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Spread sheet


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The spreadsheet seems to work.  It generates a linear taper plan.  Linear tapers mean that you reduce your medication by the same mass (weight) each day.  Some people taper linearly.  Another option is to taper logarithmically where you reduce your medication by the same percentage per day.  That spreadsheet could be modified very easily to show a logarithmic taper.


Either taper can be made to last the same duration.  For a taper of a given length, a linear taper will start slower and end faster compared with a log taper.  The logarithmic taper begins more aggressively and ends more gently compared to the linear taper.  The linear taper is easier to calculate and measure.  However, I think the log taper's softer landing (smaller differences toward the end) may work better for many people.  The difference can be seen here:



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Thanks for your opinion.  I wasn't sure if it would be an accurate schedule to follow.  I realize that I will have to listen to my body on this too. 


I'm not sure how to adapt the schedule for linear.  I do wish the forum offered some of these schedules that could be downloaded.  I had a heck of a time finding one. 


Thanks again.

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