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Day 20, still hell, do you know this symptom???


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here is what The Ashton Manual say about derealization and depsonalization--it's is protective thing that our brains do to prevent us from feeling so much torture but it sure is a strange feeling and especially when you're in it for so long.


"Depersonalisation, derealisation. Feelings of depersonalisation and of unreality are associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal, although they also occur in anxiety states. They occur most often during over-rapid withdrawal from potent benzodiazepines and are, anecdotally, particularly marked on withdrawal from clonazepam (Klonopin). In these states, the person seems detached from his body and seems almost to be observing it from the outside. Similar experiences are described in near-death states when the individual feels that he is hovering above his body, detached from the events occurring below. They are also described by people involved in extreme emergencies and in individuals subjected to torture. They are clearly not specific to benzodiazepines.


Such experiences probably represent a normal defensive reaction evolved as a protection against intolerable suffering. They may involve a primitive brain mechanism similar to the "freezing" of some animals when presented with an inescapable danger. Like other benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms, these feelings resolve in time and should not be interpreted as abnormal or crazy"

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pretty, Id read that some time ago but had forgotten. Does Ashton say how long it lasts or what you can do to end it?


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i am not sure i would have to read Ashton through and through again. i have a physical copy here but i've been on the forum and haven't been doing much reading. but i do know that it also states that intrusive thoughts and memories come with the being able to dream again and that is a very good sign of healing. i don't know why it seems that a lot of people on here say that they still have intense dp'dr well into 24-36 months and that does scare me, but if that is still a protection factor that the brain goes through we have to believe that there is still healing that needs to me done.

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Im having trouble understanding how Dp/Dr are protective. Ive read this but....for me, it feel so completely weird, abnormal and really scary - how can that be protective?

In all this time, its only lifted maybe 2 times, and that only lasted a very short time.

Im hanging on but sometimes its just too much.


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because in dp'dr you feel somewhat detached from your body as if you are hovering over watching things.

it's an annoying and unpleasant feeling but if we didn't have that inbred mechanism would most likely would not be able to endure the torture that seems to be happening to our bodies and minds for this long a time and to the degree.

that is why Ashton put in there--" They are also described by people involved in extreme emergencies and in individuals subjected to torture"


when i was going through the food poisoning nauseous burning waves i went through yesterday i was almost completely detached from my body and everything--it was way too much for me to take. it was the worst discomfort i ever felt in my life--i was extremely thankful for that protective mechanism that happened naturally for me--although i love being out of the cog fog where everything is real and present.

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