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What good thing happened to you in the last 24 hours?


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Dug my truck out of 26 inches of snow for three hours and feel great. This is new for me since I was feeling terrible and tired every day for years. Am a bit sore but whatever is coursing through my brain is fab. Laid in the sun on my bed and listened to http://youtu.be/tswCgrK6Jqk. Napped and feel so good despite the monster mom in the other room.
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Had 14" of snow here in NY yesterday!  Made a roaring fire and watched the snow come down. And I ate all day.  I haven't had an appetite since starting my taper and have lost 11 lbs thus far. Felt so good not only to eat, but want to eat. Today did some house chores n kept eating. Hope you all are well
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12 inches here but I was able to get the car out and get groceries. We were so hungry during the weekend that we burned through our supplies. I saw a familiar sight in the grocery store that baffles me: people who are clearly cold (wearing coats, hats, boots) but who have bare ankles when it's like this. Whyyyyyyy? Or are freezing and don't wear a coat. Does not compute :idiot: My socks and warm coat are marvelous.
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12 inches here but I was able to get the car out and get groceries. We were so hungry during the weekend that we burned through our supplies. I saw a familiar sight in the grocery store that baffles me: people who are clearly cold (wearing coats, hats, boots) but who have bare ankles when it's like this. Whyyyyyyy? Or are freezing and don't wear a coat. Does not compute :idiot: My socks and warm coat are marvelous.


When I was younger (and 100 pounds fatter), cold didn't bother me at all.  I wore shorts virtually year-round.

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My husband is like you badso. Folks like you are just a variant along the continuum of normal. What boggles me is when folks are cold but not dressing for it. Gives me some entertainments sometimes though ;)
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Just got home from a mani/pedi and an hour long massage. Made hair appointment for Friday morning. I refuse to let this situation take me down.  :idiot:
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Jayne, what a great spirit you have :thumbsup::smitten:


I was able to attend a science lecture (as the only nonscientist present) and I blended in. Was even able to ask a question and go out with the folks that went afterwards. After a rough night and morning I didn't think I'd be able to do any of this but it was important to my hubby so I went and now I can feel good about it. I even enjoyed parts of it.

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Thanks MTFan!  What an accomplishment for you. I haven't gone out in the evening yet.  I'm too wiped out. Am sure I will have to do so as we are flying down to Disney in two weeks with my daughter n two of her friends for her sweet sixteen
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Disney sounds like it could be useful distraction but overstimulating. I hope you can come up with a way to get some downtime to help make it as manageable of a trip as possible.


Today my friend and I both confessed to the other that we worry that the other thinks we're stupid or brain damaged but neither of us feel that way about the other. It's so easy for perception to get whacked. Having her here has been a great reality check but a bit challenging at times since I'm used to a LOT of alone time. Still, she's probably the easiest person possible to have as a guest and I'm so thankful.


I hope everyone is having something good happen today that you can identify.



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Well for two straight days I have walked 10,000 steps, I haven't reached that for a while, although, I used


to walk at least 3000 more steps, but weather was better, it has been nice, mild, and no snow, it has


made me feel good, the blood is flowing and I am pumped, now need to come down before going to bed


or it may get ugly lol.  :D

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MTFan!  I know Disney...OMG !  I planned the trip for my daughters sweet sixteen almost a yea ago. We are staying at the Grand Floridian which is right on time monorail. The girls can hop on and go to the Magoc Kingdom and Epcot by themselves. Kids that are 14 and older can do this. The girls are all 16. Spoke extensively with the people at the hotel. Got them all passes where they can hop in the monorail in the lobby of our hotel and go back n foth as they wish. Also added a meal plan to their passes so they can eat and drink while in the theme parks. As for my husband and my myself he can go fishing, golf etc. I will be spending a lot of time at the spa and relaxing. Was told by another Buddy to bring sunglasses and ear plugs. Leaving early Friday morning and returning the following Tuesday.  So we will be there four and a half days.  :idiot:  Glad to hear that your friend is in sync with you. Will keep you posted from the crazy kingdom
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Jayne, you've made so many wise decisions so that the trip to Disney can go well. Please do let us know how it goes.


I noticed today that when I drove my friend back to the airport it wasn't a big deal. Despite being a 40 minute drive in the dark I wasn't too tired, too confused, too weak or too anxious to do it. I even enjoyed the time with her in the car. This little glimpses of normal really help with managing all of the hunks of abnormal and frakked up.

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It may not sound like much, but today I drove three miles to the store and bought my wife some bleach and then went through a drive-thru to pick us up some hamburgers. I haven't had a fast food meal in over a year because of panic attacks while driving. It was as bad as I remember! :D The fries were good though. :laugh:
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Nice going confused :thumbsup:


I didn't suck at work today. Not totally. It was a nice break. There was still lots of anxiety but without the feeling/reality I was sucking.

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Slept through the night three nights in a row!!!  Have been shutting the tv off by 9:30 and started listening to guided sleep meditation on you tube. Meditation not medication.  Woke up at 5am and the school system called. Three hour delay due to snow!  Sooo beautiful out. Made a fire and am having coffee. So glad this happened today because next week at this time we will be on a flight to Disney. Flights at Laguardia are cancelled or delayed today. Feel sorry for the people stuck at the airport. But so happy it's not us.
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Hooray, Jayne!


Almost no anxiety today. Just little twinges when I think of doing some things but they're stretching myself kinds of things. Tomorrow I hike with some folks with Meetup.

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Mtfan, I'm jealous! I used to love hiking in Red River Gorge and the Great Smoky Mtns. There's a real freedom to finding all your needs in your backpack and nature. Have you read "Into the Wild"? Jayne, thank you!
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I haven't read Into the Wild but it looks interesting. I mostly read sci-fi and speculative fiction as I have the attention span of a gnat. Do you ever try to hike where you live even for short periods? I haven't really been able to hike for 19 years so this is a new thing. I used to hike quite a bit here in the Blue Ridge mountains


Yesterday the hike was pretty strenuous. It felt good to be able to make the 5 miles, interact with normals and catch something to eat with them. On the drive home through the mountains I felt a tremendous sense of peace and joy. Today it's gone but I keep reminding myself of how yesterday felt.


Jayne, how's that snow?

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MTFan. Snow was beautiful school was finally cancelled for the day. Expecting more starting tonight. Lying on the couch right now thinking about what I should be doing to get ready for a couple of friends that are coming over for the Super Bowl. I don't even like football. But I do like food and the Budweiser Clysdale commercials. Lol. Thank God it's just two of our good friends who know what's going on with me.  Hopefully I'll last till half time. Why they do this on a Sunday night so late when there is school n work the next day boggles my mind.    :smitten:
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Mtfan, the Blue Ridge mountains are beautiful! You are lucky to live close. Do you ever get a chance to get over to west Virginia? I went rafting on the Gauley with the Rivermen. It was absolutely the best money I ever spent in my life!!! My wife reads recipes like she reads science fiction---she gets to the end and says, "Like that's gonna happen!" :D
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