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Are these reactions of pain normal?


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Hi every one. This is my first post. I am still tapering off lorozepam by water taper very slow as my poor brain cannot handle fast. What I want to know is if it is normal that not only do I get anxiety going to public places that trigger me, but is pain part of the withdrawal? I get tense all over my back, arms, shoulders, and random pains, or a stinging in my body, I'm assuming this is just my brain in severe flight mode? When i know for sure its a withdrawal symptom i can be logical and calm down. 

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Hello @[bu...], welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Yes, what you're dealing with are symptoms, benzodiazepines are excellent muscle relaxers and when we take them away, we hurt.  Plus, your central nervous system is highly sensitized right now, so the stinging is common too.

I'm glad you're able to calm yourself, because stress will cause our symptoms to get worse so it's important to keep your life as stress free as you can.

We're glad you're here, I hope you'll share more about your journey, it helps to be around people who understand. 


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Hey @[bu...],

45 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

When i know for sure its a withdrawal symptom i can be logical and calm down. 

It is withdrawal.  And I am right there with you on knowing what's what.  It is much easier to deal with this when I know what the cause is.   I also have a lot of random joint and muscle pain.  I was just commenting on another person's post who was talking about it.  It seems to be one of the "symptoms of the day".  It seems like there are days here where several people are experiencing the same things.  Or it could just be that because that symptoms is acting up for me, those are the treads I notice more.  Either way, you are in good company here.  I'm glad you found us. :) 

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thank you both. It blows my mind how many symptoms it can create. I seem to have a merry-go-round of different symptoms each day, and no day is the same, so you can't even prepare for them, lol. 

The hardest part is my water titration is going to take a year, and feels like forever of suffering : (

I originally came off half a mg of lorezapam in a month and it went fine but then it caught up with me. having a child and unable to function i had to go back up and start again. I can function now, but I need lots of rests, and life is very small, but my child keeps me going. 

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12 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Hello @[bu...], welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Yes, what you're dealing with are symptoms, benzodiazepines are excellent muscle relaxers and when we take them away, we hurt.  Plus, your central nervous system is highly sensitized right now, so the stinging is common too.

I'm glad you're able to calm yourself, because stress will cause our symptoms to get worse so it's important to keep your life as stress free as you can.

We're glad you're here, I hope you'll share more about your journey, it helps to be around people who understand. 


thank you for the welcome. Is it also normal to feel so aggitated easily? I find myself so agitated by my 4-year-old that I want to scream at him (I don't), but it takes so much not to react as inside, I want to burst with anger and feeling overstimulated by him.

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Gosh @[bu...], I'm sorry you had to start over, but it sounds like you made the only decision you could.  I know tapering takes a long time but I hope you can accept it as part of your life because as you've found, rushing off of these medications doesn't work.  After the taper, there are still challenges, recovery doesn't happen quickly so try to settle in for the long haul.

I can't imagine dealing with this while caring for children, it has to be incredibly difficult but yes, what you're experiencing is normal, but I'm glad you recognize it and don't let those emotions get the better of you. 

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3 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Gosh @[bu...], I'm sorry you had to start over, but it sounds like you made the only decision you could.  I know tapering takes a long time but I hope you can accept it as part of your life because as you've found, rushing off of these medications doesn't work.  After the taper, there are still challenges, recovery doesn't happen quickly so try to settle in for the long haul.

I can't imagine dealing with this while caring for children, it has to be incredibly difficult but yes, what you're experiencing is normal, but I'm glad you recognize it and don't let those emotions get the better of you. 

Thanks pamster, i feel so alone in this and no one around me understands and think im fine becuase i look fine!. It's so hard to see this ending, and being strong every day takes all of me. I just prey i can play with my son properly again in the future.

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I want to reassure you that when you recover, all of your positive emotions and love of life and those in it will return.  This process seems like it only allows us to access the negative emotions, fear was one of my worst but we return to who we were before this nightmare so please know you'll have that opportunity.

I used to get so frustrated when my loved ones thought I was okay because like you say, I looked okay.  They couldn't see the torture I was living with day after day and I wanted them to know.  But no amount of explaining can convey what its like and it only made me more anxious to try to convince them so I stopped and actually felt better for it.  

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Thank you again Pamster for your understanding.


Can i ask about some symptoms to know for sure they are just withdrawal? I have one which is hard to describe, its not quite a sensation but if i had to say, its like a tightening inside my body and maybe a vibration, just pure uncomfortableness, not quite the same as chest anxiety, but an overall thing, and my brain or mind hurts, .. it can get worse when i have some small excitement eg, my child makes me act a bit silly with him and i think my brain overreacts, so i have to sit and calm down with deep breathing until it passes. 

is it normal to experience many changing symptoms over a daytime? I call it to whack-a-mole symptoms, as you don't know what's about to pop up!


is your story on here Pamster? I would love to read it. It's reassuring is talking to someone who is better, and I'm so glad you are!

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Your symptom sounds like the one I had, but just a little different, I felt what I described as inner trembling or buzzing.  I couldn't see any trembling in my hands but I felt like I was hooked up to a car battery all the time, just a constant low level almost electrical charge running through my body.  It made it impossible to sit still and relax so I had to keep moving.

Our symptoms wax and wane and they'll change, some will leave only to be replaced by another then sometimes they'll come back.  It makes it impossible to know how we'll feel one minute to the next.  It also makes it Imposible to have faith in our recovery because just when we think we're in the clear, it all comes roaring back. 

You'll find pages and pages of people trying to describe these symptoms, our members have to be the most talented writers in the world because each and every one of us feel this differently but we can all agree what causes it. 


