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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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That is very lop sided dosing.  Ativan for some reason does not lend itself to unequal dosing while tapering.  I use to do it that way and kept suffering until I went to 4 equal doses per day and I found accuracy was very important!! I always felt better taking 4 equal doses.


Also are you tapering the Ambein? Maybe you never tapered it properly. That could be the problem.  You need to slow taper Z-DRUGS like Ambein and Zopiclone too and those take 4-6 months or longer to taper from and Valium is used not Ativan which causes additional problems in my opinion. 


Ambein (Z-drug) taper is in the Ashton manual  too-  http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm#s12


I hope you feel better soon.



No...The Nurse practioner thinks that Ativan was the way to go to wean off all the garbage I was taking....I cant find any cooperation from any doctors...

I am at the end of my rope. One wanted to give me Paxil and Ativan and Xanax...the last ER visit. I just had a major panic attack right now..I am sick all the time with a headache and cant stand this anymore. I really need someone to understand what I am going through. I almost ended up calling 911 right now ...put it passed. Tomorrow, I will be determined to find somebody to help with this. Wish me luck..

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Hi Topfan,

Yes I have had my fill of nurse practitioners that are TERRIFIED to give Valium.  Valium does have a bad name but someday so will Ativan, just a matter of time now.


I read a post once were a person went into the ER and said  "I am on a holiday and I lost my luggage and my Valium"  with that they gave her Valium and a short prescription for 10mg per day.  Then she showed that prescription bottle to a nurse and THEN she got the prescription re-filled easy.  I guess once your on it they keep prescribing it, something about the CHAIN OF LIABILITY, I guess it goes to the first Dr. that wrote the prescription and EVERYONE is afraid to be that first Dr. in the chain.  We do what we have to do to get through this,,,,,,,, :-\


Best of luck



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You wanted to know my taper plan -


The first thing I did was to even my doses. 3 times a day with Xanax. Then I took it with food, the same kind of food, because fat absorbs benzos, and you want to be as consistent as possible.


X is fast acting and fast metabolizing, so I used the food to smooth it out.


Most people cross over to a slower benzo. I didn't want to because I was too afraid of the instability a cross can cause. If you do cross, allow for lag time. This is where people can get into trouble, because they don't give enough time to adjust to the new med. So they get another benzo thrown at them, and now their system is trying to normalize when another benzo is tried, and it just gets out of control. Lag time is so important to understand when multiple benzos are involved.


I don't know if this is where you are. It is so hard to tell what to do when this happens.




The next thing was to eliminate  the interdose withdrawals. I adjusted my cuts by how I felt, not by a schedule. I did a micro taper, so my cuts were way below 5% every 2 weeks.


When the interdose wds went away, I held for 2 weeks and then  I made a cut that I could not feel.


Sometimes I held a cut for a month.



I really hope you can get stable. Some people really struggle with it and others have no prob.




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Yeah...I cant get stable I think the Ativan is making me sick...I really do. I am looking for a doctor that can help me. I was thinking of looking at a DETOX Center, but have been advised against that....I don't know what to do. This is the worst that I have ever been through....I am at my wits end, seriously. Thanks for the advice. I hope for the best.
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Think back to a time when you felt good,  NOW what where you taking back then? 


Sometimes it is just that simple.


Start from there.


Good luck

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Hello everyone,


A new member here and looking for some guidance.


I was prescribed Ativan in the beginning of October 2012 at .5mg as needed every eight hours. However, because I could not function on the drug at work, I only took it at bedtime. This went on for a couple of weeks, decided to cut the dose in half one evening and then got walloped two days later. I was sitting in the office and got scary brain fog (good luck typing a sentence or remembering how to spell menial words), disorientation and "brain clamp," like my temples were squeezed in a vice. This sent me right back to my GP who thought it was a sinus infection.


Well, to make a long story short, I have adjusted my doses like a yo-yo over the past several weeks, have had several visits to my GP and recently had a brain CT and blood tests to rule out anything insidious. I cut down from .25mg to .125mg on November 15 and still suffer from the same brain fog, disorientation, mental incapacitation, headaches, anxiety and depressive moments. The time I spend looking up these symptoms on the Internet is less than healthy and my mind is set on a serious disease. It is just so difficult to believe that Ativan can cause these issues on such a small dose.


I must also note that I was on Ativan about ten years ago for a 3-4 month period at larger daily doses and remember having completely different withdrawal problems (muscle twitching, brain shakes that I can only describe as mini-convulsions). I forgot that I took it previously and it was my wife who reminded me that I was none too happy with it then.


