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Eastcoast's Trip


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I wish I understood WHY ants bother me so. At this point, I just have to let this sort of lie low and try not to OVER figure it out. Time will explain it to me.

One of mu customers is having me bring ther laptop to her office tomorrow. Her computer tech will check it out and maybe know what to do. What a PIA! $500 is a huge amount of money for me. HUGE.


Sigh. Life goes on despite this stuff.


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I wish I understood WHY ants bother me so. At this point, I just have to let this sort of lie low and try not to OVER figure it out. Time will explain it to me.

One of mu customers is having me bring ther laptop to her office tomorrow. Her computer tech will check it out and maybe know what to do. What a PIA! $500 is a huge amount of money for me. HUGE.


Sigh. Life goes on despite this stuff.



I am sorry about your computer, that sucks, and I think ants bother most people eastcoast Annie, my buddy...luv ya, Mary. ☮️💜🙏

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Oh hell on wheels. I wrote a long and heartfelt entry and computer zombie land disappeared it. And I cant figure out how or IF drafts are saved here.
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Oh hell on wheels. I wrote a long and heartfelt entry and computer zombie land disappeared it. And I cant figure out how or IF drafts are saved here.


That has happened to me so many times eastcoast.  It really is disappointing, I can never get up the inspiration to write it all again, so they get a short condensed version  :laugh:  Love ya, Mary 💜🙏☮️

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Have either of you tried clicking the page back arrow?  That has worke d for me when it took too long and timed out.  My post was still there.
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Have either of you tried clicking the page back arrow?  That has worke d for me when it took too long and timed out.  My post was still there.


I think I  but the next time it happens I will try again ;) Mary

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Life can be so weird. Turns out my friends works IN a computer repair shop! I did not know that. And when her tech plugged my laptop in IT WORKED just fine!!!!! WTF!

So, I brought it home and now I cannot find its charger cord!!!! I have torn the place apart looking for it and cannot find it. I went on Amazon and ordered a new one but....GEEZ, why cant life throw me a decent game? Sorry. Dont mean to whine. But sometimes one needs to. I have several days off this coming week and I bet the damn things shows up. Maybe Bear dragged it somewhere, but I kinda doubt that. I am the one who lost it.


I have definitly decided to renew my nursing licence. I should have never put it on retired status. Back then I was in BWD, and in my crazy mind thought I would never use it again. Well, maybe I will and maybe I wont but I am PROUD of being an RN and want it back. I will save up the over $300 and get it back. Its just a PIA to deal with state government officials. Paperwork and nonsense. Then pay a fee to take CEUS which, frankly, are bogus now and a chimpanzee could pass them! Isnt that a scary thought, that your nurses may be that stupid? Yikes.


I might try Home Care again, on a PRN basis which pays much better and since I am over 65 I already have Medicare. I am sensing more and more than cleaning is becoming just a bit boring to me. Boring means I will start getting lax and then I will start to lose customers. That wont be good. I plan on keeping a couple of them just because I wonot be dependant on cleaning income anymore. Hope all these plans work out. If not, I may go back to the idea of applying for a nursing home receptionist job, just to give me income. Something will work out. I can feel it. 


Six years ago I would not have been able to say that. Withdrawal still had me in its grips.But I have learned over these last years that if you put your heart into something, they have a way of working out.  Time and effort will find me a new way of earning. And I LIKE working! Who wants to sit home all day, feeding the birds and watering plants??? I dont! SS doesnt give me enough money to live on anyway. I  get $2000 a month and that barely pays the bills. And I get more than some people, due to making good money up in Boston.


Side note to Denny: You were a total jerk. You used and manipulated me for your own needs and tossed me away when things didnt work as you planned. Well, sweetie, you are now dead and I am still alive. You lets our dreams die and never bothered to try to talk with me about it. You just started avoiding me. That hurt terribly because I really did love you.Even though you were gay I loved your stupid self. Olivia would be, what??? 23 years old now, if she had lived? Oh how I wish she had. I know you would have fought for custody and possibly even won, since you were so bullheaded about getting your way. She would have been a beautiful girl, with curly black hair (like us) and green eyes ( like us). She would have been fair skinned and maybe gotten your long sharp nose, not my smallish one. If she had lived, she'd be a heartbreaker now. But she did not live she died iniside me. That hurt so much.


Okay I have let off steam. Thanks, if anyone reads this. Youo do know this is my personoal (yet public) diary?? I try to be honest here no matter what.

