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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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An experience like no other


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My stomach felt like it was being squeezed in a vice.  I went on the internet to diagnose what was wrong with me.  "I have either pancreatic cancer or stomach cancer," I thought to myself, as my anxiety began to build, and build to a level that was very disturbing. "You dummy, you know better than to look up diseases on the internet," I yelled at myself.


Being a typical guy, not wanting to go to a Doctor, I lived with the stomach pain, and my not sleeping for six days, until I eventually realized that I would not get better without some medical intervention.


The next morning I went to the Doctor , and was diagnosed with H. pylori, and given a prescription for the triple cocktail of drugs that would eliminate the bacteria that had invaded my stomach lining. 


"Doctor I have had insomnia for a couple of years, and because of the painful stomach, I have not slept in six days.  Can you give me a prescription for a sleep medication," I asked her, as she was about to exit the examining room.  She gave me a prescription for Ativan, and Ambien, and told me to  'take as needed.'


That night before going to bed I took a 1 mg Ativan pill.  WOW!  Before I knew what hit me, it was morning.  I had not slept like that since I couldn't remember when. "That Ativan is some good stuff," I exclaimed to myself.


During the next two years, I continued to take the Ativan, and the Ambien, intemittently, having no clue that I was having, what I refer to now, as mini-withdrawals. There were many days when I just did not feel good, and had lots of weird things going on with my body.


Every time I went to see the Doctor, prior to going cold-turkey, all my test results came back negative. She, unfortunately, did not make a connection between the benzos that I was given to treat insomnia, and all the weird things that were happening to me. I never made the connection either.  My only prior experienceI with drugs was when I had taken Vicoden a few times for a pinched nerve in my back. 


One morning I had just gotten out of bed, and I began to shake violently, my body felt like it was encased in ice.  I went to the E. R., where I was told that I had a U TI, and was given a prescription for Levaquin.


After reading about the terrible side-effects associated with Levaquin, I contacted the E. R., and told them I would not take it.  "I would give it to my grandmother, it is a safe drug," came a reassuring voice over the phone.  Realizing that I would not bend, I was given a prescription for Keflex.


I took the Keflex for two days, when the E.R. called and said the culture they had done was negative.  I did not have an infection. 


About a week later, after just having gone to bed, a wave of heat enveloped me from head to toe, my skin was flushed, and red like a lobster.  This caused a mild panic in me, and lasted about an hour.  The next morning I went to see the Doctor for the umpteenth time.


I explained to her about the previous nights disturbing episode. "You just had too many covers on," she said to me.  "That is why you were feeling so hot."  Sensing that I was getting irritated with her, she suggested that I should take Zoloft to ease my anxiety.


I went home with a prescription for Zoloft, and a refill for the Ativan, and the Ambien.  I was so mad over the ignorance of the Doctor that I shredded the prescriptions, and thus, began my cold-turkey.


That night the heat-wave thing hit again.  I spent the night in the recliner, wide awake, my mind racing faster than an Indy 500 car.  So it was for the next thirty nights.  No sleep, and a racing mind, my body going from hot to cold, to cold, and hot.


Eventually, I was cognizant enough to research benzo withdrawals on the Internet. While scrolling down a page, the word BenzoBuddies, 'grabbed a hold of me', and on that cold December night, with my ever faithful dog lying at my feet, and a blanket wrapped around me to chase away the cold chills, I was led on a tour of the BenzoBuddies forums, where I quickly realized that, I indeed, was experiencing Benzodiazepine withdrawals.


No words can express the relief and sheer joy I felt in knowing , I was not alone in my quest in searching for answers that would validate the reasons for all the weirdness my body was dealing with.  I did write my Doctor a letter, explaining what I was going through.  She apologized to me, I accepted that apology, and moved on, never seeing her again.


I had around thirty different symptoms, everyhing from electrical shocks, to burning mouth, to twitching eyelids, to insanly burning, and itching skin. I won't elaborate on the numerous other symptoms, since all of you now have, or have had them at one time. 


After a year of dealing with all this crap, I began to wonder if I  would ever fully heal.  But, after fifteen long months, I have completely healed, and am happier, and more content than I have ever been before.


All you wonderful, kind, and decent folks, will all completely heal one day, and like I now do, you will enjoy life with a new found appreciation for all the mysterious, and wondrous things life has to offer. 


Your sunrise will be so much brighter, the sunset so much more spectacular, the sound of a laughing little child, so much sweeter.  The little things that used to upset you won't anymore.



