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Chrysanthemum's Story.


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Hello everybody,


I wanted to drop by and give you a five year update. I can't believe it has been five years since I am off benzos. The taper and recovery seemed never ending, I remember the despair I felt, but I honestly rarely think about it anymore so I hope that one day that is the same for you all, too.


I wanted to share with you a few things that I did that helped me finally 100% recover. I stopped eating gluten a year ago and that helped my health enormously. Also, I went to see a homeopathic practitioner who gave me a remedy called NUX VOM. He is actually a very well educated man; he is a research scientist at a major cancer institute and has a master's degree in pharmacology. He said the Nux Vom would rid me of the final remnants of the opiate and benzos trapped in my neurotransmitters (he said it much more scientifically than that) and he was correct. I took the nux vom off and on for a few months and that was it. Between that and the gluten, I feel I am recovered and healthier than I have been in years.


I also have been reading a lot about histamine intolerance and have been following a low histamine diet. There was some random thing I read about benzo withdrawal and histamine intolerance but I can't locate it now. The gist of it is people who have difficulty with benzo withdrawal usually have a histamine intolerance issue. The truth is there are many people who don't have too much difficulty getting off a benzo. I was definitely not one of them. I did a simultaneous benzo and opiate (back surgery) taper and if I didn't know better I would have thought I was dying. It was hell.


I am completely med free and have been for years.


I hope this is helpful to someone. I wanted to say that I have received  a few PM over the year but I rarely check in here so they many go unanswered. I don't want to let anyone down, but I need to say goodbye and move on.


I just wanted to share some information that may be helpful and to say keep the faith.


I wish for you all good health. If you have any questions I will stick around for a day or two but then it is goodbye.  Take care, I will forever pray for those of you who suffer from this and hope for you a complete and speedy recovery.




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I rarely come here anymore but do show up every now and then to see if anyone I know has posted a success story or update. Of course, I check to see if our dear sister, Hope4us, posts any updates.


Here you are and doing well. That is awesome! I'm glad to hear that life is going so well for you.


My life continues to go on a good path. I have stuck around the benzo community and have a website with writings and many videos (mostly of me talking). I'm sure those in wd who come to see videos are getting tired of seeing me and would love to hear from others. I bet you could do an awesome video, and many would be especially interested because you also got off opiates.


So good to see you here and know you are well.


Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.




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