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Went back to the repair shop to get my charger cord, brought everything home and then realized the tech had REMOVED that little piece that connects the mouse to the computer!!!!! WHY did he do that? I have no idea but luckily my old computer does work and has a touch screen. Off to Walmart yet again for a new mousie. I am a bit annoyed. I went to Kmart (near me) but they dont carry mousies. (Oreo taught me to say mousies. I blame him for this childish term.)

I DID find a nice toilet cover and rug for my bathroom. I bought a new shower curtain and liner. Its all in blues, sort of ovals scattered about. Blues on whites. My aqua rugs didnt quite match. Color has always meant a LOT to me and I like things to sort of match but not obsessively. I just got tired of the pink I had introduced in the bathroom. Done with pink for now.


I currently have enough money to get my hair done. I plan on having a bunch of highlight put in because I do plan on going natural. And my next hair cut will be quite short. The front should be a nice silver but the back will be half and half. Heck, I am not far from 70. Time to look my age. Even if I dont feel it. This female obsession with hair is so common and so weird. I always wonder why.


And I should be able - soon - to get my nursing license restore to active. Not sure yet what I want to do but want to be prepared. That will be perhaps $300 plus another $50 for CEUS. Since there is a nursing shortage you would think they would make it easier. But they dont. BLAH on government thinking.


My adorable Bear is on the other chair. If I am home, he will be near me. Soon as I learn how to do it I will post a photo of him here. He truly is a beautiful cat. SO soft looking with huge yellow eyes. You just want to touch him, he looks and feels so soft. But its his personality that won me over. Devoted, very loving and affectionate. I can tell he has not forgotten his first year and a half, living outdoors and unsure if he would be fed. Or loved. This traumatized him. And then I showed up. He is now happy and safe and his behavior and health tells me I am doing everything I can do for him. It amazed me how we humans can feel SO close to an animal. The condo I cleaned today is owned by an Addictions Psychiatrist. He is a bit of a hoarder. LOL! And his has this cute small dog, part poodle and part who knows what. That dog is just like Bear. Totally devoted to his "Daddy." Watching the two of them together almost made me cry today. If you let an animal into your heart, things never feel better than that wonderful feeling. Animals give us so much and ask for so little.


To all my friends out there who are still suffering...please try to believe that you will get better. BWD is a temporary condition. And it can be a truly awful one for some. But time IS your friend. You just have to keep moving forward, and trust that the stuff you read here is true. I know it is but you do not, yet. Only time will teach you that BB told the truth.


BWD can be the worst thing you ever did. It can even cause some PTSD in some people. It can be THAT bad! But if you just hang on tight and wait, and learn how to deal with various icky symptoms, you will eventually start healing.

It really is a fight worth getting through.


When I started to recover I realized that I had been lying to a lot of people. Me especially. I determined I would NOT lie again except for minor white lies ("your hair looks great!" stuff). So you can depend that what I tell you is the truth as I know it.

annie and Mr J Bear

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Back to Walmart for yet another MOUSE! Phooey on this stuff. My friend that set up the free diagnostic offered to pay for it and I said NO. I should have made sure I had all my stuff before leaving. Its okay. a cheap mouse is $6. I may be poor but I can swing that.


DEE: I am worried about you. Going to a detox is a huge deal. I know you feel you need it and maybe you do. Some people just cannot do this on their own. My worry is that the detox will release yoou too quickly, leaving you stranded in FULL acute WD, just like they did to me. Whatever....sweetheart, you can depend on me to try to help you when things are bad. I may be far away but computers make contact faster.


I have met the most wonderful people here! I consider all of you friends even though we have not met. I depended on BB to help me survive, and now I give back that love and help. Benzo WD can be the absolutely worst thing you can go through. And that we get no public recognition or support is just awful! Imagine that you had breast cancer, but there was NO support out there for you. No pink flags or tee shirts, no rallies to support your cause. Well, we benzo survivors get NO public support for what we go through and that is a crime, IMO. Does anyone have a clue why this is so????


Bear is (of course) on the other chair snoozing away. I know if I get up, he will too. He needs to be close to me. I often wonder what he thinks of me. Am I some giant, weird, hairless cat to him? Maybe. Maybe they dont think that deeply. LOL! He is doing SO well now. Peeing at least twice a day and large amounts. Somtimes three times. He has a new pattern which I think is a positive sign: he now poos and pees NOT just at night. I am sitting 6  feet away from the two litter boxes and I can smell the poo he did an hour ago. Its not obnoxious, like it was with Orrie and his bowel disease. Bear is a cat who depends on routine. That his litter box routine is changing I find quite interesting. I think it shows he has relaxed even a bit more.


