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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hi nightengale,


Sorry to hear about your dog! Hope things may improve soon. Extra stress again. On top of all your worried and problems.

I totally get what you meen with your remark: "...  too bad they not treating people..." I can't count the times I wished,  the doctor would send me to the hospital. He never did...


You're right, it's a crazy mess we all got caught up in. Your knee is hurting, my left hip is getting more painful. My "deep"  pain  is getting worse. No idea why either. Is it because I do more walking? Is it bwd? Is it something terrible? 

All I know is we're having to go through a lot.


We are not alone, even though it often feels like that. There's people that do understand what we're going through. That's a major comfort.


Hope your pain goes away soon.  :thumbsup:

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A bad night: slept some 4 hours, but the last hour I already felt that mean pain again. Fear of it being caused by cancer kicked in. After waking up, there was no position that was comfortable. Got up early,  had breakfast and took painkillers. Hope things settle down.


Hope you had a decent sleep.

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I slept 6 hours straight! First time for that in a long time.  Woke up and did go back to sleep for another hour or so.

I am down to one pain pill.


Trochsetter, I am sorry you are having hip pain and it is getting worse. Where is the deep pain? The strange pains we have is puzzling. Last year I had pain in both of my shoulders. The PCP gave me two exercises to do and it made everything worse, so I ended up icing the worst one, which did help. Eventually the pains went away.  I had a referral to an ortho doctor, but never followed up on that before the pains went away. I am guessing this all lasted 4-6 months then went away.


Like you I think of cancer. Now I am wondering if the "dry skin" that was finally diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma has gotten into my blood stream and spread.

I've had it for at least 25 years!  The person who was most alarmed about it was my hair dresser. The PCP, dermatologist, plastic surgeon all looked and said it was dry skin. Finally I found a dermatologist who said she wanted to biopsy it and then came back with a diagnosis other than dry skin. 


So we keep moving on and hanging in there. We really have been through a lot for people who got tossed on to this benzo train ever so innocently.


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Hello nightengale,


Wonderful you slept well last night!  Fantastic!

Hope this may continue.


All of those symptoms and pains have me worried a lot. Some of them get better after a while, even leave, but some come back.  It's enough to make me very anxious. Tests give me stress, after a good result the anxiety goes away.

The pain feels like it's in my bones. But could be muscles or ligaments. ( Fibromyalgia?) Joints are getting more painful too.


Wow, it takes a hairdresser to get the ball rolling. What more is there to be said...I fully understand your new concern. But try not to worry,  says a man who's  always worrying ..!


I had a bad day yesterday,  but thankfully things improved as the day wore on.


Last night I slept better, took painkillers after waking up at 3.40 am. And was able to stay in bed without pain. Maybe even slept a little more.


Hope you sleep well again!

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Good morning all, it is a chilly sunny day here. I do enjoy the sunshine.

Last night I didn't sleep as well as I had been. Around four hours or so which isn't bad after sleeping so well the night before. My leg/foot muscles were contracting. I have not touched sweets for a few days now and the wool socks are staying off.

What I did notice was the day before the night I slept 7 plus hours, I ate no breakfast, went out to an Italian buffet lunch with friends and ate a house salad, broccoli and carrots and topped that off with a mini molten lava cake. >:D I ate nothing else the rest of the day, but did have a very small scoop of ice cream with a drizzle of chocolate syrup around 8 pm.  8)Went to bed at 9, read a few, did my relaxation/self hypnosis for 10+ mins, went to sleep for 6 hours straight then another hour plus after that. Definitely a big plus. I had taken two magnesium that morning, as the pain pills are constipating. So what out of that day if anything, helped me sleep? The cake?? the ice cream/choco syrup?? LOL

It's anyone's guess.


