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Are there any other Atheists here?


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So I guess that old saying is wrong...the one that says that "there are no atheists in the foxholes." Then again, this isn't exactly a foxhole with bullets flying and mortars exploding all around, so maybe the old saying possibly still may be true. Who knows?


Well that saying's meant for people just like us who are in our own hell, not only for soldiers who are literally in foxholes.I don't agree with it at all though because from personal experience I have been through the worst withdrawal imaginable over the last 6 months and although I thought about spirituality etc, not once did I actually have the slightest thought towards asking some God for help...

So i think that if I can go through the worst hell of my life and not even be tempted to believe in, or pray to a God (Christian or otherwise) then I know for a 100 percent fact that I never will.Only believing in a God,Jesus etc. because you are in serious trouble seems really hypocritical to me anyway.


my thought is most anyone that finds themselves in a life or death situation, such as being shot at by another human that you know is trying to kill you, with bullets and bombs, while you hide in a foxhole with your dead friends all around you, many will say, as a last resort "God, if what they say is true, and you're really there, HELP!" Whether they realize they even said it or not, much less believed it....

I dont think our hellish experience with benzo withdrawals compares to that "foxhole" feeling, if you seriously considier the difference.....this is just a hiccup compared to actually being in a situation like that.


I know its a saying, and Im dissecting it a little to obsessively at the moment lol

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So I guess that old saying is wrong...the one that says that "there are no atheists in the foxholes." Then again, this isn't exactly a foxhole with bullets flying and mortars exploding all around, so maybe the old saying possibly still may be true. Who knows?


Well that saying's meant for people just like us who are in our own hell, not only for soldiers who are literally in foxholes.I don't agree with it at all though because from personal experience I have been through the worst withdrawal imaginable over the last 6 months and although I thought about spirituality etc, not once did I actually have the slightest thought towards asking some God for help...

So i think that if I can go through the worst hell of my life and not even be tempted to believe in, or pray to a God (Christian or otherwise) then I know for a 100 percent fact that I never will.Only believing in a God,Jesus etc. because you are in serious trouble seems really hypocritical to me anyway.


my thought is most anyone that finds themselves in a life or death situation, such as being shot at by another human that you know is trying to kill you, with bullets and bombs, while you hide in a foxhole with your dead friends all around you, many will say, as a last resort "God, if what they say is true, and you're really there, HELP!" Whether they realize they even said it or not, much less believed it....

I dont think our hellish experience with benzo withdrawals compares to that "foxhole" feeling, if you seriously considier the difference.....this is just a hiccup compared to actually being in a situation like that.


I know its a saying, and Im dissecting it a little to obsessively at the moment lol


Hi Benzy, I'm not seeing a signature line so don't know where you're at in w/d but apparently you haven't had the same experience as many folks on here.  I wonder how many would plead for a foxhole to get out of the misery.  I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but it really is that bad for some people.

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i know a british soldier who had been stationed in iraq.

he said compared to all the horror and frightening experience overthere this

benzo detox was a hundred times worse.

so i think there is nothing to add ................

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like I said, these are my thoughts........and I think Ill stick with my benzo withdrawals as opposed to the many terrors of someone trying to kill me in a foxhole.
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So I guess that old saying is wrong...the one that says that "there are no atheists in the foxholes." Then again, this isn't exactly a foxhole with bullets flying and mortars exploding all around, so maybe the old saying possibly still may be true. Who knows?


Well that saying's meant for people just like us who are in our own hell, not only for soldiers who are literally in foxholes.I don't agree with it at all though because from personal experience I have been through the worst withdrawal imaginable over the last 6 months and although I thought about spirituality etc, not once did I actually have the slightest thought towards asking some God for help...

So i think that if I can go through the worst hell of my life and not even be tempted to believe in, or pray to a God (Christian or otherwise) then I know for a 100 percent fact that I never will.Only believing in a God,Jesus etc. because you are in serious trouble seems really hypocritical to me anyway.


my thought is most anyone that finds themselves in a life or death situation, such as being shot at by another human that you know is trying to kill you, with bullets and bombs, while you hide in a foxhole with your dead friends all around you, many will say, as a last resort "God, if what they say is true, and you're really there, HELP!" Whether they realize they even said it or not, much less believed it....

I dont think our hellish experience with benzo withdrawals compares to that "foxhole" feeling, if you seriously considier the difference.....this is just a hiccup compared to actually being in a situation like that.


