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Hey, Lori and Waltor,


Trust me, I AM keeping my eye on you guys.  If you have any questions please post them on my blog.  I am always there for you.


Patty  xo

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Yes Lori we are cute, This morning though I will not be able to write much, having another rouigh morning and I need to get to work yuk...I will try to be more upbeat later thisafternoon..Sorry to be so glum...It just hits me throughout the day and its hard to shake it....Thank you Patty it is nice to know some people care


Lori I will hopefully be able to write more later, Have a good day


Waltor :mybuddy:  Feeling rotten, the batte is hard this morning

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Hey amigo,

Sorry that your morning was rough.  :hug: Those times are hard! But, it will pass and eventually all of this will be behind us. I think you were either cutting today or tomorrow. Did you decide to do it or to hold where you are at?? You know, you have done such a fast taper because you didn't know if you could get a refill, that maybe you need a few extra days or a week for your body to catch up to the dosage you are at now?? It would not be a sign of weakness if you needed to have a week with lots of windows, so you could feel better and give your body a rest. It took courage just to decide to stop taking these benzos!!


Hope your day gets better for you and that the weather was cooler for you today. Oh, what about hurricane Ike?? That suppose to hit anywhere near you? Be safe!! Know that I am praying for you, Waltor.


your amigo  :oXo: Here we are, BEATING the benzos. We are strong, Waltor!

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Well I took that picture of myself about a year and half ago at the end of a 9 hr hike through the segauro (I dont think I spelled that right) National park in Arizona. I was blown away by the sunset. I went there in search of sidewinder rattle snakes to photograph. One time not long ago when I still liked to do things, Macro photography of reptiles, amphibians and pretty much any living creature was my favorite thing to do. I love reptiles and feel they get a bad rap so I try and help people understand them. One of the many reasons I need to get better..so I can get back to it.. I have a Ball python named Reggie, then theres Theodore my bearded dragon, I also have 2 red eyed tree frogs from Costa Rica(they are awesome) Oh and Im raising a baby Garder snake..I also collect swords, I love them because they remind me of a time when people fought with honor. I collect swords that represent different eras.  Back to this morning Wow! I felt like I had my but kicked while I was asleep.  :stretcher: And then it was down hill for a while then I stabilized at felling like crap pretty much all day. Just kind of a nagging feeling...I hope your day went well Amigo.. :mybuddy:

I Think I am going to do my cut on sat. I think since I have enough diazepam I will try and stretch it out so as to not rush it...I look forward to the day when we can talk about these things in the past tense,,,I am going to pick up some stuff in the yard so it doesnt get blown away tomorrow evening when Ike is supposed to start hitting..Ill be back on in a bit...Your Amigo


Waltor :oXo: and Lori  fighting the benzo battle...And Winning :mybuddy:

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Oh Waltor,

You are going to have to help me understand the beauty of snakes. They do have a bad rap, but gosh, they scare me sooooo much! I think a big reason is because when I was a little girl, we use to visit friends of my parents who lived in Arizona. They had one of those pythons that wrap around you. It was thick and like 6 feet long. When we would visit them, they would have to bring him out of his tank! Why?? I remember him slithering towards me in the living room and I jumped up on the couch and started screaming. They didn't let him get near to me, but it was not a good experience. I was sad, when I found out that he died while eating a mouse or a rat. It wasn't all the way dead (I guess he didn't squeeze the thing hard enough) and it bit his throat or that area after being swallowed. Somehow, that killed the snake. Are you crying, Waltor?? ;) The bearded dragons are pretty cute, I have to admit. I take it your frogs are not poisonous? And did you rescue that baby Garder snake??


So, did you like the movie The Last Samurai (sp?)? I love that movie. We actually bought the DVD. Our youngest sons is fascinated with swords. He recently bought some kind of wooden one. We have an old Shriner's sword that my father in law gave us. I don't know if it was his or his dad's?? I keep that thing hidden from our youngest son for now. Too dangerous to play around with.


Good!! You're waiting till Saturday to do your next cut...me too! We will cut on the same day and let's keep up with each others w/d s/x and what days they fall on. Not to focus on them, but just to see when yours hits you and mine hits me. Amigo, we are even cutting on the same day now!!!! :yippee:


One day, all of this will be past tense and we can encourage others who are new or just starting their tapering process!!! Hope tomorrow is better for you!! Is the hurricane going to affect you much? I need to watch the news about Ike. Be safe....


:oXo: We will defeat you!!!!



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Hugs to you too Patty, you are awesome! I mean it You are always there with kind words and it means the world... :hug:


Lori, I have been fascinated by snakes since I was about 6. I think its amazing how they have evolved and adapted to live in close proximity to humans and most of the time are rarely even seen. The sad thing is when they are seen they usually end up on the wrong end of a shovel, and most likely they would have just ran away and do what they do best KILL small pesty disease ridden rats and mice....I feed my snake frozen rats(I know it sounds grose) so it cannot harm my snake. You see whenever you drop a live rat into a tank with a snake, you take away the snakes element of surprise. And with only a head and a body(no arms or legs) and not very good eye sight they all the help they can get..I just thaw out the frozen rat and well you can probably figure out the rest. The garter snake is sort of a rescue in a round about way. I caught an adult Garter snake and gave it to one of my daughters friend. A couple of months later it had babies. and I got one...pretty neat-o huh? its about 6-7" long...Anyway thats a good idea about letting each other know about when the w/d sx stike, It will be nice when we get this stuff totally out of our system, I will be sooo Happy...well Amigo I am going to watch some tv or something...Im kind of in a blah mood right now. Nothing is really interesting me....