That guy I was sort of interested in - POOF! Gone. He just could not move away from his mobile home in a real  country (redneck) town. He told me he would look for some hillbilly woman and he found one quickly. Good for him. But what a jerk.


I think I will live alone forever. I just cannot seem to find someone I both like and who is willing to change even a bit for me. I am NO pushover lady. I have standards. But I would be willing to up and move for the right guy.


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Back to Walmart for yet another MOUSE! Phooey on this stuff. My friend that set up the free diagnostic offered to pay for it and I said NO. I should have made sure I had all my stuff before leaving. Its okay. a cheap mouse is $6. I may be poor but I can swing that.


DEE: I am worried about you. Going to a detox is a huge deal. I know you feel you need it and maybe you do. Some people just cannot do this on their own. My worry is that the detox will release yoou too quickly, leaving you stranded in FULL acute WD, just like they did to me. Whatever....sweetheart, you can depend on me to try to help you when things are bad. I may be far away but computers make contact faster.


I have met the most wonderful people here! I consider all of you friends even though we have not met. I depended on BB to help me survive, and now I give back that love and help. Benzo WD can be the absolutely worst thing you can go through. And that we get no public recognition or support is just awful! Imagine that you had breast cancer, but there was NO support out there for you. No pink flags or tee shirts, no rallies to support your cause. Well, we benzo survivors get NO public support for what we go through and that is a crime, IMO. Does anyone have a clue why this is so????


Bear is (of course) on the other chair snoozing away. I know if I get up, he will too. He needs to be close to me. I often wonder what he thinks of me. Am I some giant, weird, hairless cat to him? Maybe. Maybe they dont think that deeply. LOL! He is doing SO well now. Peeing at least twice a day and large amounts. Somtimes three times. He has a new pattern which I think is a positive sign: he now poos and pees NOT just at night. I am sitting 6  feet away from the two litter boxes and I can smell the poo he did an hour ago. Its not obnoxious, like it was with Orrie and his bowel disease. Bear is a cat who depends on routine. That his litter box routine is changing I find quite interesting. I think it shows he has relaxed even a bit more.


That guy I was sort of interested in - POOF! Gone. He just could not move away from his mobile home in a real  country (redneck) town. He told me he would look for some hillbilly woman and he found one quickly. Good for him. But what a jerk.


I think I will live alone forever. I just cannot seem to find someone I both like and who is willing to change even a bit for me. I am NO pushover lady. I have standards. But I would be willing to up and move for the right guy.


All animals have hierarchies, you are alpha 🐱.  You are the leader, provide the home, the routine and affection. He respects and loves you.  Like me :D. Mary

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Today was sort of a great day and sort of a bad one. My day started with my neighbor  being very angry at me. She had asked me to stop feeding this particular stray cat, because he is not neutered and stinky sprays her back porch. I have told her before that I wont stop feeding him because he is hungry and it is my belief I need to feed stray cats. She seems to think my feeding him is causing him to spray her porch. OH PHOOEY! He doesnt spray MY porch! The reason he does this is because she lets her young cat, Baby, OUTDOORS. She had tried to keep him in, which made me happy because then the squirrels werent so afraid to come get peanuts. But a month ago, she gave in and now lets Baby out at all hours of the days. The stray cat doesnt like Baby, and they fight. THAT is why he sprays her damn porch. When she spoke to me she was rude, nasty and insiated I am not a good neighbor. I highly disagree. I have many things that she and her son do that annoy me, but neighbors are neighbors and sometimes you just have to keep your mouth SHUT to maintain the peace. (This is the neighbor who I let use my WIFI for only $30 a month. The one I sold a good vacuum to for $30.) This neighbor I have given MANY things. Small gifts I thought she would like.


I went outside just now for a smoke and realized she must be referring to my three small windchimes. They are on curved posts in my garden. SHE does not like them but I had NO idea he didnt. Mayb e he does or maybe she is just manipulating me to remove them. And I will not do that. They are small and sound so nice. She constantly wraps the clanger up so they wont ring. And I fix that. Tonight is cold and not windy. so why doesnt he open his damn window??? I personally think she made this up JUST to get her way.