I know its a saying, and Im dissecting it a little to obsessively at the moment lol




I went through  cold turkey that was complete hell,mentally destroying and to cap it off,was months long in the acute part.Now if s1 offered me a choice of either going thought that again or being in a real fire-fight, I'd choose the fire-fight very time.Nuff said.

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A true Atheist believes in nothing.  I can't be an Atheist since I believe in higher life forms (critters way smarter than us) and even Directed-Panspermia
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A true Atheist believes in nothing.  I can't be an Atheist since I believe in higher life forms (critters way smarter than us) and even Directed-Panspermia


A true Atheist by definition is one who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.'Nothing' is a bit strong here.I believe in humanism and the ability of Human beings to bring the comfort and confirmation to people that religion seems to bring without the bad things religion brings like the separation,discrimination and marginalization of people.

I believe in a lot of things.Just not that we were necessarily 'created' and in the existence of super natural beings or powers.

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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.
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I'm an agnostic - mostly an atheist really


There have been times in my life were I've wished I could be a believer. Mostly when my daughter died because I would really have loved to have thought she was still kind of living somewhere like heaven.


But I can't believe because I have no reason to


I find lots of comfort in the strength of humanity and the human condition. I have  a a sense of the marvel and the miraculous in nature, space and the big extraordinariness of us living here on this rock

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I agree Smiff, 100% with all you said.

I was raised Christian and it was/is very hard to think for myself and leave it behind, but the "heaven" part was the hardest, when it came to my lover ones. I'm fine with dying and turning to organic matter in the dirt like everything else in this world does, I'd even be fine if we find out, through death, that there is more.......

But, I still wanted the comfort of knowing my loved ones were still alive and well in heaven, that was the hardest part to give up, I guess because that means it's really goodbye.

I don't claim to be atheist, I like to say i don't do labels, so I came to this thread because I just don't do religion, and I don't "know" there's a god of eternal life, etc.....

I do find comfort in the fact that we truly don't know what comes after death.

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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.


I believe in humanity, and it's collective power to overcome the problems of this world, the only world we have.

Religion has stifled that progress for so long, and made the world so much more divisive, by fighting over who's invisible man is the real one, and shunning those who don't believe in their version of the many thousands of gods man has invented over the millenia.


I believe we are all equal, black, white, rich, poor, gay, straight, intelligent, dumb, disabled etc.

Name me one religion that holds those same beliefs.



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I agree Smiff, 100% with all you said.

I was raised Christian and it was/is very hard to think for myself and leave it behind, but the "heaven" part was the hardest, when it came to my lover ones. I'm fine with dying and turning to organic matter in the dirt like everything else in this world does, I'd even be fine if we find out, through death, that there is more.......

But, I still wanted the comfort of knowing my loved ones were still alive and well in heaven, that was the hardest part to give up, I guess because that means it's really goodbye.

I don't claim to be atheist, I like to say i don't do labels, so I came to this thread because I just don't do religion, and I don't "know" there's a god of eternal life, etc.....

I do find comfort in the fact that we truly don't know what comes after death.


Yea it is interesting isn't it. Heaven is a definite sweetener in believing.

I've never had problems being agnostic/atheist. I was raised that way so for me there was nothing else and I didn't mind one bit. I did - still do - wish I could believe my daughter was still mostly living somewhere though. That has been the one point in my life when I've wished I could believe.

I've never had a problem with a lack of meaning or a lack of a sense of the miraculous and wonder in the world. I find meaning and wonder in most things particularly the human condition. Community is something that can be found elsewhere too. But having loved ones live on - that would be a serious comfort and probably the one thing atheists can't get.

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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.


I don't agree. An atheist might, for example, believe in evolution as opposed to creationism.


Evolution might be a better explanation for the problem we all have than that it was "designed" by a loving god who has some purpose for pain, suffering, and evil. If god created us then he created benzo withdrawal. Therefore benzo withdrawal must serve some higher purpose. Right?

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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.


I don't agree. An atheist might, for example, believe in evolution as opposed to creationism.


Evolution might be a better explanation for the problem we all have than that it was "designed" by a loving god who has some purpose for pain, suffering, and evil. If god created us then he created benzo withdrawal. Therefore benzo withdrawal must serve some higher purpose. Right?


No, that's not god's fault, that's because some broad wanted an apple. Damn her! Yes, there is much suffering in this world, and you will continue to suffer for ETERNITY if you don't believe in this one specific god. But, remember, he loves you.  ::)

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Well my browser quit and Ihad something all typed up and ready to go. Ill try to recapture what I was attempting to convey. Well damn.. its lost forever.



