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Lyrica withdrawal similar to benzo withdrawal + my experience with Remeron


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Just thought I'd share my experience, if anyone has been encouraged to use Lyrica to help them with their benzo withdrawal. I took Lyrica for approx 8 weeks, at what appeared to be the lowest therapeutic dose (50 mg, 3 times a day) I was taking this prescription to help me sleep with my CPAP machine, since I have a sleep breathing disorder and the machine is hard to sleep with.


When I discontinued Lyrica (after tapering for approx 1 week) I was suffering from many of the symptoms described by folks in benzo withdrawal: shakiness, tension, complete inability to eat, inappropriate and extremely intense feelings of anxiety, panic and sadness, irritability, elevated heart rate, (and elevated blood pressure, I found out during my doctor's visit) and insomnia.


When I went to see my doctor's associate, and later my doctor, they both claimed that Lyrica would not cause those problems, that it's a very mild medicine. Based on the timing of my symptoms, I knew they were absolutely wrong. They also blamed me for getting upset and suggested that it was a recurrence of previous anxiety problem. I explained that my symptoms were excessive and completely different than any I have ever had before. Still, my doctor made no effort to help me get through the ensuing problems. Interestingly enough, both these doctors are NEUROLOGISTS. If anyone should have recognized the problem, they should have!!! I am appalled at their naivete in stating that a medicine that has only been on the market for 5 years "could not possibly" have caused my withdrawal symptoms.


I am now going to suggest something controversial. If your symptoms were as bad as mine - virtually incapacitating, could barely function at work, lost 7 lbs in 10 days, feared I would starve to death - then you might consider my solution. I had taken Remeron for several years as a sleep aid, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication (yes, an undiagnosed sleep disorder can give you insomnia and psychological problems). When I realized my doctor was not going to help, I asked if I could take Remeron again. She said sure. So I took a small dose of Remeron (1/4 of a 15 mg tablet per day, at bedtime) and very slowly, began to feel well enough to function. I am still taking Remeron after 2 and 1/2 months, and finally beginning to feel my nervous system getting back to normal.


Here is an case report from a doctor in Malaysia about Remeron use for benzo withdrawal: http://smj.sma.org.sg/4906/4906cr8.pdf


Again, I am not recommending Remeron wholesale. Some people have trouble with Remeron. I had used it for nearly 5 years, and had been on and off it for awhile with no ill effects. Yes, it does make you sleepy during the day - and yes, it does make you gain weight. (These were side effects that I was willing to deal with) However, if your withdrawal is causing you to have severe insomnia and lose weight as quickly as I was, then you might see this as an advantage. I feel lucky that it has worked for me.


The main question is, am I interfering with the normalization of my brain chemistry by taking Remeron? I can't say for absolute sure that the underlying problem is improving? Does anyone else know anything about this situation?


Thanks for your comments and responses. I was glad to learn about Protracted Withdrawal Symptoms (guess that's what I have) and it's nice to know that it may take awhile, but my brain is not going to be permanently damaged :)

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Hi lady,


My personal opinion on this is that if something can help you function fairly normally after being dysfunctional and becoming so ill, I'm all for it. It may not be for everyone, but if it's helping you live life, eat, sleep, etc., then go for it.


It's possible that it may slow the recovery of your brain chemistry, but really, what is the trade off? I think you are making the right decision for you. Eventually you can work toward being completely medication-free.

You will heal, you won't be permanently damaged from by taking the remeron for now.

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I've tried it before, but it made my heart race, so unfortunately I couldn't stay on it. I think I just threw away my prescription for it a couple weeks ago.
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