Feeding stray cats is something I have always done and will not stop doing. THIS stray cat is simply reacting to her indoor-outdoor kitty and that is why he is spraying. Give me an effing break, Laurie. I wont change the way I live just for you. Windchimes and stray cats...and for THIS you say I am not a good neighbor? NOT so, you idiot. I am angry now and rightfully so but this will pass as long as I let it out.


I have never liked that woman. We share some thingsd but on other things, we are just miles apart. I am not better than her. I have faults, a lot of them. But NOR do I take them out on my neighbors. I never curse at my neighbors, or try to force them to do something different. Laurie and Josh seldom pick up their dogs poo on the grass, even thought I have told them it annoys me. But if something annoys THEM, they always make a point of saying so.


I know this will pass. I know I am not the most perfect person and something about me turns people away but has nothing to do with windchimes, stray cats, or other minor things. That is ME and at almost 69 I doubt if I can change those things much. I try to get along. Dont we all? I dont make waves and I am not pushy about the things that piss me off.


Okay. I am going to unload a bit. I need to in order to sleep tonight! LOL!


Laurie, you can take your stupid attitude, pushy , manipulative ways and just shove it. If you kept your damn cat IN you would not have stray cats spraying your porch. It is that simple and blaming me is totally ridiculous. If Josh doesnt like my windchimes, HE should have said something, not YOU. When I next see him I will pleasantly discuss this, but beyond that, you guys can go to freaking hell. You have not bee good neighbors to ME!



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Here is a perfect "Benzo Brain" story. Six years ago I bought a toaster oven. I was still in WD with foggy thinking, the usual stuff. I couldnt get the darn thing to work no matter what I did. It sat on my counter for months. Finally I just gave up and stored it away. A month ago I dug it out,l plugged it in and IT WORKS JUST FINE!!!!! LOL! You have to laugh at this stuff.


I helped a friend clean her porch yesterday. Yucky mess, with dog and cat do all over it. But now it is fairly clean. She had friends visiting and we chatted all day. They are moderate liberals like me, and totally disapprove of Trump.  Shutting the government down because he didnt get his way is just childishly bullying.


Much like my neighbor. LOL! Today she is being civil to me, but the main issues are not fixed. I will NOT stop feeding stray cats! NO WAY! I finally realized she was referring to my wind chimes. When I see her son, I will ask him if it is true that they bother him at night. If so, I WILL move them. I just did not know they bothered him. There IS a time to back down and a time to stand your ground. Now, if she were willing to keep her silly young cat in a lot more, which would make me happy because I cannot feed the squirrels and birds if she doesnt...if she were willing, I might even remove the chimes entirely and put them out back. But I know damn well she wont do this. She, too, is a childish, drugged up bully. The first to point a finger and assign blame but unwilling to change what bothers her neighbors. Tit for Tat.


Went to Goodwill and bought some small gifts for my neighbors. Dollar Store provided me boxes and bags. A small attempt to make amends on my part. I know I am not without faults. Hardly.


Jackie Bear peed THREE times today and poo'd twice! Yahoo! I know, silly to celebrate a cats peeing but with THIS cat, I do. I know I am doing the best job I can keep him safe and healthy. As soon as I know how to do it I will post photos of my beautiful cat. You will be surprised at just how beautiful he is. He has the softest looking face I have ever seen, and the biggest, brightest eyes. His eyes are always full of Cat Love for me. That is hard to define, but it does exist.


Dogs will love anyone who feeds them. Cats have to like you from the get go and learn to trust you. Only then will they give such a deep love. And that is one reason I love cats.


Hope all of you have a wonderful holiday time. BB has meant so much to me over the years. I can never re-pay this debt, because without BB, I would now be dead. I am not exaggerating. I know this to be true.

hugs to all,



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Here is a perfect "Benzo Brain" story. Six years ago I bought a toaster oven. I was still in WD with foggy thinking, the usual stuff. I couldnt get the darn thing to work no matter what I did. It sat on my counter for months. Finally I just gave up and stored it away. A month ago I dug it out,l plugged it in and IT WORKS JUST FINE!!!!! LOL! You have to laugh at this stuff.


I helped a friend clean her porch yesterday. Yucky mess, with dog and cat do all over it. But now it is fairly clean. She had friends visiting and we chatted all day. They are moderate liberals like me, and totally disapprove of Trump.  Shutting the government down because he didnt get his way is just childishly bullying.