I have read hundreds of old postings from the past three and four years, and have often wondered what has become of the kind, understanding people who cried together, laughed together, and shared their deepest thoughts together. To read the back and forth banter between one member and another, is fascinating and inspiring. I have to marvel at the fact, that complete strangers, in the blink of an eye, became kindred spirits. What a befitting testimony to our capacity as humans, to love and appreciate one another.


We can become so enamored with certain members that when they leave, we are left with an emptiness and sadness that cannot be easily explained. 


While reading those postings from many years ago, I felt like I was treading on sacred territory, and could almost 'feel' the presence of the authors, who wrote all those heartfelt words to each other.


It was at that moment when I realized that they had all healed, and were back to living their varied lives again in the way that life was meant to be lived.  All of you will be doing the same one day, because this nightmare does end, and you will be happy, and productive again.


It would be awfully hard, maybe even impossible, to find a kinder, or nicer group of people than you do at BenzoBuddies, where People REALLY do want to help one another in the most thoughtful, and caring way, with a sincerity, and decency that is so very real.


When someone cries out for help.  There is no hesitation in wanting to help that person.  People respond with heartfelt emotions, and a genuine concern for an individual they have never met, and often become close friends with that person.  Friends unlike no one else in their lives, because they understand how that person is suffering day in, and day out, in a way that no one else can ever understand.


I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Ashley Smith:


"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces.  Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”




edit typo













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I have always loved and followed your posts. I have always been curious of your story.


This is so well written and I couldn't be happier for you.


I know tons will share with me in Congratulating you.




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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this.  I felt good tears come to my eyes.  You have been such a light of hope here on Benzo Buddies and your posts never fail to raise me up, cheer me up and elicit a laugh or two.


You did it the hard way,CT, but you did it! I actually don't think there is an easy way except for those lucky enough to avoid withdrawal. 


You have moved on from this horrid experience with grace and without resentment.  This week in light of recent events your posts have been so wonderful and filled with warmth and appreciation for everyone here.


I just want you to know that we appreciate you !!!


Love and Hugs,


piangirl  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thank you for writing this wonderful story! It is so warm and full of hope.


I have known very little about you, although it seems as if I know your "essence" from the word games and childhood memories, plus reading your encouraging posts to others.


I was holding my breath at the end of your post, as you were talking about members that have moved on. I was afraid you were making a farewell post at the same time as your success story and that was actually frightening to me.  You are such an integral part of this community. I hope you will stay around as much as your new, healed life allows.


You deserve all the healing possible and a life of happiness.

Congratulations, PJ!



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Hi PJ,


When I think of the kind, decent and wonderful folks on this forum your name has to be at the top of the list. It's people like you that make this place a refuge for desperately hurting people.


Congratulations for your healing PJ!


Leslie  :smitten:

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PJ !!!!!!!!!!


This is so wonder!! In the time I was here over the last year and a half.You have always popped in on my threads at the exact rt time to bring the exact rt support and Gentle Kind words EVER.. I want to thank you for that.I will never forget . Go LIVE your life PJ. Its been waiting for you. Your so Kind to so many and you deserve this .. I am so Happy for you.


Your friend ~Jenny

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This is wonderful. I am so glad that you are out the other end of this. You have contributed to making many of my days, in the last few months, bearable. I thank you.

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Hi PJ,


It is always a heart lifting moment when I read of a "healed" story... Thank you for posting about your journey, and finally, your new found health and healing... Enjoy every minute of your new life... It's deserved, so much...


Betsy xxxx

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Thank you for sharing ... more than that, Congratulations on your healing!  What you wrote is so compassionate and kind, it brought tears to my eyes (happy tears, of course).

  You deserve the best life has to offer!

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Was having a tough afternoon, but your success story has lifted my spirits!  THANKS so very, very much!  It means so much to hear of your journey.  Best wishes in your wonderful, new life!  Sophia

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PJ, you have been a huge support to SO many of us during our own journey's w/ benzo withdrawal, and it is truly amazing to see you where you are today - and healed!!!  Congrats to you on your hard work to get to where you are now.  I think we become very strong individuals during this process and you are proof of that!  You have always worded your posts with nothing but empathy and care. 






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Hi Pj,

There's very little I could add here that hasn't already been said.

What a beautiful, moving story !

Your sense of humour never fails to cheer me up.

