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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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3.5-4 hours.


In all seriousness... try drinking this recipe 1-2 hours before going to bed:  (Drink the whole thing)


1 Tablespoon alcohol free vanilla flavoring

1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon

2 Frozen Organic (yes, it has to be organic ) bananas

4 fresh organic bananas (all bananas must be perfectly ripe with small spots on them) not under ripe, neither over ripe (under is no spots, over is getting black)

1 cup coconut water

2 fresh medjool dates (pitted=no pits)


Blend it all in a high speed blender til it’s smooth.  This should give you 2-3 hours of additional sleep, but you must follow the recipe n instructions precisely, and drink the whole thing so you’ll need some room in your stomach.


Also, either in the morning or afternoon, do vitamin C shock therapy if possible.  Despite the words “shock therapy” it’s very mild that even a young child could safely do it:


8-12 ounces very warm pure water

2 capsules or 2 tablets ground to powder of “Ester” C (has no citric acid in it)

Juice of 1 fresh squeezed orange

2 tablespoons of RAW honey


Mix it in a glass, then drink it.



Yesterday I did all of the above, sept drank the Banana Milk Shake in the afternoon and I got 3 hours EXTRA sleep than normal.  (That hasn’t happened to me in at least ten years no lie). My sleep was MORE RESTFUL THAN SINCE I CAN REMEMBER. !!  I’m dead serious.  Please give it a try at least once.


After this miracle happened, I researched Bananas , and they are supposed to help correct sleep disorders, anxiety, help sleep quality, depression, and support neurotransmitter production n function among other things.  Many other things.  Bananas never helped me this much before, because I never consumed them in mass quantities in liquid form before with coconut water, n the whole recipe.  (You really do need dates because that’s an important ingredient, but may use raw honey til you get some dates.). I also learned that we need high amounts of potassium in order to produce more neurotransmitters.  (That would include serotonin and dopamine and gaba). Please don’t knock this recipe until you try it.  The proof is in the pudding, and it helped me sleep longer and more quality I’m certain of it.  Also, if it worked for me, it more than likely will work better for you, cuz I’m an extreme case.








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DBM you are suffering terribly, I can tell. I admire your strength for going through this twice. Every day we get up puts another day behind us.

It is difficult to believe we will ever heal. I have no where else to go, so just keep marching forward waiting to get better.




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Maybe 2.5 hours.

Listened to a youtube video for sleep after being awake the better part of the night. Finally dropped off for an hour and had a nightmare.

Not sure if I slept after that, so did get up and walk for 30 minutes when the sun came up.


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DBM you are suffering terribly, I can tell. I admire your strength for going through this twice. Every day we get up puts another day behind us.

It is difficult to believe we will ever heal. I have no where else to go, so just keep marching forward waiting to get better.



Thank you, nitengale. We will make it.

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Hang in there DBM. I hate the broken sleep even when the total hours are long. I got probably 3-4 hours (not long) but the sleep quality was good IMO.


Enjoy your weekend everyone!...at least try.....

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Just 4 hours. Woke up with stomach en colon pain. Started trembling. Terrible fatigue. Hard to believe it will ever get better. Jelly legs, lots of muscle pain. Burning feet. Hot cheeks. Shivers from being cold in a warm livingroom. Anxious. Worst day of a horrible week.
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Less than an hour after I could see daylight.

The night before it was approx 7 with a costco sleeping pill

I probably should forget about the otc pill and settle for 2-4 hours on my own.


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7 plus hours.

I ate a wrapped stick of string cheese before bed. First time for that..

Probably I was just exhausted from an hour or so of sleep the night before.


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Six hours. I think I made a mistake yesterday evening when taking my dose: I had crumbled 10 Diazepam 2 mg tablets into a powder and measured out my daily dose of 3,3 mg. Which is 0,279 on the micro scale. It just didn't seem right as it seemed about half of the powder. Did the maths and weighing three times and took it. This morning I' m very sleepy and nauseous.  Must have been appr. 10 mg instead of 3,3 mg. Anyway,  I' m still alive...and it's been 11 hours after I took it.
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