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Are there any other Atheists here?


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I don't knock anyone for what they believe in nor do I push my beliefs. With that said I just want to say that that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and has seen me through this difficult time .  They have tried years  and years to prove the Bible is not real but have failed. All I know it helps to know that their is a heaven to go to when we pass.  :angel:
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Billy, you should watch some of the zeitgeist movies you would appreciate them. They talk about how religion is based around astrology and the alignment of the stars, and the summer and winter solstice. The stories were basically passed down and expanded upon. It makes a lot of sense.


Personally, I believe in the collective consciousness and Buddhist philosophy that we can free ourselves from suffering through non attachment. The belief I nthe Buddha is somewhat irrelevant, although I do believe such a person existed, and I don't consider him to be holy.


I will check those out.


As far as Buddhism, I'm not too sure what to think.


I have read upon it, but I didn't really take an interest.


I have also read upon Hindu, Jai Mata Di, etc.



Anyway, I will def. watch the Zeitgeist movies. I wonder if Netflix has them.



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What is wrong with you people? I sure love my savior Jesus Christ. Just wanted to say that.




How can I put this?


It's not that I really don't believe in completely nothing. I mean nothing can't create something IMO. (LOL, it's a good thing my d/r left or I couldn't talk about this)


I do think there was a man named Christ, but as far as some of the biblical stories about him... I'm not so sure.


He walked on water, turned water into wine, healed the sick, etc. In those days, it was easy to amaze people. People then didn't have the knowledge and intelligence we do today.


I think perhaps he did do these things, but people perceived them as miraculous. When in fact, they wouldn't be so miraculous in today's world. I could be completely wrong... I don't know. I didn't live 2,000 years ago. Neither did anyone else. When you read anything biblical, it can only be perceived how these men written it.


For example, to turn water into wine... use grapes. I don't think wine in those days had alcohol in it. I don't think he just put his finger into the water, and it became wine.


I don't look at biblical scripture the same as your mundane, religious, church going person. I tend to think outside the box.


Like Birdman, I think if there is a god, then he is very ancient, self existing, and very advanced in technology. He would know all the formulas to creation, etc.


I do not buy into religion like today's nuts buy into it. I do not like religion of any kind. It has destroyed, slaughtered and killed people over centuries. How is there peace in that? I'm thinking if there is a god, he doesn't like religion either. None of the men in the bible had a religion.


By today's belief, I'm pretty much agnostic / atheist.


Also, if there was a Christ, he is not the man depicted in pictures with long hair. He was a hybrid, or not of this world. He, himself said he wasn't of this world.



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I believe in the science of God.  God is our creator and his space ship is 100,000 years more technologically advanced than any shit we have figured out how to build yet :) 

God is a super advance being and maybe in 100,000 years or so our species could be at his level of technology, evolution and understanding (or maybe God is a she :) Ya never know ;))






I do not believe in a man sitting on a cloud at all, watching over us. LOL, I have never believed in such nonsense. The pictures we see today of Christ, God, Angels, etc are all medieval description.


I do think that IF there is a god, in which there could be... he would indeed be very advanced in technology. I don't rule out questioning just because I'm an atheist.

I love Technology, Science and Mathematics! A god advanced in those can be my god.  :laugh:


I have to wonder myself, if UFO's aren't angel chariots?


Back then in those times, they had word limitations describing what they seen. "Chariot of fire" is how they described the mode of travel "angels" traveled in. The word UFO was not in their vocabulary, so they couldn't use that word.


It's like we have different words today. (More modern, if you will)


It would be something like this:

Cosmic = Holy

UFO = Chariot

Alien = Angel

Space = Heaven


I think if there is a "god", you're correct. He would indeed be very ancient, have superior technology, and simply not as religious nuts perceive him to be.


That's the ONLY way I would believe in such an advanced being. As far as an old, cloaked man sitting on a cloud LOL, that is just crazy.


