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What good thing happened to you in the last 24 hours?


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Mtfan, the Blue Ridge mountains are beautiful! You are lucky to live close. Do you ever get a chance to get over to west Virginia? I went rafting on the Gauley with the Rivermen. It was absolutely the best money I ever spent in my life!!! My wife reads recipes like she reads science fiction---she gets to the end and says, "Like that's gonna happen!" :D


Your wife sounds funny! I want to get over to WV and go rafting. Maybe I can do that this summer. I've always been too weak and tired to do it but I'm in better shape now than I have been in 20 years. Of course, being in better shape than my CFS norm doesn't exactly make me an olympic athlete ;) Yet. I do feel thankful to live here. There's not as much to do as there is in many big cities but the outdoor possibilities are endless.


Jayne, I just watch the commercials during the superbowl. They're the best part. I hope you have a good time with your friends tonight.

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I am feeling good, and I am still fighting the benzo lies, but I am winning, I just refuse to let them keep me down in their mire of dirt. I have a check


coming in the mail from the Tax Man. I finally started the book "Wild", saw the Movie, but felt the book would be better, and so far, it is, she is a


brave person for sure.  :thumbsup:

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MTFan you literally have me laughing my ass off when you call them "the normals". Lmao

Begood fighting the benzo lies right beside you!  And we will kick there asses one by one. My latest benzo lie obsession is how will I survive Disney, the plane ride, etc. MTFan hopefully there won't be too many normals there. Lol. I'm so thankful to have all of you here. Will definitely be posting from Disney. I'll be the one hiding in the bushes from Mickey Mouse and "the normals". Lmao :smitten::thumbsup:

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A couple of 'good' things during the past 48 hours...


- I made a quick trip to Paradise (California) for my last remaining Uncle's funeral.  He was 91.  Sad to say good-bye, but good to see my relatives.  It had been a long time.  Especially good to see my brother.


- And today is my birthday!! (also my younger daughter's birthday).

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Happy Birthday, Badso! So glad you were able to go to CA and see folks even if it was for a sad occasion.


Begood, there's much inspiring about the Wild. She made mistakes but transformed herself.


Jayne, the normals are everywhere. I do try to blend so they think I'm one of them. It helps not to be shaking and stuttering like I used to. I wonder how many of them are trying to blend in with their conception of normals. Perhaps normal is in the eye of the beholder? That being said, at some point I'll (and all of us) will be over wd. Even when that happens I'm not sure I can ever see myself as normal. Shudder. Hopefully there's a place in the world for odd ducks. Quack!


I took a walk today in the 23 degree weather. I was all bundled up and hiking up into the woods at one point and scared the poo out of another woman up there enjoying the solitude. Perhaps she looked at me and saw Fredricka Krueger. It felt good to walk though.

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Happy birthday to you and your daughter! I have been working on home improvement projects all week. I find I only realize how bad I feel when I slow down so I'm trying to just keep going. I figure if I turn a screw a little every day it's bound to get tight.
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Confused1. Good for you!  Takes a lot to get out there and exercise. Your scaring the woman has me belly laughing.

MTFan.  You have me belly laughing as well. I think normal is boring. So quack quack to you. Lol :smitten:

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Dogtag. I am of the same mindset as you. My snails pace of cutting .125 and holding every two weeks has got to go. Spoke with my psychiatrist last night and told him I cannot tolerate looking at a year or more of this taper after 3 weeks of use. He said we will discuss it at my appointment this Monday. I'm going to go with how I feel. So far my life has been pretty manageable.  He initially suggested cutting .125 each week. I was terrified to do do because of the horror stories. I'm going to go with how I'm feeling and not with anticipatory fear. We shall see how it goes. Best wishes with whatever plan works for you.  :thumbsup:
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Nice work Dog tag and Jayne. You're getting into a staring match with the wd monster. I bet the monster will blink first and you'll come out of it stronger.


I had a pretty good day at work today. Crazy busy, a bunch of things went wrong, but it didn't wreck me. I had bursts of feeling competent and the "you're so stupid" voice backed off some. Hooray!

