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“True Hope or True Farce”


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Hello fellow sufferers of depression: I to have been battling the depression syndrome after tapering from Ativan/Clonazepam. I have been doing the experimental things like introducing Benadryl for sleep, reinstated Gabapentin, and tried a newly prescribed MAO antidepressant called Manerax. These all added to a defeated feeling when I was gaining some ground in spite of withdrawals during tapering.


I was down to .25mg Clonazepam twice daily with Melatonin at night to help me sleep. The other added solutions to my problems were trying to fight off the increasing depression relating mostly to increasing irritability and anxiety. I just didn’t feel like myself anymore. People around me didn’t like the moody person I was becoming neither.


Decided to go to plan “B” rapid detox two weeks without any type of medications. Bad choice felt the worst than ever.Re-instated to .25mg Clonazepam three times a day and starting to level out. I have come to the conclusion that the fight is finding what works for us as individuals. I am back on dry tapering hoping to remove the afternoon dose for now.


Any way next point has anyone of you tried True Hope. This is a program using multiple nutrient treatment approach known as Support for Mental and Emotional Well-Being. Please be sure that I am not supporting these products matter of fact they may in someway be hindering my tapering process as the main powder EMPowerplus seems to make me more irritable when taking a significant dose.


The sales people or as they call themselves on line counselors are a little pushy as well. They claim the products need time to balance out the brain chemistry after the damage caused by Psychotrophic Drugs.


“True Hope or True Farce”


Please let me know if you have had any success or failure with this company.




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If you are asking for opinions, I vote for "True Farce".  Pushy sales people?  Just trust us, even if you feel worse at the beginning?  And your symptoms are worse when you take the E=Mc2 potion?  Sorry, thumbs down.
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I have no experience with any of the natural programs out there but I havent seen any good comments on any of them.

I'm a believer that only time will heal us from this. Alot of times these supplements will make this process worse, they can flare up wd symptoms big time. When adding things like that make sure to do it 1 at a time, this way you'll know if one helps or one makes things worse.


Good luck!


Amanda  :smitten:

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I feel I have to put my 2 cents in about Truehope.com as they are not a farce at all and far from it.


If you go to this site, it doesn't just have what the call peoples testimonials saying how it has helped them out of their deep depressions, and bi-polar sufferings. The actually have real storied from their news interviews, magazine articles from real peope that are being helped by this product which was started out by a few local farmers in the area where I live quite a few yrs. ago.


Now the reason I'm piping in here, is this is for real, but it's for depressions!! It hasn't been studied nor told to be used for anything other than depressive type ailments. The University of Calgary is doing a large study now with this product to find out why it works for these conditions, and I could save them a heck of a lot of money by saying duhhh, it's the nutrients that a brain requires to be well.


This is very odd and I don't believe in coincidences,  but I was just at the site yesterday, as it's been on the news again lately and I hadn't thought about them for yrs until now.


I think there might be something to this, and Job, seeing as you've been through a c/t and reinstated it is going to take time. I would like to hear more about if there are any other symptoms that have been revved up besides just the irritableness??? Whatever you can tell me I'd love to hear, and I'm sure what they said is true that it does take awhile for it to work especially after doing a c/t detox. (gosh anything takes time to work, unless it's a xanax type drug, or opiate etc.)


Plus you are cutting, that in itself can causes the irritability among many other things, but if that is the only thing that you feel the Empower is causing you, then I'd definatly continue taking it as your symptoms may only get worse with each cut you make (probably will).


Hope to hear from you soon, and if you want you can pm me because I'm very interested as I said. Thanks

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I see a lot of big words but no real science.  The Calgary study was terminated before they could reach any conclusions.  At best, it's probably an expensive set of supplements you could get cheaper locally.  I did not spend a lot of time on the site, though.  These are just my initial impressions.  (Can you tell I'm skeptical about "miracle" cures?)  :laugh: 
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Well it's no wonder that the study was terminated, seeing as Health Canada forced them to go to the states to make and sell it, without allowing them to prove that it works. Hence another move by govt.s for the sake of pharma where the real money comes from to the govt.s


Hence it's no wonder they can't get the proper studies done if their grant was cancelled. All I can say is at least this company has been in the news a lot, showing real people are actually cured from what pharma drugs only made worse, and so many of us know the truths about all of this beauracracies that is done between pharma and the govt.s


It's the same thing with cancer, of course there are cures out there, but you have to be your own advocate and find them yourself, because the doctors that know about them are not allowed to speak of them at all or they go to jail....more facts I've read and listened to Utube.