I forgot, this is a benzo forum, not God like productions, which is a very interesting forum on conspiracies. I go there to pass time, just like here.


You should check it out!



These two posts pretty much sum up my opinions. I don't like to call myself an atheist though. I prefer agnostic, but it's all just semantics really. Who cares what you call yourself?


I believe that "something" is there, but I don't believe in the biblical version of events. I believe the bible was written at a time when people saw things they couldn't explain so they came up with "fairy tales" to try to explain them. We still do it now. We see things in the sky all the time that we can’t explain.


The whole notion of angels, miracles, apparitions, heaven, resurrections, could all be explained away by the possibility of life coming from another planet. Quite possibly “Adam and Eve” were part of an original colonisation of earth (who’s to say there were only two people – there could have been thousands). That would make a whole lot more sense to me.


No one is being a "heathen" by saying these things. We're just saying that what is described in the bible could quite easily be explained by things other than a man with a long flowing beard sitting on a cloud. I have no problem with people who want to believe in god and the bible. More power to you, just don’t try to tell me that my opinions are wrong. I do think we should avoid calling each other names though, like "religious nuts". I'm not going to judge someone for their beliefs, and I don't want them judging me.


Civilisations have always told stories to explain their history, so the bible is really just another version of that, but unfortunately somewhere along the way it obtained “cult status” and became some divine entity that no one is allowed to question – well according to the believers we aren’t allowed to question it. We’re always told we should have “faith”. Well I’m just a little too cynical for that I’m afraid.


Of course regardless of what anyone believes, there are always the questions of where did god/the aliens come from? Who created them? If god created everything, where did he come from? If we come from aliens where did they come from? Where did the universe itself come from? The Big Bang Theory (apart from being a very funny show) is just too much for my puny little brain to comprehend…lol..


Maybe all will be revealed to us on the day we die, but when we are reincarnated our memory banks are wiped clean so we forget everything. Unfortunately none of us seem to be able to report back what our findings are when we die, unless of course you believe in ghosts, and that’s a whole other discussion….


I believe the biblical stories could have in fact been real, but people were less intelligent in those days, so they explained it the best way they knew how.


For example: Instead of explaining lightning struck a bush and caught it on fire, Moses took it a sign of god. I mean it must've been because it came from the sky, right?


Today, we know how the process of lightning works through science.


That's just how I see it.


Was it actually from god? Well, if there is a god, then he must be everything he created, so therefore, it could have been.


I do believe in aliens. I think what those ancient men saw were UFO's, but they didn't have the words we do today. They had word limitations, not to mention, it was written in Hebrew. So, they described them "Chariots of fire".


I have a very different belief system, and a very eccentric way of perceiving what I read from the bible. I read it as texts, where mythology and Sci Fi collide. Even some fantasy, if you will.


You need to read the Book of Enoch. He describes superior technology, but in his own feeble words.

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I know better then to discuss religion or politics on a forum like this one, but here's my two cents worth on the subject.


If God is so all powerful, why does he let the little children, who are so innocent, and so pure of heart suffer and die before they even have had a chance to live?  During The Holocaust, why did he not strike down and destroy the monsters like doctor josef Mengele who ripped the crying little children from the arms of their distraught mothers, and did such horrible, unspeakable experiments on them?


If folks worship God or if they worship a rock or a blade of grass; as long as they live their life in a decent, kind, and unhurtful way towards others, who are we to say who is right or who is wrong in their beliefs.


Although I was raised in many different foster homes, and I was baptized in four different religions, I am not committed to any religion.  I guess if I had to have a label, I would be labeled an agnostic, because I am still trying to understand why are we here and how did we get here. 


Something or someone had to create this planet, and this universe, and all that it encompasses.  Was it a God who resides in a place called Heaven or was it another invisible form who resides in a galaxy a million light years away?  Does anyone know? Will anyone ever know?