I have decided to break up my .125 bedtime dose today into two doses split 12 hours apart and hopefully, I can be rid of this stuff.


I want out of this funk. Luckily, I have a very understanding wife and just want to enjoy the rest of the holidays with her and my kids.


Thank you for your help.

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Just wanted to check in with all my AV Club members to see how you are doing and to update you on my status....and respond to a few of the newbies!!


TopFan, you are not alone.  We've all been where you are.  Ativan made me soooo sick, so I hear you and we are here to offer you as much support as we can.


Fishtank, I'm sorry for your suffering, but I'm glad to see you are at the low dose that you are.  You are doing the right thing by splitting up the doses...you may find that you need to go to 3 or 4 times a day dosing b/c Ativan is so short lived.  But see how the 2 x a day dosing works for you.  The most important thing is to listen to your body and GO SLOW.  Small cuts (even if you have to get the Ativan compounded) win the race in a much more manageable fashion.    A lot of us compound or did compound our Ativan to get smaller cuts than dry cutting can offer. 


BDL, you go my friend.  I'm so glad to hear that you are still highly functioning.  As I've always said, you are going to WIN THIS RACE!!!!  :thumbsup:


As for me, I'm now four months out and still in a pretty bad way.  My biggest symptoms are still the dizziness / wooziness, headaches, crushing fatigue and anxiety / depression.  Without a doubt, starting the continuous birth control  in October ramped up my withdrawal symptoms for a few weeks.....ugh.  BUT, I have had a couple of hours here and there every few days where I "almost" feel like a normal human being.  I didn't have that 2 months ago.  So, for right now I'm looking at progress on a month to month basis.  And, I know I'm probably going to be in the 6-12 month recovery club.....which tells all of you (even short term users)..... GO AS SLOW AS YOUR BODY TELLS YOU TO.  DON'T FOLLOW MY SCHEDULE...IT WAS TOO FAST!  I'm hoping that I'll be able to return to work in 2013.  It will happen, but probably not till mid-year.  But, hey, ya never know.  I could wake up tomorrow and have fully upregulated GABA!!!


Healing prayers to all of you!!!  :smitten:  :smitten:

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Hi Fish Tank,


I would suggest staying on that dose through the holidays.  It will give you time to stabelize.  Its a shame you've only been on it for such a short time and having this much trouble.  Ugh, so sorry!

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Great to hear from you Hoosier! And hello to the newbies. Welcome. You will survive an probably be stronger for it. So toughen up and realize that you are really, really strong.


I'm not in the clear myself yet but I'm makin slow, steady progress. I am now at .176mg liquid ativan down from as much as 3mg. It's taken me 10 months.

Some symptoms are better some have remained brutal with every cut, by I KNOW that I will get off. There were a lot of times when I honestly couldn't imagine how it was going to be done.


It can take a lot of time but find a rate of withdrawl you can stand and stick to it. If you need to slow down, do it. Feel it out.


Good luck.



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I am new here, and would like some feedback on how to handle the tapering I have already done, and want to continue to do.  I was taking 2 and a half to 3 mg of Ativan every night for years (along with 12.5 mg of Ambien), and about two months ago, I cut down to 2 mg, simply because I was suddenly able to sleep on less.  I think it's because I began to take the Ativan and Ambien closer together. I felt very encouraged that I could do this, but have realized that over the past couple of months (realized it here, actually), I have been incredibly anxious, getting frequent panic attacks, bursts of high blood pressure which is usually low, difficulty concentrating, shaky feeling.  I joined a couple of days ago to continue to cut down, but I think I may be experiencing withdrawal from the tapering I already did without thinking about it.  What advise do you have?  How long will this last?  Should I taper more?  Thanks for your help!



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hi Lynnie,


How many times a day do you take the ativan?  It would be good if you could get your refill in the .5 sized pills, and take them spread out 4 times a day.  Also, the .5 pills would be easier to cut in quarters, so you could reduce at .125mg.


It helps to spread out the dose, because ativan seems to last about 6 hours.  Breaking up your dose into four times a day may help with the anxiety you are having.


I really don't know much about Ambien, but I think its similar to benzos.  Probably best to tackle the ativan first, then the ambien.

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Hey Lynnie. It does appear that you are experiencing some withdrawl. Hold your dose for a little while and you will eventually even out. And I agree wit everything Marin said. Before moving forward with a taper its best to get as stable as possible. You'll be fine.