Much like my neighbor. LOL! Today she is being civil to me, but the main issues are not fixed. I will NOT stop feeding stray cats! NO WAY! I finally realized she was referring to my wind chimes. When I see her son, I will ask him if it is true that they bother him at night. If so, I WILL move them. I just did not know they bothered him. There IS a time to back down and a time to stand your ground. Now, if she were willing to keep her silly young cat in a lot more, which would make me happy because I cannot feed the squirrels and birds if she doesnt...if she were willing, I might even remove the chimes entirely and put them out back. But I know damn well she wont do this. She, too, is a childish, drugged up bully. The first to point a finger and assign blame but unwilling to change what bothers her neighbors. Tit for Tat.


Went to Goodwill and bought some small gifts for my neighbors. Dollar Store provided me boxes and bags. A small attempt to make amends on my part. I know I am not without faults. Hardly.


Jackie Bear peed THREE times today and poo'd twice! Yahoo! I know, silly to celebrate a cats peeing but with THIS cat, I do. I know I am doing the best job I can keep him safe and healthy. As soon as I know how to do it I will post photos of my beautiful cat. You will be surprised at just how beautiful he is. He has the softest looking face I have ever seen, and the biggest, brightest eyes. His eyes are always full of Cat Love for me. That is hard to define, but it does exist.


Dogs will love anyone who feeds them. Cats have to like you from the get go and learn to trust you. Only then will they give such a deep love. And that is one reason I love cats.


Hope all of you have a wonderful holiday time. BB has meant so much to me over the years. I can never re-pay this debt, because without BB, I would now be dead. I am not exaggerating. I know this to be true.

hugs to all,




You repay the debt every time you post, eastcoast.  Love you, Mary 🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🎄🎁💜☮️

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My part of Florida had an early cold spell the last two weeks, but next week its back up into the damn 80's. BLAH! Some of you are thinking "is she crazy?" If you live in a cold, damp place, Florida might sound lovely to you. But it isnt for me, a person who craves having real seasons and gets tired of wearing sandals. My right leg, the one I injured so badly due to benzos is swollen and I do not like to wear shorts. I know, most people dont notice this but I do! I am not too old yet NOT to care how I look. That day is coming...but not now.


Florida is just TOO hot, too humid and has too many insects for this lady. Running the AC all the time costs money I dont always have. I wish I could move back to the Northeast US. Maryland or Virginia.


Bear is asleep on the other chair....as always. This is by far the best cat I have ever been owned by. He chose me and he was right. We are a perfect fit. His love and affection are always so apparent to me. He sort of radiates his love and trust of me.


My neighbor was more pleasant to me today. Last night I left a nice note for her son, asking if my chimes do keep him awake. He hasnt responded yet but my gut tells me there was perhaps a heated discussion about it with his bullying mother. This woman accused me of not being neighborly. But again today, she asked if she could use my washing machine (theirs is broken). Of course I said yes, like I always I do. I annoys me that she never offers to pay me. When I had to borrow a neighbors dryer, I left them a few dollars in return. She has used my wash m achine perhaps 10 times and never once offered to pay me. I KNOW in my heart that I am right about all of this stuff, but being accused of being greedy and selfish cuts me to the quick. Old  teachings of my daggone mother.

Her damn cats prevents me and Wenday (another neighbor) from feeding the squirrels. But she doesnt keep her cat in for us! Its always her way or no way. IF Josh tells me the chimes DO keep him awake, I will move them. But I will NOT move them just because Lauries doesnt like windchimes! I dont like her ugly white and beige plastic lawn chairs, or what I call the "mud farm" which is her part of your shared backyard. I HATE almost stepping in dog shit if I walk out there! Two dogs create a lot of waste and it smells awful and is disgusting to look at. I realized that I SHOULD have said to her today just what she said to me 2 days ago: "Do you mind if I use your washing machine this afternoon?" I should have said - just like she did - "I dont know if I CAN do that Laurie. With a hostile tone of voice. "Maybe when you start picking up the dog shit, trim your weedy hedges and keep your damnh cat inside, maybe then I could let you use my machine."


Oh well. Such silly stuff. Really pathetic stuff but it does get to me.  I suppose most people has neighbor issues. Comes with the territory.











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Here I am again, me, alone on Christmas. I am not a Christian but the holiday represents things other than Jesus. My two sisters are far far away. Plus none of us have the money to travel. Wish we did.


I got Laurie and her son several small Goodwill gifts. I want to show them that I am harmless and not unwilling to be neighborly. But I also realized again today that Laurie is just a difficult person for me. Everything has to be HER way, never mine. She dislikes my windchimes. I get this, but they don't keep her awak as her bedroom is on the back of the building. I have left Josh two notes asking if what she told me is true. He has not answered, so I am guessing she just lied.



