of their own suffering.  :hug:  :hug:  Love the peedoodles out of both of you crazy chickies!  :-*


Lainey, don't think for a minute that we don't appreciate what a rough go of it you're having, truly it's beyond heartbreaking.  And, for what it's worth, I think it's natural to play the "I'm the worst off" game in our heads, I'll freely admit to being guilty of that many a time myself. 


Like 2200 and Lapis, I, too, have never described in gory detail what a day in my life can look like.  We all handle things in our own way, different personalities, life experiences, attitudes, coping strategies, etc, etc.  Us regulars in this Dizzy group tend to be a pretty stoic bunch and a few of us have been very hard hit and in this deal for a very long time now.  We gravitate towards humor a lot, and it's a wonderful coping mechanism, but doesn't equate to less pain/suffering than those who complain the loudest, make no mistake about that.  There's another group I've totally distanced myself from because it's a non-stop 24/7 pity party group.  :laugh:  Seriously, it's quite something, the regulars only embrace you if you come in daily with your box of tissues, and snot and tears, and there-there-poor-poor-you, me-too-me-too ... rinse and repeat, day after day after year.  Hey, different strokes for different folks, perhaps it's cathartic for them ... but not so much for me ... misery loves company and all that, well, I personally don't think it's the most healthy of coping strategies.


I read all those many heartwarming positives in your post, Lainey, which I know you're aware of yourself.  You're very blessed in so many ways, and obviously you're very loved by your family.  I hope you can make that your focus somehow, and find some calming and self-soothing strategies for yourself.  You'll be more at peace with things and your nervous system will also thank you.


The best tip I can offer right now is *ACCEPTANCE-ACCEPTANCE-ACCEPTANCE*.  Surrendering fully and completely, utter, utter acceptance (channeling Dr Claire, lol) that this is long haul and we have a choice.  Either claw through this process kicking and screaming, wallowing in self-pity or ... not!  Trust me, it's not easy and some days are much harder than others, I have to constantly work at it because I am simply not prepared to add depression to my list of sxs, I have no control over my 24/7 physicals but I do have  control over my mood and, thus, overall level of suffering.


Anyhow, like I say, this is largely redundant now so I'm really talking to myself, I guess  :idiot::D but it took so damn long to type out that I'm sending it anyway.  :P>:D


Much, much love to everyone!


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Great post, Ms. Alphabet Soup Gal!

And I love the peedoodles out of you too, although I'm guessing that few of us have any peedoodles at all at this point. Mine left ages ago. Twas scared off by the wobbling/swaying/rockin' and rollin', not to mention the high-pitched hissing in my left ear and the early morning adrenaline-rooster crowin' (at say, 2:30 a.m.). I mean, if you were a peedoodle, would you stick around for all of that? Noooo!


Anyway, it was a great post, full of wisdom and wackiness in good measure. I didn't think it was redundant at all, and it was kind of fun to get inside your head, even though I got lost in there once or twice. I needed a map to get around. I bet there's an app for that!  ;D ;D ;D


I do hope you're hanging in there, abcd. I'm sending many hugs and other good stuff (such as balance and pain-free days).



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2200 and Lapis...my apologies....when I wrote that I was referring to the ppl who I have gotten to know who are now off and actually felt better the lower they got...so they keep screaming in my ears to keep cutting...they have NO idea what this is doing to my brain


2200 I need to know that this is not unusual...because I feel as if I have brain damage really, no kidding...the pressure and bizzare head fog is scary


Lapis I am so so so sorry that you suffer still and yet come on here daily to lift others up GOD BLESS you both


I wake by 3-3:30  every night and then it all starts right in again..I am lucky iof I get 4-5 hours of broken sleep and that is the only time I get a break


like you Lapis I had about an hour or so last night that I steeled down enough to watch some tv


as I am typing this my head feels like a stroke victim...can not take this ...