I am so glad you are at the end of your suffering and I sincerely wish you well because you deserve it.

Debbie  :)

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What a warm and thoughtful story.  Really needed to hear that this morning as I am trying to wait out these morning shakes and pain.


Congratulations and enjoy your life.



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Congrats sooo much on your healing PJ! I too felt a huge relief just to know what was and is happening to me- obviously it doesn't take away the pain of withdrawal but it helps so much to know we're not alone and we're not crazy! I'm really happy for you and wish you an amazing, HEALED, life!!  :yippee:


Sassy :smitten:

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Thank You PJ  :mybuddy:


Its a wonderful story from the heart of a wonderful person i am proud of you PJ you make such a difference to this forum.


Love and (((hugs)))


MargoN  :smitten:

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Hi PJ,


Thank you for such an inspiring and uplifting post!  We all can take solace in your words and hope our healing is as complete as yours in time.


Thank you, thank you - go and enjoy your life!



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Hi PJ....  Yes the healing door, you opened it and walked through.  You have shared in your beautiful story all...though walking through that golden healing door, the new life.  Congratulations to you, and thank you for sharing your story.  I have followed many of your posts over sometime.  You are very gifted in expression of words, with such great depth and compassion.  One day we'll probably read a book written by you.  Thank you again.  Blessings and peace are with you now. You are like Jonathon Livingston seagull...free!  Hugs to you, Patty
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Thank you guys,


I am completely blown away by all of your heartfelt comments.  You guys are unbelievable. I have never before come in contact with so many awesome folks, as you all are. 


All of you have proven me right when I claimed that BenzoBuddies was comprised of the most decent, kind, and caring people that I have ever encountered.  Thank you all so much.  You are all so unique.  You are all so special.  Always remember that, because you really are, you know.


Thank you,  Real Deal  pianongirl  Flip  Camille1  Billy  Legos  Jenny  hanna           


                  Betsy  Flutter2yz3  Sophia  Schatje  Deborah  Kmarie


                  Rennysdream  Sassy13  Magrita  ellen2012  pattylu





A special thank you to Colin for having the foresight to see the need for establishing  BenzoBuddies, and to all the moderators, and team members, who, along with Colin, work  tirelessly to ensure that this site will always be a safe, and friendly refuge to those in need of a helping hand, and words of kindness that offer hope, and healing to those who are hurting.


And last, but certainly not least. 


To all the members who are still suffering.  If everyday is becoming a struggle, and your goal of being benzo free appears to be  getting further, and futher away...Stop, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that one day YOU, will be writing YOUR success story.



If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you.

You may have a fresh start any moment you choose,

for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.


Mary Pickford


the very best to you all






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Dear PJ,


I am beyond happy for you. I celebrate your healing and your enormous contribution here. You are one of the brightest lights among us, always sharing an encouraging word. Grateful you are here, but hoping that you will soon be enjoying life to the fullest.


LOVE, :smitten:


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Very, very cool. I just hit 15 months off and although I still have some annoying symptoms and even some more painful and persistent ones from time to time that make it difficult for me to fully function, I still feel like healing is right around the corner so it's good to hear someone else making a full recovery in a "reasonable" amount of time. This stuff wears on a person. Not knowing when (and when the benzo brain kicks in, IF) we will make a full recovery is frustrating. Hearing that other people have made it through always makes a difference.
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PJ:  I have never read any of your posts before this one.  Your story mirrors mine in many ways.  I am so glad to hear you are recovered!  This experience is harrowing to say the least, but I agree that on good days (and I am sure once recovered it is even more powerful) I feel such a gratitude for everything and such a passion for life.  It may be the gift of this trying experience, that and the compassion that is born of being humbled and needing understanding.  This forum is a lifeline to so many of us.  This experience is truly only understood by those who have gone this way before.  I am always so appreciative of those that still stop by here to support all of us still dealing with symptoms to encourage, educate and inspire.  Good luck to you PJ!  May you have a wonderful life and I hope you stop by to encourage from time to time
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Dear PJ,


I am beyond happy for you. I celebrate your healing and your enormous contribution here. You are one of the brightest lights among us, always sharing an encouraging word. Grateful you are here, but hoping that you will soon be enjoying life to the fullest.


LOVE, :smitten:




Thank you, Chrysanthemum :)


May your life be blessed with many sunny days, and a gentle breeze to chase away any dark cloud that wants to spoil your happiness.


all the best to you







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