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Tiltration schedule


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I am taking Lorezapam .5 mg. in the morning, .25 mg at 10 a.m., .25 mg. at 4 and .5 mg. at bedtime. Could you help me with a tapering schedule. I'd like to use the tiltration methord.
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There are two approaches to tapering.  One is to cut some amount and then hold steady for as long as it takes to recover.  This is cut and hold and is like going down stairs.  The other is to make a tiny cut every day with no planned holds.  This is like going down a ramp.
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The first thing to do is to liquify your lorazepam.  There are several choices for this.  I'd also suggest evening out your doses to .375mg each.
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I agree about the daily cuts. This is the most gentle way of tapering. If you get the daily cuts right you could almost be symptom free, or least be able to manage any side effects. You may still need to put in some holds every so often, especially as your dose gets lower. If it gets to the point where you are holding too much you would just need to lower the amount you are cutting each day.
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The first thing to do is to liquify your lorazepam.  There are several choices for this.  I'd also suggest evening out your doses to .375mg each.


Once liquified and when you are ready to begin tapering, you use a syringe to measure and remove your cut.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree about the daily cuts. This is the most gentle way of tapering. If you get the daily cuts right you could almost be symptom free, or least be able to manage any side effects. You may still need to put in some holds every so often, especially as your dose gets lower. If it gets to the point where you are holding too much you would just need to lower the amount you are cutting each day.


Hi Diaz-Pam,

I've sort of been stalking you and Builder because you both seem real positive and both report having not had many symptoms doing the daily reduction method.

I've been doing cut and hold since switching from Xanax to V after finding a benzo-wise doctor. I want to switch to daily titration... my Doctor isn't on board(he says I could 'safely' jump right now at 6mgs if I wanted, not sure how wise he really is haha...) I can do the daily titration on my own, I'd still be winding up at the same dose as he's prescribing.

My question: I've had very little symptoms so far going from 40mgs V down to 6 over the course of 2+ years. The only thing I deal with is ramped up anxiety but I seem to handle it OK.

Do you think it would be wise to start liquid titration now at 6mgs? Take one 5mg tablet and liquify 1mg which I would reduce over 30-40 days? Or should I stick to cut and hold until I get lower?

The reason I'm asking may seem odd: I feel like with cut and hold I'm at least somewhat in touch with what's goin on with me (i.e.: "I dropped .5mgs, I feel weird but it will stabilize out cuz it always has in the past" or jumping into the unknown... getting on the titration train seems scary in that I fear I could get caught going too fast and not be able to corrolate symptoms to meds in body.

Does this even make sense? Irrational fears? Should I just go for it? I feel like I've been skating by pretty easy and have been lucky in not getting "hit" hard ever and I would like to keep it that way! :-)

Thank you, Billly

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