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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Has anyone taken Remeron and noticed that it put them to sleep but then they would wake up repeatedly during the latter part of the morning and fall back into sleep then to be awaken again... mainly due to disturbing dreams?


I have been taking remeron and I fall asleep quickly...

but around 3am- 5 am ( go to bed around 10 pm ) sometimes toss and turn and wake up then to fall right back asleep and wake up and fall back asleep?


Med just not for me?


Sounds like people are able to be knocked out for 10hrs, this was the case for the first 2 weeks...



I only awake once to feed the cat (she won't wait for breakfast), then I go back to sleep again and sleep for between 12-14 hours....No problems at all sleeping or staying asleep .

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I'm usually on 15mg but tonight I've only taken 7.5mg. I almost hate this stuff as much as I hate Xanax. Tired of the constant hunger and sleeping up to 14 hours a day. Have to admit I am a bit worried about withdrawal after reading through bits of this thread, but in the end nothing ventured is nothing gained. I have only been on it 3 months but that's enough. Hopefully this is a new beginning.
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I thought I would try going without Remeron for a few days,which I did. The 4th and 5th day were not so great, and my sleep was not good. So I thought I would take 7.5mgs the night before last, thinking I would get a great sleep. I did, but almost all day I felt sedated and not myself. I could not even go to my job, it was so bad. I am disappointed that my plan did not work. I feel discouraged, but I have not given up. I am determined to find what works for me. As they say, back to the drawing board.


Blue :smitten:

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I thought I would try going without Remeron for a few days,which I did. The 4th and 5th day were not so great, and my sleep was not good. So I thought I would take 7.5mgs the night before last, thinking I would get a great sleep. I did, but almost all day I felt sedated and not myself. I could not even go to my job, it was so bad. I am disappointed that my plan did not work. I feel discouraged, but I have not given up. I am determined to find what works for me. As they say, back to the drawing board.


Blue :smitten:

OK it didn't go as you wanted but at least you tried and maybe a 10% at a time reduction method might work best for you. I am going to confess I dropped my dose from 15 to 7.5mg last night and It feels weird but in a good way...I am a little nauseous and have a little anxiety but the constant drowsiness and hunger is gone which is nice. Think I'll try the 7.5mg dose again tonight and see how I go.

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What disturbs me about the mirtazapine is that all the drug information sheets advise a slow withdrawal but none gives even a clue what a "slow" withdrawal is supposed to be.
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3rd night on 7.5mg (down from 15mg) and so far no bad side effects. I feel a lot less tired and my food intake has dropped, yeah! Here's hoping that I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't have strong withdrawal. My plan is to stop after a week at 7.5mg. I figure that must be how you're supposed to withdrawal as there is no smaller dosage available? Does anyone else have any experience with coming of without having problems. Would love to know if my way sounds right. Cheers Oz.
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Been over a week since I went down to 7.5mg. Some nausea and mild anxiety but I am also going through Xanax withdrawal so not sure where to apportion the blame. About to jump from the Xanax so will sit on the 7.5mg of mirtazapine for a couple of more weeks. At least with the lower dose of mirtazapine I am not sleeping all day.Oz.
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Been free from Remeron for I think 2 weeks...my mind is so tired...I tapered from 30mg to nothing in 6 weeks..Doctor wanted me to taper off in 6 months...I actually lost track of the days and thought I actually did it in 4 months.I really should of kept a log..I don't feel well and my sleep sucks..I tried twice to come off but couldn't handle it.I was on a low dose of ativan but now I take more...I know I'm doing it backwards but I had to come off of Remeron because it was raising my blood work numbers.I hope to never take Remeron again..anxiety,nausea and early morning awakening without being able to go back to sleep..all the withdrawals lift in the evening..I still work and that's what is probably getting me past this AD hell.(my job is very physical)....just waiting to feel better so I can tackle the (2.5mg) ativan taper..
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Been free from Remeron for I think 2 weeks...my mind is so tired...I tapered from 30mg to nothing in 6 weeks..Doctor wanted me to taper off in 6 months...I actually lost track of the days and thought I actually did it in 4 months.I really should of kept a log..I don't feel well and my sleep sucks..I tried twice to come off but couldn't handle it.I was on a low dose of ativan but now I take more...I know I'm doing it backwards but I had to come off of Remeron because it was raising my blood work numbers.I hope to never take Remeron again..anxiety,nausea and early morning awakening without being able to go back to sleep..all the withdrawals lift in the evening..I still work and that's what is probably getting me past this AD hell.(my job is very physical)....just waiting to feel better so I can tackle the (2.5mg) ativan taper..

Sorry to hear about your bad withdrawal.....does anyone with experience have any idea how long symptoms are likely to last?