But I need to be grateful..my husband is making a huge dinner and having all the family over...that should be someone would be happy/excited/for...but me...I am dreading it...I love them..I just can not handle the noise the movement ...me trying to track what ppl are saying...trying to stay engaged in what is going on around me....ARGHHHH


2200 I know that you have already shared some of what you have gone through but if you feel inclined at any time to PM me and tell me more so that I can say..."ok...see its not just me and its not real insanity"


Happy Mothers Day to all who are...


Thanks, laineyk, for clarifying! Now I see what you were referring to, and yes, it can be extremely difficult to deal with pressures and comparisons. EVERYONE is different when it comes to withdrawal. I wasn't on BB when I did my taper, so I just moved along and followed the Ashton Manual. Everything that was happening to me seemed to be in there, and I just knew that I had to get off those meds. I didn't want them in my system, and I knew that there was only one way to have a chance at getting well.


I know you're deep in the trenches, laineyk. And I'm SO sorry that it's so intense for you. I know you're going to some medical appointments to get things checked out, and I do hope that will be helpful in clarifying -- or perhaps just eliminating -- what is going on in your body. I saw a number of specialists, and when all of the tests came back "normal", I was quite relieved. I knew it had to be the meds that were causing the havoc. In addition to the dizziness/disequilibrium and tinnitus, I had the gamut of symptoms. All kinds of wacky stuff.  >:(


Please enjoy your dinner tonight as much as you can. It's a gift to have all those loved ones around you. My family lives far away, so I have to rely on the phone or skype. It's not the same as looking someone in the eye and saying, "I love you."





abcd,Your comment----''Love the peedoodles out of both of you crazy chickies!"You are such a hoot!You made me laugh!Wish you and all the crazy chickies on here could get together and do lunch!We could all laugh our peedoodles off!


You wrote such a good post,saying things way better than I could.I like the part about acceptance of the symptoms.I tend to get frustrated myself,and fight them most days,that is until I remind myself that fighting it only makes it hurt more.


Off subject here,but do you guys all find grocery shopping to still be a challenge?


I went Friday,and am still feeling pretty stoked I made it through.I know I sound like I am patting myself on the back,but this is seriously still such a major challenge for me the past few years!


I was so off balance,with some DR,and it was making me want to leave the cart and bolt out the door.Well,I didn't,I kept going like a pioneer on my way out west,blazing through the wild wilderness, scared and all alone,oh,and dizzy as he#%!


I had a mission.It was up to me to restock the wagon.


I could not give up until I caught some critters for suppers in the meat section, foraged for eggs and milk, and nabbed some vegies from the garden produce wilds. It was like a challenge,yet terrifiying at the same time,but I had to push on,and get back to the wagon train before I had a panic attack.


Mission accomplished,and I  am still feeling pretty proud of myself for not running when the fear kicked in,but I know when it's time to go shopping again,it will probaby start all over again!


I used to love shopping before all this.Now it's like,"what can I buy online??" :laugh:


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Great post, Ms. Alphabet Soup Gal!

And I love the peedoodles out of you too, although I'm guessing that few of us have any peedoodles at all at this point. Mine left ages ago. Twas scared off by the wobbling/swaying/rockin' and rollin', not to mention the high-pitched hissing in my left ear and the early morning adrenaline-rooster crowin' (at say, 2:30 a.m.). I mean, if you were a peedoodle, would you stick around for all of that? Noooo!


Anyway, it was a great post, full of wisdom and wackiness in good measure. I didn't think it was redundant at all, and it was kind of fun to get inside your head, even though I got lost in there once or twice. I needed a map to get around. I bet there's an app for that!  ;D ;D ;D


I do hope you're hanging in there, abcd. I'm sending many hugs and other good stuff (such as balance and pain-free days).






:laugh: :laugh:

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Yes, abcd makes excellent points, despite her penchant for "peedoodles". Must be a regional thing. We'll also forgive her for liking that Australian band. Unless it's AC/DC, INXS, Midnight Oil, or even Crowded House.


Suffering as I like to say isn't a contest. And if this was a non-stop pity party, I'd be gone as fast as abcd. Humor, even corny humor and bad boating puns, is great if you can muster some.