It's all too deep and much too complicated for a simpleton like me to understand, so I will just enjoy all the beauty and all the magic, and all the mystery that makes life what it is.  :)


The very best to everyone.






You hear people sing songs today like "God loves all the little children."


If you read about the slaughter, murder of children in the OT, you wouldn't think so. It's enough to leave one cold.


The churches of today are very judgmental and bigoted. If it were my decision. I would shut the churches down for deception, and the cathedrals, buildings they use to brainwash, let the homeless inherit it. That way, make some realistic good out of it.



I don't have an answer, but all the more for me to be atheist. Especially when a god can't follow his own commandments.


Maybe there's more there that we don't see, but we can only understand what has happened in history anyway. Only the physical part of it, not the spiritual (Unseen) If it indeed exists.


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I don't believe people were ever more or less intelligent than they are today.  I just think they didn't have the same information.  People across time need to explain what they don't understand.  And religion does that for many at whatever point in history.  I think when things happen, people often use the phrase "It was god's will". 


That's no different now as in the past.  The difference is only that for many things that have happened in the past, we may actually have an understanding of the cause and no longer attribute it to "god".  But even in present day, when something happens that is not understood, it's often expressed as "It's god's will".  I, personally don't find that a satisfying answer, but many do.



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I envy those who have no doubt.  Blind faith is a concept I have never been able to understand.  In saying that, I could have NEVER gotten through this horrific nightmare without 'external' guidence, whatever that source may be.  I'm just too helpless, I guess, and give very little credit to my own strength.


That's just me.



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I think there is a possibility that something guides us at times, but what is it? I don't necessarily believe that it's a biblical "god", but I do believe that perhaps there are "gardian angels". I don't believe that they are winged creatures that come from heaven though. Maybe they are just some entity from another planet whose job it is to watch over us, and stop us from doing really stupid things sometimes.


I believe that someone or something lead me to find BB because I'd been floundering for quite some time and I'd already done some google searching for help, but then all of a sudden one day BB popped, when it had never popped up before. My father died just a few weeks before that happened, so maybe it was him who had a hand in that happening. Who knows....

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I see that you are in Brisbane Diaz- Pam, I am in Sydney. I had a religious  upbringing -chapel every morning, but always have had a sceptical streak, so would call myself an atheist .


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I just think I'm a human being bound by an inherently flawed way.


Societies are created and change, and philosophies and ways to explain life and the world are created. Those also change over time. And some cease and are no longer 'in use' (Except for perhaps small modern day cults?)


I think it is the mind and our emotions attached to ideologies that create realities. We can make beautiful views to suit us and make life worth living, or we can rot in skewed views born of pain and fear that hurt us.  I won't discount the validity of either reality because they are both real views, but one is ideal and I don't have to say why. "We are meant for homeostasis."


I one day plan to see a beautiful world-view of my own.


I think in the end it is the nature of humanity that leads to ruin. Greed, lust for power, racism, prejudice seems an inevitability to our kind. Something about not being able to view or understand one another as the same creature. Dividing one another into categories. And there is no one to blame. Just circumstance.. no matter how much I may want someone to take responsibility for their actions.


I think most problems in the world are borne of hurt which leads to fear and hate and grows from there. If anyone can remember Yodas quote well then you know what I'm trying to get at I think.

Put ignorance and complacency in there somewhere. Can't think.


It may just be our role. Life feeds on life. This seems to be a universal truth. We may just be here to eat the planet, or it will do away with us or we will do away with ourselves, or bacteria will or a combination. All life competes for dominion over eden.



What am I doing here? I guess I'm just riding this runaway train out til the end trying to find the beautiful part of living. Because there is beauty here I've seen it and I really want to make it there.




I hope I'm making sense, and I hope nobody thinks any less of me after typing my thoughts here on the world.


See, there was a point in my life I had a mind. And here it is semi-back, but for a limited time I suspect.

I look forward to getting all my faculties back one day.

