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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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I am starting to space out the dosage in 0.5mg increments again. I have just noticed that my resting heart rate goes slightly over a hundred after about 4 1/2 hours after having taken the last pill. So, I'll take another 0.5mg at noon and am pretty sure that the heart rate will drop very soon. I think my biggest mistake was not always following a certain schedule, trying to get by with 0.25's, and then having to do a rescue 0.25, just to recover. But at this point in time, it seems that taking it on a much more strict schedule based on different physical signs/indicators is a much better idea. Getting chills, slightly higher BP and slightly elevated HR seems like a telltale sign to me that it's time for another 0.5 dose in 10 minutes or so. I bet the heart rate will fall down very soon after that dose.


I think I am finally figuring out how it all goes  ;)

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Hi all.


Welcome Kyra and LF2015. I am a newbie as well and not sure how much advice I can give you at this point. I will say that Kiddo, Saga, Laser, Beth, and I am sorry if I've forgotten anyone...have helped me out TREMENDOUSLY with advice and support in general. I am so thankful I found this forum because I was lost and clueless. And yes Kyra...stay away from the 'horror' stories...they played too much with my mind that I now just check a few threads and PMs and I am DONE.


LF2015...I too was kind of all over the place with my dosing (how much to take, when to take it, should I wait it out, do I need that much?!?)...it was overwhelming and confusing to say the least...until I navigated here. I found that once I had a dose that I could stabilize on which took 2 weeks AND had a steady schedule (4x day same times), I was in a MUCH better place. I too had the increased HR and such...but once I got myself situated with a dose and a taper plan, some of that anxiety and physical symptoms subsided...not completely...they come back or hang out awhile...it became more managable. Hopefully that will work for you when you decide on dose and a plan.


Good luck. I found asking and asking questions somewhat obnoxiously helped too. These guys are great.



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Yeah, you guys are all fantastic. It would be so much harder without this site. My main thing now is to first stabilize at 2.5mg/day and absolutely resist any urges to up the dose or use any emergency doses. Like you say, being new at this and feeling like being in a deeper hole than I ever was for sure generated a lot of anxiety. But, I am slowly learning to cope again. Having a plan is definitely a start.


Interestingly enough, my PDOC and other Dr's still say it's all in my head. I do agree that health anxiety is in my head, but the ativan thing isn't. I find it mildly annoying that all of the Dr's I talked to are trying to get me to take an SSRI and basically all think that I can just replace the lorazepam I take with 5mg or 10mg of diazepam. I was looking into a substitution taper with diazepam, but it seems that most Dr.'s are incredibly reluctant to prescribe multiple benzos to the patient. Even when I mention Ashton charts, they dismiss me.


Also, for the future taper, how does one cut a 1mg lorazepam tablet into 1/8? I feel like I want to go down by 1/8mg every week, starting with 2.375mg next week and then doing the 1/8 less each other week.

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Ok, sorry to be a pest, but I do have one very specific question:


I am now splitting my doses in .5 increments, and am now finding out that my interdose withdrawal symptoms start around 4.5 hours after the last dose. They are tolerable for me to ride them out for 30 minutes, so I take the next dose 30 minutes later,  after 5 hours. If I do this for several days in a row, will I push the withdrawal symptoms to the 5 hour mark? Once I stabilize again, do I make a small reduction (<10%) again, so that body doesn't end up building tolerance again and returns me to the 4.5 hours interdose withdrawal mark? Is that basically the crux of it, i.e. the time spending through mild withdrawal symptoms is where the brain heals and adjusts?

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I couldn't agree more with everything Laser said about getting off these drugs. However it can be done and you can all win. Laser I'm so glad reading your update. Fantastic news!


Ok specific questions...Kyra I had a large supply to work with learning how to use the scale. I did not reuse any kind of powder, I scraped the pill into the correct weight of chunks, and I mean they were tiny pieces. I discarded all the extra powder. I can see the benefit of using liquids versus the work with the scale although I really had no issues myself. I think everyone has their own technique. It took some practice.