Lainey, Mother's Day and all those other "special days" are good at rubbing it in that you're not well and able to participate in the festivities. But it's a blessing that you're surrounded by family.


Happy Mother's Day, come what may!

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2200, it sounds like you were a hunter-gatherer-forager-farmer in the grocery store the other day! Good work! Hats off to you! I salute you!  :thumbsup:


You're way ahead of me, in that I'm not even able to get out. My choice is to send someone else, or just not eat food. I was thinking of eating the bed or the door instead, but they get seem to get caught in my teeth. For now, I've got someone who helps me out with that sort of thing. But I think you should definitely be quite chuffed with yourself for having conquered the beasts and made your way through the aisles of that wilderness.


My choice -- when the time comes again -- would be to go to the smaller stores and not even bother with the big beasts. I used to go to Chinatown for veggies and tofu, and a natural food store for lots of my other necessities. There's a great market near me with many fish and seafood stores too, and come summertime, the farmers markets are everywhere. Much nicer shopping experiences!

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Hi Everyone,

I was just checking PubMed, and came across this German article called "Vertigo and dizziness in the emergency room".


"Vertigo and dizziness are among the most common chief complaints in the emergency department. Etiologies can be categorized into three subgroups: neurootological (vestibular), medical (especially cardiovascular, metabolic), and psychiatric disorders. The diagnostic approach in the emergency department is based on a systematic analysis of case history (type, time course of symptoms, modulating factors, associated symptoms), clinical examination of the vestibular, ocular motor, and cerebellar systems (head impulse test, nystagmus, skew deviation, positioning maneuver, test of gait and stance), as well as a basal monitoring (vital signs, 12-lead ECG, blood tests)......"


The full abstract is here:






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2200, it sounds like you were a hunter-gatherer-forager-farmer in the grocery store the other day! Good work! Hats off to you! I salute you!  :thumbsup:


You're way ahead of me, in that I'm not even able to get out. My choice is to send someone else, or just not eat food. I was thinking of eating the bed or the door instead, but they get seem to get caught in my teeth. For now, I've got someone who helps me out with that sort of thing. But I think you should definitely be quite chuffed with yourself for having conquered the beasts and made your way through the aisles of that wilderness.


My choice -- when the time comes again -- would be to go to the smaller stores and not even bother with the big beasts. I used to go to Chinatown for veggies and tofu, and a natural food store for lots of my other necessities. There's a great market near me with many fish and seafood stores too, and come summertime, the farmers markets are everywhere. Much nicer shopping experiences!





Lapis,I liked your future Farmer's market idea.I would love to go to the one near us one day,and stock up on some fresh vegies.That is, when the balance issue is gone,and I don't need to hang on to a shopping cart for stability!Also, I hopefully can handle crowds better then too.


It must be hard to have to depend on someone to shop for you,when you would like to be able to go yourself.I'm sorry you can't get out much Lapis!

One day when you are able to shop,you will be like a kid in a candy store when you see all the new stuff in the stores!


I love seeing the new stuff,but rarely feel good enough to just linger and look around for long.


Went to the Taco Time drive thru today,and had a huge panic episode in the car waiting in line.Made me so frustrated,as I could tell it was pure anxiety since I was only mildly anxious at home but felt the panic rise as I drove there.


I love driving too,so this is so not me!


Once I got home I calmed down.So this is definitely from an overly sensitive CNS from these crazy pills!It sure doesn't take much to send it over the top.


The heavy traffic,and so much commotion still gets me going.


What's weird is the dizziness amps up when the panic takes off.


Can't wait to be done with this crap,ugggg! :)



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Hey 2200,

I see the logic of your shopping cart stability tactic, and I think it makes great sense right now. When you're ready, you can hit the farmers' markets and shop 'til you drop -- or, at least, until you get enough fresh fruits and veggies to fill your fridge!


And yes, you're right, it sucks big time not to be able to shop for my own food. I want to see which fruits and veggies are in season, and I want to pick the best ones for myself. I want to see something new, and say, "Hey, I want to try that!" Etcetera. But, for now, I'm glad that someone is willing to go to the grocery store and shlep stuff around for me.