Here is the real truth. She asked yet again yesterday if she could use my wash machine. I said "sure" like I always do. She has never offered to pay a big, since water does cost money here! I give her one outdoor cat food and treats almost daily, plus keep a water bowl for her. I do this because I love Nabu. I have told her that her c at Baby does not allow me to open my back door (patio, slider) wide open because Bear HATES Baby and would rip through the screen just to get him. Her letting him go outside at will now has also affected my (and Wendy's) hobby of feeding the squirrels. I really do resent that. But I am at fault because she does not like windchimes??? Oh give me a break. She has never once offered top do anything for me and ignores the things I have told her. TO HELL WITH HER. She IS a bully.


Hate going on and on about her. but it does cleanse my soul top write it down.




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SO glad Christmas is over! Next its New Years and who gives a darn about that? I sure don't. I plan to spend my weekend getting a few things done, including planting two pots of flowers for a bare area.


I spoke with Josh about the windchimes and he wasn't overly demanding about it but I do get the message the chimes HAVE kept him awake in the past, I will move them to the back of the yard during the winter and back out front in the warm months. But I will not get rid of them just because Laurie doesn't like them. Give me a break. NOR will I ever stop feeding stray cats no matter how much they spray her silly small patio. IF she kept Baby inside (and safe) she wouldn't have this problem at all. If I didn't feed stray cats I wouldn't have gotten to know Oreo. Her letting Baby out so much has ruined MY hobby of feeding the squirrels. Tit for Tat. She IS a sellfish bully.



This coming week I only work 4 days. I am trying to drum up new business but its slow. Once I save up $300 I can get my RN license renewed and try to find a job in home care. Easy, PRN part time stuff. No hospitals or nursing homes for this nurse now. I am done with all that. Just not worth the hassles.



The more I get to knopw Bear, the more I love him. A large gentle giant of a cat who is a bit smarter than most. I still wonder WHY he knew I was HIS human! I find this amazing, that a small creature like him sensed something about me that made him knew he could trust me. Do cat people smell different???? Maybe so. I cannot thinkof anything else to explain this. He truly is my bvest cat ever and probably my last cat. I have tried so hard to get him to drink more water to prevent urinary troubles. He has repaid me many tyimes over by being so devoted to me. On a cold night, nothing is more comforting than having a big, warm cat snuggle up with you. If any of you Cat People have theories on how a cat knows you are HIS person, let me know. This really interests me.


Annie and Jackie Bear


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Dear Jackie,

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and words of hope and encouragement around the forum.

I love to read about healing, and this blossoming love story with Jackie Bear is perhaps what life is all about. The simplest things are the most beautiful and precious.

Hugs to both of you!

Julia xx

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Hi Annie,


I was alone on Christmas too.  My nearest and only close relatives, my brother, and sister in law/best friend of 50 years (he met her through me) live in Calif, 600 miles south of here.  But, I've never enjoyed Christmas much, or any of the Fall holidays except Halloween. 


Speaking of cats, Artie is on my lap as usual and my crazy totoishell, Cleo, is on the footstool chewing on my toes. Really!  She IS crazy, a typical tortoishell.  Theres another tortie from the neighborhood, with unusual coloring, mostly orange with black dusting as if she came out of a pile of soot.  She's crazy too, and hisses at my cats through the sliding glass door.  She wants in but that won't happen.  Two cats is enough and more than one tortoiseshell is unthinkable.




I looked at several Seattle shelters before I found Artie.  The last rescue group I went to had just received a shipment of surplus kittens frim a kill shelter in Eastern Washington, and most of them were still in carriers.  It was a zoo!  The carriers were all piled against the wall, with Artie and two siblings in one.  Artie attracted me immediately, he was the only calm cat with his funny face and front paws sticking lazily through the carrier door.  though I couldnt see the rest of him, I knew at once he was the one, and immediately claimed him for my own.


I'm sorry about your problems with your neighbors.  They sound pretty obnoxious to me.  I live in the country with no close neighbors, which I like, since I'm reclusive by nature. 



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Hi Annie,


I was alone on Christmas too.  My nearest and only close relatives, my brother, and sister in law/best friend of 50 years (he met her through me) live in Calif, 600 miles south of here.  But, I've never enjoyed Christmas much, or any of the Fall holidays except Halloween. 