Moose glad it sounds like it's going well  :)


LP I think the plan to stabilize at 2.5 is a great move. I know it's hard not to take any extra but it's important. These are powerful little pills in spite of everything you've been told by Drs.


Specifically, I underrstand what you're trying to ask about interdose. Will your body adjust to the dosing schedule?  It may it may not. That's hard to say. I dosed for 25 years at set times. I had to change my dosing after I landed here and still expereinced Interdose the whole way but it was bearable, probably because for so many years I'd experienced it but didn't understand the concept.


The question about tolerance I'm not so certain about answering. In my mind once your taper has started, your body has already begun the process of adjusting to the new dose and that's why we have sxs. They aren't limited to the time between doses. That's a different feeling of interdose. I'm basically typing this thoughts out. Can you become tolerant to the new dose? I guess if you hold long enough. Even now I think everyone who's gone through this has a different opinion and experience.


About cutting into 8ths. Painstaking. That's where a scale or switching to liquids comes in for precision. Like I said , I had a large supply to work with and perfected how I used the scale.





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Hi All,

I have forgotten how to use this site, so my apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. 


Background: I used Lorazepam "as needed" from 2003 - 2009 when I was switched to Klonapin.  Went thru a stressful event and was taking sporadic amounts and ended up going a bit crazy.  I thought, "hmm maybe it's these pills....?" and mercifully found this website.  With the amazing support of the members here, I tapered off and was blissfully benzo free for 4 years!  I admit, it did take nearly a year to feel totally free of all symptoms, but the most offensive of them were gone after a few months. 


Currently: In May of 2014, I was hospitalized for a sudden back injury.  They pumped me full of corticosteroids, opiates (Norco), muscle relaxers (baclofen), and my old friend lorazepam.  When I was released, feeling happier than I probably ever have in my life!, I had the hard road of withdrawl ahead of me.  I managed to taper off the first three, with much difficulty, in a 3 month period, one at a time.  But I was too tired to face the benzo taper.  Until now.  Because of tolerance, I slowly increased from 1 mg to 1.5.  one month ago I cut to 1.25 and 2 weeks ago I cut to 1mg.  two days ago I cut to .75 and yes, I am definitely feeling it now.  I mean, I felt it before.  But now it's really hard.  Had a panic attack last night in front of my family (managed to avoid this all these years!) replete with hyperventilation.  V. little sleep last night.  Today, high anxiety w/out a moments rest. 


you might think I would know better than to taper this quickly.  Problem: my doctor unexpectedly retired and my new doctor is unsympathetic.  She not only won't switch me to valium or a compound, but she won't give me another Rx.  I have enough pills left to keep on this .25mg reduction bi-weekly with about a week of .25 to spare.  I'm not sure how you can help me or what to ask even.  Just thought I would throw this out to you good people and see if anyone had any thoughts. 


Thank you for reading  :smitten:

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God, that's a rough spot to be in. Do you have insurance? Maybe calling them up and asking if they know a Dr. in the area who specializes in Benzo detox or something along the lines. Also, maybe going to urgent care, finding a sympathetic Dr. who understands would help, as well. They could provide a rescue prescription, possibly. It's really hard, I know. I'd love to find a Dr. who'd prescribe enough valium to fully substitute from Ativan to Valium. My heart goes out to you.  :)
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Hlut, I'm really sorry to read this, I agree completely that's a rough spot to be in. I can only imagine how badly you're feeling and I'm sorry. I would do my very best to secure more ativan, even if it meant going to urgent care or the ER multiple times in hopes of finding a sympathetic Dr.  :smitten:
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I found out yesterday I'll likely be in a similar situation as you. My psychiatrist accidentally wrote my prescription for Ativan for 30 pills of the .5mg. I corrected him nicely and said he had been giving me 45 per month of the 1 mg pills. He rewrote the prescription and said once you increase the Zoloft to 100 mg, you should be able to reduce the amount of Ativan.  I can see what's coming down the road.  Thing is I really like this doctor.  Maybe what I'll do is put together my taper schedule and show it to him next month in hopes he will keep prescribing so I can taper off.  Not sure this will work because  he thinks I'm on a low dose and don't really need to taper or I could do a fast taper and be fine. 