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I see that you are in Brisbane Diaz- Pam, I am in Sydney. I had a religious  upbringing -chapel every morning, but always have had a sceptical streak, so would call myself an atheist .



Hi Ara - How's lovely Sydney this morning? We had a bit of a stormy night last night. They are saying it will be a fairly stormy summer this year. We haven't had a stormy summer for a while.


I've always been a sceptical person. My parents couldn't even convince me that Santa Clause existed. The idea of some old fat guy coming down a chimney (that we didn't have) was just too unbelievable for me..lol.....

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I just think I'm a human being bound by an inherently flawed way.


Societies are created and change, and philosophies and ways to explain life and the world are created. Those also change over time. And some cease and are no longer 'in use' (Except for perhaps small modern day cults?)


I think it is the mind and our emotions attached to ideologies that create realities. We can make beautiful views to suit us and make life worth living, or we can rot in skewed views born of pain and fear that hurt us.  I won't discount the validity of either reality because they are both real views, but one is ideal and I don't have to say why. "We are meant for homeostasis."


I one day plan to see a beautiful world-view of my own.


I think in the end it is the nature of humanity that leads to ruin. Greed, lust for power, racism, prejudice seems an inevitability to our kind. Something about not being able to view or understand one another as the same creature. Dividing one another into categories. And there is no one to blame. Just circumstance.. no matter how much I may want someone to take responsibility for their actions.


I think most problems in the world are borne of hurt which leads to fear and hate and grows from there. If anyone can remember Yodas quote well then you know what I'm trying to get at I think.

Put ignorance and complacency in there somewhere. Can't think.


It may just be our role. Life feeds on life. This seems to be a universal truth. We may just be here to eat the planet, or it will do away with us or we will do away with ourselves, or bacteria will or a combination. All life competes for dominion over eden.



What am I doing here? I guess I'm just riding this runaway train out til the end trying to find the beautiful part of living. Because there is beauty here I've seen it and I really want to make it there.




I hope I'm making sense, and I hope nobody thinks any less of me after typing my thoughts here on the world.


See, there was a point in my life I had a mind. And here it is semi-back, but for a limited time I suspect.

I look forward to getting all my faculties back one day.


Perfect  :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I see that you are in Brisbane Diaz- Pam, I am in Sydney. I had a religious  upbringing -chapel every morning, but always have had a sceptical streak, so would call myself an atheist .



Hi Ara - How's lovely Sydney this morning? We had a bit of a stormy night last night. They are saying it will be a fairly stormy summer this year. We haven't had a stormy summer for a while.


I've always been a sceptical person. My parents couldn't even convince me that Santa Clause existed. The idea of some old fat guy coming down a chimney (that we didn't have) was just too unbelievable for me..lol.....


Pam,  I still believe in Santa, the evidence was there, the cookies where eaten and gifts left in stocking as predicted ;D

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Hi Diaz-Pam, Sydney is O.K, had a few too hot days for spring, but it's milder weather now, & got some rain yesterday. I must say I was shocked to find the world was nothing like I was taught, whether Santa Claus or Christian values, & I was very naïve for far too long a time.
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I'm pretty close to being an atheist, but I still pray to a power. I guess that's agnosticism of a sort?


... Raised in a Christian religion, and was amazed when I found out that there are factions in that faith  that are always at each others throats, competing "brand names", shall I call them. What a weird world this is!

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I see that you are in Brisbane Diaz- Pam, I am in Sydney. I had a religious  upbringing -chapel every morning, but always have had a sceptical streak, so would call myself an atheist .



Hi Ara - How's lovely Sydney this morning? We had a bit of a stormy night last night. They are saying it will be a fairly stormy summer this year. We haven't had a stormy summer for a while.


I've always been a sceptical person. My parents couldn't even convince me that Santa Clause existed. The idea of some old fat guy coming down a chimney (that we didn't have) was just too unbelievable for me..lol.....


