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Are there any other Atheists here?


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As Hume noted even though causality applies to the known world it may not apply to the universe at large. I am not a Catholic though know that Aquinas arguments may be subtle. The argument also gets into an infinite regress of Gods .


Hume thought the" argument from design' was more convincing than the cosmological argument, but still only a remote possibility, as anthropocentric.



What, that we have multiple sentient omni-potent man-beings controlling all this?


I just don't know.

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if I thought Jesus was coming by, like theyve said he was going to do now for the last 204850298 years, I would go with that theory...screw Santa....
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if I thought Jesus was coming by, like theyve said he was going to do now for the last 204850298 years, I would go with that theory...screw Santa....


Poor Santa. Isn't is bad enough that he suffers from morbid obesity?  :(



Btw, I love reading this thread. Man, you people are smart...even in your benzo haze you're all blowing my mind....and my benzo haze is gone. ???

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all I ask, at the end of time, is that they atleast tell us who was right and who was wrong... :(

instead of just sending us to our appropriate destinations...

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What is wrong with you people? I sure love my savior Jesus Christ. Just wanted to say that.


Maymay!! Hahaha! Nothing is wrong with us, we have different beliefs and upbringings.


I was forced to go to a Catholic grammar school and once I graduated, never set foot inside a church, unless it was a funeral or a wedding. Even then it made me sick.

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What is wrong with you people? I sure love my savior Jesus Christ. Just wanted to say that.


Maymay!! Hahaha! Nothing is wrong with us, we have different beliefs and upbringings.


I was forced to go to a Catholic grammar school and once I graduated, never set foot inside a church, unless it was a funeral or a wedding. Even then it made me sick.


made me smile a little Benzogirl.......same thing happened to me. i suppose the praying at

the Catholic grammar school must last for a life time. ;)

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I love Church. It is a chance to spend time with my four kids and wife. It is a chance for me to reflect on the past week and be thankful I am alive despite the struggles I endure. Our Church is beautiful. I love admiring the woodwork and windows. Our Minister is South African and usually gives a great sermon. Even if the sermon isn't very good I enjoy listening to his accent. I love being around warm and caring people who smile when you look at them. I love the 1.5 hours of peace and serenity that I rarely experience through the week.
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I have faith in Christ, faith is a gift from God.  Not something you can conjure up out of your own human strength, will power or intellect.  Hard to explain it needs to be experienced.  As I believe each of you exist, so I do God.  No one can tell me otherwise.  For many years people (Christians), so it seemed, tried to shove Christ down my throat.  That just turned me off.  You don't win someone over by harassing/berating them.  And, just because I do believe in Christ this does not ensure a carefree easy life, no no.  He says just the opposite.  Why would He say it wouldn't be easy if He wanted you to follow Him.  Human minds would have said just the opposite.  Life is not easy, but He knows what is best.  I've read the end of the book and it doesn't go so well for those who refuse Him.


Either way if I am going to suffer.....I will suffer.  But I'm not doing so alone.  And if those who do not believe in God are right and I am wrong, they have nothing to loose.  But if I'm right and those who don't believe are wrong they have everything to loose.


Didn't read all the posts.  Just felt like joining in.

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I have faith in Christ, faith is a gift from God.  Not something you can conjure up out of your own human strength, will power or intellect.  Hard to explain it needs to be experienced.  As I believe each of you exist, so I do God.  No one can tell me otherwise.  For many years people (Christians), so it seemed, tried to shove Christ down my throat.  That just turned me off.  You don't win someone over by harassing/berating them.  And, just because I do believe in Christ this does not ensure a carefree easy life, no no.  He says just the opposite.  Why would He say it wouldn't be easy if He wanted you to follow Him.  Human minds would have said just the opposite.  Life is not easy, but He knows what is best.  I've read the end of the book and it doesn't go so well for those who refuse Him.




Either way if I am going to suffer.....I will suffer.  But I'm not doing so alone.  And if those who do not believe in God are right and I am wrong, they have nothing to loose.  But if I'm right and those who don't believe are wrong they have everything to loose.




