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What good thing happened to you in the last 24 hours?


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I called i to a Radio show and won a movie DVD. I think it is called Captive. Christian movie sounds good to me! They kept me on the air for an hour to hear my opinions.  I have no shy bone in my body.  It was good for me.  I'm good....
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The last 24 hours? The last 5 sets of 24 hours- I started using a Lightbox. And for the last 5 sets of 24 hours- I've gotten a phenomenal amount of restful sleep- every night. I had had gotten to the point of considering going back onto an antidepressant again as I was starting to ideate suicide again.


Well, that Lightbox- turned everything around. My depression has evaporated, and the anxiety attacks? I've not had any since yesterday, and even then it only lasted for about 10 minutes.


Life is good and getting better.

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I haven't been posting the past few days because I couldn't think of positive things. The wave had things getting pretty dark. But last night I got actual *sleep*, woke up and felt, OMG, rested, and my symptoms were lighter today so window city! So thankful for the respite.
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Leftbehind! Was up since 2am and got my butt to the barn by 8:30. It was 6 degrees here in NY. My ride was great. Cantered around for about 45 minutes and was belly laughing with my barn friends. Going to go again on Friday. I'm really am proud of myself.  No one but those of us here know what a feat that was for me. Especially with only three hours of sleep.
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Jayne!  Sorry for the delayed response. Had some technical difficulties.


At the barn by 8:30 am in 6 degree weather...and you cantered for 45 minutes!  Whew, that's a huge accomplishment :yippee: Hanging out and laughing with barn buddies, riding, talking all things horses...now that's great medicine!


You'll have to let me know how it goes on Friday.

LB :)

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Leftbehind!  Will do!  Maybe my shrink was right. Slept straight through to 5:30 this morning! Although I did take two Bendryl last night.  We will see how it goes Friday!
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Leftbehind! Didn't ride today. I don't know what happened but I think the two Bendryl I took to help me sleep kicked my ass. I felt like a walking zombie. Took my daughter though n watched her ride.  What a rollercoaster tapering is. This too shall pass. Hope you are well. The positive is I will never take two Benedryl again!  Lol
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Jayne! Good thing you didn't ride. Surely you would have slowly slumped off your trusty steed in that Benedryl-induced zombie state!  Tapering is like a rollercoaster ride, so true.  Watching your daughter ride sounds like a lovely way to spend time together. I'm doing ok and looking forward to hearing more about your riding adventures!
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I went for a short walk with my dogs, first in three months, climbed some stairs and was able to relax a bit talking to my partner. A few hours without anxiety. Very little things but significant.
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Yay, fifi.


I went to an Appalachian potluck, spiritual thing with square dancing last night. Haven't square danced since Elementary school. Of course I was a total hazard, but so were most of the others. Despite the exhaustion, I managed to have fun and faced my social anxiety and introversion to meet new people

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That is so great to hear, MT Fan...I am always grateful when new dancers who have never tried Appalachian/Contra/square dancing show up...I was a long time Contra dancer for about 25 years until I branched out to other forms of dance since I got bored with it....but I have not danced anything since this benzo ordeal....just not ready for it.  Not ready to face the large groups of people, as you did...


I did start the first three paragraphs of a story I am trying to write, today.  It isn't much, but we all have to start somewhere.  And I wrote my Aunt Jane a nine-page  hand-written letter this week, which also was a huge accomplishment.  Hard to stick with the 24 hours.  But this last good thing that happened this week was making leek and potato soup on Tuesday, and a really delicious waldorf salad that had cream in it along with the mayo. I skipped the nuts and used mixed dried berries instead of raisins, and it was yummy. 


These simple things made my week one of contentment, even though they are very modest accomplishments.



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Independence, those are really good things you're doing. Any writing is a good step and you're cooking too :thumbsup:


It was a pretty small group last night: 12-20 people. You enjoy contra dancing? That's a big deal around here too. Maybe I should look into it. I have a dream...of leaving shyness and wd behind.

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Best thing? Being stuck at am airport with a cancelled flight for am entire night. Why is this good? Because I am 7 months off of Klonopin. What would have had me in full blown panic passdd without incident. Granted, it was not great trying to sleep in an airport but wow. Great to know I never needed the damned pills.


Cheers to new experiences...

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Best thing? Being stuck at am airport with a cancelled flight for am entire night. Why is this good? Because I am 7 months off of Klonopin. What would have had me in full blown panic passdd without incident. Granted, it was not great trying to sleep in an airport but wow. Great to know I never needed the damned pills.


Cheers to new experiences...


Great news....sounds like you passed the test, being stuck all night

at an airport is a big challenge......you've won. :thumbsup::)

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Ended up having some unexpected space in my schedule with what started out as an overwhelming day. All that worry for nothing! Also I went back to baseline after having several rough days in a row. Baby steps.
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Two things, first my new book "You are the Placebo" arrived from Amazon, and I was able to walk to market this morning, it is only 19 degrees. But


with a long down coat, boots, insulated gloves, it was nice, no wind blowing, I was warm and I feel really good, like all my blood is flowing freely and


it felt wonderful, to get out, miss my long walks. I feel pumped right now.  :clap::thumbsup:

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