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I'm very excited about down dosing and sticking to it. Sleeping around 5-6 hours. In very nerve wracking living situation but it makes me stronger watching/hearing others whittle away their lives. I did that at times but no more. I don't want to take another pill when I'm done here or have another drink. I learn something new every day. Keeping hope alive can waver but I want off much more than feeling down.


I'm not sure what will happen next but am working on attitude and avenues to successful living.

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I had bursts of feeling competent and the "you're so stupid" voice backed off some. Hooray!


Are you an 'NT' (Meyers-Briggs Rationalist)??

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I had bursts of feeling competent and the "you're so stupid" voice backed off some. Hooray!


Are you an 'NT' (Meyers-Briggs Rationalist)??


How'd you guess? I'm one of the one percenters--INTJ. How about you?


Something amazing happened today. I've been stressing because the indicator light for the super expensive hybrid battery in my car has been on. Replacing it would be $4,500 and we don't have that--it would mean putting all of that on a credit card. So we took it in to the dealer today, they fixed it and told me that even though it's almost 9 years old it was UNDER WARRANTY and no charge whatsoever. I'm so happy and relieved! We've been getting slammed with big expenses (computer dying, etc. when I have to have it for work). Sometimes good things happen! I didn't see this one coming. I was too busy going, "Oh s$%&, oh s#@$!" I want to remember this next time I'm having that distorted thought of "everything sucks and everything is going wrong."

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I'm also INTJ.  Your mention of competency pigeon-holed you as an NT.  ;)


Good news about the hybrid battery.  Mine's in its 5th year.

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I'm also INTJ.  Your mention of competency pigeon-holed you as an NT.  ;)


Good news about the hybrid battery.  Mine's in its 5th year.


Two rare birds here. The anxiety about competency is probably my biggest source of anxiety. How are you doing with it? I try to notice when it's even a little better. It's way too easy to obsess about feeling stupid. I worried sometimes before (despite evidence to the contrary) but now the the worries get steroid injections :( I'm thankful to see any progress in this area.

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I stress every time that I send out a (lab) result, but I guess that helps to ensure that I send out good results.  I don't deal well with mistakes (mine or others) - especially if I think they're stupid or careless mistakes.
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badsocref and Mtfan, I'm an INTP, also fairly rare and closely related. I never put much stock in that type of thing, but the first time I read about my type I was shocked to see how closely it fit and revealed some of my deeper secrets. I would be curious to see the percentages of the various types who wind up here.
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Confused, yeah, that would be interesting to know people's types. I find that the theory is more accurate than the test. Sometimes people's results don't match them on a scale or two but when they learn about the MBTI they are able to nail it. One of the barriers is that people answer questions the way they feel they should be, or want to be. The first time I took it, at 18 y/o, I came out as an ENFP because the person I most admired was one. I acted more like an ENFP at the time but it wasn't me.


So a good thing that's happened to me in the past 25 hours is discovering other MBTI fans and being reminded that personality affects perception of, and obsession with, competence. I do notice I'm more anxious with all of this. It's as if my baseline issues have all been amplified during wd. How about for others?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I made a new fb friend today.


That's nice.


I also had a clear head and felt some peace this evening for awhile.


My friend here is happy to support me going forward.


I have some hope today.



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Oscar, I'm glad you made that connection and are feeling more hope. Those are two precious things.


I had a really cool experience hiking with the normals and playing in some rock formations yesterday. Today I'm trashed but it was worth it to have yesterday. Being able to touch, however briefly, some normal life helps keep me going.

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Oscar, I'm glad you made that connection and are feeling more hope. Those are two precious things.


I had a really cool experience hiking with the normals and playing in some rock formations yesterday. Today I'm trashed but it was worth it to have yesterday. Being able to touch, however briefly, some normal life helps keep me going.


Thank you MTfan, glad to hear you lived a bit also.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Read a good book. Got all my household chores done that have been piling up and went out to lunch. Even though I feel disconnected, it's nice to feel like I had a day that resembles normalcy.
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Had a semi window last hr .  First time feel 60 percent normal. Have drugged feeling but I will take it bec its better than it was.
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