Sorry to make this post about me Hlut, just wanted to share to tell you I know the fear you must be feeling,  as Saga suggested, I too would find a sympathetic doctor. I know I'd seen a psychiatrist in the past for anxiety and he had multiple specialties, one of which was drug addiction.  That may be a route you can take.  Finding maybe a psychiatrist like that should be easy to find.  I went to that first psychiatrist for anxiety and what he prescribed was Ativan and Paxil.  Just a thought, if you can find a psych specializing in dual diagnoses, one of which is addiction.  Maybe that would work to help you get the pills you need for your taper.


All the best and we are here for you. :smitten:


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Thank you all for your kind words, and thank you Kyra for sharing your experience.  It does help so much to know I am not alone on this.  I do have insurance, but finding a new doctor in my area is actually pretty tough and then there's this really long wait to get the initial consult.  I made a couple calls today that might pan out.  I like the idea of bringing a taper plan to my current doctor, hoping she can see how serious I am. 
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Same experiences here. I have been really trying with my pdoc to prescribe me some Valium to attempt some sort of substitution taper and help with those wretched interdose withdrawals, but he wants to replace 2mg Loraz with 5mg Valium. If he'd at least give me 10mg Valium, I'd have something to work with. And he's still telling me "it's all in your head". Ugh.
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Same experiences here. I have been really trying with my pdoc to prescribe me some Valium to attempt some sort of substitution taper and help with those wretched interdose withdrawals, but he wants to replace 2mg Loraz with 5mg Valium. If he'd at least give me 10mg Valium, I'd have something to work with. And he's still telling me "it's all in your head". Ugh.


The utter incompetence of so many clinicians in this subject area is astounding and deplorable. Doctor shopping to continue/start a proper taper may be necessary.

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Hi Buddies,

I have tapered Ativan down to .14 mg using compounded gummy squares at the end, and dry cutting before that. I am having horrific, crippling anxiety, ringing ears, burning skin, and mild nausea. The symptoms come in strong waves for days at a time, and sometimes they let up for parts of the day. My next cut will be down to .125 for 10 days. Would it be ok to go down to .1 for 10 days, then .05 for 10 days and stop? The dose doesnt really give me any relief from the anxiety, and psychologically I feel like dragging it out any longer will work against me, since it really isnt giving me any relief any more. Does anyone have an opinion about my plan? Oh, BTW, I have been tapering for 17 months now.

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The only way to know if its ok is to try it. Judge your reaction to the first planned drop from 0.14. If its tolerable then press on. If not, then you can back track half way to 0.12. Overall the plan sounds reasonable, but person to person variability means your plan will work for some but not others. Personally, I had trouble dropping from 0.105 to 0.075mg, so I took the end slowly (0.02mg drops).  :)
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Kick why not try Lasers suggestion? I personally believe you've hit acute. Everything you've desrcibed is normal as far as I can relate. You've spent a good deal of time tapering slowly, why not finish the way you've tapered? That way you have no regrets or doubts or second guesses. Hang tough you're almost there! :smitten:
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I need some help.


I was able to go down from 2.5mg Loraz to 2mg for a week, with the help of 5mg Diazepam for a week. However, as much as I despise Loraz, Diazepam doesn't seem to agree with my system very well, and I am thinking of stopping it. Also, the Dr. is unwilling to prescribe more of it, so I am reluctant to keep taking something I won't have access to. I've only taken diazepam for 7 days. If I stop diazepam CT, should I be ok? Also, can I stay on 2mg Lorazepam after diaz wears off? I really don't want to be upping the dose on Lorazepam, and want to ask the new Dr. (the current one who prescribed loraz is very unsympathetic and won't help me) to prescribe some 0.5mg Loraz pills, so I can start cutting these in 1/4 increments and do a slow taper like that. Does this sound like a decent plan to any of you?

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LF2015 - were you planning a Valium crossover? Yes, I would personally just stop that V....you may, or may not, feel it in a week or two. It's hard to say as everyone is so different. I believe the Ativan will be sufficient in covering up any overlap.


