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Put on clonazepam when SSRI stopped working and other psychotropic trials didn't work to get my fear and anxiety back in control after it stopped working 16 months ago. Have suffered from GAD and depresion my whole life and two SSRIs only worked for me. Psych had me up to 3 mg of clonazepam a day. Somehow went to 1.375 and feel have developed withdrawal tolerance since 1.5mg. They are trying me on new anti depressant which has side effects. One doctor wants to withdraw me fast from clonazepam, another says don't withdraw yet. This new med giving me side effects and more anxiety. I have no support in life and have wound up housebound Agoraphobic with anxiety, chronic nausea, chest pain and fear since my SSRI stopped working and other psychotropic trials failed me. I also developed food intolerances and lost 60 lbs and eat only 7 foods. Live in a toxic home full of abuse and can't leave as too sick and have no money. Am mentally abused daily. They just tell me to call crisis line. Mentioned Ashton Manual to psych and had no idea what I was talking about and got yelled at that they knew how to taper. How can I taper in this mental state and environment and no support and being threatened at a fast pace? For 16 months I have been trying to get some kind of help where I am from. Health care system is overloaded and is not helping me. I don't know how to do this. I am so upset they addicted me to this crap. Family friends and people I know have all left me. Need some support.
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Hello Athina, welcome to BenzoBuddies,


I’m so very sorry to hear about all of the medications you’ve had to take over the years, and to know so few of them have actually helped.  On top of that, it sounds like you’re getting conflicting advice from your doctors, that has to be terribly frustrating when you’re caught in the middle,


It looks like you’ve done an amazing job of tapering the Clonazepam to a smaller dose, that’s an accomplishment but we understand how difficult it is and how it becomes more so when the dose gets lower.


We can help you do this, we can be your support system but its important to have enough medication to taper with, I hope the doctor who feels you need to stay on it has more authority over your care.  Can you approach that doctor separately and let them know you wish to taper off and ask them to support that effort by continuing to prescribe?  You of course don’t have to inform them you want to taper but having enough medication is paramount.


I’ll provide some links to help you navigate the forum, and please feel free to post wherever you feel comfortable, but we’re glad you’re here and hope we can help you.




Colorado Consortium Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance


Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper)


Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


Ashton Manual symptom list

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Hi Pamster:

Thank you for your response and links. Doctor doesn't know Ashton manual and via pharmaceutical DNA testing Diazepam is not a good option drug for me due to my genetic make up. Don't know what to do. The 50 minute assessment I had for anti-depressant and anxiety meds with the doctor who told me not to taper off Klonopin was a one off for report to psychiatrist. He never mentioned in report re Klonopin except that he thought that it is I that believed I was in tolerance/withdrawal. The psychiatrist who prescribes is who will make the decision. They have put me on half a starting dose of Vilazodone and side effects are brutal. I am scared. This is very overwhelming and am in brain fog due to depression, anxiety, abuse, tolerance withdrawal and no support. This is so much. Has anyone used natural supplements like PharmaGaba and l-theanine during withdrawal? I could not sleep at all last night. The vilazodone brings up upper right chest pain and nausea just like when I was on trials of other meds for anxiety. Also is it normal to have an increase in anxiety prior to BM and food not digesting? I don't know how to do this being abused and Agoraphobic living in this home. The measuring and cutting seems so overwhelming. I spend most of my time alone on the sofa. Don't know where to start really.  :-[ :-[ :-[



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Most members will taper from their original benzo and Klonopin has a long half life so I wouldn’t suggest crossing to Valium. 


It sounds like you won’t have a say in the treatment plan the doctor is working for you, I find that regrettable, they should be your partner, not your boss. 


I know it’s overwhelming but once you get started working with your doses, it gets easier and becomes routine, so nothing to dread.


For some of your questions, you might want to start a thread in Withdrawal Support or Alternate Therapies and Supplements since I don’t have experience.

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Thank you Pamster. Just struggling with agoraphobia, chronic depression and anxiety and physical gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea and upper chest pain for over a year since trials of other drugs and h pylori infection.
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Athina, Where are you located? Can you fill out your signature so that we can see your history with medications? Much love to you and welcome.
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When you don't have support, it absolutely makes this journey worse. We all deserve love and support -- you're no exception. Lean into these boards and the group as much as you need.
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