When you're better (which is going to be soon, I hear), you can drive around and go from Taco Time to Taco Bell to Taco Tasterama and enjoy all of your fave things at once (driving, tacos, freedom, meeting others who love tacos, etc.). At that point, you can forget all this crap, and just enjoy yourself, as you deserve.  ;D

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You mention jaw and ear pain in your signature. Are you a jaw clencher or teeth grinder? Could be TMJ Syndrome. Could also be the cause of your tinnitus.



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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Okay, okay, now I'm convinced "someone" is hitting on me!!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  Yea, yea, I see it, Shook, too good, too good.  Thanks for the giggles.


But, hey, it IS a GREAT song!  Btw, FYI, they're not an Aussie band ... originally from Lap's neck of the woods, Canada, but resided in Cali ... didn't you even bother to read the link I posted about them?!  :P>:D

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I confess, abcd, you really turned me on...to a GREAT song!  ;D


I'm as Canadian as Lapis, eh, and I've never heard it before. But I like it. And to prove it I'm keeping that picture up for a good long time! And wearing overalls with no shirt when the weather is right.  :smitten:



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Lol, yes, shirtless with overalls and a tie, and the girl's hairdo, omg, just a riot to watch.  She's a terrible lip syncer but still something so mesmerizing about her.  I do absolutely love that song, all these years later, I've played it a million times in the last few days.  Do you admit, at least, that she has an awesome voice?


I have to re-post it for anyone who may have missed it ...


"Baby It's You" - Promises



Oh, lookee what I found, another cover of it, maybe you'll like this one better?


"Baby It's You" - Blackjack



Oooh, another one, now THIS is a GREAT cover.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:  Awesome!!!


"Baby It's You" - Grand Design

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Got the dizzies rolling over in bed again on my right side.  I wonder if it's "ear rocks."  I'm in so much agony.  My body is such a wreck.
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You mention jaw and ear pain in your signature. Are you a jaw clencher or teeth grinder? Could be TMJ Syndrome. Could also be the cause of your tinnitus.


YSMANL,Yes,since starting benzos I noticed jaw clenching.I never was a teeth grinder before,and I think with all the severe anxiety I had while I started to get tolerance withdrawal,and then quitting cold turkey,it was crazy bad.


In my humble opinion we carry our anxiety in different parts of our bodies,depending on the person.I used to carry mine in my stomach,and had lots of trouble there when I was younger.


Some people carry it by getting tension headaches,ulcers,neck pain tension,teeth grinding,etc.I think mine switched to the jaw from benzos,because the anxiety was the absolute worse I have ever had.Sounds weird,but I sure notice that about people,it gets you where you are the weakest in your body.



My dentist thought it was neurolgia type nerve pain.When he diagnosed that,it was before I knew how bad benzos were,and that it could be the trigger for it.Surprisingly he was the closet to the best diagnosis I ever got from a doctor.Most just wanted to stick you on dizzy meds or antidepressants.


I do notice I rarely clench my jaw anymore,as the anxiety waves are less frequent.I am pretty convinced benzos caused this,as I never had this jaw/ear/tinnitus stuff before I took them.


I sure hope so!I want to be my old self so bad I can hardly stand it! :)


Thanks for mentioning this YSMANL,I appreciate it!



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You have a great attitude and that's so important to healing! You'll be back to your old self faster that way! If you are storing some emotions in your jaw, what's great is heat therapy. I got one of those pads filled with buckwheat that you heat in the microwave. It's a real comfort and I can't go a day without using it now!







Sounds like BPPV. Have you had the Epley Maneuver done?







How can I convince you that I actually like the song!  :laugh:


If there's nuclear armageddon tomorrow, I want the last humans to find a 45rpm copy of "Baby It's You" in the ashes and rebuild civilization around it.  :)


The metal cover is good, despite the band being shamelessly cheesy. But I have to stick to my personal fave:



They have to be drunk to be dancing like that. Plus Hugh Jackman being a dork, and obviously owing someone a favor for doing this.


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