Pam,  I still believe in Santa, the evidence was there, the cookies where eaten and gifts left in stocking as predicted ;D


Yes, I guess you're right. My brother used to leave out the cookies etc, while I ridiculed him, but they did disappear, and the presents did show up, so maybe I need to rethink my opinion...lol...

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I don't believe people were ever more or less intelligent than they are today.  I just think they didn't have the same information.  People across time need to explain what they don't understand.  And religion does that for many at whatever point in history.  I think when things happen, people often use the phrase "It was god's will". 


That's no different now as in the past.  The difference is only that for many things that have happened in the past, we may actually have an understanding of the cause and no longer attribute it to "god".  But even in present day, when something happens that is not understood, it's often expressed as "It's god's will".  I, personally don't find that a satisfying answer, but many do.


I think we are more intelligent in many ways. Just like two hundred years from now, people will be more intelligent than we are. It's an age over age process. Today's world is mostly ego driven.


As far as "It's God's will". LOL, that's just a saying to make people feel there is a good purpose behind something bad.

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I'm pretty close to being an atheist, but I still pray to a power. I guess that's agnosticism of a sort?


... Raised in a Christian religion, and was amazed when I found out that there are factions in that faith  that are always at each others throats, competing "brand names", shall I call them. What a weird world this is!


There are many things in life that turn people atheists.


The way I look at it is: If God is all knowing, then why didn't he know that the obstacle overcame would turn the person bitter toward him?


There may be something I can't reason with or see, but it doesn't add up, according to religious people's doctrines of today.



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I just think I'm a human being bound by an inherently flawed way.


Societies are created and change, and philosophies and ways to explain life and the world are created. Those also change over time. And some cease and are no longer 'in use' (Except for perhaps small modern day cults?)


I think it is the mind and our emotions attached to ideologies that create realities. We can make beautiful views to suit us and make life worth living, or we can rot in skewed views born of pain and fear that hurt us.  I won't discount the validity of either reality because they are both real views, but one is ideal and I don't have to say why. "We are meant for homeostasis."


I one day plan to see a beautiful world-view of my own.


I think in the end it is the nature of humanity that leads to ruin. Greed, lust for power, racism, prejudice seems an inevitability to our kind. Something about not being able to view or understand one another as the same creature. Dividing one another into categories. And there is no one to blame. Just circumstance.. no matter how much I may want someone to take responsibility for their actions.


I think most problems in the world are borne of hurt which leads to fear and hate and grows from there. If anyone can remember Yodas quote well then you know what I'm trying to get at I think.

Put ignorance and complacency in there somewhere. Can't think.


It may just be our role. Life feeds on life. This seems to be a universal truth. We may just be here to eat the planet, or it will do away with us or we will do away with ourselves, or bacteria will or a combination. All life competes for dominion over eden.



What am I doing here? I guess I'm just riding this runaway train out til the end trying to find the beautiful part of living. Because there is beauty here I've seen it and I really want to make it there.




I hope I'm making sense, and I hope nobody thinks any less of me after typing my thoughts here on the world.


See, there was a point in my life I had a mind. And here it is semi-back, but for a limited time I suspect.

I look forward to getting all my faculties back one day.


This is a very good post! Thank you for this.



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I enjoy reading these posts. :) I have always found pleasure in reading others opinions on these types of topics.


Just because I'm an atheist / agnostic doesn't mean I don't ponder or question.


I haven't been on too much because my GI issues are starting to resolve. When I am on, I look here usually to read what you guys have to say.



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Most atheists are actually more christian than christians. It's not a paradox, being christian means that you're not trying to judge others and a lot of christians have problems with this. The Old Testament doesn't have anything to do with Jesus Christ, so why people (atheists and christians alike) keep saying that christianity has got anything to do with hating gay people or stoning people to death is beyond me.


As for me, I'm not really christian, I just identify with it. Sometimes culture and religion go hand in hand.

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