Speaking of cats, Artie is on my lap as usual and my crazy totoishell, Cleo, is on the footstool chewing on my toes. Really!  She IS crazy, a typical tortoishell.  Theres another tortie from the neighborhood, with unusual coloring, mostly orange with black dusting as if she came out of a pile of soot.  She's crazy too, and hisses at my cats through the sliding glass door.  She wants in but that won't happen.  Two cats is enough and more than one tortoiseshell is unthinkable.




I looked at several Seattle shelters before I found Artie.  The last rescue group I went to had just received a shipment of surplus kittens frim a kill shelter in Eastern Washington, and most of them were still in carriers.  It was a zoo!  The carriers were all piled against the wall, with Artie and two siblings in one.  Artie attracted me immediately, he was the only calm cat with his funny face and front paws sticking lazily through the carrier door.  though I couldnt see the rest of him, I knew at once he was the one, and immediately claimed him for my own.


I'm sorry about your problems with your neighbors.  They sound pretty obnoxious to me.  I live in the country with no close neighbors, which I like, since I'm reclusive by nature. 




That was a nice story Megan, love at first sight M💕

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When I think about how we humans treat animals I want to scream or cry. People like us can only save so many cats. SO many are "wasted" and its a terrible crime, in my eyes. I know if I was wealthy I would live out in the country and adopt as many cats as I could. The stray cat I currently feed is feral, I believe. A couple neighbors "know" him, and I am told he was born from a stray Mom cat. Half Siamese and half...maybe tabby? Handsome but also comical looking. Blue eyes. He knows he can depend on me for food but will NOT come closer than 15 feet from me. Very wary. He breaks my heart, looking into those sad eyes of his. He somehow lets me know he is very lonely, but nor can he trust anyone enough to come close. I really am good at reading cats. Have considered getting the credentials to be a professional cat whisperer (behavioralist). I just don't have that kind of money but know I would be very good at this. The older I have gotten the better I have gotten understanding how cats think and feel.



Yes, my neighbors are jerks. Selfish, and she is just used to getting her way whatever the cost. Her son is more reasonable. For him, I will move my small windchimes, at least during the winter. But they will get moved back when the weather gets warm again because NO ONE opens their windows in warm weather here in icky hot Florida!!! I just dont understand how anyone could find Woodstock windchimes obnoxious! They are so melodic and lovely, unlike the el cheapo chimes others sell. Woodstock chimes are just well made and lovely to hear. This isnt the first time Laurie has pulled this sort of crap on me. And she has an ugly temper and will use terrible curse words on you if you really get into it. I refuse to let this happen now. If she pulled that on me NOW I would just shut the door in her face. This is a woman who first bred lab dogs, then Siamese cats, for money. In MY book, that is just plain terrible, using animals to make money! Look at track dogs. Look at puppy mills and catteries! HORRIBLE!!!! The shelters are FULL of loveable cats and dogs. Save them and never BUY an animal.

Okay off the soapbox.



I am so glad Christmas is over! Next its the New Year which I have always disliked. Fireworks by drunken rednecks is not my cup of tea!


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When I think about how we humans treat animals I want to scream or cry. People like us can only save so many cats. SO many are "wasted" and its a terrible crime, in my eyes. I know if I was wealthy I would live out in the country and adopt as many cats as I could. The stray cat I currently feed is feral, I believe. A couple neighbors "know" him, and I am told he was born from a stray Mom cat. Half Siamese and half...maybe tabby? Handsome but also comical looking. Blue eyes. He knows he can depend on me for food but will NOT come closer than 15 feet from me. Very wary. He breaks my heart, looking into those sad eyes of his. He somehow lets me know he is very lonely, but nor can he trust anyone enough to come close. I really am good at reading cats. Have considered getting the credentials to be a professional cat whisperer (behavioralist). I just don't have that kind of money but know I would be very good at this. The older I have gotten the better I have gotten understanding how cats think and feel.



Yes, my neighbors are jerks. Selfish, and she is just used to getting her way whatever the cost. Her son is more reasonable. For him, I will move my small windchimes, at least during the winter. But they will get moved back when the weather gets warm again because NO ONE opens their windows in warm weather here in icky hot Florida!!! I just dont understand how anyone could find Woodstock windchimes obnoxious! They are so melodic and lovely, unlike the el cheapo chimes others sell. Woodstock chimes are just well made and lovely to hear. This isnt the first time Laurie has pulled this sort of crap on me. And she has an ugly temper and will use terrible curse words on you if you really get into it. I refuse to let this happen now. If she pulled that on me NOW I would just shut the door in her face. This is a woman who first bred lab dogs, then Siamese cats, for money. In MY book, that is just plain terrible, using animals to make money! Look at track dogs. Look at puppy mills and catteries! HORRIBLE!!!! The shelters are FULL of loveable cats and dogs. Save them and never BUY an animal.