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thanks pamster for such a fast reply. are you in the us or uk?

YEs it is like being connected to some kind of battery, some weird type of energy. not a nice one lol. 


Do a lot of people get misdiagnosed with illnesses because of their symptoms?

I have not bothered to tell my doctor any more about my withdrawal symptoms as he says it is fibromyalgia, which I have healed from already, and it never felt like this, lol.  When i have the logic to feed my mind i can progress if that makes sense. Just knowing it's my CNS, I can use all my tools and get through it. (except for the days i freak out and think im doomed like everyone else does lol)

Oh thanks i shall read your story now : )

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I'm in the US @[bu...], and yes, our members get assigned many mental health labels for which their doctor then prescribes more medications which of course, can make things worse.  Not only that, they then have to taper the other medications once they recover from benzodiazepines and realize the medication was never needed.

We're also diagnosed with other physical maladies which all seem to require extensive and expensive medical tests, this community is keeping the medical establishment and all of its subsidiaries in business because our doctors aren't aware of the dangers of these medications.  Okay, rant over. ::)

I didn't realize you had fibromyalgia, and you're recovered?  Many of our members have concerns they have this, could you maybe tell us the differences to help others understand them?

Your use of logic to feed your mind is excellent, we have to push back on the fear and panic this process emboldens, keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

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I am in wales UK : )

I have been on one long crazy journey of healing even before i got on benzos. Some of it may be too weird for some, so im not sure if i should explain it all as people have different beliefs. But I also had CRPS, and I got rid of that by using mind-body tools, which are becoming more known in the world, called TMS mind-body syndrome. I used and still use somatic tracking and soothing (which helps withdrawal symptoms too) and regulate the nervous system.  

Fibro and other labels,are actually not that different from withdrawal in the fact that its nervous system dysfunction, but finding the right cure is a tricky one as one shoe does not fit all.  I still have some old pain, which I think will only go when withdrawal goes. I recently got the constant backache to go using something called New German Medicine, which is not medicine at all but a way of being how we work biologically. It blew my mind when I figured out what was the root of the pain which started as a child. Awareness then helped the healing process. it's very hard to explain quickly. 

I would advise anyone told by a doc they have one of these syndromes to ignore them and just work on regulating their NS, and it will go away. And if it lingers after withdrawal, I would just try a modality that resonates with them. Currently, I'm having electromagnetism field therapy and German new medicine and tong ren therapy (which is free online). Its energy healing, so it's not invasive. Some may think those a little weird and thats okay we all have different paths.


If I had gone slower on my taper from the start, I believe I would be feeling a lot better now as I was using all my tools, but sadly I had no clue and followed bad advice then boom! I promise myself if i recover i will dedicate my time to help others in this hard journey, theres my rant lol

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Hi bigbigtoby, I just followed your story… I am absolutely your opinion 

„I would advise anyone told by a doc they have one of these syndromes to ignore them and just work on regulating their NS, and it will go away.“

My whole suffering also started with a CRPS! Wrist surgery back in 2002. 

Unfortunetly they but me on an antidepressiva because of the pain. Which I very soon started to taper but unfortunately stayed on a little dose..

But only craniosacral therapy, meditation, Qigong, taking it easy made me painfree. It took a while but I got painfree and had a very happy life.

2016 I stared to get nightly zaps. I decided to taper the AD and jumped. Severe insomnia, panic but no pain .. because of insomnia they put me on Ativan and zolpidem… hell broke out! So they added other drugs to the mix.

2021 I started to realize that the drugs were the reason for my very bad condition and my suffering. Some of the drugs I got off CT and Ativan I tapered, as suggested by the doctors, in only 4 weeks. 

I went through every symptom in the book. Many have gone or improved but the pain is sometimes still severe. Unfortunately also the CRPS pain is back. There are hours when I am painfree thoug.

I am sure that doctors would say that I suffer from fibromyalgia and neuropathy…But the good news is, and this is why I am writing to you, me and my naturopath are convinced that once the CNS has recovered from the trauma the pain will go too 🙏 

Altough being in so much and many different pains it is all related to withdrawal. 

It is common to have all sorts of pains , muscles, bone, joint, nerves and yes as you said they can pop up randomly at different places.

We will recover but it takes time and unfortunately nobody can say how long it’s going to take … but it is temporary!

I wish you a swift healing 🍀


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hi shamrock so good to hear from you! im o glad you healed from crps too, it was horrific i would burn and sting all over and cried for years.

I still have some stinging, but I know my ns needs healing!

I started healing more when I had pranic healing; the anxiety and depression lifted over night and then slowly, I started to build up with exercise and somatic work and then realised I needed off the Sertraline and Benzo. I was very confident at first, not knowing what could lay ahead!

My pains came back too, not as bad but enough to scare me. plus the other trillion symptoms and pains i have not had before. 

I follow sydney banks the three principles and that helps me mentally

I will start qi gong on tuesday as i found a place by me : ), but i will go easy and stop if i get overstimulated.


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Yes crying for years and then heaven 😊

As craniosacral therapy helped me a lot during those days I became a therapist myself. 

Unfortunately, it does not help me much at the moment!? but once more healed I am convinced it will be helpful. 

Yes we have to be careful as we get overstimulated easily.

I have never heard of pranic healing.. sounds interesting!

Great that you are going to start Qi gong👍🏻🍀


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1 hour ago, [[b...] said:

I promise myself if i recover i will dedicate my time to help others in this hard journey, theres my rant lol

me too 😊🍀

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