Don't worry about your doctor prescribing .50mg tablets. They aren't necessary. I'm down to .31mg and have always used 1mg tabs. I'd really recommend getting yourself a scale, they are cost effective and you will be able to cut your doses more accurately. The one most of us use is the Gemini Pro 20 Milligram Scale available on Amazon for about $20


Hope that helps  :)

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A few days ago I switched to lorazepam from clonazepam. I took the clonazepam once day. Muscle relaxant.


For now I've been taking the lorazepam twice a day, at 4 mg a day. I am suprisingly stable. Sleep can be an issue, though. A bit more difficult than on clonazepam.

I can notice some ups and downs.


Although I have been on the clonazepam forever, the idea is to taper the lorazepam in weeks/months, depending on how it goes.


Any pointers ?



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Hi Liberty,


Welcome to the thread  :)


Can ask why you switched from Klonopin to Ativan? Klonopin is longer acting then Ativan and typically when we see crossovers it's too a longer acting benzo. I'm just curious as to why the doctor switched you to Ativan.


I personally would not be able to taper 4mg in a weeks/months , but everyone has a different threshold.


What symptoms are you experiencing now? How long have you been on Ativan? How long were you in Klonopin?


Please take some time to create a signature. It will help other members see your medication history and they/we will be better able to support you.


Take care,



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Klonopin was physically 'destabilizing'. Very hard to tolerate, even harder to taper.

Mixed sedation/stimulation, intestinal issues. I don't seem to have that with lorazepam, at least not to that extent.

Lorazepam was my idea although not my first choice, since I already knew diazepam would be hard to tolerate.


I've taken clonazepam for over 5 years, two major failed tapers. highest dose was 4 mg, now 2 mg.


Symptoms ? Sleep can be more difficult than on clonazepam, I seem to function a bit better mentally, though.


I can feel some minor, occasionally major, ups and downs in terms of sedation. I've been taking it about every twelve hours.

Is that common, or do most people prefer dosing three timesa day ?

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LF2015 - were you planning a Valium crossover? Yes, I would personally just stop that V....you may, or may not, feel it in a week or two. It's hard to say as everyone is so different. I believe the Ativan will be sufficient in covering up any overlap.


Don't worry about your doctor prescribing .50mg tablets. They aren't necessary. I'm down to .31mg and have always used 1mg tabs. I'd really recommend getting yourself a scale, they are cost effective and you will be able to cut your doses more accurately. The one most of us use is the Gemini Pro 20 Milligram Scale available on Amazon for about $20


Hope that helps  :)


I've stopped valium yesterday and just stayed on 4x 0.5 Lorazepam doses, spaced out roughly 5 hours apart. I took 1.5mg of melatonin and fell asleep, only to be awoken by this horrible nightmare and the feeling of my brain being sucked out of my head. I know it's not best to take rescue doses, but I did 0.25 right then, and then 0.25 an hour later, which gave me some 6 hours of sleep. Now, with quitting valium, I am thinking if I am better off upping my 2.0mg/day dose to 2.25mg/day and starting a taper from there?


Also, about the 20mg scale from Amazon. I don't really want to do the titration taper, so do you just make small cuts and measure them?


Thanks a bunch.


Also, what's the real likelihood of seizures with a gradual taper? I know they're a big possibility with CT taper (which I never want to do), but am I safe with more gradual taper (.10-.25 reduction per week)?  Guess I am just looking for some reassurance.

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Klonopin was physically 'destabilizing'. Very hard to tolerate, even harder to taper.

Mixed sedation/stimulation, intestinal issues. I don't seem to have that with lorazepam, at least not to that extent.

Lorazepam was my idea although not my first choice, since I already knew diazepam would be hard to tolerate.


I've taken clonazepam for over 5 years, two major failed tapers. highest dose was 4 mg, now 2 mg.


Symptoms ? Sleep can be more difficult than on clonazepam, I seem to function a bit better mentally, though.


I can feel some minor, occasionally major, ups and downs in terms of sedation. I've been taking it about every twelve hours.