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Made my second cut of the mirtazapine tonight. This time I went from 7.5mg to 3.75mg. I have only been on mirtazapine less than 4 months so I am hoping that my withdrawal will be gentler than others have experienced. I did notice my cut from 15mg to 7.5mg but the nausea and increased anxiety are gone after 16 days. Fingers crossed. Oz
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It's the day after my cut and I am moderately nauseous and an increase in anxiety. Exactly what happened after my last cut so I am not surprised. Definitely survivable just a pain in the ass. Oz.
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Day 3 post Mirtazapine cut and daytime drowsiness has increased...strange I feel more tired at 3.75mg than I did at 7.5mg. Also had my dose about 2 hours prior to going to bed and had a massive case of the munchies.....oh well another week or so and I will be off this shit.
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Been free from Remeron for I think 2 weeks...my mind is so tired...I tapered from 30mg to nothing in 6 weeks..Doctor wanted me to taper off in 6 months...I actually lost track of the days and thought I actually did it in 4 months.I really should of kept a log..I don't feel well and my sleep sucks..I tried twice to come off but couldn't handle it.I was on a low dose of ativan but now I take more...I know I'm doing it backwards but I had to come off of Remeron because it was raising my blood work numbers.I hope to never take Remeron again..anxiety,nausea and early morning awakening without being able to go back to sleep..all the withdrawals lift in the evening..I still work and that's what is probably getting me past this AD hell.(my job is very physical)....just waiting to feel better so I can tackle the (2.5mg) ativan taper..

So I spoke with my doctor about my horrendous morning anxiety...He said that since I've been off Remeron for 17 days it should be out of my system and that I shouldn't be having any withdrawals...He wants me to go back on a 7.5mg..I told him that's not an option..because the next time I taper off I will be going through it all over again...I still think it's withdrawals...the doctor also said that 7.5mg won't cause weight gain......I will fight on without it..Hell,yesterday I drove around for 2 hours,mowed my lawn,went to the gym and came home and rode 5 miles..It still didn't touch my anxiety...my anxiety usually goes away by 8pm..My mornings are brutal...sorry about going on and on but I'm hoping someone can support that I still can be in withdrawal 17 days off of Remeron
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So I spoke with my doctor about my horrendous morning anxiety...He said that since I've been off Remeron for 17 days it should be out of my system and that I shouldn't be having any withdrawals...He wants me to go back on a 7.5mg..I told him that's not an option..because the next time I taper off I will be going through it all over again...I still think it's withdrawals...the doctor also said that 7.5mg won't cause weight gain......I will fight on without it..Hell,yesterday I drove around for 2 hours,mowed my lawn,went to the gym and came home and rode 5 miles..It still didn't touch my anxiety...my anxiety usually goes away by 8pm..My mornings are brutal...sorry about going on and on but I'm hoping someone can support that I still can be in withdrawal 17 days off of Remeron

I wish I had some insight into the length of withdrawal but since I'm still on 3.25mg I can't talk with any authority. Good luck and I hope someone can give you you an answer.

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I'm thinking of skipping tonights dose and seeing how I go without. My only real symptom at the moment is extreme lethargy when I wake up in the morning that lasts until the early evening....the further away from the previous dose I get, the less tired I feel. No I'll stick out the full week, only 2 more doses as I planned with my Dr...,slow and steady got me off the Xanax so I won't rush this and risk problems from withdrawal. Oz
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I am 21 months off klonopin and 5 months off Remeron.  I spent 17 months getting off 6/10ths mg of klonopin and 10 months tapering form 15 mgs of Remeron.  While the tapers were pretty nasty, I was totally unprepared for what ensued after the last drop of Remeron.  I was thrown into acute withdrawal all over again with the added symptom of awful insomnia.  I still have these awful symptoms after 5 months off the remeron.  WTHell.      This is worse than either of the two tapers over 3 years.      I'm told that thing will start to get better after 5-6 months, but so far, I've had only a day or two of less brain fog and dizziness.    The anxiety is over the top, the dizziness can still be debilitating, and of course it started a flurry of nasty belly and GI symptoms.


Does anyone have any experience after having gotten off , to be able to say approx when things started to change for the better?  When did sleep return?  The night time scene is just dreadful as it is much more than just staying awake, but rather, you are awake with dizziness, nausea, belly pain, and of course, extreme anxiety making you want to crawl out of your skin. 


On top of that, I have now developed what I call a lack of being able to get to the bottom of my breath.  Feels like I'm suffocating when prone, and now it has also affected daytime sense of being unable to get to the bottom of each breath.  Has anyone else had this last symptom?  Seems related to anxiety, but I'm going for pulmonary tests this week to rule out some crazy other issue.   