Okay off the soapbox.



I am so glad Christmas is over! Next its the New Year which I have always disliked. Fireworks by drunken rednecks is not my cup of tea!


If they want to use firecrackers, it should be at a place that experienced people put on shows, not in every other backyard in the neighborhood, Sly hates them.  :tickedoff:

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I agree!  Woodstock windchimes are the best!  I have three, one is large and deep and the others somewhat smaller.  They make beautiful bell like sounds, but have to be taken down during the fierce windstorms we have here this time of year.  No neighbors are close enough to be bothered by them.


It is awful what happens at most animal shelters.  Most in this area are no kill shelters, but there are still too many cats.  I do help support the small Seattle storefront shelter where I got Artie, and one larger animal rescue there where i used to volunteer transporting cats and kittens. 

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You might laugh about this. Back when I was a beginner here (as a Mod) I was scared of you! True. I just didn't understand back then that Mods have a big responsibility to keep things safe. Now I do. And it turns out that you are very much like me!


I would love to own a very large Woodstock chime. I priced then on Ebay yesterday. Too much money for me but it is a dream of mine. I wish I could afford to move somewhere else, out in the country - where neighbors dont interfere in every little thing.


My stray cat hasn't shown up tonight. Perhaps the other person who regularly feeds him is home. I feel so sad for him. The lonliness written all over him just breaks my heart. When I think about how I found Bear, it also breaks my heart. SO many other cats live as he did, depending on handouts. IF they are lucky. Bear was. And now he has a true home  with a human who truly loves him. He is safe now and his health shopws this.

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I started feeling a domesticated cat that went feral outside my door years ago since its owners moved away or abandoned it or something and left her here.  I named her Muffy.  I did like her but she was mean.  She used to always attack me and swipe at me every time I walked out the front door.  Then she would try to attack my Lily cat too.  She wanted to be petted and close to me and Lily but couldn't handle it and would attack and bite if we got near her.  I was always afraid to go out the front door because I might get clawed or bitten.  I'd take Lily for walks outside in her harness and that feral cat would walk with us too, but a few feet behind.  That cat scared the crap out of me and I'm sorry I ever started feeding her.  She finally died of some disease outside.  She was old, too and I guess she just wandered off and died somewhere.  I never did find her.  She had a big hole in the side of her face and I knew she was going to die before the winter set in.  I'm so glad she's gone, but I loved her too and cried when she didn't come around anymore.  I even made her a warm place to sleep under my home.  I'll never feed a cat outside my door again.  I learned my lesson about that.  Once you start feeding them you'll never get rid of them.  They can also give your own cat diseases if they start sniffing around them, etc.  I've had bad experiences dealing with feral cats.  A mom cat had kittens here under someone's home once and the poor kittens couldn't be tamed and given away since they got too old to be tamed.  I don't know what happened to those poor feral cats.  Everyone who doesn't want kittens should get their cats neutered and spayed.  And if someone moves they should never leave their cats behind to be without food and shelter.  My nabe next door used to feed all the nabe's cats and all the food left outside would draw flies and then all the flies would come into my home and cause me problems.  I think cats who don't have a home and are feral need to be fed though.  We don't have anymore ferals around here now that I know of.
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Beck, that is SO sad! I would have been broken hearted over that cat. But I always will feed strays. It feels right to  me. My Bear is inside only so the only possible risk is fleas flying in the front door. I normally do not pet stray cats. That would invite trouble. Plus I don't want to get too attached. I DID pet Oreo, but that was a special situation. I knew I was going to love him and also knew I would end up taking him inside. And I did.


Computers drive me nuts. A minute ago the screen looked normal then suddenly the [print got so tiny I cannot read it! So if there are typos, forgive me. I must have some sort of brain glitch abnout cats. I have always felt close to cats. Other animals are fine but they do not appeal to me. I cannot stand how dogs smell! UGH! Wet dogs are the worst. I grew up out in the true country, with all sorts of animals, wild or not. Cows, geese, sheep, horses - you name it. But I always loved cats the most.



As I try to type with such tiny type, Bear is on the other chair just waiting for me to pet him. I think I would die trying to save this cat from harm. He means that much to me.



Maybe if I back out of here, the type will get larger.




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