It will SEEM scary sometimes but it's just the road back.


It helps me to remember that every time I feel withdrawal is another rung down the ladder to freedom.


Good luck!



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Hi Mairin,

Thanks for answering. Mairin --I take the ativan only once a day -- I take it to sleep.  But I spread the two pills (of one mg) out by one hour and then, another hour before I take the ambien.  I cut down from 3 mg at least 2 months ago -- It seems hard to believe I am still going through withdrawal, but the shaking and nervousness happens most toward evening.  I also switched from the brand to the generic and have heard there is more actual drug in the brand, so maybe that adds to it.  Does withdrawal last so long?  In addition, and i should add this, although it's not a benzo, I have been taking inderol of incredibly varying doses because of a condition I have called POTS, which is a form of tachycardia, but because of the unstable blood pressure (which is usually too low to take much of the inderol at all), I have been taking very varying doses.  The cardiologist says it doesn't matter, but I'm sure it adds to all that's going on.  Thanks for any help you can give!!



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Hi Lynnie,


Its interesting that you switched from name brand ativan to the generic.  I've never taken the name brand myself but I have wondered about it and I do believe there probably is a difference between the name and generic.  The pharmacist assured me its the same thing but I've read a few things that generics can differ from the name brand and I believe that.  The difference in cost is astronomical.  There was someone on here, on this thread I mean, that got put on a low dose when her father died and was having a hard time getting off it.  One say she said she switched to the name brand, and she never posted here again.  I assume that's because the name brand was easier for her.  I wish I could try the name brand to see if there really is a difference, but its prohibitively expensive.  10 $ vs 700$???  Crazy.


Sometimes I wonder if it would be worth the money if it proved easier on your system to get off.


You say, the nervousness and anxiety are worse in the evening.  I believe that's because the ativan is running out of your system at that point.  Its therapeutic effects lasts about 6 hours in most people, but the drug stays in your body for 10-20 hours.  But I think after six hours the therapeutic effect starts to decline.  So if you take it at night before bed, then go through your whole day and don't take it until 18 hours later, that is probably what is causing the shakiness.  It would probably be better for you to keep the dose levels up in your bloodstream by dosing three or four times a day at regular spaced intervals, rather than all at once before bed.  But that means you will have to change the way you take it and I sense some resistance to doing that.


I am familiar with POTS, look up Hoosierfans, she knows a lot about it and she is on this thread.  She may be able to help you with the drug you are on for that.  I have low blood pressure as well and I sincerely feel that my terrible journey into high levels of benzos has made the problem much worse.  I fainted maybe twice in my life before benzos, and have fainted numerous times during this withdrawal.  I do think since benzos are a CNS depressant, they can mess with your blood pressure for sure.  Even though pharmacists and doctors will tell you no they don't.


I was lucky to not have trouble with the low dose ativan I was on for 10 years, but this insane journey of getting dragged up to a high dose and having to fight my way down, has made me realize that this is not the benign drug I once though it was.  At some point it seems to start causing serious problems for people, and that realization is giving me the desire to get off this stuff and not take it for the rest of my life.  People get cut off sometimes, they wind up going c/t because some doc retires or decided to just do it to them.  When they say you may need this for the rest of your life, there is no guarantee the next doc is going to agree with that, and docs move away, die and retire.

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hi, i'm new here.  i'm just gonna copy and paste my intro thread, because it contains all the information necessary. 




so i've been taking ativan since Nov 6th, and have been tapering for the past week and a half.  i guess i don't really need that much support, just wondering if i'm doing things the way i'm supposed to.  i was on clonazepam for 4 years in the past and tapered successfully using the ashton protocol.  this was 3 years ago.


i started taking ativan this time for anxiety related to a severe case of hyperacusis, other weird auditory symptoms, and some pretty bad tinnitus along with it.  i was freaking out almost every day and felt i couldn't get through this situation without something to aid me through it.  the ativan helped in both increasing my sound tolerances and reducing my tinnitus volume.  after a month, i basically just want to see how i can fare without it.  i feel that the hyperacusis may be improving but it's difficult to tell if i'm actually improving, or if it's just the benzos.  hyperacusis is a nightmare from hell.


at my peak i was taking 2mg per day.  i'm currently down to 0.75mg a day.  i have 1mg pills and i use a razor blade to cut them into quarters.  i take 0.25mg in the morning, 0.25mg 8 hours later, and then 0.25mg when i go to bed.  i plan on taking this amount until December 12th, when i will lower to 0.25mg twice daily.  is this dose too far apart for ativan's short half-life?


since i've been on them for such a short time, is it really necessary for me to get diazepam for my taper?  so far the taper has been going okay, and i've only been experiencing some anxiety here and there right before my next dose.


let me know what you guys think.  thanks.