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Firstly Rodolpho 68, congratulations on being benzo free for over a year. That's an impressive accomplishment! We are a caring, thoughtful group that only wants to recover from the damage benzos inflicted upon us.  It's pretty amazing we came from all over the planet with the goal of being benzo free and finally healed.  On here we can always find a place that fits us and from that we find camaraderie. That's great you slept for eight hours! 
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Hello Trochsetter, I agree pains are difficult to ignore and not worry about. Something has to be causing them, but then if that is the case then why do they go away and come back or stay away, but this happens. Yes, getting the results back from test and finding out nothing is wrong is the best news of all. I find the anticipation quite stressful.  Perhaps the pain is from Fibromyalgia. Do you happen to take Statin drugs for cholesterol? I know of a few people that have suffered bone pain from taking those drugs. Just a thought.

I hope you had a better day today. We all need more of those. 



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Like you I think of cancer. Now I am wondering if the "dry skin" that was finally diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma has gotten into my blood stream and spread.

I've had it for at least 25 years!  The person who was most alarmed about it was my hair dresser. The PCP, dermatologist, plastic surgeon all looked and said it was dry skin. Finally I found a dermatologist who said she wanted to biopsy it and then came back with a diagnosis other than dry skin. 


Hi nightengale,


I'm sorry to burst in, but do you have a big crater in your scalp now?  I had Mohs on mine in April for basal cell, they only took one layer but gees, the crater is deep. 



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Hi Pamster, I am sorry to hear you also had Moh's surgery. Indeed I also have a crater that I can lay my middle finger down to the first joint.  Beings  your surgery was nine months ago, I will need to be patient for this "crater" filling in. I wish you well.
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Hi Pamster, I am sorry to hear you also had Moh's surgery. Indeed I also have a crater that I can lay my middle finger down to the first joint.  Beings  your surgery was nine months ago, I will need to be patient for this "crater" filling in. I wish you well.


I've never worn hats but I sure did last summer, hated that big old bald patch, now it's just a strip.  I wish you well too.  :)

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Hi nightengale,


Glad you enjoyed your day. Mine was another bad one. I felt miserable all day. It improved somewhat when evening came.

Last night was neither good nor bad, slept some 5 hours, but woke up tired, very anxious,  even had inner vibrations again.

Hopefully things will get better again soon for all of us.


Take care.


PS. I' m not on Statin meds. Getting the results from my colon test on Wednesday. Getting the results of the Lyme's tests next week.

Praying is going to be OK.

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Last night slept 10 p to 2 30  am

And took my dose of medication

Seems less sleep  less quality

of dozing. I think med not really

working any more. Ty  tc all

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Pamster, a hat is a great idea. I have lots of hair, but that didn't seem to matter.  The cancer was sort of where my hair parts, so like you, I will wear a hat outside. My mom suggested that is the reason men wear baseball caps, so they don't get skin cancer. Well who knew. ha

I wonder if the hair will grow back when the crater fills in. The doctor only mentioned possible numbness. Any thoughts on those two things 9 months out?


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Trochsetter, I am sorry about your bad day. Glad the evening was better. The inner vibrations sound stressful. I've never had them for some reason.

My night was short. I think I slept maybe 3 hours. Back to that again. I finished the last of the 8 pain pills I was given following my scalp surgery. The pain is mostly gone, but my scalp has this pulling sensation that the pain meds stopped. I don't notice it during the day, but do when I am resting.

My legs would not stay still. Mainly my left leg that has the painful knee. I cannot walk 30 mins anymore, but can do 15 with the pain.


I was hoping your pain was a matter of trying a different med if you were on a statin, but that is not the case.


Healthyme123 four and a half hours isn't a lot while taking meds.  I hope you feel okay today.




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Hi nightengale,


Hopefully the pain in your scalp will stop soon. When you rest there's more tension on it, that's why it hurts more then, is my guess.

Did you have that before, those legs bothering you? Or is it a new symptom? Is your knee getting a it better?

Sorry your sleep is back to being that short.

I can do a 12 minute walk, which I did this afternoon, but with pain. It used to be mainly muscle pain, but recently my feet started to hurt much more. It could be neuropathy. Really painful. Hope there's no permanent damage yet. Thinking about seeing an acupuncturist about it asap.