Is that common, or do most people prefer dosing three timesa day ?


Hi liberty, yes I think it's unusual to move from a long acting benzo to one with a shorter duration of action, but I'm sure you had reasons for not switching to valium. I think with 2 failed tapers behind you maybe a very very long slow taper would serve you better if you're truly committed to getting off these meds. Not a matter of weeks or a few months. Is that a possibility? Why did the previous tapers fail?


In any event I do believe most people spread out the doses multiple times a day to help with interdose. Keeping the levels of ativan evenly spread helped me enoromously. Good luck to you.

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LF2015 - were you planning a Valium crossover? Yes, I would personally just stop that V....you may, or may not, feel it in a week or two. It's hard to say as everyone is so different. I believe the Ativan will be sufficient in covering up any overlap.


Don't worry about your doctor prescribing .50mg tablets. They aren't necessary. I'm down to .31mg and have always used 1mg tabs. I'd really recommend getting yourself a scale, they are cost effective and you will be able to cut your doses more accurately. The one most of us use is the Gemini Pro 20 Milligram Scale available on Amazon for about $20


Hope that helps  :)


I've stopped valium yesterday and just stayed on 4x 0.5 Lorazepam doses, spaced out roughly 5 hours apart. I took 1.5mg of melatonin and fell asleep, only to be awoken by this horrible nightmare and the feeling of my brain being sucked out of my head. I know it's not best to take rescue doses, but I did 0.25 right then, and then 0.25 an hour later, which gave me some 6 hours of sleep. Now, with quitting valium, I am thinking if I am better off upping my 2.0mg/day dose to 2.25mg/day and starting a taper from there?


Also, about the 20mg scale from Amazon. I don't really want to do the titration taper, so do you just make small cuts and measure them?


Thanks a bunch.


Also, what's the real likelihood of seizures with a gradual taper? I know they're a big possibility with CT taper (which I never want to do), but am I safe with more gradual taper (.10-.25 reduction per week)?  Guess I am just looking for some reassurance.


LF2015, taking rescue doses multiple times is really not a good idea. Your body needs to feel some kind of stabilty and you should try to keep things even. Maybe going back up to the 2.5 isn't a bad move and taper from there. Sleep issues are a big issue for most people tapering, I would try very hard not to reach for the Ativan if you're not getting sleep. An OTC sleep aid would be a better move.


Yes, that's how the scale works, measuring tiny cuts all the way down. Everyone has a concern about seizures, but I believe they are a very rare occurrence. More likely to happen with a c/t since its a shock to the brain, even so I've rarely heard of someone experiencing a seizure.

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I had a hard time figuring out my cuts, lol.  I got the Gemini scale and Laserjet helped greatly with an example of how to get a .215mg cut. I'm crushing my pills though and using the powder.  It's just easier for me than cutting chunks.  I will dose twice a day, I know more times is recommended but it cuts down on weighing and dividing the powder for me and the first dose I take at work, wrapped in wax paper.

If that does not work, I'll cut it into 3 or 4 times per day although Im not keen on the idea of taking it at work more than once.  Will see how it goes.  Just wanted to share my experience so far.  :smitten:


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Hello all,


In October 2014 I got sick with a sinus infection.

After not bouncing back to health after my normal

2 week period, I began going from Dr. To Dr. to search

for a reason why I wasn't feeling well.

After many tests and bloodworks, I was thankfully

given a clean bill of health.


In December 2014 my PCP gave me Lorazepram

for the anxiety I developed as a result of not

feeling well. He prescribed .5mg, twice a day as needed.


I usually split the .5 pill and took 1/2 in the am,

1/2 at night. I never took more than .5

in a single day. Sometimes 1/2 .5 pill for the day

was sufficient.


When I tried to stop this medicine yesterday I experience

horrible w/d symptoms. Shaking, depression, skin burning,

Brain zaps... I never thought this would happen from

such a small dose in a 2 month period.


I want off completely. I am seeing my Dr.

tomorrow and will discuss this with him.


In the meantime, any suggestions would be



Thank you.

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