Didn't read all the posts.  Just felt like joining in.


I'm curious....why do you feel the need the "chime" in on a clearly marked....atheist thread?

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I have faith in Christ, faith is a gift from God.  Not something you can conjure up out of your own human strength, will power or intellect.  Hard to explain it needs to be experienced.  As I believe each of you exist, so I do God.  No one can tell me otherwise.  For many years people (Christians), so it seemed, tried to shove Christ down my throat.  That just turned me off.  You don't win someone over by harassing/berating them.  And, just because I do believe in Christ this does not ensure a carefree easy life, no no.  He says just the opposite.  Why would He say it wouldn't be easy if He wanted you to follow Him.  Human minds would have said just the opposite.  Life is not easy, but He knows what is best.  I've read the end of the book and it doesn't go so well for those who refuse Him.


Either way if I am going to suffer.....I will suffer.  But I'm not doing so alone.  And if those who do not believe in God are right and I am wrong, they have nothing to loose.  But if I'm right and those who don't believe are wrong they have everything to loose.


Didn't read all the posts.  Just felt like joining in.


Not really joining in if you're saying all the people on the thread are "loosers".


I used to be atheist for years myself but changed my mind for the worse, I believe a random universe could not possibly calculate the perfect storm of shit that's become my life and it's more likely this is thanks to some supreme being who wants to poke at me like an ant bully.  In my life I have never felt Gods presence. Only the effects of all the pain inflicted on me in this excuse of a life I've been granted.  I've yet to find anyone who has "converted" their beliefs in the way that I have.

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Not really joining in if you're saying all the people on the thread are "loosers".


He didn't say that. You misinterpreted his statement.

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I wasn't implying anything of the sort concerning 'losers'.  I never said that.  I felt like joining in, that's all.  I am no better, or worse, an individual than anyone else here and vice-versa.


Just expressing my pain like everyone else.  We all on BB share in this 'benzo journey'.  I have found posts on this thread to be helpful to me.  I do all over on BB.  I'm tapering using Valium, but that doesn't mean I don't find helpful information on the other threads.  It just so happens I found some here too.


grace & peace


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It  does make one wonder what the motivation is of  people feeling "inspired" to  express their faith on a thread of a person who is seeking others who specifically do not have "faith" or in other words are secular.
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This is what I read.


I've read the end of the book and it doesn't go so well for those who refuse Him.


if those who do not believe in God are right and I am wrong, they have nothing to loose.  But if I'm right and those who don't believe are wrong they have everything to loose.


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I have faith in Christ, faith is a gift from God.  Not something you can conjure up out of your own human strength, will power or intellect.  Hard to explain it needs to be experienced.  As I believe each of you exist, so I do God.  No one can tell me otherwise.  For many years people (Christians), so it seemed, tried to shove Christ down my throat.  That just turned me off.  You don't win someone over by harassing/berating them.  And, just because I do believe in Christ this does not ensure a carefree easy life, no no.  He says just the opposite.  Why would He say it wouldn't be easy if He wanted you to follow Him.  Human minds would have said just the opposite.  Life is not easy, but He knows what is best.  I've read the end of the book and it doesn't go so well for those who refuse Him.


Either way if I am going to suffer.....I will suffer.  But I'm not doing so alone.  And if those who do not believe in God are right and I am wrong, they have nothing to loose.  But if I'm right and those who don't believe are wrong they have everything to loose.


Didn't read all the posts.  Just felt like joining in.


Eli, this is proselytizing, and as you know it's against the rules here.  Also, you are a member of the Faith-based Support Board, which is the proper place (within its rules) to talk about religion.  This is from your Rules and Guidelines:


•Do not denigrate specific religions, ethnicities or cultures.  Do not disparage those of another gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. We are a support group for all those experiencing problems with benzodiazepine use or withdrawal - this is our common bond. We do not tolerate prejudice in any form.


In addition, please do not use this community to promote or proselytize a specific religious viewpoint.


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Thank you for this thread.  Just thank you.  Needed this!!!!  No imaginary invisible sky-friends here either.  I take full responsibility . . .
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