In a nutshell, i ve found in my life that always being at odds or fighting with something only hurt me whether right or wrong. I atempted my own philosophical inquiry but saw that what I really needed was simplicity. I was meant to be a simple man who somehow started thinking too much and the wrong things. Just prior benzos I was taking steps to rewire my brain. I didn't know then that benzos were a total mistep. I was trying not to give in to fear for once. Who would have thought it would be benzos I would shove the fear aside for.


Okay now I'm just rambling and probably double-speaking

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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.



I don't agree. An atheist might, for example, believe in evolution as opposed to creationism.


Evolution might be a better explanation for the problem we all have than that it was "designed" by a loving god who has some purpose for pain, suffering, and evil. If god created us then he created benzo withdrawal. Therefore benzo withdrawal must serve some higher purpose. Right?



I'll forward your reply to Websters Dictionary since that's where I got the definition. Maybe they'll take your idea into consideration next time they update! Lol, they let "aint and ebonics" in after all!

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The dictionary definition is correct, but how can that possibly translate into believing in nothing?

That doesn't make sense. It only applies to one hypothesis.




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Well, if I obsess about it I would say it's because the word atheist refers to ones belief or disbelief in "god or gods"......not what other beliefs you have, such as humanity, animal spirits, etc......just the belief in god, so if one says they're atheist they can say they believe in nothing...

If you say yes but what if I believe in reincarnation, that's believing in something....yes, but not necessarily a god.....so you can believe in reincarnation, but still be a atheist because you don't believe in god.....

(yes it usually takes a god of some kind to cause something such as reincarnation, I'm just using it as an example, and staying in context with the definition of atheist)

Now y'all are on your own because the really is making my OCD kick in lol


Or in the words of Eminem,,,I am what you say I am,,,or it what you say it is :)

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Yes benzy, I believe in nothing.  In fact, when somebody sneezes I say "Nobody Bless You!"  I used to say "Gesundheit" but that was a cop-out because the only other German word I know is "Hitler."


When someone asks me, perhaps even rhetorically, "Do you believe that?" I always fess up and admit that I believe in nothing.


In fact, I don't believe in dictionaries, so that alone renders your argument somewhat circular.


I used to be an agnostic because I just didn't know. That didn't work out because when somebody asked me for the time I had to say "I just don't know." It was embarrassing so I had to stop wearing a wristwatch.


I can't say that I disbelieve in god because that means that I believe there is no god. How can I believe there is no god when I don't believe in anything. I'd say that was a paradox except I don't believe in paradoxes.


I have a good friend who is an agnostic and a dyslexic.  He lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.


You can see that life is not simple if you believe in nothing.

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Yes benzy, I believe in nothing.  In fact, when somebody sneezes I say "Nobody Bless You!"  I used to say "Gesundheit" but that was a cop-out because the only other German word I know is "Hitler."


When someone asks me, perhaps even rhetorically, "Do you believe that?" I always fess up and admit that I believe in nothing.


In fact, I don't believe in dictionaries, so that alone renders your argument somewhat circular.


I used to be an agnostic because I just didn't know. That didn't work out because when somebody asked me for the time I had to say "I just don't know." It was embarrassing so I had to stop wearing a wristwatch.


I can't say that I disbelieve in god because that means that I believe there is no god. How can I believe there is no god when I don't believe in anything. I'd say that was a paradox except I don't believe in paradoxes.


I have a good friend who is an agnostic and a dyslexic.  He lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.


You can see that life is not simple if you believe in nothing.



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Smiff, I can somehow find comfort in the fact that no one knows....perhaps our passed loved ones are dancing on the milkyway as we speak :)
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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.


I believe in humanity, and it's collective power to overcome the problems of this world, the only world we have.

Religion has stifled that progress for so long, and made the world so much more divisive, by fighting over who's invisible man is the real one, and shunning those who don't believe in their version of the many thousands of gods man has invented over the millenia.


I believe we are all equal, black, white, rich, poor, gay, straight, intelligent, dumb, disabled etc.

Name me one religion that holds those same beliefs.





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The definition of atheist is "One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." So, as far as the question of what atheist believe, one can say they believe in nothing, when staying in the context of the thread, question and definition of atheist.


I believe in humanity, and it's collective power to overcome the problems of this world, the only world we have.

Religion has stifled that progress for so long, and made the world so much more divisive, by fighting over who's invisible man is the real one, and shunning those who don't believe in their version of the many thousands of gods man has invented over the millenia.


I believe we are all equal, black, white, rich, poor, gay, straight, intelligent, dumb, disabled etc.

Name me one religion that holds those same beliefs.




yep, congratulation coots......thats the way i think as well. 8)

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