Appreciate any comments from those who have been here with this awful toxic drug.  Thanks  BT 



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I am 21 months off klonopin and 5 months off Remeron.  I spent 17 months getting off 6/10ths mg of klonopin and 10 months tapering form 15 mgs of Remeron.  While the tapers were pretty nasty, I was totally unprepared for what ensued after the last drop of Remeron.  I was thrown into acute withdrawal all over again with the added symptom of awful insomnia.  I still have these awful symptoms after 5 months off the remeron.  WTHell.      This is worse than either of the two tapers over 3 years.      I'm told that thing will start to get better after 5-6 months, but so far, I've had only a day or two of less brain fog and dizziness.    The anxiety is over the top, the dizziness can still be debilitating, and of course it started a flurry of nasty belly and GI symptoms.


Does anyone have any experience after having gotten off , to be able to say approx when things started to change for the better?  When did sleep return?  The night time scene is just dreadful as it is much more than just staying awake, but rather, you are awake with dizziness, nausea, belly pain, and of course, extreme anxiety making you want to crawl out of your skin. 


On top of that, I have now developed what I call a lack of being able to get to the bottom of my breath.  Feels like I'm suffocating when prone, and now it has also affected daytime sense of being unable to get to the bottom of each breath.  Has anyone else had this last symptom?  Seems related to anxiety, but I'm going for pulmonary tests this week to rule out some crazy other issue.   


Appreciate any comments from those who have been here with this awful toxic drug.  Thanks  BT 



Hi BT, I think those of us here on the Remeron group are still reducing or have jumped but like yourself but are still having withdrawal symptoms. Sorry I can't be of much use to you.Oz.

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OK I jumped last night (27 Feb) and skipped my dose. Difficult time getting to sleep and staying asleep. Awoke this morning and although tired from a lack of sleep, I feel more "awake" than usual. It's a good feeling and hopefully with some sleep I will feel even better. Cheers Oz.
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I have missed 2 doses and in all truthfulness I feel great! So far no withdrawal symptoms and after 4 months of remeron (and 2 years of Xanax) I finally feel awake and alive! I am also celebrating 8 months since I quit smoking so I've up three bad habits this years. Cheers
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I have missed 2 doses and in all truthfulness I feel great! So far no withdrawal symptoms and after 4 months of remeron (and 2 years of Xanax) I finally feel awake and alive! I am also celebrating 8 months since I quit smoking so I've up three bad habits this years. Cheers

Awesome and congrats..
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I have missed 2 doses and in all truthfulness I feel great! So far no withdrawal symptoms and after 4 months of remeron (and 2 years of Xanax) I finally feel awake and alive! I am also celebrating 8 months since I quit smoking so I've up three bad habits this years. Cheers

Awesome and congrats..

Thanks! One issue was walking up multiple times over night. After 5 days I slept all night without walking up......yippee!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good job Oz! I hope the healing continues.

I am in the same boat as BT, in fact we stopped the benzo within a week of each other.  I didn't give myself 10 months to get off the Mirtazapine, I did it in 1 month, but I am going through many of the same symptoms as BT including the shallow breaths.  The Mirtazapine withdrawal is a whole new version of hell. -Dizzy, vision problems, heavy eye lids, feeling like a belt is strapped around my head, brain fog, DP/DR-  I've been at it for a year and a half, my last chip of Mirt being 8/23/13.  I had one day of a brief window but through all this I am doing well enough to keep my job and my family but I too am wondering if others are going through this hell for this long, those who have been on this thread previously, how are they all doing?

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I hate Remeron. Wish I had never taken it....

Researching on this medication it really affects the endocrine system and your melatonin distribution.

I stopped it and I'm experiencing withdrawal from it along with withdrawal from Benzos.


I had withdrawal feelings even while taking it... lots of DP/DR and multiple waking up through the night.


I know there is one or two members on this forum who have had great success with Remeron and getting off it, but all one needs to do is type in remeron/mirtazapine withdrawal in google to yield plentiful results....


:'( :'( :'(

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Can anyone tell me approximately how long it took for natural sleep to return after the insomnia  set in once the Remeron taper was finally over?


I'm almost 6 months off Remeron and 21 months off Klonopin, and really still suffering with symptoms and insomnia.  I did a slow taper fsrom borth drugs, so I wasn't expecting this type of a reaction once I finished the last drop of Remeron.  The taper was nasty, but nothing compared to what set in after stopping the Remeron.     


I use MJ for symptoms relief, but it's tough at night and difficult for even the strongest Inidca strains to keep and put one to sleep when the cortisol/adrenalin is really flowing from the withdrawal    Appreciate any advice as traveling and staying at hotels is impossible if I have to use MJ on the road.


Would love to hear that sleep comes back for most pretty soon. 


Thank you for your comments.

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I'm about a year off Remeron and 6 months of Klonopin. I'm struggling a lot still. I'm glad I found this board. Both are horrible drugs for me. I haven't read through most of the posts yet but wondering if anyone could share success stories. I'm in search of hope. Thanks!
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