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Hey MM. Welcome! And awesome user name. Top ten fave records of all time.

I think the caution with witch you are approaching this is correct. It could be that you need to alter your plan as you go but just pay attention to how you feel. Don't however give any extra anxiety too much thought. It's part if this and it will diminish with time.

I can only speak from personal experience but I was a short term ativan user that became very dependent very fast. I've had to taper over the better part of a year. I am now on liquid coming down in miniscule doses because my body and mind have kicked and screamed the whole time.

This doesn't happen to everyone. You may very well be able to taper off faster without too much problem. Apparently most people can.

If you get into trouble and need further advice or help I am happy to give you more specifics. Take care and good luck!



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Hey MM. Welcome! And awesome user name. Top ten fave records of all time.

I think the caution with witch you are approaching this is correct. It could be that you need to alter your plan as you go but just pay attention to how you feel. Don't however give any extra anxiety too much thought. It's part if this and it will diminish with time.

I can only speak from personal experience but I was a short term ativan user that became very dependent very fast. I've had to taper over the better part of a year. I am now on liquid coming down in miniscule doses because my body and mind have kicked and screamed the whole time.

This doesn't happen to everyone. You may very well be able to taper off faster without too much problem. Apparently most people can.

If you get into trouble and need further advice or help I am happy to give you more specifics. Take care and good luck!




thanks for the response!  my biggest concern is with the spacing of my doses during the next drop.  i'm currently on 0.75mg, taking 0.25mg three times a day.  since the pills are so small, it is nothing short of impossible to cut it up into anything other than quarters.  my next dose drop will be to 0.5mg per day, and i'll be forced to take 0.25mg in the morning and 0.25mg 12 hours later, which leaves a BIG gap of no dose in between.  should i be concerned about inter-dose withdrawal?  is there a bigger ativan pill i can get?  let me know!

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No what you want is a smaller pill. Actually, same size , smaller dose.

The lowest dose ativan comes in is .5mg. Looks like you are taking 1mg pills. The .5 will definitely help. Divide those into quarters and you'll have much more flexibility. Try to make it 4 doses a day. It will even you out in a few days. Get stable and start dropping again. Good luck.



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No what you want is a smaller pill. Actually, same size , smaller dose.

The lowest dose ativan comes in is .5mg. Looks like you are taking 1mg pills. The .5 will definitely help. Divide those into quarters and you'll have much more flexibility. Try to make it 4 doses a day. It will even you out in a few days. Get stable and start dropping again. Good luck.




yeah!  turns out my doctor prescribed those 0.5's for me this time.  it's still a very small pill though and had an asymmetrical design so my razor may not be able to cut it straight.  sucks.

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Marqueemoon: What about spending $50 on a Gemini scale, which is accurate down to 1 mg? My 1 mg ativan tabs weigh 94 mg, 1/2 mg 47 mg. So they're 1% drug, ~99% binder, excipient, filler, etc. Assuming 2 mg actual repeatability instead of 1, you could divide a 47 mg tab containing 1/2 mg Ativan into 23 equal portions. That would be 0.022 mg or 22 ug of drug. You think that will cut it?  :laugh: If not, cut every other day and weigh an 0.011 or 11 ug (microgram) toss. When the toss gets smaller 'cause your dose is smaller...I'm workin' on it.  :idiot:


It might actually be possible to dry microtaper Ativan, at least down to the last 10 %. I wouldn't bet my sanity on it. But then, what have I got to lose?  :crazy:



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Just wondering what happened with your taper Aweigh?

Hi, Mairin33:

Thank you for asking. That is the point, isn't it?  :o I'm waiting for equipment and information. I'm ready.



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I have often thought that a jewlers scale would be the most acurate way to go. The only problem is that you would be tied to the scale and crushing pills. It seemed time consuming, messy and inconvenient.

The compounded liquid has allowed me to travel, go to work, go on day long hikes etc. I just have to have a little cooler bag with my liquid and oral syringes. When its time for a dose i just measure and swallow. It's over in 10 seconds. This had been valuable because it has taken me almost a year. I had to have the mobility.


Marquee, I split .5 pills with a razor blade all the way down to .375 or so. The slight inaccuracies in doses didn't cause me much trouble and I am what I consider in the sensitive side.





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