And because they are raking in the money with all of the different runs, causes, functions, etc. whatever you want to call them, of course they don't want to find a "cure" through pharma. There's no money to be made in cures for pharma nor the govt.

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Hi Job,


With what you said about the benzo withdrawal and no supplement has been found to be helpful to those of us trying to get off a benzo, hence was the reason I asked if irritability was the only symptom you had experienced with this. As I have a whole arsenal of supplements from a naturopath that only revved up my symptoms. Yes people are unaware of just how delicate us benzo suffers systems have become, and do not know that we're so delicate that most any type of vitamin, and supplement along with so many foods rev us up to feel worse. And this is why I was so interested if it helped at all. As for news stories, I'd believe a news story any day over a website that only shows testimonials.


And to my other point, since starting this wonderful journey of mine with doing so many rapid w/d's and c/t's I've done a lot of research and discovered just how pharma works now, along with keeping facts hidden from docs and even govt. and how involved they are with the FDA and so many other things it's now what I call the pharma mafia. If you believe how bad these drugs are and that they are out there being pushed by the pill pushers, I don't know why you wouldn't believe that what I say about cancers is also true, but that's you're prerogative for sure.


I just thought I'd pass along one link to get you started, if you're interested in learning more as it's all out there and all true.




This is part one out of four, and there are many more from ex pharma reps also on there, one being Gwen Olsen I think her name is, she has a whole host of them on there called psychtruth.


Do you really think that pharma would let out a cure for anything?? They are the biggest mafia out there now, and have congress in their pockets so everything stays hush hush.


Anyways, it's all out there and can be found, and if you are skeptical then again that's your prerogative also.


Thanks for answering my questions.

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And don’t be fooled by stories heard on the news everybody past the age of twelve should know that news stories are just that news “stories”.


And believe me if they had a cure for cancer it would be on the market what entertainment you think the medical community gets watching people in a slow agonizing death.


I agree with both statements above, too.  Vitamin and supplement manufacturers have the same motivation to 'mis-lead' consumers as pharmaceutical companies do, and that is money. Not that there are not some vitamin researchers and companies out there who have good intentions, just that we can't overlook their motivation to make money.


And a cure for cancer, when found, will likely make some very handy profits for drug companies.  Not that I believe that is their only motivation for searching for a cure, but we would be naive I think it wasn't a consideration. 


As always, personal research, trial and error, moderation and deliberation are the best ways to determine if something works for you or not.  I do think there are places where these same supplements can be bought less expensively.


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Well gee Hawkeye,


I thought you had done enough research about pharma by now  (doing your stopbenzo site and all) that you'd not be so naive anymore to know how pharma truly works. But I guess it's just your mission to follow me around and continue to disagree with anything and everything I say.



You seem so well educated, talking about pharma and the psych drugs and how bad they are, why would it be any different with all the drugs pharma makes?? If you perhaps would do the research or go to links that I've posted (oh and if they don't work, and my spelling is so bad, it doesn't take a genius to take the link and push the back space button to make a link work, but if it's that bad all you have to do is make a "simple" statement" and I'd be happy to change it.)


Apparently you just haven't done the research needed at all, maybe because you're to busy writing your life story everywhere. So if you don't know the facts, then don't just pipe in because you're once again trying to be the know it allmighty one with your book long posts. I thought that's what your new blog was for???



I wouldn't say things that I hadn't done any research on looking for the facts if it wasn't true. You asked what I was doing Hawkeye. Shouldn't the question be what are you doing, with your crusade of stoping benzos site??

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