Bye Amigo


Waltor :mybuddy:

:oXo: The battle of Waltor and Lori and the benzos rages on 

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Hey #1 Amigo,

How old were you when you picked up your first snake? How did your mom (oops, if we are going to talk about your mom, you need to lie down on the couch! :laugh:) feel about this snake fascination of yours; for or against?? I bet you watch Austin Stevens Snake Master?? I saw a couple of clips from the show. The guy gets bit by a deadly snake, gets the antiserum, and has to go back and find that one snake so he can get a good picture of it, and he did!! Waltor, that's what you need to do for a living!!! OK. Just how CLOSE PROXIMITY are these snakes to us, but are rarely seen?? Did you see the movie Snakes on a Plane with Samuel Jackson? Of course, my son and I went to it and we kept our feet off the floor and on our seats thru the movie!! Told you I need help understanding snakes. Pretty cool about you feeding your snake thawed out rats. Very smart. Wonder why my parents friends would throw a live one into the tank once a week? That's not very nice after what you said about snakes needing all the help they can get.


You said that in that picture of you, you had just finished a 9 hour hike! I use to run competitively in 5 and 10k races and would win for my age group!! What happened....Benzos! One day, I believe you will hike again and take those pictures of snakes and other reptiles. I won't be running in anymore races, but it might be nice to be able to jog 2 or 3 miles. I can see the sunset in the back of your picture. I bet it was awesome. Was your family with you, or did you do stuff like that alone?


Sorry that you are feeling blah! I know that feeling VERY well! Get pumped, cause in just 1 day (or so), the 2 Amigos will be  :muscle: those Benzo pills down even smaller. Less poison will be surging thru their bodies....the Benzos are going down!!! The Amigos will ride off victorious, into the sunset!!! :highfive:


:oXo:  :oXo: Less of you, means more of us!!

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Well lets see, I was probably about 7 when I started catching grass snakes, the house that I grew up in was surrounded by woods and had a couple of ponds nearby. I remember one time in the 4th grade I brought about 10 small grass snakes to my science teacher. he promptly told me to release them on the playground. My mom really didnt care about my obsession with the reptiles, she was busy dealing with her problems.(thats another story) Austin Stevens ROCKS, I saw the episode your talking about, it was crazy. Flew him out on a helicopter and then right back the pictures. He is a great photographer..The proximity of the unseen snakes varies on whats around the house..for instance, a neighbor down the street kept complaining that she was seeing snakes in her yard. I went down to investigate. I found that on the side of her house was a huge pile of firewood. No snakes do not necessarily like to hang out in wood piles but rats and mice do, get the picture? Snakes are only going to hang around if there is a food source present. Makes sense doesnt it? If your hiking through the woods and step over a log and onto a poisonous snake he will bite you because he is afraid for his life. If some giant stepped down on you you  would do whats necessary to protect yourself. Its really pretty simple..It cracks me up when somone wants to move to the country then they complain that they have wild animals and snakes. hmmm go figure...My snake Reggie is really cool, he is very docile. Oh BTW I like what you said about the couch :laugh:


Well I babbled enough


To the Amigos,,,Lori and Waltor :oXo:


Waltor :mybuddy:

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Hey Waltor,

How old and how big is Reggie? Does your wife pick him up and all? Do you let him roam thru the house? I figured you would like Austin Stevens. I can't believe how CLOSE he would get to like the deadliest snakes in the world. He absolutely loves them. Sounds like you've got that same passion! Even though I can't relate, I can appreciate your love for snakes and reptiles. Oh my gosh, I just remembered. You bring up all this reptile stuff and today in our powder room we have a little wicker trashcan. I looked down in it and there was a baby lizard. It was black with a yellow strip down its back and then the yellow stripe turned blue on it's tail. I have seen bigger lizards just like that in our yard before, but the line is all blue. So, I knew it was a baby. Well, I let it go in our front yard. Not with my hands. I brought the trashcan out and dumped it out. I didn't see it come out and of course our youngest son says, it's on your foot (I was barefoot) and I jumped a mile. Didn't want to feel that slither feeling. What kind of lizard is that, Waltor??


OK. I changed my signature for tomorrow's cut. You've got to update yours as well. One cut closer to being benzo free, Amigo!! We can do this thing!!


Your amigo!

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Reggie is about 4 1/2 ' and about as big around as a coke can, and NO my wife has nothing to do with my reptilian friends. My daughter likes them though and regularly handles them..Thats funny about the lizard. My bearded dragon is about 18" long, he is funny. I have been passionate about reptiles since I was about 7. I just find them fascinating. I wish I could do what Austin Stevens does, I truly appreciate his conservation efforts, I think there great.  Your right I need to change my signature. things have been a bit hektic around here, imagin that. I will havev more tomorrow


See ya Lori


Missed ya.


Hurricanes are not cool

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Hey Waltor,

Guess where I saw my first bearded dragon. Last year at a football game. Our youngest son played the tuba in the band. Sitting in front of us at the game were these 2 ladies. I looked on one of their shoulders and at first thought it was a pin or something. Then, it moved. It was a baby bearded dragon. That thing behaved so well. I thought it may try to fly over to me leg or something, but she just played with it and when she would put it on her shoulder, it would just "stay." It was cute...I did ask her if I could pet it and it felt pretty neat. Now, if she would have had a baby snake.....I have to admit, I would have found somewhere else to sit!!



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