Hope your day is OK.

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I believe it is a sx.  Alot of people have it and it just fades away in time.  Mine comes and goes as I m early in this process.  I was healthy going into this had no health problems and I have faith I will be when I have healed.  Older and wiser but it will be better.



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Pamster, a hat is a great idea. I have lots of hair, but that didn't seem to matter.  The cancer was sort of where my hair parts, so like you, I will wear a hat outside. My mom suggested that is the reason men wear baseball caps, so they don't get skin cancer. Well who knew. ha

I wonder if the hair will grow back when the crater fills in. The doctor only mentioned possible numbness. Any thoughts on those two things 9 months out?


Yep, I'm a hat gal now, went to Dillard's and got so many cute ones.  I have thick hair as well so I thought I'd be immune from cancer on my scalp which was silly thinking on my part because I'm at the dermatologist every six months getting it cut out all over my body.  Mine is on the top of my head as well, I don't see my crater filling in and I've pretty much given up on any hair growing back there, but the way I style my hair it's not very noticeable.

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Pamster, I'll check out the cute hats next time I go to Dillards. I suppose I can deal with the crater and no hair up there. My doctor mentioned a topical chemotherapy after the wound has healed. Are you familiar with that, too?

I also have stuff all over my body that wasn't there before the benzo taper/recovery began. I could count the moles/bumps I had, now they are all countless.





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Pamster, I'll check out the cute hats next time I go to Dillards. I suppose I can deal with the crater and no hair up there. My doctor mentioned a topical chemotherapy after the wound has healed. Are you familiar with that, too?

I also have stuff all over my body that wasn't there before the benzo taper/recovery began. I could count the moles/bumps I had, now they are all countless.


I haven't done the topical stuff, I've heard it's pretty wicked, lots of burning and blistering involved.  :o  Hopefully when you get through withdrawal your skin will shape up, but if it doesn't, keep going to the dermatologist every 6 months to get a full body exam. 


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Hi there,


Slept well last night. Just shy of 5 hours. Woke up to the call of nature,  not because of pain or anxiety!  Back to bed and managed to settle down wonderfully. Slept on and off for hours. Didn't need to get out because of anxiety. Stayed in bed until 8.15 am. The last hour I did get pain in my upper thighs again. But all in all "a really good"  night.


But the morning was terrible. So much muscle pain and stiffness. Drove me nuts. I could have killed the first person I saw. Glad I didn't...

This afternoon is quite a bit better, as most days. But why, what's the reason? I just don't get it. This benzo stuff and withdrawal is crazy!

A bad night is almost sure to be followed by a bad day, or so it seems...


Hope your night was a good one. And your day too.

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Good morning,

I slept for 6 plus hours last night, which was a surprise beings I had finished the pain meds the night before.

My left knee is still painful, but very little muscle spasms last night.

Today I go to the dermatologist. The "crater" in my scalp is closing in so much, I'm not looking forward to having those stitches removed. ugh


Trochsetter, I'm glad you had a good night also. I so understand how you felt like killing someone when you were suffering so. Thankfully things are better as the day goes on.


I find there is no reason for all of this. I think I wish there was. 



Pamster, I was given the topical cream half dozen years ago for some areas on my face and got up in the night to wash it off, so the doctor may have to come up with a plan B.






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Hello nightengale,


Six hours, that's wonderful! Benzo life is full of surprises.

Hope your knee is OK again soon.

Good luck at the dermatologist ' s.


Wishing you a symptom free day. ( and night).

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Trochsetter, it's getting late your way, so hope this finds you sleeping well. No aches, pains or stress. We all deserve that.


My dermatology appointment went well. I was there for some other dermatology issues, which she froze and then biopsied a couple. I'm in it for the long haul.

She was pleased with how my scalp "crater" is healing, but will not take the sutures out until my follow up appointment next week. I was hopeful she would give in and say it was time.


I'm feeling quite okay today other than the discomfort from the frozen places on my face and back.






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