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My personal hell!


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Know that i think about yeah they did!  They did also give me  anti-seizure medication for the first nine days.  I wonder can i still get a seizure or am i past that?
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We all know this journey is pure hell.  Many of us have/had the symptoms you are now experiencing.  I had well over 60 symptoms and I have survived.  It was a journey into hell and back.  The good news is that every month will get better.  There will continue to be bumps in the road during your recovery but a positive mind set is a must.  Some members have been able to exercise and others are only able to get by minute by minute.  Baby yourself, drink chamomille tea, use a heating pad, get a comfy blanket and chair, turn the tv down to low and watch some calming tv shows, journal......anything to keep your mind occupied and calm.  Fear will only rev up your symptoms.  Take each symptom as they come.  I see you have some great support here and hope it has been helpful.  Wishing you a fast healing.


Patty  xo

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Good day to all!  Im new, i had been on several benzo's for 16 months; past 7 months valium tapered to 14.5mg from 30mg.  I was seriously sick was in and out of the hospital 12 times in last year!! Lost alot of wieght 40 pounds and finally decided enough is enough.  I paid thousands of dollars to go into a private 12 day detox facility to ween off the rest, now  a week out of detox and i am in seriously bad shape!  my legs and arms are very weak can barely walk and write, head feels "full" head nerve pain, distorted vision, body feels like its swaying even when sitting, no sleep,  stomach tightness- pain- acid reflux- chest pain, panic attacks- lumbar numbness- finally shakes and tremors.  Spoke to my my doctor yesterday over the phone, he said he has never seen a patient like me before react to benzos this way and that i am "1 in a million".  I now believe that he believes im nuts! Im not nuts but i am truly scared and am wondering if this is all can be from the valium.   I also know that i cannot go back  to that drug, it has taken my life from me and i never want to put another pill or for that matter another drug in my body again. I have lost trust in phsches and doctors. I went in 16 months ago complaining for  head nerve pain, tingling and head aches and 16 months later come out feeling near death.  I am praying  very hard to make it through another day, but every day seems to be getting worse.  Any advise and comment would be greatly appreciated.




sorry that you are feeling so bad, all of us have been in your shoes, we know and fully understand what you are going through. Don't even pay any attention to what the dr thinks, they are clueless when it comes to these matters. These are hard times for you, and its tough. I have felt your pain before and just stuck it out and it has gotten a lot better. Your cns is fragile right now and time , patience and faith are the healing medicines.


Take care.

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You are not nuts!!  You are very sane!!


I went through a drastic c/t in '07 after many years of a psych drug cocktail.  No doctor would believe that was a problem.  It was "all in my head."


Whether you decide to stay the current course, or reinstate and slow taper, either way, don't give up.  You've already covered a lot of ground toward freedom.


I'm very encouraged that you got a full night's sleep after several weeks of insomnia.  Even if you don't feel so hot, that is a definite sign of progress in the right direction.


Keep the faith, keep rolling toward freedom.  Others here who know more about valium withdrawal than me will give you good technical advice and moral support.  My poison is Ambien, but I'll say a prayer or two or ten for you!!

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